


| 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID @ 27dd76da

# 날짜 저자 설명
27dd76da 2018/11/08 19:49 함의성

issue #655: change method name

99e0f49b 2018/11/08 19:15 함의성

issue #655: box debug

4e31f867 2018/11/08 18:42 함의성

Merge branch '#622'

4e2a4d38 2018/11/08 18:42 함의성

issue #655: ocr code sort

1bfc5892 2018/11/08 18:31 백흠경

issue #000:
- change some files

763f6ba0 2018/11/08 14:34 humkyung

issue #622:
- change the logic to save line no's attribute to xml

0c282cc5 2018/11/08 02:07 함의성

issue #506: text edit

e92b19bf 2018/11/07 23:02 함의성

issue #655: white char

51a72882 2018/11/07 18:54 함의성

issue #622: merge

e3bf1584 2018/11/07 18:46 함의성

issue #622: merge

abd65432 2018/11/07 18:39 함의성

issue #622: 1108

d77477f8 2018/11/07 04:40 백흠경

issue #665:
- get column names from table

afabd84e 2018/11/07 01:59 백흠경

issue #622:
- change save logic

1df9adbf 2018/11/06 15:28 humkyung

issue #622:
- change the logic to update data list

19d19912 2018/11/06 02:55 백흠경

issue #663:
- 인식된 심볼과 텍스트 표기

6667bfb6 2018/11/06 01:27 함의성

Merge branch 'master' into #622

780854e6 2018/11/06 01:26 함의성

Merge branch '665'

7dbe6b6f 2018/11/06 01:25 함의성

issue #655: train 5 times

06e5d695 2018/11/06 01:18 함의성

issue #622: on going

25071e8d 2018/11/05 19:19 백흠경

issue #578:
- save recognized time to database

02643b52 2018/11/05 19:17 백흠경

issue #578:
- save recognized time to database

a247f3fd 2018/11/05 03:24 함의성

issue #655: add arrow key event

13502b99 2018/11/05 03:00 함의성

issue #655: ocr editor arrow key working

d9fd0356 2018/11/05 01:50 함의성

issue #655: delete key added

c2230d59 2018/11/05 01:27 함의성

issue #622: clear db before save depend on pind no

d89b1f19 2018/11/05 00:40 함의성

issue #655: sort fixed

db5e99e4 2018/11/05 00:08 함의성

issue #655: sort fixed

bb3bbe10 2018/11/04 23:54 함의성

issue #655: training merged img logic fix

13345412 2018/11/04 23:08 함의성

issue #622: db not yet done

c6da9958 2018/11/04 21:07 함의성

Merge branch '#622'

fb3b06c5 2018/11/04 21:07 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

e060a623 2018/11/04 21:07 함의성

issue #622: before delete db

6bd19e4f 2018/11/04 19:23 백흠경

issue #578:
- fixed an error occurred when display drawings on drawing explorer

31433f25 2018/11/04 18:39 함의성

Merge branch '#622'

c8203784 2018/11/04 18:39 함의성

issue #622: 1102

7e561f5b 2018/11/04 18:36 gaqhf

dev issue #620: merge primary line

b73a62df 2018/11/04 11:41 humkyung

issue #578:
- show number of line no

3e2014fb 2018/11/02 22:41 humkyung

issue #578:
- show drawing count
- check if exists trained data before recognize

daa1b7d0 2018/11/02 17:39 humkyung

issue #578:
- add datetime column to drawing list

21fc8683 2018/11/02 06:06 백흠경

issue #578:
- 도면 리스트 표시

aa312985 2018/11/02 04:02 백흠경

issue #578:
- add drawing explore
- fixed an error couldn't display line no color
- etc

a01e7cff 2018/11/02 02:55 함의성

Merge branch '#622'

b9091c43 2018/11/02 02:54 함의성

issue #655: show char in training editor dialog

b7d5317e 2018/11/02 02:16 함의성

issue #655: left side scene scale

f02b8e3d 2018/11/02 00:42 함의성

issue #655: check env

0eb99f85 2018/11/02 00:17 함의성

issue #506: add save msg

beb197e4 2018/11/01 21:01 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

e6ef24be 2018/11/01 21:00 gaqhf

dev issue #678: edit read xml

d91b5ef7 2018/11/01 03:23 함의성

issue #622: solve crush

c8f4c8a7 2018/11/01 03:15 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

be3e0c2d 2018/11/01 03:14 백흠경

issue #387:
- apply Note No regular expression
- remove instrument tag rule

c1f0e49a 2018/11/01 01:19 gaqhf

dev issue #591: test

4af2f2de 2018/10/31 13:43 humkyung

issue #676:
- save selected theme name and apply last saved theme when load application

b41d1fca 2018/10/31 04:27 함의성

issue #655: add next position

162868bf 2018/10/31 04:18 함의성

issue #665: add selected location

208c270b 2018/10/31 03:59 함의성

issue #665: export

92c24ec5 2018/10/31 02:09 함의성

issue #665: after change export data table remain

35ecb7c8 2018/10/30 23:37 함의성

issue #665: before change

6fa02c93 2018/10/30 21:51 함의성

issue #655: add split delete merge

969b7533 2018/10/30 21:05 함의성

issue #665: tabchanged added

64075e90 2018/10/30 20:51 함의성

issue #665: debug delete

e8af48af 2018/10/30 19:40 함의성

issue #665: drag add

01f38883 2018/10/30 03:56 함의성

issue #665: debug delete

5588887a 2018/10/30 00:30 함의성

issue #665: row highlight

86663325 2018/10/29 04:33 함의성

issue #665: can save

c683d8f9 2018/10/29 03:38 함의성

Merge branch '#665'

e52ed2eb 2018/10/29 03:37 함의성

issue #665: before save table

dbc1b32f 2018/10/29 03:30 백흠경

issue #676:
- upload americano.qss, pagefold.qss file
- User can select stylesheet through menu

1158dce2 2018/10/28 19:49 함의성

issue #665: add msg box

e8ff15dd 2018/10/28 19:39 함의성

issue #655 : ui change

452e4adb 2018/10/26 03:49 함의성

issue #655: save msg

c4691897 2018/10/26 03:48 함의성

issue #655: processing msg

781727f0 2018/10/26 03:04 함의성

issue #665: export cancel added

591f20d6 2018/10/26 02:55 함의성

build issue #665: can export

584d961b 2018/10/26 01:19 함의성

issue #665: merge fixed

e8ece9a2 2018/10/26 01:17 함의성

issue #655: fixed

d38e9e65 2018/10/26 01:12 함의성

Merge branch '665'

aec5980d 2018/10/26 01:08 함의성

build issue #655: tesseract moved programdata

16ddb6fb 2018/10/26 00:22 함의성

issue #665:

67a66128 2018/10/26 00:19 함의성

issue #665:

59e764f3 2018/10/25 21:31 함의성

issue #655: box opacity

63c55b90 2018/10/25 21:06 함의성

build issue #655: window max size, add column before export

567c7c1c 2018/10/25 20:10 함의성

issue #655: program data test

d29d9452 2018/10/25 04:32 함의성

issue #665: comment fix

91bd57c8 2018/10/25 04:23 함의성

issue #665:

fb096e18 2018/10/25 03:52 함의성

Merge branch '#665'

daeca09e 2018/10/25 03:52 함의성

issue #655: before save, add

413e693e 2018/10/24 22:10 humkyung

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

acf92f86 2018/10/24 22:09 humkyung

issue #581: modified isLimitWord method for checking Line No

33d113ad 2018/10/24 22:00 함의성

issue #665: order can be sorted by user

d2a31514 2018/10/24 19:41 함의성

Merge branch '#665'

94ed1d7e 2018/10/24 19:41 함의성

issue #665: 1024

f488d56f 2018/10/24 09:01 백흠경

revised issue #587: change line property type

587e8b33 2018/10/24 08:42 백흠경

revised issue #587: change line property type

dd3553d3 2018/10/24 08:23 백흠경

issue #587: change line property type

d3dd1b53 2018/10/24 03:48 함의성

issue #665: formatting omw

cf6ac114 2018/10/24 00:48 함의성

issue #665: exportDialog before save

a9748f0c 2018/10/23 21:09 함의성

issue #665: all view, list are managed as list

866112c6 2018/10/23 06:24 백흠경

issue #587: change items' attribute type

f59fbea0 2018/10/23 04:33 함의성

issue #665: