


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ 03a5d186

이름 크기
.gitattributes 2.46 KB
.gitignore 4.39 KB
App.spec 1.9 KB
ID2 SPPID Converter User Manual.docx 765 KB
ID2 User Manual.docx 2.42 MB
ID2.ico 137 KB
ID2.wxs 390 KB
ID2_TRIAL.wxs 390 KB
ID2_html.template 8.41 KB
Readme.txt 280 Bytes
SPPIDConverter.wxs 25.6 KB
SPPIDConverter_TRIAL.wxs 25.6 KB
Symbol_List.xlsx 104 KB
build.bat 661 Bytes
license.rtf 47.8 KB
license.txt 13.4 KB
package.bat 2.25 KB
version.rc 1.36 KB

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
03a5d186 2020/01/13 23:24 gaqhf

dev issue #507 : fix format

Change-Id: I43eb8c556bcd79c7e30a3e1923599d621320c334

79ec9ecb 2020/01/13 23:23 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
Change-Id: I36f41771249e1e1a36a356bfa4d982062267b3da

344b65dd 2020/01/13 23:23 gaqhf

dev issue #507 : fix bug

Change-Id: I7ba8f89f78fc3b12bd1ce0fa22564b9663f222ac

46cc806a 2020/01/13 22:31 백흠경

issue #641: fixed that connect flow item to line

Change-Id: Iff7b1cf1da58a8d1321a8037ecebf1625adbbb79

3a7fc540 2020/01/13 22:30 백흠경

Merge "issue #641: fixed that connect flow item to line"

3ed85f79 2020/01/13 21:09 gaqhf

dev issue #507 : fix text

Change-Id: If3c96639dbc60f9ae3ad11da2525749e8449b407

3a09de08 2020/01/13 18:33 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID
Change-Id: I0026fba3d51bed3ac534b85baef49c6d9832ef34

bdd44623 2020/01/13 18:33 gaqhf

dev issue #507 : fix log

Change-Id: I126b3c99a2f6d95b7dd9abcf7339bba57964aec4

77237c7a 2020/01/13 18:31 백흠경

issue #1221: write page and total number in datasheet

Change-Id: Ie76a7d5e4b99d4626fd15da39210287205c533ed

0827a29a 2020/01/13 01:41 백흠경

Merge "issue #481: fixed build error(set 64bit component in wxs file)"

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