issue #501: save fixed
issue #501: batch not fixed
issue #501: back
issue #501: line err
issue #501: batch test and bug fix
issue #501: isolate drawing part and remove scene dependency
issue #501: move line detect into executeRecognition
issue #501: bug fix and separate adding part
issue #501: for copy
issue #501: init list
issue #501: add list init
issue #501: change path format
issue #501: change imgsrc
issue #501: tile bug fixed
Merge branch 'master' into 1119
issue #488: - support multiple note numbers in one text
issue #478: - 텍스트 영역 검출 로직 개선
Merge branch 'master' of
issue #000
issue #501: 1122
issue #506: fix note save bug
issue #506: fix selection highlight bug
issue #655: angle missing fixed
issue #655: solve conflict
issue #506: note delete bug fixed
issue #478: - modified text area detection method
issue #503: deletearea bug fixed
issue #655: ocr lang bug fix
Merge branch '1119'
issue #501: apply just check box ui
issue #655: box area and syntax fixed
issue #655:1120
issue #478: - modified the logic to detect text area
issue #655:remove auto focus
issue #503: add area delete
issue #655: chart at first
issue #000: - fixed some bugs
issue #655: char chart deep copy fixed
issue #655 : add chart beta
issue #49: allowable work fine
issue #655: - add training options
issue #655: - fixed the logic to create training image - fixed font_properties
issue #655: - test code
issue #49: move allowable in factory and working fine without change chars
issue #49: apply allowable
issue #49: allowable in going
issue #655: add margin, box chars
issue #655: change font size
issue #655: change font ocr part
issue #655: quad page
issue #655: triple and charlist
issue #655: bug fix
issue #655: import fix
issue #655: date time fix
issue #655: typo fix
issue #655: msg typo fix
issue #655: grid box single page
issue #655: modified time format change
issue #655: apply grid img before box
issue #622: fix typo
issue #622: title block db update
Merge branch '#503'
issue #622: create dbupdate method
dev issue #620: dev draw primary line
Merge branch 'master' into #503
issue #622: before save title block
issue #655: - show training message
issue #655: - change training editor ui - remove OPC setting ui from configuration
issue #000: - install tesseract 4.0
issue #503: db save, bug fixed
issue #503: bug fixed before save
issue #503: set ui
issue #503: ui naming
issue #663: - upload TitleBlockValues.sql
Merge branch 'master' into #622
issue #655: change method name
issue #503: - change area configuration ui for title block
issue #655: box debug
Merge branch '#622'
issue #655: ocr code sort
issue #000: - change some files
issue #622: - change the logic to save line no's attribute to xml
issue #506: text edit
dev issue #620: Edit Branch Line
issue #655: white char
issue #622: merge
issue #622: 1108
issue #665: - get column names from table
issue #622: - change save logic
issue #622: - change the logic to update data list
issue #663: - 인식된 심볼과 텍스트 표기
다이어그램 이름 *
다이어그램 포맷 PNG SVG XML
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