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issue #000 : fixed wxs to install ref file to converter
Change-Id: I8227cf4ccd9907665e279a058b25358687d55afe
dev issue #000 : fix wxs
Change-Id: Ia9948aeaa7944e1409d8db1414c3365cbaeb26d0
dev issue #000 : edit
Change-Id: I95c4d6118b1effe14334cbe5f3b43e0ca960295c
dev issue #000 : edit wxs
Change-Id: Idc1a2444d585d86db0ecb6072e3acd097e18f1f4
Change-Id: I231b6556b32b46614896bd2da382718c5434b5c5
Change-Id: I2504fd4d0545ab7e5b0736228e1d4be53826f889
dev issue #000 : test
Change-Id: I3f8811531729ae1b9dcd20e3a2fb1956a83a07fb
dev issue #000 : wxs test
Change-Id: I3e0c0920b8ef00d9de104388c33e484d57ce6903
issue #663: sharpen image to recognize symbol and text
Change-Id: I611d6eff97bb11855e17c25fd02deba248283372
issue #571: change project dialog
Change-Id: If3a6669680535f6a8ae64c44b0cab36e4fc2132b
build issue #000 : edit wxs
Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID
build issue #569 : add Progress
build issue #774: upload language file for korean(ko_kr.qm)
build issue #000 : edit id2 wxs
build issue #624 : converter wxs 수정
build issue #000 : edit ID2.wxs
buil issue #000: edit wxs
build issue #624: write installation folder to registry
build issue #624: add SPPIDConverter_CustomCommand.dll to installation file
build issue #624: copy template.db to Application Data Folder
issue #624: add potrace.exe to wxs file
fixed issue #624: - add americano.qss and pagefold.qss file to wsx script file
fixed issue #624: - install Tesseract package to ProgramData folder
modified issue #569: - 프로그램이 호출되지 않는 현상 수정
fixed issue #624: - 설치 완료 후 프로그램 실행 옵션 추가
fixed issue #624: - 설치 파일에서 python code 제거
fixed issue #624: - ID2 설치 파일에 Tesseract-OCR 파일 추가
fixed issue #624: - ID2 Installer를 NSIS에서 WIX로 변경
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