


| 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID / DTI_PID / OcrResultDialog_UI.py @ 477b7622

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# 날짜 저자 설명
09841ec5 2019/07/01 00:56 함의성

issue #000: allow multiple line text item

Change-Id: I635f21aaf046348a8b94266375a0233be5b84060

02b1bbcb 2019/01/30 13:02 humkyung

issue #774: user can select language

dc4cae7e 2018/11/21 23:51 백흠경

issue #478:
- modified text area detection method

f8bafe4c 2018/11/13 20:45 함의성

issue #655: change font size

605de600 2018/11/13 20:28 함의성

issue #655: change font ocr part

f6781558 2018/10/16 21:41 백흠경

issue #655:
- move 학습 이미지 생성 button left of OK button

1669b150 2018/10/16 04:08 함의성

issue #655: trainingImageList added

f9a1bdba 2018/08/20 02:17 백흠경

fixed issue #478:
- fixed rotate and recognition button size error

ec750c78 2018/08/18 17:17 humkyung

Update selection code for OCR and fence command

e5ac172b 2018/08/17 20:13 humkyung

Add icon image files

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