build issue #000: edit size text item save
Merge branch 'master' of
build issue #000: - force build
build issue #690: build test
build #690: build test
issue #480: - 라인 두께가 얇을때 인식하지 못하는 오류 보정
issue #506: merge line
issue #627: note date sort
issue #501: remove scene dependency note data
dev issue #479: edit query
Merge branch '1126'
issue #501: symbol db size update
issue #478: - fixed progress of recognition
issue #501: no scene adding fix
issue #501: fix symbol add manually
issue #501: fix add symbol to scene manual position
issue #501: datime fix
issue #655: add up down arrow
issue #501: batch open fix
issue #501: datetime update fix, 627 valve data update to db
issue #501: fix zero tile
build issue #000: - fixed some codes in Perth
issue #501: reset view flag when open drawing
Merge branch 'master' into 1126
issue #501: fix lines
issue #655: - decrease the difference of recognition rate between batch and editor
issue #000
issue #501: dpi add
issue #501: dbupdate
issue #501: dbupdate() remove scene dependency on batch
issue #501: fix typos
issue #501: remove loop and change method name, update date time in tree
issue #501: add reopening
issue #501: add progressbar
issue #503: fix area delete bug
issue #506: - get ocr data of area which has the text
issue #501: batch before reopening
issue #501: save fixed
issue #501: batch not fixed
issue #501: back
issue #501: line err
issue #501: batch test and bug fix
issue #501: isolate drawing part and remove scene dependency
issue #501: move line detect into executeRecognition
issue #501: bug fix and separate adding part
issue #501: for copy
issue #501: init list
issue #501: add list init
issue #501: change path format
issue #501: change imgsrc
issue #501: tile bug fixed
Merge branch 'master' into 1119
issue #488: - support multiple note numbers in one text
issue #478: - 텍스트 영역 검출 로직 개선
issue #501: 1122
issue #506: fix note save bug
issue #506: fix selection highlight bug
issue #655: angle missing fixed
issue #655: solve conflict
issue #506: note delete bug fixed
issue #478: - modified text area detection method
issue #503: deletearea bug fixed
issue #655: ocr lang bug fix
Merge branch '1119'
issue #501: apply just check box ui
issue #655: box area and syntax fixed
issue #655:1120
issue #478: - modified the logic to detect text area
issue #655:remove auto focus
issue #503: add area delete
issue #655: chart at first
issue #000: - fixed some bugs
issue #655: char chart deep copy fixed
issue #655 : add chart beta
issue #49: allowable work fine
issue #655: - add training options
issue #655: - fixed the logic to create training image - fixed font_properties
issue #655: - test code
issue #49: move allowable in factory and working fine without change chars
issue #49: apply allowable
issue #49: allowable in going
issue #655: add margin, box chars
issue #655: change font size
issue #655: change font ocr part
issue #655: quad page
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