


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ a9bb66b8

# 날짜 저자 설명
a9bb66b8 2018/08/10 01:26 백흠경

fixed issue #610:
- 'c'키를 눌러 시작점, 끝점 바꿈

4e426f34 2018/08/10 01:00 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

de2b994a 2018/08/10 00:59 gaqhf

dev issue #482: line type이 다를경우도 Line 분리하도록 수정

d2cf85a8 2018/08/09 22:34 Gyusu

Merge branch '#620'

76f465d0 2018/08/09 22:33 Gyusu

Line을먼저그리고 symbol을 그리는 형태로 변경

a3f369a1 2018/08/09 22:29 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #482

866c5aa2 2018/08/09 22:29 gaqhf

dev issue #624: edit nsi

0f3db2a0 2018/08/09 22:15 gaqhf

dev issue #482: save

b851471c 2018/08/09 22:13 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

e65b9480 2018/08/09 22:13 백흠경

dev issue #624:
- fixed some scripts

7a47a83c 2018/08/09 21:00 gaqhf

dev issue #638: scene 좌표에 있는 아이템가져오는 에러로 인하여 로직 변경

9b790b33 2018/08/09 03:36 gaqhf

Merge branch '#624'

66444c0a 2018/08/09 03:35 gaqhf

dev issue #624: license파일, nsi 파일 upload

8578ac84 2018/08/09 02:46 gaqhf

edit Color property

64c985d0 2018/08/09 01:19 gaqhf

dev issue #624: add tesseract folder

66571c9e 2018/08/09 00:09 gaqhf

Merge branch '#624'

751005f1 2018/08/08 23:48 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

d538864c 2018/08/08 23:48 백흠경

Restore default command when user press Escape key

0daf070c 2018/08/08 22:30 gaqhf

dev issue #622: edit bug

05ffcb65 2018/08/08 22:20 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

42d83048 2018/08/08 22:19 gaqhf

dev issue #482: 라인 하나로 묶어서 xml 저장 node(MERGEDLINE)

c3c6d1a6 2018/08/08 19:51 백흠경

fixed some bugs

18e5ca81 2018/08/08 18:04 humkyung

display line direction mark

e65b0bf8 2018/08/08 04:39 백흠경

fixed some bugs

d6d16d45 2018/08/08 03:58 백흠경

fixed issue #478:
- Unknown 항목들을 선택하여 텍스트 인식

d301a511 2018/08/08 02:43 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

dc05dcb9 2018/08/08 02:43 백흠경

fixed issue #103:
- Unknown 항목들을 선택후 심볼 등록

971ba947 2018/08/07 22:12 gaqhf

dev issue #538: symbol rotate시 line connector도 수동으로 움죽이게 수정

217bfefe 2018/08/07 21:43 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

6104131e 2018/08/07 21:28 gaqhf

dev issue #538: fixed bug

c4ae5e29 2018/08/07 20:49 gaqhf

dev issue #563: edit conns to connectors

02211d09 2018/08/07 08:25 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

ab747305 2018/08/07 08:25 백흠경

fixed some codes

58760ba2 2018/08/07 06:36 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #624

dda5aa49 2018/08/07 06:27 gaqhf

dev issue #479: 심볼 생성 후 loc 위치 수정

21a1712e 2018/08/07 04:34 gaqhf


e720020e 2018/08/07 04:00 gaqhf

dev issue #479: 두번째 방법

36cf5a45 2018/08/06 00:52 gaqhf

dev issue #624: 패키지로 만들기위해 소스수정 DTI_PID 파일의 인식 부분을 Worker안에 넣음

4505e227 2018/08/02 01:44 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

1b1d50ff 2018/08/02 01:44 백흠경

Apply blur when loading image file

7611e7bc 2018/08/01 22:09 gaqhf

dev issue #632: xml로 저장시 결과를 확인하기 위하여 저장 실패시 해당 uid return

12ee48dc 2018/08/01 06:42 백흠경

fixed issue #477:
- fit image 기능 오류 수정

da685e06 2018/07/31 22:14 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

0ebafb60 2018/07/31 22:14 gaqhf

dev issue #538: edit rotate, standard point move logic

4d73f27f 2018/07/31 21:40 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

0a9e44a7 2018/07/31 21:39 백흠경

fixed issue #629:
- 프로그램 실행시 발생하는 로그 표시
- 로그 삭제 기능

6b99140a 2018/07/31 20:58 gaqhf

dev issue #622: symbol 회전 후 저장시 문제 해결

3be6727a 2018/07/31 05:10 gaqhf

dev issue #622: add button and edit logic

16ca5a01 2018/07/31 04:20 gaqhf

dev issue #622: symbol의 attribute 저장, 불러오기 로직 추가

6d9af338 2018/07/31 02:26 gaqhf

dev issue #538: fixed bug

7aa3c8e5 2018/07/31 01:50 gaqhf

dev issue #622: 저장, 불러오기 할때 심볼들간의 connection 유지 및 connection xml저장 방식 수정

48592752 2018/07/31 00:16 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #622

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/QtImageViewer.py
5da1fdfd 2018/07/31 00:13 gaqhf

dev issue #622: save connection logic 수정

fc72e116 2018/07/31 00:10 백흠경

fixed issue #538:
- Move Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V event to DefaultCommand

31520934 2018/07/30 22:15 백흠경

fixed issue #479:
- Equipment가 중복되어 인식되는 오류

bb942cdc 2018/07/30 20:34 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

a09f6abd 2018/07/30 20:34 gaqhf

dev issue #621: symbol을 xml로 클립보드에 저장, 붙여넣기 and CopySymbolCommand를 DefaultCommand에 소스이전

8aaaae8f 2018/07/30 20:04 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

4841dcf8 2018/07/30 20:03 백흠경

fixed issue #480:
- 심볼에서 떨어진 라인을 인식하는 오류

a0b2cf96 2018/07/30 19:53 Gyusu

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

f9b63682 2018/07/30 19:51 Gyusu

Connection Rule 업데이트

07f4538d 2018/07/30 03:19 gaqhf

fixed issue #619: fixed bug

0174d0f9 2018/07/30 03:10 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #619

d4c444bd 2018/07/30 03:09 gaqhf

dev issue #619: remove connectors logic in addSvgItemToScene method

b929957d 2018/07/30 01:11 백흠경

fixed issue #628:
- 방향키로 이동 시 심볼의 정보를 속성 창에 표기

65f1308c 2018/07/30 00:01 백흠경

fixed issue #592:
- Note 영역 제거

3eb93408 2018/07/29 21:39 Gyusu

Merge branch '#620ChangeConnectionRule'

321b1f22 2018/07/29 21:38 Gyusu


8dd4e4ea 2018/07/29 21:38 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #619

740725ef 2018/07/29 21:03 gaqhf

dev issue #619: connect, connectPts를 ConnectorItem으로 이전

efb69f20 2018/07/29 20:54 Gyusu

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/DTI_PID.sln
25e0cacb 2018/07/29 20:51 Gyusu


dbf809df 2018/07/29 20:34 Gyusu


304912d4 2018/07/29 20:29 Gyusu


4a59a869 2018/07/29 20:17 Gyusu


6ba3e887 2018/07/29 20:15 Gyusu

Add Files

b08338e3 2018/07/29 20:14 Gyusu


ca32c11a 2018/07/28 20:35 humkyung

fixed some bugs

9eff5fac 2018/07/28 20:03 humkyung

- Add EngineeringNozzleNameItem.py
- Add nozzle name rule to configuration ui

113f3009 2018/07/27 05:30 백흠경

fixed some bugs

f823003e 2018/07/27 04:42 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/QtImageViewer.py
0c37eaa7 2018/07/27 04:15 백흠경

revised issue #610:
- ESC 키를 누르면 취소

3025092f 2018/07/27 03:58 gaqhf

dev issue #538: symbol copy and paste

eeb05bb2 2018/07/26 22:21 gaqhf

dev issue #538: add command file

6c542a60 2018/07/26 22:20 gaqhf

Merge branch '#538'

00e08465 2018/07/26 22:19 gaqhf

dev issue #538: symbol copy&paste

de4f481f 2018/07/26 19:53 gaqhf

fixed issue #538: fixed bug

e2ae0ba3 2018/07/26 19:46 백흠경

fixed issue #610:
- 라인은 수평 혹은 수직임
- 드래그 시 다른 라인이나 Connector Item에 근접했을때 Snap 기능

65dd6eae 2018/07/26 05:44 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

bfaf32e3 2018/07/26 05:44 백흠경

fixed issue #610:
- 생성한 라인의 끝점을 드래그하여 편집

2cbd692b 2018/07/26 04:21 gaqhf

dev issue #538: fixed bug

e708d07b 2018/07/26 03:57 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Shapes/EngineeringLineItem.py
66e4d816 2018/07/26 03:47 백흠경

Change QGraphicsPolylineItem file name to QEngineeringLineItem

09817c8c 2018/07/26 03:37 gaqhf

dev issue #538: 심볼 삭제시 Treeview도 같이 삭제 수정 / 심볼 생성시 Connector 생성 추가

8cd7798c 2018/07/26 00:34 gaqhf

dev issue #538: 라인의 startPoint, endPoint와 symbol 연결 규칙 개선 및 bug fix

f953c0c4 2018/07/25 06:39 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #538

84d775f4 2018/07/25 06:38 gaqhf

dev issue #538: eidt source

0de326cb 2018/07/25 05:55 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Shapes/SymbolSvgItem.py
d0825b59 2018/07/25 05:52 백흠경

fixed issue #479:
- Equipment 영역 안에 존재하는 심볼들이 중복되어 인식됨

157e3a3e 2018/07/25 03:25 gaqhf

dev issue #538: fixed bug and change event key(R, O, C)

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