


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ 1f2d866f

이름 크기
.gitattributes 2.46 KB
.gitignore 4.39 KB
App.spec 1.82 KB
ID2 SPPID Converter User Manual.docx 765 KB
ID2 User Manual.docx 1.96 MB
ID2.ico 137 KB
ID2.wxs 378 KB
ID2_TRIAL.wxs 378 KB
ID2_html.template 8.41 KB
Readme.txt 280 Bytes
SPPIDConverter.wxs 25.6 KB
SPPIDConverter_TRIAL.wxs 25.6 KB
build.bat 661 Bytes
license.rtf 47.8 KB
license.txt 13.4 KB
package.bat 2.25 KB
version.rc 1.36 KB

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
1f2d866f 2019/12/04 01:29 함의성

issue #901: fix text determine

Change-Id: I373024df4144645f2dc48b72c31ecbf6b96ce6ee

9817de32 2019/12/03 02:36 함의성

issue #49: add allowable mssql db and fix code table

Change-Id: I4704fc4c77a7eaffb02f5cf648f51ef325dd3f63

859d4c52 2019/12/03 01:14 함의성

issue #478: size text apply nominal table

Change-Id: I3e195457f4e3eb12ca01711b109a65c8c8d0622d

7c29f267 2019/12/03 00:22 함의성

issue #49: add nominal allowable and change allowable method

Change-Id: Ib7fc6000fb65e489a5ca477262a81a912dd99f3a

8a24877d 2019/12/02 23:01 함의성

issue #49: fix save table

Change-Id: I7f90de5879780ebd69a59ec9047567d8908dbd06

0de8c1ca 2019/12/02 20:27 함의성

issue #622: fix item tree init when load drawing

Change-Id: I4f4860a400883856dee873052235ad1abf1cf5a7

265c2668 2019/12/02 02:49 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: I19a6edc762615d69bd8120dff02e5b1773fcef8f

1ddf0866 2019/12/02 02:49 함의성

issue #563: testing split run sorting and final step remain

Change-Id: I8683359151d5a327a3ca461757bb72744e4122be

39c08936 2019/12/01 23:12 함의성

Merge "issue #000: 1129 validate line to line and recognitnion line to line connection check on going"

6bfef90d 2019/12/01 19:20 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: I6d9ba61f8e384a61948c99faa96d22ff80b30688

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