개정판 26c50689
Tesseract OCR 시 전달받은 StartPoint 를 이용하도록 수정 / QOcrResultDialog 정보 표기에 이용되는 좌표의 경우 BoundingBox 정보를 포함하지 않도록 수식 변경
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Commands/AreaOcrCommand.py | ||
55 | 55 |
if textInfoList is not None and len(textInfoList) > 0: |
56 | 56 |
for textInfo in textInfoList: |
57 | 57 |
print("Accepted") |
58 |
x = int(selectionBBox.x()) + textInfo.getX()
59 |
y = int(selectionBBox.y()) + textInfo.getY()
58 |
x = textInfo.getX() |
59 |
y = textInfo.getY() |
60 | 60 |
angle = textInfo.getAngle() |
61 | 61 |
text = textInfo.getText() |
62 | 62 |
width = textInfo.getW() |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/QOcrResultDialog.py | ||
63 | 63 |
self.image = self.image.transformed(transform) |
64 | 64 |
self.graphicsView.setImage(self.image) |
65 | 65 | |
66 |
''' |
67 |
@history 2018.04.26 Jeongwoo Add Rectangle with modified Coords |
68 |
''' |
66 | 69 |
def detectText(self): |
67 | 70 |
buffer = QBuffer() |
68 | 71 |
buffer.open(QBuffer.ReadWrite) |
69 | 72 |
self.image.save(buffer, "PNG") |
70 | 73 |
pyImage = Image.open(io.BytesIO(buffer.data())) |
71 |
self.textInfoList = TOCR.getTextInfo(np.array(pyImage), (self.boundingBox.left(), self.boundingBox.top()))
74 |
self.textInfoList = TOCR.getTextInfo(np.array(pyImage), (int(self.boundingBox.x()), int(self.boundingBox.y())))
72 | 75 |
if self.textInfoList is not None and len(self.textInfoList) > 0: |
73 | 76 |
self.ui.detectResultTextEdit_2.setText(self.getPlainText(self.textInfoList)) |
74 | 77 |
for textInfo in self.textInfoList: |
75 |
self.graphicsView.scene.addRect(textInfo.getX(), textInfo.getY(), textInfo.getW(), textInfo.getH(), QPen(Qt.red, 2, Qt.SolidLine))
78 |
self.graphicsView.scene.addRect(textInfo.getX()-int(self.boundingBox.x()), textInfo.getY()-int(self.boundingBox.y()), textInfo.getW(), textInfo.getH(), QPen(Qt.red, 2, Qt.SolidLine))
76 | 79 |
else: |
77 | 80 |
self.ui.detectResultTextEdit_2.setText("Not Found") |
78 | 81 | |
... | ... | |
90 | 93 |
@author Jeongwoo |
91 | 94 |
@date 18.04.19 |
92 | 95 |
@history 18.04.20 Jeongwoo Calculate Start Point Coordinates by rotated angle |
96 |
18.04.26 Jeongwoo Scene.itemAt(textX - boundBox.x(), textY - boundBox.y()) |
93 | 97 |
''' |
94 | 98 |
def accept(self): |
95 | 99 |
self.isAccepted = True |
... | ... | |
98 | 102 |
if self.textInfoList is not None and len(self.textInfoList) > 0: |
99 | 103 |
for index in range(len(splitText)): |
100 | 104 |
textInfo = self.textInfoList[index] |
101 |
item = self.graphicsView.scene.itemAt(QPointF(float(textInfo.getX()), float(textInfo.getY())), QTransform())
105 |
item = self.graphicsView.scene.itemAt(QPointF(float(textInfo.getX() - int(self.boundingBox.x())), float(textInfo.getY()-int(self.boundingBox.y()))), QTransform())
102 | 106 |
if item is not None: |
103 | 107 |
## Transform rectangle for calculate start point |
104 | 108 |
imgTransform = QTransform() |
... | ... | |
108 | 112 |
imgTransform.translate(self.image.width()*0.5, self.image.height()*0.5) |
109 | 113 |
imgTransform.rotate(-abs(self.angle)) |
110 | 114 |
imgTransform.translate(-self.image.width()*0.5, -self.image.height()*0.5) |
111 |
rect = QRect(textInfo.getX(), textInfo.getY(), textInfo.getW(), textInfo.getH())
115 |
rect = QRect(textInfo.getX() - int(self.boundingBox.x()), textInfo.getY() - int(self.boundingBox.y()), textInfo.getW(), textInfo.getH())
112 | 116 |
rect = imgTransform.mapRect(rect) |
113 | 117 |
## up to here |
114 |
textInfo.setX(rect.x()) |
115 |
textInfo.setY(rect.y()) |
118 |
textInfo.setX(rect.x() + int(self.boundingBox.x()))
119 |
textInfo.setY(rect.y() + int(self.boundingBox.y()))
116 | 120 |
textInfo.setText(splitText[index]) |
117 | 121 |
radian = round(math.radians(abs(self.angle)), 2) |
118 | 122 |
textInfo.setAngle(radian) # 360 degree == 6.28319 radian |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/tesseract_ocr_module.py | ||
26 | 26 |
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = 'D:\\Program Files\\Tesseract-OCR\\tesseract.exe' |
27 | 27 |
tesseract_cmd = 'D:\\Program Files\\Tesseract-OCR\\tesseract.exe' |
28 | 28 | |
29 |
''' |
30 |
@history 2018.04.26 Jeongwoo Make TextInfo object with Calculated Coords (with BoundBox Coords) |
31 |
''' |
29 | 32 |
def getTextInfo(img, startPoint, flag = FLAG_IMAGE_TO_BOXES, conf = """--psm 6 -c tessedit_char_whitelist=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-~.,/!@#$%&*(){}<>:;+=?\\"\\'"""): |
30 | 33 |
im = Image.fromarray(img) |
31 | 34 |
imgWidth = im.width |
... | ... | |
75 | 78 |
lastCharHeight = charHeight |
76 | 79 |
else: |
77 | 80 |
# Save previous line |
78 |
prevLineText = ti.TextInfo(splitText[textGroupIndex], lineSp[0], lineSp[1], lastRT[0] - lineSp[0], lastCharHeight, 0)
81 |
prevLineText = ti.TextInfo(splitText[textGroupIndex], startPoint[0]+lineSp[0], startPoint[1]+lineSp[1], lastRT[0] - lineSp[0], lastCharHeight, 0)
79 | 82 |
textInfoList.append(prevLineText) |
80 | 83 |
textGroupIndex = textGroupIndex + 1 |
81 | 84 | |
... | ... | |
88 | 91 |
lineRect = QRect(lineSp[0], lineSp[1], imgWidth - lineSp[0], ch) |
89 | 92 | |
90 | 93 |
if not (len(textInfoList) > textGroupIndex) and textGroupIndex < len(splitText): |
91 |
textInfo = ti.TextInfo(splitText[textGroupIndex], lineSp[0], lineSp[1], lastRT[0] - lineSp[0], charHeight, 0)
94 |
textInfo = ti.TextInfo(splitText[textGroupIndex], startPoint[0]+lineSp[0], startPoint[1]+lineSp[1], lastRT[0] - lineSp[0], charHeight, 0)
92 | 95 |
if textInfo not in textInfoList: |
93 | 96 |
textInfoList.append(textInfo) |
94 | 97 |
else: |
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