


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ c64c95df

# 날짜 저자 설명
c64c95df 2018/09/03 03:36 백흠경

add comment

992b5028 2018/09/03 03:06 gaqhf

dev issue #638: edit connector

1be89497 2018/09/03 02:32 gaqhf

dev issue #637: edit rotate logic

4fc8fbcc 2018/09/03 02:09 gaqhf

dev issue #637: edit bug

08dc0dda 2018/09/03 00:36 gaqhf

dev issue #622: loadRecognitionResultFromXml에서 Run elementtree 제거

b1f97e8a 2018/09/02 21:55 gaqhf

Merge branch '#637'

0cf624b6 2018/09/02 21:55 gaqhf

dev issue #637: edit spec break logic

8a972c52 2018/09/02 20:36 Gyusu

Merge branch '#633'

69558c5f 2018/09/02 20:33 Gyusu


40db2c6f 2018/09/02 20:27 gaqhf

dev issue #637: commit

afabd340 2018/09/02 20:00 gaqhf

Merge branch '#482'

550cedb9 2018/09/02 20:00 gaqhf

dev issue #637: spec break 아이템 추가

7ec50b39 2018/09/02 05:53 humkyung

fixed ...

6a2637dd 2018/09/02 05:33 humkyung

fixed ...

4ec055a5 2018/09/02 04:30 humkyung

fixed issue #477: remove comment

89325f4b 2018/09/01 20:50 humkyung

fixed some code

9ea20a89 2018/09/01 19:51 humkyung

fixed issue #477:
- Connector 방향 설정

10512d49 2018/08/31 04:27 Gyusu

Merge branch '#633'

e38f99a7 2018/08/31 04:26 Gyusu

Symbol 크기 보정

af78741d 2018/08/30 13:15 humkyung

implementing issue #477:
- Connector 방향 설정

7485d23d 2018/08/30 03:27 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

a98f2100 2018/08/30 03:26 gaqhf

dev issue #563: edit spec break logic

8eb07f00 2018/08/30 02:12 백흠경

fixed SymbolEditor UI

b9caa777 2018/08/29 23:43 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

f7ada1c1 2018/08/29 23:41 백흠경

fixed issue #610:
- Process Line(Primary, Secondary)외 Line들은 FlowMark 불필요

1940bca9 2018/08/29 21:47 gaqhf

dev issue #563: add line item uid

e630a2aa 2018/08/29 21:09 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

3d6ff047 2018/08/29 21:09 백흠경

- change file name QEngineeringAbstractItem to EngineeringAbstractItem

071ff4b4 2018/08/29 20:20 gaqhf

dev issue #None: OCR 인식 후 transfer 연결

ce795f07 2018/08/29 19:20 백흠경

use rubber band for selecting area

da8d9523 2018/08/29 17:34 humkyung

fixed issue #503:
- 생성한 영역 수정

be6cf6c6 2018/08/29 06:11 gaqhf

dev issue #482: connected item 유지하면서 merge

5d2ab78a 2018/08/29 04:34 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

cd47b282 2018/08/29 04:34 gaqhf

dev issue #482: merge connected items

54a09cb3 2018/08/29 04:16 Gyusu

Merge branch '#591'

4e016f5d 2018/08/29 04:14 Gyusu


afeab967 2018/08/29 03:49 gaqhf

dev issue #643: edit ui

ad933c55 2018/08/29 03:41 gaqhf

dev issue #637: edit logic

94b83bf3 2018/08/29 03:27 gaqhf

dev issue #637: fix angle logic

47bf8305 2018/08/29 03:15 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

6a187649 2018/08/29 03:14 gaqhf

dev issue #637: add spec break at scene

c51f31bd 2018/08/29 02:15 백흠경

fixed a routine to select area by using rubberband

d11be98f 2018/08/28 13:06 humkyung

revised issue #477:
- 연결점 생성 시 가이드 라인 스냅 기능 개선

revised issue #505:
- 드래그시 항목들을 선택하지 않도록 함 개선(QRubberBand를 사용하여 처리)

d75bfae2 2018/08/28 05:39 백흠경

fixed issue #477:
- 원점 중심으로 가이드 라인 표시
- 연결점 생성 시 가이드 라인 스냅 기능

f457910a 2018/08/28 00:30 gaqhf

dev issue #637: commit for update

96da7980 2018/08/27 20:05 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

07a59831 2018/08/27 03:42 gaqhf

dev issue #643: edit form text

8fd45efa 2018/08/27 03:31 gaqhf

dev issue #643: dev find text, replace

6929ebfb 2018/08/26 21:22 gaqhf

dev issue #643: edit TextItemEdit form

4efdc42f 2018/08/26 20:24 gaqhf

dev issue #567:

5a5c16e6 2018/08/26 11:23 humkyung

fixed an error that pipe properties not displayed on property window

a0e66ed5 2018/08/26 10:59 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

1423a37c 2018/08/26 10:59 백흠경

change routine to draw detected lines

b91c4f9b 2018/08/24 04:17 Gyusu

Merge branch '#591'

3e63328a 2018/08/24 04:16 Gyusu

Place Nozzle Update

c267dc5c 2018/08/24 02:05 gaqhf

dev issue #567: 속성 값으로 아이템을 선택 시 줌 포커스

4bb519fc 2018/08/23 22:24 gaqhf

dev issue #640: 주석 제거

ac10260c 2018/08/23 21:33 gaqhf

dev issue #640: bug fix and 일감 #567 포함됨(속성 값으로 아이템 선택 시 하이라이트, item property창 에러 수정)

e87259fb 2018/08/23 04:16 gaqhf

dev issue #640: 이름 변경, 메세지박스 추가, 드래그 삭제, Focus 잃은 Table 초기화 #567 일감 포함

21274cf7 2018/08/23 01:48 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

de640a0d 2018/08/23 01:47 gaqhf

dev issue #567: add event

59643c3f 2018/08/23 01:45 백흠경

fixed some bugs and enhance UX

dffc3950 2018/08/23 01:36 gaqhf

dev issue #640: edit script

d7bd21cc 2018/08/23 01:26 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

c0e67dd5 2018/08/23 01:25 gaqhf

dev issue #640: dev data export form (특정 line attribute combobox로 변경)

847bea9b 2018/08/22 20:15 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

c45fa28d 2018/08/22 20:15 백흠경

highlight item when connector item is moving

017524f0 2018/08/22 20:04 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/MainWindow.py
269a15c8 2018/08/22 20:00 gaqhf

dev issue #640: edit lineProperty

88d604d7 2018/08/22 05:44 백흠경

fixed issue #641:
- 기존 항목들을 제거

9b0bec95 2018/08/22 05:29 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

  1. Conflicts:
  2. DTI_PID/DTI_PID/MainWindow.py
77a35abf 2018/08/22 05:23 백흠경

fixed issue #641:
- 프로그래스바 표기

2e04ae10 2018/08/22 04:38 Gyusu

Merge branch '#644'

79326880 2018/08/22 03:42 Gyusu

파이프 최소길이 미만 따로 표시 및 모델링 제외

71358cbe 2018/08/21 01:42 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

77caddfd 2018/08/21 01:42 gaqhf

dev issue #640: edit Line Attribute form

9b706aed 2018/08/20 21:49 Gyusu

Merge branch '#642'

9c86a823 2018/08/20 21:48 Gyusu

Flange Modeling 완료

7fac1f28 2018/08/20 21:13 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

abcf2c52 2018/08/20 21:12 gaqhf

dev issue #640: attribute 수정, 삭제 후 scene attribute 처리

777f0b87 2018/08/20 20:18 백흠경

fixed issue #538:
- 드래그시 항목 하이라이트

76bc989e 2018/08/20 04:05 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

357646b0 2018/08/20 04:03 gaqhf

dev issue #640: add user input attribute

f0eba908 2018/08/20 03:27 백흠경

fixed issue #480:
- 심볼 기준으로 같은 방향으로 라인 인식

f9a1bdba 2018/08/20 02:17 백흠경

fixed issue #478:
- fixed rotate and recognition button size error

5953ddc1 2018/08/20 00:59 gaqhf

dev issue #640: symbol의 attrs type(tuple) 추가(attributeType의 경우 tuple로 attrs 추가)

41ef00bd 2018/08/20 00:29 백흠경

Update recognition dialog
- show message for recognizing text while recognition
- display recognition title

ec750c78 2018/08/18 17:17 humkyung

Update selection code for OCR and fence command

e5ac172b 2018/08/17 20:13 humkyung

Add icon image files

b27599bf 2018/08/17 15:50 humkyung

fixed issue #578:

9b4b771a 2018/08/17 15:43 humkyung

레드마인 연동 테스트

939b21b3 2018/08/17 15:18 humkyung

post-receive test

6e4b95fc 2018/08/17 15:00 humkyung

fixed issue #506:
- 'R' 키를 눌러 텍스트 회전

8fd1d96f 2018/08/17 14:14 humkyung

fixed issue #505:
- 드래그시 항목들을 선택하지 않도록 함

337be753 2018/08/17 04:43 gaqhf

dev issue #640: edited bug

58e2f538 2018/08/17 04:25 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

95bd7003 2018/08/17 04:25 gaqhf

dev issue #640: 심볼이 가지는 속성을 편집하는 창 개발, (이름, 표기 이름, 타입)으로 구성함, #567 소스도 포함

c4d659da 2018/08/16 17:10 humkyung

set unknownitem's zvalue

33cff95d 2018/08/16 07:28 gaqhf

dev issue #640: add display attribute

90a63b71 2018/08/16 06:42 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #640

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