2023/12/07부터 2024/01/05까지
- 02:42 개정판 dd3789e8 (hytos): Fix: Classify 화면에서 도면 체크 ON/OFF가 되지 않는 오류 수정
- Change-Id: Iad9953169785e2f8d7d45666a97922886f849d99
- 02:17 개정판 88e866e6 (hytos): Fix: 유사도 평가를 수행하기 전에 그리드의 EndEdit() 함수 호출
- Change-Id: Ie15fb1af4f2de6ddc3b0b3d0d2be67a3ec5af41a
- 00:55 개정판 019e0877 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: I3373ccf01e12cba74cc36edf9919f44cbf091325
- 00:54 개정판 8a289e0d (hytos): fixed issue #000
- comment : Simularity2 기능 추가 및 Checkbox, Simularity2 컬럼 추가
Change-Id: I90870ca6f136ba3ecf2a94ef34a2168396114a5f - 22:46 개정판 9a2e574c (hytos): Fix: 백그라운드로 모든 Project 리스트를 가져오도록 수정
- Change-Id: I1ee40d52d02cbbdaec3789537f418fcbe82fa5af
- 21:03 개정판 f30db61e (hytos): Fix: 심볼의 연결점 번호 표시
- Change-Id: I3b66caed29f18c5859a2237f874267d2d8e96c01
- 20:56 개정판 f37c5383 (hytos): Fix: 심볼 검색 속도 개선(Component를 데이타베이스에 저장한 프로젝트는 심볼 사용 여부를 데이타베이스에서 조회)
- Change-Id: I06c51ee6fd38d4c5b61ac70df308f1153fae5914
- 19:41 개정판 b1aa2a8c (hytos): add symbol attr desc
- Change-Id: I4ebe26ce5533b0905fb7e979e8fd32c02496c330
- 17:15 개정판 662c6295 (hytos): Fix: ID2Symbol Search Dock On/Off 기능 추가
- Change-Id: Id3f829528f945031961512da75a35ef15f1f21ee
- 02:18 개정판 46204ee1 (hytos): issue #0000
- Main 조회조건에서
저장 후, Refresh 후 등(project load 시 목록 clear 안되고 add만되는 오류 수정)
ID2 Project 리스트 초기화 후 add 되도록 변경
Change-Id: ... - 23:54 개정판 378846cd (hytos): issue #000
- 유사도2 그리드 추가 및 기존 윈폼 ui 틀어짐 조정
Change-Id: Id3fd4ba11a9e9abb99db3d3520b205a61588cf0c - 23:42 개정판 be38bb2e (hytos): issue #0000
- 유사도2 추가
- 조회,수정,삭제,model,excel(import,export),ui
Change-Id: Iae5e69b4f602310b23dea9b3cdd56a90bbac2f5d - 19:41 개정판 74f380ff (hytos): symbol test
- Change-Id: I56e99fa09b067a5c1a6553c9e80cf9e5f0919952
- 19:33 개정판 3bea5944 (hytos): Merge "symbol test"
- 19:33 개정판 0389fa94 (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 19:33 개정판 dd40a399 (hytos): Merge "symbol move test"
- 19:32 개정판 19371ab4 (hytos): Merge "symbol move test"
- 18:57 개정판 30b52430 (hytos): fixed issue #000
- comment : SymbolAttrEditorDialog.py Sorting header
Change-Id: Ia2b65c1b1aace68df87c5af426149f730722779f - 18:56 개정판 93d35724 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: Iedfab0b3ee16130fd7b465af9074501f9d7338b2
- 18:56 개정판 7ce0aebd (hytos): symbol move test
- Change-Id: I2177bfcc66a03db8833fe710086a2052efc3db93
- 09:03 개정판 6b8a740b (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- 09:02 개정판 1a0355fa (hytos): Fix: 버튼 크기 조정
- 02:09 개정판 28907ead (hytos): issue #0000
- excel 유사도 추가
- import, export, excel 파일 수정
Change-Id: I321df2c611034fb54c319a8dc1a8f689ab0dbb43 - 02:06 개정판 8f5bf326 (hytos): symbol move test
- Change-Id: I6cf17939f4f6788e6120402c97709c9b65a02800
- 19:09 개정판 71515b03 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: Ie1a08940041c20151b278588f1e192c50995550e
- 19:08 개정판 7743bfd9 (hytos): add line no merge function
- Change-Id: I8f0b927b54440ae3f428967fc263d6e657344c30
- 19:00 개정판 846f3036 (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 19:00 개정판 4d0db32e (hytos): Merge "add line no merge function"
- 01:57 개정판 25642756 (hytos): Feature: 유사도 평가를 위한 도면 위치 설정 기능 추가
- Change-Id: I63b295772ea0eb6121789ff568901b17092f0a78
- 02:04 개정판 a37bae80 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: I17eb63930bfbc27e2b9582727b0666624eea4007
- 02:04 개정판 b701ac3d (hytos): fix
- Change-Id: Ie992bf1a1def13dd304888c5874ddff189316a1b
- 01:55 개정판 e379ff29 (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 01:55 개정판 4dbd9154 (hytos): Merge "fix"
- 01:39 개정판 64f3333f (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: If4173fd18a5fd295efedb982582842e9c191f228
- 01:39 개정판 8efcb2dd (hytos): convert point insert test
- Change-Id: I02e631f56cc9597be7e7e5e7ec95969831367683
- 01:30 개정판 663b0a4c (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 01:30 개정판 164c06e2 (hytos): Merge "convert point insert test"
- 01:30 개정판 98012828 (hytos): Merge "convert point test"
- 00:47 개정판 3e04ac55 (hytos): convert point test
- Change-Id: I36660af5cbbc478f4c6687a0b88edf008ed3fad7
- 23:13 개정판 7dc68732 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: Iadfa49d783670d9209ffd19322905b7eb93ed857
- 23:13 개정판 e4924fe7 (hytos): add cood in eng list
- Change-Id: I339a69c418e16c012c67d18d89a8540ed99e390b
- 23:05 개정판 d1a103dd (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 23:05 개정판 600562a9 (hytos): Merge "add cood in eng list"
- 20:24 개정판 ca37132d (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: Ib9b50fa7e256414dd86988c81cb639f31878e048
- 20:24 개정판 9f1b105e (hytos): use convert point at insert
- Change-Id: Iba16817b9c7f3ada49079cf608661267ca593728
- 20:22 개정판 8bc4800f (hytos): Fix: Delete.png 추가
- Change-Id: Ia0822e6583be85adff3cb64c7cfd9ea901ac9c94
- 20:17 개정판 84024a6f (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 20:17 개정판 cb39b371 (hytos): Merge "use convert point at insert"
- 19:36 개정판 dfb9a03c (hytos): Feature: 그룹에 속한 항목 개수 표시, 유사도 초기화 버튼 추가
- Change-Id: Icd7b0e9af05164fc635588eb249520a41f1a7a56
- 19:32 개정판 739003de (hytos): issue #0000
- document 의 RefProjectCode 정보로 ProjectGroup 조회 함수 추가
Change-Id: I79838b35b1733bcecd3c1bfec61e5a68953254ab
- 20:51 개정판 f6914d1c (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: I38bd47913f87ad5f9423a3be2e287786ee68aaa8
- 20:50 개정판 d58a00de (hytos): insert symbol to line test
- Change-Id: I9a26b880739b601f22f1e5edc7cda9bc7167c2c0
- 20:42 개정판 1127e0e3 (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 20:41 개정판 1ad56576 (hytos): Merge "insert symbol to line test"
- 00:18 개정판 8f618577 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: Ida87fa687c9973684e1e2e2ad0c70a2586a345b2
- 00:18 개정판 8cc2cca9 (hytos): symbol conn change
- Change-Id: I6cb8eca191766d8fb757e3decc6edeea38f1153d
- 00:16 개정판 ac133f08 (hytos): add symbol connection change step
- Change-Id: Ib2cdf25a6aa4c511bc11ab96f98d759cdf8bd58d
- 00:10 개정판 cd8ca97a (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 00:10 개정판 98f5366d (hytos): Merge "symbol conn change"
- 00:10 개정판 29dc416e (hytos): Merge "add symbol connection change step"
- 02:05 개정판 9f0257a6 (hytos): issue #0000
- id2 프로젝트 조회 시 모든 id2 db의 port 번호를 가져와서 셋팅하고
background stage 및 project group 클릭 시 조회되는 프로젝트 리스트에도 조회될때마다 조회해서 보여줌
Ch... - 23:20 개정판 e012128b (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: I02c8dabae1583f37bda6ed2d9f390bee94869c41
- 23:20 개정판 547ca883 (hytos): fix split text
- Change-Id: Ie9e9055902c8602ec15dbb55e4a62c7c735bd6c9
- 23:11 개정판 ae42837b (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 23:11 개정판 bfef789f (hytos): Merge "fix split text"
- 18:15 개정판 fbd2c69a (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: Ia47269e9d4574d519f3b77b434ec28379a9e226b
- 18:14 개정판 beaee2f3 (hytos): fix typo
- Change-Id: I2f28f613f4c72662e2762454972c35ae152a44a5
- 18:05 개정판 74cc519c (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 18:05 개정판 78271ffc (hytos): Merge "fix typo"
- 01:33 개정판 76fc1a96 (hytos): issue #0000
- id2 port 설정 예외처리
Change-Id: I27772c56d056cba707da8d5625848c6d68bfa3c6
- 18:55 개정판 5ea7644b (hytos): fix
- Change-Id: I41ccf6cc8a9943530ec8af34099f0dc79a93287f
- 18:46 개정판 4e5537a9 (hytos): Merge "fix"
- 18:46 개정판 16cadd14 (hytos): Merge "symbol move optimize"
- 18:38 개정판 dd2b9c27 (hytos): symbol move optimize
- Change-Id: Iae55c30f47fc3c0b9fd4f73a3fa23c961df0924c
- 18:11 개정판 907b1835 (hytos): Feature: 유사도 평가 작업 중지 기능 추가
- Change-Id: Ic65d39f143a929df623f1ac1ba5a69599c3c0ac7
- 17:54 개정판 4b7e533d (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: I59e71d42128c4cfc36e0995079d9ea372f7081dc
- 17:46 개정판 de2afa16 (hytos): fix symbol move
- Change-Id: I508508a9285de5bef696b919f375a11ac3e20606
- 17:45 개정판 0708a577 (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 17:45 개정판 86b073b2 (hytos): Merge "fix symbol move"
- 03:08 개정판 3af65061 (hytos): issue #0000
- ID2 Port 변경 시 각 db의 configuration port 정보 조회 해서 port 할당하여 ID2 open 하도롯 수정
기존 프로젝트 port 정보는 invisible 처리
Change-Id: I... - 02:59 개정판 45cda9eb (hytos): Merge "issue #0000 ID2 Port 변경 시 각 db의 configuration port 정보 조회 해서 port 할당하...
- 01:55 개정판 ae3ae1bf (hytos): fix symbol grid move
- Change-Id: I2d5ba8ca94cf74cffb916454e6631c0abd489416
- 01:53 개정판 c0fe36c2 (hytos): Merge "fix symbol grid move"
- 00:33 개정판 8f9775a9 (hytos): fix item move
- Change-Id: I16854ce934200028162c30d29a2fcd5c568c5749
- 00:24 개정판 48a0a576 (hytos): Merge "fix item move"
- 23:52 개정판 7938d526 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: Iab548c4eeee096467ed0e12ddbeb8baf27e4343f
- 23:52 개정판 2a851e44 (hytos): fix item move
- Change-Id: Iea986393c65a38def9089711f9af90864dac63b5
- 23:43 개정판 41d14888 (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 23:43 개정판 3ca44acd (hytos): Merge "fix item move"
- 19:18 개정판 d65eb9b2 (hytos): issue #0000
- project group multi select 적용
Change-Id: I12084e96fe7e3ae9f73d68bcc80175a99229673b
- 18:28 개정판 f718c362 (hytos): add symbol batch delete safe step
- Change-Id: Icc5c12145823769ebb0b469cec4eb32d20ea5ac8
- 18:13 개정판 bd01c28e (hytos): fix grid, fix item move
- Change-Id: I786ac820c0cbde27ce9edbe1e011223f2a22290b
- 02:10 개정판 f7a0e31b (hytos): Fix: Shift, Alt 키를 누르고 마우스를 움직일때 SymbolSvgItem과 하위 클래스만 이동할 수 있도록 수정
- Change-Id: I02e6df76e1c9ce7e18a27fcf7951b9b00b8d4956
- 02:04 개정판 009b5419 (hytos): fix validation
- Change-Id: I407522b82fe3d92175f7670715820c235d2d8ff5
- 01:54 개정판 8da90762 (hytos): Merge "fix validation"
- 01:54 개정판 a622b5eb (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 01:54 개정판 b933e90c (hytos): Merge "fix contents size, add copy paste relative coordinates"
- 01:43 개정판 aacde192 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: Id62394c332aa0020ab3493596e746c26ec77dedd
- 01:43 개정판 28494f84 (hytos): fix contents size, add copy paste relative coordinates
- Change-Id: Ieefcafc1a53cf85fcb9be5f1e35dddefbbe48438
- 00:53 개정판 6e430701 (hytos): Feature: 심볼을 다중 선택하여 이동할 수 있도록 수정
- Change-Id: I5d790e599d676bb0d37ab906bf186965ae06276c
- 21:05 개정판 4ee570c0 (hytos): fix line graphic thickness
- Change-Id: I991bf35e635f695d5f05345c23f5fc75c77d3cb2
- 20:56 개정판 7237c5d1 (hytos): Merge "fix line graphic thickness"
- 20:42 개정판 369a4bbc (hytos): fix spec break set batch
- Change-Id: I32af4bf47b626267f9fd4b8f22c258c4361a9299
- 20:33 개정판 9c1d99ed (hytos): Merge "fix spec break set batch"
- 19:25 개정판 82b00419 (hytos): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
- Change-Id: I1f6c43a8730b8d6056cbb11332da49ba51397308
- 19:24 개정판 7e56c1e5 (hytos): setting refresh test
- Change-Id: Idb9bb0edd319069170a39010a8c652ce0a6e0ec9
- 19:16 개정판 8e943895 (hytos): Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID Change-...
- 19:16 개정판 5b981dee (hytos): Merge "setting refresh test"
- 19:16 개정판 57b0044b (hytos): Merge "refresh test"
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