


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ 2a6eb268

# 날짜 저자 설명
2a6eb268 2019/07/17 19:23 백흠경

issue #000: upload email notification template

Change-Id: I54a1d66e966f4962f066d9f6d78cd57a3d71ceec

9ea6785d 2019/07/17 19:00 백흠경

issue #1061: update stream line while equipment is moving

Change-Id: I32caea886fd0f7841f9b45d81faa18289b7990e9

fa332baf 2019/07/17 05:55 백흠경

issue #000: set executable's version

Change-Id: Id51598e3add0282e8314fe41799286e256edb7ab

940c9c28 2019/07/17 05:14 백흠경

issue #000: fixed spec and wxs file for 설치 파일

Change-Id: Ie2d59d1a45fc396ba639273fb52635bf120cdef7

e1ace75a 2019/07/17 04:35 백흠경

issue #000: 설치 파일

Change-Id: Icd8e3f66bf7bae1168fb03f915cd5c9613800588

d345d01d 2019/07/17 03:25 백흠경

issue #1061: create stream line and update when move equpments

Change-Id: If5044eae3cf6426dab50fb6e17035fd875eb06f3

4ff25dbf 2019/07/16 01:14 백흠경

issue #1061: revised create connector when creating stream line

Change-Id: Ic4fc96d336598ccf66fe715488c6d84587514a5b

0243b725 2019/07/15 23:53 백흠경

Merge "* issue #1061: create connector when creating stream line" into HYTOS

90ac8555 2019/07/15 23:52 백흠경

Merge "Template.db 수정 - Symbol 초기 데이터 입력" into HYTOS

4f35b82c 2019/07/15 23:52 백흠경

Merge "Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID into HYTOS" into HYTOS

cf5d942b 2019/07/15 23:52 백흠경

Merge "Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID into HYTOS" into HYTOS

d32122ba 2019/07/15 22:48 김연진
  • issue #1061: create connector when creating stream line

Change-Id: Ia828f9acd1dfe01abfa40efdb85434bd3425c9b0

7b531fc3 2019/07/15 22:41 김연진

Template.db 수정
- Symbol 초기 데이터 입력

Change-Id: I0dbea72f5d02fb37ac265392836d9d5325e199e5

04a12f29 2019/07/14 19:38 김연진

Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID into HYTOS

Change-Id: Ibf144721860f2397b18dcfdc728a4d975ac32fb8

cf39a974 2019/07/14 19:37 백흠경

issue #1061: fixed bug occurred when creating stream line

Change-Id: I1b8524fd950f8ca3cfe3c5488dc41e82e34f90ce

9fb1b1e6 2019/07/14 19:19 백흠경

Merge "MainWIndow 수정 1. OpenImageDrawing 메뉴 제거 2. AreaConfiguration 메뉴 제거 3. 도면 오픈시 Border.png 파일 위에 Data load 4. drawing 생성 시 해당 drawing file open" into HYTOS

29ee17ee 2019/07/14 19:16 백흠경

Merge "SymbolTreeWidget 수정 1. TreeView display 변경 기존 : Type-> symbol 변경 : Category -> Type -> symbol" into HYTOS

999b0445 2019/07/14 19:15 백흠경

Merge "SymbolEditor 수정 1. 신규 심벌 등록시에만 Data + png, svg 파일 저장 2. 기존 심벌 등록시에는 Data만 저장" into HYTOS

38822888 2019/07/14 19:15 백흠경

Merge "QGraphicsItem 이동 설정 옵션값 변경" into HYTOS

62df6e0a 2019/07/12 19:15 백흠경

issue #1601: stream line 생성

Change-Id: I52075695f28fc28225f18f2cb87666b92c6ed62b

d97cf020 2019/07/12 06:29 김연진

Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID into HYTOS

Change-Id: I2d10f4a82648c16423878bee15186175e7fedf5c

4105e971 2019/07/12 04:38 백흠경

issue #000: modified template.db

Change-Id: I4310ac17aebff7b9966da42e77871a6999d42148

cf686e0c 2019/07/12 02:31 백흠경

Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID into HYTOS

a90eaa51 2019/07/11 20:39 김연진

MainWIndow 수정
1. OpenImageDrawing 메뉴 제거
2. AreaConfiguration 메뉴 제거
3. 도면 오픈시 Border.png 파일 위에 Data load
4. drawing 생성 시 해당 drawing file open

Change-Id: If3592a208576d06f79f0da2cdf0d39adf8f47837

d9478fca 2019/07/11 20:36 김연진

SymbolTreeWidget 수정
1. TreeView display 변경
기존 : Type-> symbol
변경 : Category -> Type -> symbol

2. 심벌 편집시 viewer에 png가 아닌 svg 파일 load

Change-Id: Ifa81cd839e1224969b7473021477e73fcd87830d

63d5ec82 2019/07/11 20:33 김연진

SymbolEditor 수정
1. 신규 심벌 등록시에만 Data + png, svg 파일 저장
2. 기존 심벌 등록시에는 Data만 저장

Change-Id: I80a3773251dca8856344bea63c369370f3ddcf4d

fc0411f4 2019/07/11 20:30 김연진

QGraphicsItem 이동 설정 옵션값 변경

Change-Id: Idd803403d1a8edd6b4cfe89bac101cd634431aab

b43ef0e1 2019/07/09 00:45 김연진

issue #1047 심벌 생성

Change-Id: I675e09f67c042c4a6fab603b853dcc579e9d89f6

391db12b 2019/07/09 00:38 백흠경

Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID into HYTOS

Change-Id: Ie29e144e73028e0962b11adc1f2512fdb681e6bb

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/BaseModel/BaseModel.csproj
  3. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/TrainingImageListDialog.py
  4. DTI_PID/SPPIDConverter/App.config...
d5ec4d0f 2019/07/08 07:08 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : progressBar 수정

Change-Id: I50700defa5b75f72b0b5971e50a70632e66ddff5

224f5e6e 2019/07/08 06:55 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : 안쓰는 form 제거"

4abf114c 2019/07/08 06:55 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : 안쓰는 form 제거

Change-Id: I58af3a0dbfc3989eb2dda0d5a26212f1c8f47f7b

6539dd68 2019/07/08 06:52 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : progressBarControl 추가"

f31645b6 2019/07/08 06:51 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : progressBarControl 추가

Change-Id: I55520ddd338eb9054466e1e3e21e9c859b4f9d92

494d1725 2019/07/08 06:32 김연진

rename "ITI_PID.db" to "HYTOS.db"

Change-Id: I37b702b88b512fe40f3a3ea9e15d671c89cab57f

229cfccb 2019/07/08 04:46 함의성

issue #000: flow mark testing

Change-Id: If91fd2b7e5cbeeb5fc6bca28dc4660ea5a601364

f1e9562d 2019/07/08 04:46 함의성

Merge "issue #000: flow mark testing"

ecf70abd 2019/07/08 04:36 함의성

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

95b0044d 2019/07/08 04:35 함의성

Merge "issue #000: add flow mark on going"

24258841 2019/07/08 04:35 함의성

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

b753d824 2019/07/08 04:35 함의성

Merge "issue #000: tamplate db"

4e6b2414 2019/07/08 04:35 함의성

Merge "issue #000: arranging props and attrs"

2b9946ec 2019/07/08 04:35 함의성

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

91240927 2019/07/08 04:35 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: I781412e922a58a2db57512ff723e55bb91ac6cf2

09d77e77 2019/07/08 04:35 함의성

Merge "issue #587: property on going"

d28da625 2019/07/08 04:35 함의성

issue #000: add flow mark on going

Change-Id: I64053a79053e84ddfbbe46a0f38446cc9dfeeaac

965eb728 2019/07/08 02:31 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : splashscreen UI

Change-Id: I0ec54c5f3de00101b899f439d8b1e5ac0046033a

ca214bc3 2019/07/08 02:18 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : add SplashScreen

Change-Id: I7fffe8b6e135fa0dd6e822fa0ab561cf82f2608a

3939eebf 2019/07/07 22:30 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : JoinRun bug 수정

Change-Id: Icb2dbe53d63b5555cc6cf08407805bb8b4e1d14e

20cce620 2019/07/07 19:37 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: Id557bc826fffd8c3cc1fb5cc145c06bf4493a1d4

57f4eba4 2019/07/07 19:37 함의성

issue #000: tamplate db

Change-Id: I82ff74e3b7d68ce1467e60f60621a15e2720df59

4c1bc127 2019/07/05 05:02 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : LeaderLine 좌표 변경 - Symbol의 기준점으로 변경"

1f1b3a40 2019/07/05 05:01 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : LeaderLine 좌표 변경 - Symbol의 기준점으로 변경

Change-Id: I493ec95adbda1b86ee938b3e457e175f4e9fb728

7999cd9f 2019/07/05 03:52 함의성

issue #000: arranging props and attrs

Change-Id: Ieab2ea0522f23b2bf8a4d2500be1db975a325f48

8a5ac6a1 2019/07/05 00:06 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : 도면 사이즈 적용 및 Attribute Label LeaderLine 적용"

1ba9c671 2019/07/05 00:05 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : 도면 사이즈 적용 및 Attribute Label LeaderLine 적용

Change-Id: I991272aa8a7acbbf49edf23db5ac7737cee3828b

6fa89e72 2019/07/04 19:33 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: I203cf910779b529ec3c79fac8d92d624a459c7b3

27e476b5 2019/07/04 19:33 함의성

issue #587: property on going

Change-Id: I8250060862db81178750cf07ca2e74544201cd54

039cdacb 2019/07/04 04:13 김연진

issue #1118
1. NewDrawingDialog.py ==> QDrawingDialog.py 파일명 변경
2. UI\Drawing.ui 추가

Change-Id: I96b1a7452ea974831e6e6bedbca7c15405584b7d

ee572efd 2019/07/04 03:28 함의성

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

3e6dbae3 2019/07/04 03:28 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: Ifee1cf6608a43ebf2f0bb99604f71cfd54a3e212

b828b160 2019/07/04 03:28 함의성

Merge "issue #000: 0704"

524534e9 2019/07/04 03:28 함의성

issue #000: 0704

Change-Id: Ie57acbeaf2c0d2b21eb4164bc41d7bc4cb556194

f7df92c0 2019/07/03 21:55 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : Wrapper 삭제 및 wxs 수정

Change-Id: I3eb30be062d5794b112b8bd81a14d3dea3a9e41f

d19ae675 2019/07/03 21:54 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : wrapper 제거 및 프로젝트 통합

Change-Id: I7b4c718316c9fde2508aad74af913c20de2bd798

e3e2d41f 2019/07/03 20:32 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : 프로젝트, 솔루션 정리

Change-Id: I65159931f58c1c057e4ebdc4b7d4ea225e628ae5

ea56e68c 2019/07/03 19:52 백흠경

issue #000: change database name to 'HYTOS.db'

Change-Id: I0f9fc109bfd4af155715938625cbb9c9451710d0

a0c69b1c 2019/07/03 06:09 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : Base Projcet 소스 이동

Change-Id: I87b5626e0025d4c10fdefcbc85f60eccbe17ea59

43daceca 2019/07/03 03:36 김연진

issue #0000

1. New.png 파일 추가
2. NewDialog.py ==> NewDrawingDialog.py 파일명 변경

Change-Id: I628289b91f0003193dc1623c03d3b07b7cd4d67c

b54ba829 2019/07/03 03:11 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : add FORM"

65881d60 2019/07/03 03:11 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : add FORM

Change-Id: Ife88313ad4c92c55cfded903451b078abcfa33bf

5ccd4124 2019/07/03 03:10 함의성

issue #000: fix symbol minmatchcount

Change-Id: Ib9125f3f7fd65776f54876f616d6becf474937c6

77ee6433 2019/07/03 02:09 gaqhf

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

60eab87f 2019/07/03 02:09 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : backup"

e2ee8581 2019/07/03 02:05 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: Ifba7bcc298af2ca514590e5e6a72e0e2928059c7

eb2d256e 2019/07/03 02:04 함의성

issue #000: fix vedor and line place, update script

Change-Id: I790e64a822183338cec4e6f3c83c42720e9c6c8e

c4d079c4 2019/07/03 00:42 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : backup

Change-Id: I29c8129b4d6bebeccb127ded198909213141f563

2ee6d0db 2019/07/02 21:15 김연진

issue #1118: add NewDrawing files

Change-Id: I6f80db29b04e6ac5fa5a76cad14f17eb0483dc4f

0a7f879c 2019/07/02 21:10 김연진

Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/BaseModel/Project_DB.cs
  3. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/OcrResultDialog.py
  4. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/OcrResultDialog_UI.py
  5. DTI_PID/SPPIDConverter/AutoModeling.cs
  6. DTI_PID/SPPIDConverter/ConverterForm.Designer.cs...
7b3af3a0 2019/07/01 22:15 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : log"

289e9573 2019/07/01 22:14 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : log

Change-Id: Ia21a1b52b1803492d3c0a5cc3bbf1e550655ec62

661893d7 2019/07/01 06:45 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : label readerLine 폼 개발"

b8bd98aa 2019/07/01 06:44 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : label readerLine 폼 개발

Change-Id: I837241e93ce08c6f4f75a7abe37ac1917c6eb711

2574510c 2019/07/01 06:08 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : (임시)OPC 일경우 180 degree시 Mirror 1"

c2fef4ca 2019/07/01 06:08 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : (임시)OPC 일경우 180 degree시 Mirror 1

Change-Id: I17166ab6de4409b6c13a335948d7535818e00f18

5192709e 2019/07/01 04:10 함의성

issue #000: fix text size

Change-Id: I4f2a824a8d71cac89fac46acfeb84336f12885a3

e6bea39e 2019/07/01 03:44 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : Line Number Attribute 버그 수정"

8634af60 2019/07/01 03:43 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : Line Number Attribute 버그 수정

Change-Id: I4557a3d22f011002df93744a554009668701bbc6

bc42255c 2019/07/01 02:51 함의성

issue #587: add delete attr

Change-Id: If56c3ee204ad7e604c8f9a507e63e39c833cf9b3

69b1c8c1 2019/07/01 02:51 함의성

Merge "issue #587: add delete attr"

4c80f913 2019/07/01 02:32 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : Zero Length에서 Join 추가"

5a83fda2 2019/07/01 02:31 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : Zero Length에서 Join 추가

Change-Id: I0e3656022dac4374b696709f102817f9c78791a3

5707da6d 2019/07/01 00:57 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: I1e015f21af44396ab6206773ec985301ab22a744

e511420a 2019/07/01 00:57 함의성

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

09841ec5 2019/07/01 00:56 함의성

issue #000: allow multiple line text item

Change-Id: I635f21aaf046348a8b94266375a0233be5b84060

8aff3d77 2019/07/01 00:56 함의성

Merge "issue #000: allow multiple line text item"

c65ef6a5 2019/06/30 22:29 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : LineNumberModeling 수정"

68464385 2019/06/30 22:28 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : LineNumberModeling 수정

Change-Id: I848740e9e1a177245069994b7f13dc0bb8d4a1bb

876c12f2 2019/06/30 19:58 함의성

issue #000: license

Change-Id: I2efe9c05b887c66c1947262c49d0f2613dfb7ee3

aa95a0dc 2019/06/30 19:55 함의성

issue #000: logging test

Change-Id: Ic3f3198249530393f94836a152da553ab79636a0

클립보드 이미지 추가 (최대 크기: 500 MB)