edit issue #581: 라인 색상 설정에서 Tag Seq No 제거 / Nominal Diameter Sort 변경
edit issue #581: fixed bug
Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
dev issue #581: edit UI and editable NominalPipeSize
refs #584: upload HMBTable which is missing
add SymbolSvgItem (getConnectedLabel)
add instrumentlabel
ref #584: add button to delete selected data
fixed issue #581: fixed bug and remove unused method
edit issue #581: edit Script
dev issue #581: Line 검출 로직 변경(다른 Property 전부 포함), CodeTable UI 및 관련 DB Table 이름 카멜표기법으로 수정
dev issue #581: Line Property 관련 Code Table UI 및 기능 개발
Merge branch 'master' into #581
Implementing issue #584: show progress while recognizing text
fixed some bugs
Optimize to recognize text
Implementing issue #584: HMB 데이터 불러오기(30%)
dev issue #581: edit UI and dev Code table
Disable Azure OCR radio button
dev issue #581: edit CodeTable UI
dev issue #581: ConfigurationDialog.py edit radioButton eventremove NomibalPipeSize UI and add CodeTable ui
Change file name from QResultTreeWidget.py to ResultTreeWidget.py
dev issue #491: 정규식 ([0-9]*$) -> ([0-9]+$) 수정
dev issue #491: edit logic
dev issue #581: delimiter 부분 UI 변경
dev issue #491: bug fix
dev issue #491: UI 수정 및 정규식 수정
Append 'Stream No' to line no's attribute
Add HMB table script
Merge branch 'master' into #491
Merge branch '#581'
edit issue #581: fluidCode order by length
dev issue #491: 저장된 Color 속성값 가져오는 로직 추가
dev issue #491: color 속성 저장, 불러오기, cell의 색상 변경 추가
- Rename LineProperty(UNIT NUMBER > Unit No, P&ID NUMBER -> P&ID No) Remove not used codes
- Change file name from QPropertyTableWidget to PropertyTableWidget- Change file name from QResultPropertyTableWidget to ResultPropertyTableWidget
Implementing issue #483: 노즐 인식- 인식한 장치의 주변에서 노즐 인식
revised issue #503: 도면 영역 설정
dev issue #491: Color 속성 화면 개발 Configuration Table에 추가 중
Merge branch 'SPPIDRelationUpdate(50%)'
Relation Update
dev issue #491: Configuration_UI에 라인 색상 탭 추가
dev issue #581: fix bug
dev issue #581: Edit Bug
dev issue #581: QEngineeringTextItem.py isLineNo 제거 및 LineNoAttribute 가져오는 로직 변경
dev issue #581: 라인 Property 가져오는 함수 통일화
fixed unknownitem display error when loading from xml file
display connectivity on result property window
Line Property 검사 중 숫자로 이루어진 부분 추가
set text angle to 0 if text is contained in instrument
new issue #581: Line No configuration 화면 수정 / 인식한 텍스트 pattern 일치 로직 추가
fixed issue #508: Flow Mark 인식
project 속성 변경: 확장자가 .py인 소스 전부 프로젝트에 추가
edit issue #581: Line No Configuration 화면 수정
fixed arrange line's position
Symbol Id 제거 누락 부분 수정
Implementing arrange line's position
Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID into #477
1. Symbol 속성 창 Readonly 수정2. Symbol Id Column 삭제
fix issue #579: 튜플 선언 수정
edit issue #579: column 폭 조절, parameter 형식으로 query 수정
Merge branch 'master' into #579
add FluidCodeData.py
dev issue #579: Develop FluidCode Form
Add replace text options
SymbolEditor UI LayoutDirection modified
file added : QSymbolEditorDialog.py
filename changed QSymbolEditor_UI.py -> QSymbolEditorDialog.py
#477 QSymbolEditor_UI.py add
#477 SymbolEditor_UI.py Add
#477 Commit
new issue #579: FluidCode Form
Added FluidCode.ui
Implementing issue #579: Fluid Code 편집 화면
commit fixed code
fixed same lines are written to xml file
다이어그램 이름 *
다이어그램 포맷 PNG SVG XML
너비 pixel
Hide toolbar
Use LightBox
Zoom controls
Initial page
Inizial layers
Hyperlinks color