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issue #1060 : hole_calc 계산 시 method를 Configuration에서 얻어오도록 수정
Change-Id: I832ca5047f3787c779ca429a51bf0e6d1fefb719
issue #1200 : Vapor 계산식
Change-Id: I1a36b65cfbbf5eb182f42fec9656274e9b226b88
issue #1202: update pressure_drop_static and pressure_pipe_end_point of stream line
Change-Id: I1205ad5fab0d41a5fb69255584e76edd7ccd7e73
issue #1202: calculate press drop(50%)
Change-Id: Ia767c8753221a59fb0f5ad7bb29b8b55274fe5d2
issue #1202: calculate press drop(45%)
Change-Id: I9baaf5db6b8cc2a4537629b022866ddfe4c5c0d8
issue #1202: calculate press drop(40%)
Change-Id: I62fd5842606709d055672c5239f2cc8b1e6ba6d8
issue #1048 : 화면/메뉴/툴바 개발 - Exception 발생 시 MainWindow 의 Logs 에 기록
Change-Id: If9767060d1f756e183c3669d067f1f0dd9299f9d
issue #1202: Press Drop 계산 시작...
Change-Id: I5199ca8b8b0ff0343a88b91167e0a699badb220c
issue #1198: Loop 생성 결과를 하단에 표시함
Change-Id: I9f46f369e3387bf487818a6209cc60c592c60b20
issue #1198: Loop 생성
Change-Id: I4e15ebfa4f5bccc349671541cbae68a70421d524
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