


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos / Docs / Digital PID.pptx @ d8b09f9f

이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (4.15 MB)

# 날짜 저자 설명
02643b52 2018/11/05 19:17 백흠경

issue #578:
- save recognized time to database

a21fbf2e 2018/08/12 22:25 백흠경

fixed issue #622:
- 저장후 Wheel Event시 줌이 됨(스크롤이 되어야 함)

a9bb66b8 2018/08/10 01:26 백흠경

fixed issue #610:
- 'c'키를 눌러 시작점, 끝점 바꿈

dc05dcb9 2018/08/08 02:43 백흠경

fixed issue #103:
- Unknown 항목들을 선택후 심볼 등록

6d46bd8c 2018/07/08 22:12 백흠경

- Rename LineProperty(UNIT NUMBER > Unit No, P&ID NUMBER -> P&ID No)
Remove not used codes

4e630522 2018/07/06 04:37 백흠경 fixed issue #570: Line Type 설정
  1. set line type Connect To Process when instrument type is 'FT', 'PT', 'TT', 'TI', 'TG', 'PG'
c90f5bde 2018/07/01 20:08 humkyung

update document

7de563ee 2018/06/28 21:57 humkyung

fixed a function to recognize symbol

d763560c 2018/06/28 05:26 humkyung


698ae50c 2018/05/29 19:59 humkyung

Update Document

ba0bca12 2018/05/23 17:20 humkyung

revised how to detect flow mark

3c87b140 2018/05/16 19:22 humkyung

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. Docs/Digital PID.pptx
6a7f6d46 2018/05/16 17:47 humkyung

Update Digital PID.pptx

88724170 2018/05/15 02:19 humkyung


d7b71046 2018/05/13 19:44 humkyung

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/LineNoTracer.py
0e53a1f8 2018/05/08 20:54 Gyusu


18f54b2f 2018/04/27 02:59 humkyung

Merge lines which are collinear when write line to xml file

c12ca4e3 2018/04/26 00:02 humkyung

Remove small objects before recognizing line

5892ebe6 2018/04/24 05:27 humkyung

Update PPT file

577b73ac 2018/04/24 04:07 Gyusu


7824381a 2018/04/23 22:22 Gyusu

XML Format update

20c84e05 2018/04/23 04:14 Gyusu

xml update

2709dc9f 2018/04/18 21:46 humkyung

Move Project.db file from executable folder to Program Data folder

a54e42e4 2018/04/18 00:19 humkyung

Modified method to insert item to result tree

bd0d156a 2018/04/17 05:42 humkyung


8c5431cc 2018/04/17 00:08 humkyung

Save options to database

3ba37adf 2018/04/15 10:41 humkyung

Add QEngineeringTextItem

59f71a7a 2018/04/12 20:30 humkyung

Add a page to describe how to get rotated point on image

d8ddd93d 2018/04/12 03:27 humkyung

Add function to rotate point

02a6f382 2018/04/11 21:02 humkyung


44ba0518 2018/04/11 10:59 humkyung

issue #480:
- align lines which are collinear by x or y axis

857e8599 2018/04/11 03:25 humkyung

Modified LineDetector

c84bdfd3 2018/04/09 19:14 humkyung

Commit 2018.04.10

09dfdab8 2018/04/06 01:52 김정우

ProjectDialog 에 출력되는 프로젝트 정렬 by UpdatedDate Field / Project DB 구조 변경

6229e3e2 2018/04/06 00:08 humkyung

Implementing issue #479: 심볼 인식
설정한 drawing 영역 안에서만 심볼을 검출하도록 수정

e9b80aeb 2018/04/03 19:50 humkyung

Modified Digital PID.pptx

bae576b7 2018/04/02 19:30 humkyung

Add QAreaConfigurationDialog

eafaadaf 2018/04/01 21:38 humkyung

Add QConfigurationDialog

dc620556 2018/03/30 00:37 humkyung

Add Digital PID.pptx

클립보드 이미지 추가 (최대 크기: 500 MB)