2019/02/17부터 2019/03/18까지
- 19:25 개정판 5a8be54a (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 07:16 개정판 1f8d3435 (hytos): build issue #665: fix line data saving method
- 05:57 개정판 57931e18 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 05:57 개정판 7765b508 (hytos): issue #488: decrease loading time when loading save items
- 05:55 개정판 dab7c40d (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 05:48 개정판 943d9c39 (hytos): issue #000: delete scene data in data list
- 04:05 개정판 4889197d (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 04:05 개정판 01599645 (hytos): issue #488: show note item group has same note no
- 03:21 개정판 b03eea01 (hytos): issue #488 : fix note table when after save
- 02:53 개정판 0093c07e (hytos): issue #000: fix list load
- 02:12 개정판 d6518150 (hytos): issue #488: show note symbol on item tree
- 01:56 개정판 4e57caab (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 01:07 개정판 c6c31ccb (hytos): issue #488: fix note table when after load xml
- 00:10 개정판 4a4e8c9e (hytos): issue #000: merge template
- 23:59 개정판 e730c177 (hytos): issue #488: add note symbol in tree
- 23:45 개정판 e0cb1584 (hytos): issue #387: multiple note symbol use
- 21:32 개정판 890c6568 (hytos): issue #655: fix edit_column_clicked
- 05:40 개정판 e88abddc (hytos): issue #000: 주석 처리
- 04:28 개정판 1efd2d2e (hytos): fixed issue #622: save components, attributes and ports to database
- 22:12 개정판 d8703c24 (hytos): build issue #665: test
- 21:23 개정판 a15e6d35 (hytos): issue #655: check and apply ongoing
- 19:58 개정판 08d36ebd (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 19:58 개정판 dee6340a (hytos): issue #655: ui fix
- 19:48 개정판 62d759b7 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 19:48 개정판 b33b0d0a (hytos): dev issue #826 : add ProgressForm and dev maincontrol logic
- 04:40 개정판 97e7dcf9 (hytos): issue #655: drop table
- 03:04 개정판 d64255bb (hytos): issue #000: traindata
- 01:34 개정판 ca2272a2 (hytos): issue #655: except drop table
- 20:53 개정판 5e91be03 (hytos): build issue #655: fix add and symbol editor additional list
- 14:59 개정판 6853865b (hytos): issue #000: upload Components.sql
- 06:58 개정판 f5bf4738 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 06:57 개정판 7ce72300 (hytos): issue #622: save symbols except Equipment, Instrument to VALVE_DATA_LIST table
- 06:31 개정판 b6efff78 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 06:30 개정판 a347455a (hytos): issue #655: add refresh ongoing
- 04:28 개정판 4ac6ddd5 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 04:28 개정판 8a48a60b (hytos): issue #563: stop primary line tracing when meet equipment
- 02:38 개정판 d1dbd4fd (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 02:37 개정판 3823b4ab (hytos): dev issue #826 : edit form logic
- 02:31 개정판 673d8cba (hytos): issue #665: add ui
- 19:53 개정판 1629852a (hytos): issue #000: change method name
- 03:34 개정판 c0817882 (hytos): issue #000: fix aymbol attr edit
- 22:12 개정판 b8ff72eb (hytos): issue #000: change ui
- 17:26 개정판 7f1181fd (hytos): issue #000: upload WebApi.py
- 10:40 개정판 ec0ff05a (hytos): dev issue #826 : add rad zoom
- 09:52 개정판 e9718eec (hytos): dev issue #826 : add get sppid object and add drawing
- 06:24 개정판 57caa647 (hytos): Merge branch '#826'
- 06:23 개정판 2cae7d1f (hytos): dev issue #826 : add DialogBar Wrapper
- 18:19 개정판 2bb61f1f (hytos): issue #477: add color patterns to Template.db
- 08:55 개정판 baade5a4 (hytos): dev issue #826 : edit form
- 19:25 개정판 789a4453 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 19:25 개정판 b52cccb4 (hytos): issue #477: 일반 색상과 highlight 색상을 설정할 수 있다
- 13:57 개정판 8236674f (hytos): Merge branch '#826'
- 13:56 개정판 65efd126 (hytos): dev issue #826 : add Resource
- 13:03 개정판 6f3c8356 (hytos): dev issue #826 : edit form
- 05:13 개정판 f296b1f9 (hytos): issue #477: apply symbol's norm and highlight color for drawing symbol
- 03:57 개정판 a3857456 (hytos): dev issue #826 : edit form
- 03:57 개정판 cc747b58 (hytos): issue #387: fix note symbol err
- 03:57 개정판 575ba06e (hytos): dev issue #826 : edit form
- 03:52 개정판 d4be8715 (hytos): dev issue #826 : add pageView
- 01:23 개정판 f48febb9 (hytos): issue #387: detect note symbol
- 20:27 개정판 956091ef (hytos): issue #387: add ui, tr and db
- 01:47 개정판 1d5f3d89 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 01:47 개정판 a2be65d2 (hytos): issue #000: fix line detection not AUTO direction
- 00:41 개정판 1f9707e7 (hytos): dev issue #826 : 테스트 전 마지막 커밋
- 00:24 개정판 9b0c60d9 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 00:24 개정판 3b1b76d0 (hytos): dev issue #000 : missing fix ExcelUtill.cs
- 00:14 개정판 8c25f634 (hytos): issue #000: add config minimum detection size
- 00:05 개정판 0bd1436f (hytos): issus #000: add config minimum detection size
- 03:10 개정판 4b0f4698 (hytos): issue #000: fix view checked state
- 03:01 개정판 8aeb7076 (hytos): issue #000: recognition
- 02:55 개정판 f6aeb808 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 02:55 개정판 1a5cf07e (hytos): issue #000: fix recognition refresh step
- 01:10 개정판 f2151e28 (hytos): dev issue #000 : add MainControl
- 21:23 개정판 a0050f71 (hytos): issue #000: change symbol detect and symbol column
- 18:56 개정판 78dfa1b1 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 18:56 개정판 cac8d64c (hytos): issue #578: highlight all items in pipe run selected by user
- 00:48 개정판 1430f5a6 (hytos): issue #000: fix ocr chart refresh
- 00:15 개정판 5c441f0a (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 00:15 개정판 e6effbe4 (hytos): issue #000: make symeditor bigger
- 21:31 개정판 156dae38 (hytos): issue #578: add Highlight Command
- 20:56 개정판 b4d2d328 (hytos): issue #835: make relationship between SymbolType, SymbolAttribute, Symbol
- 00:56 개정판 20ec3226 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 00:56 개정판 7710b921 (hytos): build issue #000 : edit AutoModeling
- 01:30 개정판 d9c6b73e (hytos): issue #000: ui and tr
- 23:16 개정판 1bdb1ec8 (hytos): issue #000: fix symbol editor remove text
- 19:36 개정판 5f01bbc4 (hytos): dev issue #829: edit source
- 19:34 개정판 70268347 (hytos): dev issue #829 : edit source
- 19:32 개정판 11ff136b (hytos): dev iussue #829 : edit source
- 02:13 개정판 067881f7 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 02:13 개정판 c2e4c93b (hytos): build issue #000 : edit project config
- 02:06 개정판 3a0300ef (hytos): issue #000 : add delete trained char as batch and hide
- 02:02 개정판 bf42803b (hytos): dev issue #000 : add AutoModeling proj
- 00:08 개정판 e479c7e2 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
- 00:08 개정판 8092a15e (hytos): issue #000: fix line move signal
- 02:52 개정판 529af2db (hytos): build issue #000 : edit wxs
- 02:25 개정판 e5d901cd (hytos): build issue #000 : edit wxs
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