fixed issue #610: - 'c'키를 눌러 시작점, 끝점 바꿈
fixed issue #103: - Unknown 항목들을 선택후 심볼 등록
- Rename LineProperty(UNIT NUMBER > Unit No, P&ID NUMBER -> P&ID No) Remove not used codes
update document
fixed a function to recognize symbol
Update Document
revised how to detect flow mark
Merge branch 'master' of
Update Digital PID.pptx
Merge lines which are collinear when write line to xml file
Remove small objects before recognizing line
Update PPT file
XML Format update
xml update
Move Project.db file from executable folder to Program Data folder
Modified method to insert item to result tree
Save options to database
Add QEngineeringTextItem
Add a page to describe how to get rotated point on image
Add function to rotate point
issue #480: - align lines which are collinear by x or y axis
Modified LineDetector
Commit 2018.04.10
ProjectDialog 에 출력되는 프로젝트 정렬 by UpdatedDate Field / Project DB 구조 변경
Implementing issue #479: 심볼 인식설정한 drawing 영역 안에서만 심볼을 검출하도록 수정
수정 작업중
Modified Digital PID.pptx
Add QAreaConfigurationDialog
Merge branch 'ResultLog'
PPT Update
Add QConfigurationDialog
Add Digital PID.pptx
Symbol Generator DB 작업 중
Merge 후Command 수정 및 영역 줌, 영역 지우개 기능 추가 / 업무 진행상황 정리 PPT 추가
다이어그램 이름 *
다이어그램 포맷 PNG SVG XML
너비 pixel
Hide toolbar
Use LightBox
Zoom controls
Initial page
Inizial layers
Hyperlinks color