hytos / DTI_PID / DTI_PID / Shapes / EngineeringTextItem.py @ 19d19912
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (17.2 KB)
1 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | # coding: utf-8
2 | import os.path |
3 | import copy |
4 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | import sys |
5 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | try:
6 | d7080855 | humkyung | from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPointF, QRectF, pyqtSignal, QObject, QT_VERSION_STR, QRect |
7 | acf92f86 | humkyung | from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, QPainterPath, QBrush, QPen, QTransform, QFont, QColor, QFontMetrics |
8 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QFileDialog, QGraphicsItem, QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem, QGraphicsTextItem |
9 | except ImportError: |
10 | try:
11 | d7080855 | humkyung | from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QRectF, pyqtSignal, QRect, QObject, QT_VERSION_STR |
12 | acf92f86 | humkyung | from PyQt4.QtGui import QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QImage, QPixmap, QPainterPath, QFileDialog, QFont, QColor, QFontMetrics |
13 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | except ImportError: |
14 | raise ImportError("ImageViewerQt: Requires PyQt5 or PyQt4.") |
15 | |||
16 | 66e4d816 | humkyung | from EngineeringPolylineItem import QEngineeringPolylineItem |
17 | 8fd1d96f | humkyung | from GraphicsBoundingBoxItem import QGraphicsBoundingBoxItem |
18 | 6e4b95fc | humkyung | from AppDocData import * |
19 | 3d6ff047 | humkyung | from EngineeringAbstractItem import QEngineeringAbstractItem |
20 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | |
21 | ce9281d7 | humkyung | class QEngineeringTextItem(QGraphicsTextItem, QEngineeringAbstractItem): |
22 | c80d49e6 | humkyung | HIGHLIGHT = '#BC4438'
23 | |||
24 | 5b782afc | 김정우 | '''
25 | @history 2018.05.17 Jeongwoo Add self._owner variable
26 | '''
27 | d7080855 | humkyung | def __init__(self, uid=None, parent=None): |
28 | 6fb1a52e | humkyung | import uuid |
29 | |||
30 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | QGraphicsTextItem.__init__(self, parent)
31 | ce9281d7 | humkyung | QEngineeringAbstractItem.__init__(self)
32 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | |
33 | d7080855 | humkyung | self.uid = uuid.uuid4() if uid is None else uid |
34 | 8c5431cc | humkyung | self.loc = None |
35 | self.size = None |
36 | 68ce37ea | humkyung | self.angle = 0 # angle in radian |
37 | 8c5431cc | humkyung | self.conns = []
38 | 5b782afc | 김정우 | self._owner = None |
39 | 9f8c177d | 김정우 | self.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable|QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable)
40 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) |
41 | 9f8c177d | 김정우 | self.setAcceptTouchEvents(True) |
42 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | |
43 | ce9281d7 | humkyung | self.setColor(self._color) |
44 | 19d19912 | humkyung | self._savedColor = None |
45 | |||
46 | ccb8b051 | gaqhf | self.delimiter = '"' |
47 | 2885ca96 | gaqhf | |
48 | self.attribute = '' |
49 | d7080855 | humkyung | |
50 | self.transfer = Transfer()
51 | 2029fb03 | humkyung | |
52 | 5b782afc | 김정우 | '''
53 | @brief Get owner
54 | @author Jeongwoo
55 | @date 2018.05.17
56 | '''
57 | @property
58 | def owner(self): |
59 | return self._owner |
60 | |||
61 | '''
62 | @brief Set owner
63 | @author Jeongwoo
64 | @date 2018.05.17
65 | @history 2018.05.17 Jeongwoo Add Calling setColor if self._owner is None or not
66 | '''
67 | @owner.setter
68 | def owner(self, value): |
69 | self._owner = value
70 | |||
71 | if self._owner is None: |
72 | self._color = self.DEFAULT_COLOR |
73 | self.setColor(self._color) |
74 | ce9281d7 | humkyung | |
75 | 8c5431cc | humkyung | '''
76 | @brief return text string
77 | @author humkyung
78 | @date 2018.04.16
79 | '''
80 | def text(self): |
81 | return self.toPlainText() |
82 | |||
83 | '''
84 | @brief return center position of text
85 | @author humkyung
86 | @date 2018.04.16
87 | '''
88 | def center(self): |
89 | 3a4cc147 | humkyung | return self.sceneBoundingRect().center() |
90 | 8c5431cc | humkyung | |
91 | c80d49e6 | humkyung | '''
92 | @brief hover event
93 | @authro humkyung
94 | @date
95 | '''
96 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): |
97 | 4efdc42f | gaqhf | self.setHightlight()
98 | |||
99 | def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): |
100 | self.unsetHightlight()
101 | |||
102 | '''
103 | @brief set highlight
104 | @author kyouho
105 | @date 2018.08.27
106 | '''
107 | def setHightlight(self): |
108 | 19d19912 | humkyung | if self._savedColor is None: |
109 | self._savedColor = self.getColor() |
110 | c80d49e6 | humkyung | self.setColor(QEngineeringTextItem.HIGHLIGHT)
111 | 19d19912 | humkyung | |
112 | c80d49e6 | humkyung | self.update()
113 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | |
114 | 4efdc42f | gaqhf | '''
115 | @brief unset highlight
116 | @author kyouho
117 | @date 2018.08.27
118 | '''
119 | def unsetHightlight(self): |
120 | c80d49e6 | humkyung | self.setColor(self._savedColor) |
121 | self.update()
122 | 3ba37adf | humkyung | |
123 | def hoverMoveEvent(self, event): |
124 | 7b2a4455 | 김정우 | pass
125 | |||
126 | 9f8c177d | 김정우 | '''
127 | 6e4b95fc | humkyung | @brief remove item when user press delete key
128 | @author humkyung
129 | @date 2018.04.23
130 | a3a805a0 | 김정우 | @history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Seperate delete item method
131 | 6e4b95fc | humkyung | humkyung 2018.08.18 rotate text when user press 'R'
132 | 9f8c177d | 김정우 | '''
133 | def keyPressEvent(self, event): |
134 | if event.key() == Qt.Key_Delete:
135 | a3a805a0 | 김정우 | self.deleteTextItemFromScene()
136 | 6e4b95fc | humkyung | elif event.key() == Qt.Key_R:
137 | #degree 0
138 | if 0 == self.angle: |
139 | self.angle = 1.57 |
140 | #degree 90
141 | elif (1.57 == self.angle): |
142 | self.angle = 3.14 |
143 | #degree 180
144 | elif 3.14 == self.angle: |
145 | self.angle = 4.71 |
146 | #degree 270
147 | elif 4.71 == self.angle : |
148 | self.angle = 0 |
149 | |||
150 | width = self.size[0] |
151 | height = self.size[1] |
152 | self.size = (height, width)
153 | |||
154 | self.rotate()
155 | |||
156 | QGraphicsTextItem.keyPressEvent(self, event)
157 | a3a805a0 | 김정우 | |
158 | '''
159 | 6d6ad72f | humkyung | @brief draw rect when item is selected
160 | @author humkyung
161 | @date 2018.07.08
162 | '''
163 | def drawFocusRect(self, painter): |
164 | self.focuspen = QPen(Qt.DotLine)
165 | self.focuspen.setColor(Qt.black)
166 | self.focuspen.setWidthF(1.5) |
167 | hilightColor = QColor(255, 0, 0, 127) |
168 | painter.setBrush(QBrush(hilightColor)) |
169 | painter.setPen(self.focuspen)
170 | painter.drawRect(self.boundingRect())
171 | |||
172 | '''
173 | @brief override paint(draw connection points)
174 | @author humkyung
175 | @date 2018.07.08
176 | '''
177 | def paint(self, painter, options=None, widget=None): |
178 | QGraphicsTextItem.paint(self, painter, options, widget)
179 | if self.isSelected(): |
180 | self.drawFocusRect(painter)
181 | |||
182 | '''
183 | a3a805a0 | 김정우 | @brief Delete text item
184 | @author Jeongwoo
185 | @date 2018.05.25
186 | '''
187 | def deleteTextItemFromScene(self): |
188 | d7080855 | humkyung | self.transfer.onRemoved.emit(self) |
189 | a3a805a0 | 김정우 | self.scene().removeItem(self) |
190 | |||
191 | '''
192 | @brief Return real item position
193 | @author Jeongwoo
194 | @date 2018.05.25
195 | '''
196 | def boundingRectOnScene(self): |
197 | rect = self.boundingRect()
198 | rect.moveTo(self.loc[0], self.loc[1]) |
199 | return rect
200 | 9f8c177d | 김정우 | |
201 | 7b2a4455 | 김정우 | '''
202 | @brief Double click event, Show QOcrResultDialog
203 | @author Jeongwoo
204 | @date 18.04.23
205 | 24adc995 | 김정우 | @history 18.06.20 Jeongwoo Resize QRect added 1
206 | 7b2a4455 | 김정우 | '''
207 | def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): |
208 | 0ed45c45 | 김정우 | if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton:
209 | 01ca0061 | gaqhf | from OcrResultDialog import QOcrResultDialog |
210 | d6d16d45 | humkyung | dialog = QOcrResultDialog(None, AppDocData.instance().getCurrentPidSource().getQImageOnRect(QRect(self.loc[0], self.loc[1], self.size[0]+1, self.size[1])) |
211 | 24adc995 | 김정우 | , QRect(self.loc[0], self.loc[1], self.size[0]+1, self.size[1]), True, self.text()) |
212 | 0ed45c45 | 김정우 | (isAccept, textInfoList) = dialog.showDialog() |
213 | 7b2a4455 | 김정우 | |
214 | 0ed45c45 | 김정우 | if isAccept:
215 | scene = self.scene()
216 | scene.removeItem(self)
217 | text = textInfoList[0].getText()
218 | self.setPlainText(text)
219 | self.setDefaultTextColor(Qt.blue)
220 | self.addTextItemToScene(scene)
221 | 7b2a4455 | 김정우 | |
222 | '''
223 | 6e4b95fc | humkyung | @brief rotate text
224 | @author humkyung
225 | @date 2018.08.18
226 | '''
227 | def rotate(self): |
228 | sx = 1
229 | sy = 1
230 | width = self.size[0] |
231 | height = self.size[1] |
232 | x = self.loc[0] |
233 | y = self.loc[1] |
234 | |||
235 | transform = QTransform() |
236 | if (1.57 == self.angle) or (4.71 == self.angle): |
237 | rect = self.boundingRect()
238 | sx = width/rect.height() |
239 | sy = height/rect.width() |
240 | |||
241 | transform.translate(x, y) |
242 | transform.translate(width*0.5, height*0.5) |
243 | transform.scale(1, sy)
244 | transform.rotateRadians(-self.angle)
245 | transform.translate(-rect.width()*0.5, -rect.height()*0.5) |
246 | elif 3.14 == self.angle: |
247 | rect = self.boundingRect()
248 | sx = width/rect.width() |
249 | sy = height/rect.height() |
250 | |||
251 | transform.translate(x, y - round((rect.height()-height)*0.5)) |
252 | transform.scale(sx, 1)
253 | transform.rotateRadians(-self.angle)
254 | transform.translate(-width*0.5, -height*0.5) |
255 | else:
256 | rect = self.boundingRect()
257 | sx = width/rect.width() |
258 | sy = height/rect.height() |
259 | |||
260 | #if '\n' not in text:
261 | transform.translate(x, y - round((rect.height()-height)*0.5)) |
262 | transform.scale(sx, 1)
263 | |||
264 | self.setTransform(transform)
265 | self.update()
266 | |||
267 | '''
268 | 7b2a4455 | 김정우 | @brief Put text on scene
269 | @author Jeongwoo
270 | @date 18.04.23
271 | a3b64994 | humkyung | @history humkyung 2018.06.30 apply font configuration
272 | 7b2a4455 | 김정우 | '''
273 | def addTextItemToScene(self, scene): |
274 | a3b64994 | humkyung | try:
275 | docData = AppDocData.instance() |
276 | configs = docData.getConfigs('Text Style', 'Font Name') |
277 | fontName = configs[0].value if configs else 'Arial' |
278 | configs = docData.getConfigs('Text Style', 'Font Size') |
279 | fontSize = int(configs[0].value) if configs else -1 |
280 | |||
281 | sx = 1
282 | sy = 1
283 | width = self.size[0] |
284 | height = self.size[1] |
285 | x = self.loc[0] |
286 | y = self.loc[1] |
287 | rect = None
288 | transform = QTransform() |
289 | if (1.57 == self.angle) or (4.71 == self.angle): |
290 | font = QFont(fontName, width*1.2 if fontSize == -1 else fontSize) |
291 | acf92f86 | humkyung | |
292 | x_factor = width / QFontMetrics(font).height() |
293 | y_factor = height / QFontMetrics(font).width(self.text())
294 | factor = min(x_factor, y_factor)
295 | font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF()*factor) |
296 | |||
297 | a3b64994 | humkyung | self.setFont(font)
298 | rect = self.boundingRect()
299 | sx = width/rect.height() |
300 | sy = height/rect.width() |
301 | |||
302 | transform.translate(x, y) |
303 | transform.translate(width*0.5, height*0.5) |
304 | transform.scale(1, sy)
305 | transform.rotateRadians(-self.angle)
306 | transform.translate(-rect.width()*0.5, -rect.height()*0.5) |
307 | elif 3.14 == self.angle: |
308 | font = QFont(fontName, height*1.2 if fontSize == -1 else fontSize) |
309 | acf92f86 | humkyung | |
310 | x_factor = width / QFontMetrics(font).width(self.text())
311 | y_factor = height / QFontMetrics(font).height() |
312 | factor = min(x_factor, y_factor)
313 | font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF()*factor) |
314 | |||
315 | a3b64994 | humkyung | self.setFont(font)
316 | rect = self.boundingRect()
317 | sx = width/rect.width() |
318 | sy = height/rect.height() |
319 | |||
320 | transform.translate(x, y - round((rect.height()-height)*0.5)) |
321 | transform.scale(sx, 1)
322 | transform.rotateRadians(-self.angle)
323 | transform.translate(-width*0.5, -height*0.5) |
324 | else:
325 | font = QFont(fontName, height*1.2 if fontSize == -1 else fontSize) |
326 | acf92f86 | humkyung | |
327 | x_factor = width / QFontMetrics(font).width(self.text())
328 | y_factor = height / QFontMetrics(font).height() |
329 | factor = min(x_factor, y_factor)
330 | font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF()*factor) |
331 | |||
332 | a3b64994 | humkyung | self.setFont(font)
333 | rect = self.boundingRect()
334 | sx = width/rect.width() |
335 | sy = height/rect.height() |
336 | |||
337 | #if '\n' not in text:
338 | transform.translate(x, y - round((rect.height()-height)*0.5)) |
339 | transform.scale(sx, 1)
340 | |||
341 | self.setTransform(transform)
342 | |||
343 | scene.addItem(self)
344 | except Exception as ex: |
345 | print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
346 | |||
347 | 68ce37ea | humkyung | '''
348 | @brief get connected items
349 | @author humkyung
350 | @date 2018.04.23
351 | '''
352 | def getConnectedItems(self): |
353 | visited = [] |
354 | |||
355 | ce9281d7 | humkyung | try:
356 | if 1 == len(self.conns): |
357 | # iterate connected items
358 | pool = [] |
359 | visited = [] |
360 | pool.append(self.conns[0]) |
361 | while len(pool) > 0: |
362 | it = pool.pop() |
363 | visited.append(it) |
364 | for conn in it.conns: |
365 | if (conn is not None) and (conn not in visited): pool.append(conn) |
366 | # up to here
367 | except Exception as ex: |
368 | print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
369 | 68ce37ea | humkyung | |
370 | return visited
371 | 22fdbd0b | humkyung | |
372 | f5943099 | humkyung | '''
373 | baf331db | humkyung | @brief parse xml code
374 | @author humkyung
375 | @date 2018.09.15
376 | '''
377 | @staticmethod
378 | def fromXml(node): |
379 | from TextItemFactory import TextItemFactory |
380 | from AppDocData import AppDocData |
381 | abf4f001 | gaqhf | from QEngineeringNoteItem import QEngineeringNoteItem |
382 | baf331db | humkyung | |
383 | item = None
384 | |||
385 | try:
386 | location = node.find('LOCATION').text if node.find('LOCATION') is not None else '0,0' |
387 | x = float(location.split(',')[0]) |
388 | y = float(location.split(',')[1]) |
389 | width = float(node.find('WIDTH').text) if node.find('WIDTH') is not None else 0 |
390 | height = float(node.find('HEIGHT').text) if node.find('HEIGHT') is not None else 0 |
391 | angle = float(node.find('ANGLE').text) if node.find('ANGLE') is not None else 0 |
392 | value = node.find('VALUE').text
393 | uid = node.find('UID')
394 | attributeValue = node.find('ATTRIBUTEVALUE')
395 | name = node.find('NAME').text
396 | if name == 'TEXT': |
397 | item = TextItemFactory.instance().createTextItem(value) |
398 | if item is not None: |
399 | item.loc = (x, y) |
400 | item.size = (width, height) |
401 | item.angle = angle |
402 | item.setPlainText(value) |
403 | elif name == 'NOTE': |
404 | abf4f001 | gaqhf | item = QEngineeringNoteItem() |
405 | baf331db | humkyung | if item is not None: |
406 | item.loc = (x, y) |
407 | item.size = (width, height) |
408 | item.angle = angle |
409 | item.setPlainText(value) |
410 | |||
411 | ## assign area
412 | if item is not None: |
413 | if node.find('AREA') is None: |
414 | appDocData = AppDocData.instance() |
415 | for area in appDocData.getAreaList(): |
416 | if area.contains([x, y]):
417 | item.area = area.name |
418 | break
419 | else:
420 | abf4f001 | gaqhf | item.area = node.find('AREA').text
421 | baf331db | humkyung | ## up to here
422 | except Exception as ex: |
423 | from App import App |
424 | from AppDocData import MessageType |
425 | |||
426 | message = 'error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) |
427 | App.mainWnd().addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message) |
428 | |||
429 | return item
430 | |||
431 | '''
432 | 18f54b2f | humkyung | @brief generate xml code
433 | @author humkyung
434 | @date 2018.04.23
435 | @history humkyung 2018.04.27 move to QEngineeringLineNoTextItem
436 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | humkyung 2018.05.02 add name as parameter
437 | f09eb8ff | 김정우 | Jeongwoo 2018.05.30 Change variable [owner] is nullable and Add/Modify attributes
438 | 68ce37ea | humkyung | '''
439 | f09eb8ff | 김정우 | def toXml(self, owner = None, name='TEXT'): |
440 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, dump, ElementTree |
441 | d7080855 | humkyung | from EngineeringLineItem import QEngineeringLineItem |
442 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | from SymbolSvgItem import SymbolSvgItem |
443 | |||
444 | try:
445 | node = Element('ATTRIBUTE')
446 | 16ca5a01 | gaqhf | #if owner is not None:
447 | uidNode = Element('UID')
448 | uidNode.text = str(self.uid) |
449 | node.append(uidNode) |
450 | |||
451 | attributeValueNode = Element('ATTRIBUTEVALUE')
452 | attributeValueNode.text = self.attribute
453 | node.append(attributeValueNode) |
454 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | |
455 | nameNode = Element('NAME')
456 | nameNode.text = name |
457 | node.append(nameNode) |
458 | f09eb8ff | 김정우 | |
459 | locNode = Element('LOCATION')
460 | locNode.text = '{},{}'.format(self.loc[0], self.loc[1]) |
461 | node.append(locNode) |
462 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | |
463 | valueNode = Element('VALUE')
464 | valueNode.text = self.text()
465 | node.append(valueNode) |
466 | |||
467 | angleNode = Element('ANGLE')
468 | angleNode.text = str(self.angle) |
469 | node.append(angleNode) |
470 | |||
471 | widthNode = Element('WIDTH')
472 | f09eb8ff | 김정우 | widthNode.text = str(self.size[0]) |
473 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | node.append(widthNode) |
474 | |||
475 | heightNode = Element('HEIGHT')
476 | f09eb8ff | 김정우 | heightNode.text = str(self.size[1]) |
477 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | node.append(heightNode) |
478 | baf331db | humkyung | |
479 | areaNode = Element('AREA')
480 | areaNode.text = self.area
481 | node.append(areaNode) |
482 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | except Exception as ex: |
483 | print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
484 | baf331db | humkyung | return str(self.uid) |
485 | 24015dc6 | humkyung | |
486 | d1576bff | 김정우 | return node
487 | |||
488 | '''
489 | @brief Set Color. Override QEngineeringAbstractItem's
490 | @author Jeongwoo
491 | @date 2018.05.11
492 | ce9281d7 | humkyung | @history humkyung 2018.05.13 update after change color
493 | d1576bff | 김정우 | '''
494 | def setColor(self, color): |
495 | ce9281d7 | humkyung | self._color = color
496 | d1576bff | 김정우 | c = QColor() |
497 | c.setNamedColor(color) |
498 | self.setDefaultTextColor(c)
499 | 5b782afc | 김정우 | self.update()
500 | |||
501 | def getColor(self): |
502 | 59384c70 | 김정우 | return self._color |
503 | d7080855 | humkyung | |
504 | '''
505 | @brief The class transfer pyqtSignal Event. Cause Subclass of QGraphicsRectItem can't use pyqtSignal
506 | @author Jeongwoo
507 | @date 2018.06.18
508 | '''
509 | class Transfer(QObject): |
510 | onRemoved = pyqtSignal(QGraphicsItem) |
511 | |||
512 | def __init__(self, parent = None): |
513 | QObject.__init__(self, parent) |