


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID / DTI_PID / Shapes / EngineeringRunItem.py @ 3a9d8155

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# 날짜 저자 설명
5a4d5665 2019/05/09 04:42 백흠경

issue #567: Line No를 Freeze시킬 수 있다

Change-Id: I0cc1f6cfd751a48d3d0b884df445acbc2c2bedde

fa7533ae 2019/05/09 00:27 함의성

issue #538: fix

Change-Id: Ic5d7e0b51e538b3c61f07ed52d304cafd9c35ca8

990644d9 2019/05/04 12:51 백흠경

fixed issue #563: From,To가 설정된 라인은 설정한 From,To에서 라우팅을 실시한다

Change-Id: I459ed96c588af93e5cc86a2cd94891a80e49d6db

c82b5644 2019/05/03 16:52 백흠경

issue #563: set uid type of item to UUID, fixed run flow direction

Change-Id: I9c6299b728fad4cc50c2c08592abe88d5dda6df3

3ec1874a 2019/05/03 06:10 백흠경

issue #563: enable to change line no's flow direction

Change-Id: Ifb815beb5a412d5cb433f773443b475d76c11e35

9ff6820d 2019/04/30 14:15 백흠경

issue #578: Line No를 Explode시킬 수 있다 / 속성창에 툴팁이 표시된다

Change-Id: Iba29ab3b5564ccaf55204fc869a443bb920b1651

ee195020 2019/04/24 03:27 백흠경

issue #481: apply instrument color

Change-Id: I4f0a257be8b27da189e87eb3c418ceb7ea807093

7caf7034 2019/04/19 01:32 백흠경

issue #481: 라인 넘버 별로 On/Off 할 수 있다

Change-Id: I81985062683cb52f8480cf88549ee6ba18876390

f24755f0 2018/10/05 03:45 gaqhf

dev issue #627: fix bug and add note list tab

b5b326a5 2018/09/06 01:10 gaqhf

dev issue #567: remove toXmlAsAttribute

3d6ff047 2018/08/29 21:09 백흠경

- change file name QEngineeringAbstractItem to EngineeringAbstractItem

be6cf6c6 2018/08/29 06:11 gaqhf

dev issue #482: connected item 유지하면서 merge

cd47b282 2018/08/29 04:34 gaqhf

dev issue #482: merge connected items

de2b994a 2018/08/10 00:59 gaqhf

dev issue #482: line type이 다를경우도 Line 분리하도록 수정

0f3db2a0 2018/08/09 22:15 gaqhf

dev issue #482: save

42d83048 2018/08/08 22:19 gaqhf

dev issue #482: 라인 하나로 묶어서 xml 저장 node(MERGEDLINE)

17704fb0 2018/07/23 04:56 백흠경

fixed issue #482:
- 심볼,라인의 연결 정보 출력