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issue #506: fix text edit and short text and LineNoTracer on going
Change-Id: I5cb546fc73939c94bfa4cf62346ab5d7e92ea11c
issue #000: 0309
Change-Id: I67119a7849141edebdcbc28bec34acc16420631b
issue #563:fix line no eq searching and 49 allowable ongoing
Change-Id: I7f2acf9cead52a6e0b97248bce2db6028d35ef6a
issue #503: fix package area str call error
Change-Id: I5944d1c1bd5a2a2f0d228572dfff99502b280593
issue #563: add error detection
Change-Id: Ice6d19dd3c4c6094b1a255020c1ba3c24127eb0f
issue #563: fix eval size
Change-Id: I512bef2958e2d90303c80e725e69e4cd46747a89
isssue #000: dev minor tools
Change-Id: I81e8602fe668fb39db8fef978fd4ed27e9a0d02b
issue #505: fix text find zoom
Change-Id: I2e7cca27999ce32378c3bc1ab6717c71d77abfe5
issue #663: fix connector scene point
Change-Id: I49bb0ad5dd3f107681b405392ef1796c8c0cebc0
issue #000: now all size delimiters are supported and minortools are added
Change-Id: I54a091f21568fbb1d70b2a972712e17c927f8c69
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