hytos / DTI_PID / DTI_PID / MainWindow.py @ 2ad3bc31
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (185 KB)
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# coding: utf-8
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""" This is MainWindow module """
3 | |
4 |
import sys |
5 |
import os |
6 |
import subprocess |
7 |
from functools import partial |
8 |
import asyncio |
9 | |
10 |
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
11 |
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'Commands')) |
12 |
from CreateCommand import CreateCommand |
13 |
import CropCommand |
14 |
import AreaOcrCommand |
15 |
import CreateSymbolCommand |
16 |
import AreaZoomCommand |
17 |
import FenceCommand |
18 |
import PlaceLineCommand |
19 |
import PlacePolygonCommand |
20 | |
21 |
import cv2 |
22 |
import numpy as np |
23 | |
24 |
from PyQt5.QtCore import * |
25 |
from PyQt5.QtGui import * |
26 |
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * |
27 |
from PyQt5.QtSvg import * |
28 |
from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import QPrintDialog, QPrinter |
29 | |
30 |
from PIL import Image |
31 | |
32 |
import MainWindow_UI |
33 |
from QtImageViewer import QtImageViewer |
34 |
from SingletonInstance import SingletonInstance |
35 | |
36 |
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '\\Shapes') |
37 |
from EngineeringAbstractItem import QEngineeringAbstractItem |
38 |
from EngineeringPolylineItem import QEngineeringPolylineItem |
39 |
from EngineeringLineItem import QEngineeringLineItem |
40 |
from SymbolSvgItem import SymbolSvgItem |
41 |
from GraphicsBoundingBoxItem import QGraphicsBoundingBoxItem |
42 |
from EngineeringTextItem import QEngineeringTextItem |
43 |
from EngineeringLineNoTextItem import QEngineeringLineNoTextItem |
44 |
from EngineeringNoteItem import QEngineeringNoteItem |
45 |
from QEngineeringSizeTextItem import QEngineeringSizeTextItem |
46 |
from EngineeringUnknownItem import QEngineeringUnknownItem |
47 |
from EngineeringEquipmentItem import QEngineeringEquipmentItem |
48 |
from EngineeringInstrumentItem import QEngineeringInstrumentItem |
49 |
from EngineeringSpecBreakItem import QEngineeringSpecBreakItem |
50 |
from EngineeringErrorItem import QEngineeringErrorItem |
51 |
from EngineeringVendorItem import QEngineeringVendorItem |
52 |
from EngineeringEndBreakItem import QEngineeringEndBreakItem |
53 |
from EngineeringReducerItem import QEngineeringReducerItem |
54 |
from EngineeringFlowMarkItem import QEngineeringFlowMarkItem |
55 |
from QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem import QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem |
56 |
from AppDocData import * |
57 |
import SymbolTreeWidget, SymbolPropertyTableWidget |
58 |
import SymbolEditorDialog |
59 |
import ItemTreeWidget |
60 |
import ItemPropertyTableWidget |
61 |
from UserInputAttribute import UserInputAttribute |
62 |
from TextItemFactory import TextItemFactory |
63 |
from TrainingImageListDialog import QTrainingImageListDialog |
64 |
from TrainingSymbolImageListDialog import QTrainingSymbolImageListDialog |
65 |
from TextDataListDialog import QTextDataListDialog |
66 |
from ImportTextFromCADDialog import QImportTextFromCADDialog |
67 |
from ImportTextFromPDFDialog import QImportTextFromPDFDialog |
68 |
from SymbolThicknessDialog import QSymbolThicknessDialog |
69 |
from DisplayColors import DisplayColors |
70 |
from DisplayColors import DisplayOptions |
71 |
from RecognitionDialog import QRecognitionDialog |
72 |
import uuid |
73 |
from TcpServer import TcpServer |
74 | |
75 | |
76 |
class QDisplayWidget(QWidget): |
77 |
def __init__(self): |
78 |
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic |
79 | |
80 |
81 |
uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'UI', 'DisplayWidget.ui'), self) |
82 | |
83 | |
84 |
class MainWindow(QMainWindow, MainWindow_UI.Ui_MainWindow, SingletonInstance): |
85 |
""" This is MainWindow class """
86 |
addMessage = pyqtSignal(Enum, str)
87 |
toogle_lock_axis = pyqtSignal() |
88 | |
89 |
def __init__(self): |
90 |
91 |
from App import App |
92 |
from AppRibbon import AppRibbon |
93 |
from LineTypeConditions import LineTypeConditions |
94 | |
95 |
super(self.__class__, self).__init__() |
96 |
self.setupUi(self) |
97 | |
98 |
self.progress_bar = QProgressBar()
99 |
self._label_mouse = QLabel(self.statusbar) |
100 |
self._label_mouse.setText(self.tr('mouse pos : ({},{})'.format(0, 0))) |
101 |
self.labelStatus = QLabel(self.statusbar) |
102 |
self.labelStatus.setText(self.tr('Unrecognition : ')) |
103 |
self.labelSymbolStatus = QLabel(self.statusbar) |
104 |
self.labelSymbolStatus.setText(self.tr('Symbol : ')) |
105 |
self.labelLineStatus = QLabel(self.statusbar) |
106 |
self.labelLineStatus.setText(self.tr('Line : ')) |
107 |
self.labelTextStatus = QLabel(self.statusbar) |
108 |
self.labelTextStatus.setText(self.tr('Text : ')) |
109 | |
110 |
self.statusbar.addWidget(self._label_mouse) |
111 |
self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.progress_bar, 1) |
112 |
self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.labelSymbolStatus) |
113 |
self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.labelLineStatus) |
114 |
self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.labelTextStatus) |
115 |
self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.labelStatus) |
116 | |
117 |
#self.refresh_rate = 0
118 | |
119 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
120 |
app_doc_data.clear() |
121 |
project = app_doc_data.getCurrentProject() |
122 |
_translate = QCoreApplication.translate |
123 |
version = QCoreApplication.applicationVersion() |
124 |
# set title
125 |
self.setWindowTitle(self.title) |
126 | |
127 |
# save timer
128 |
self.save_timer = None |
129 | |
130 |
self._scene = QtImageViewerScene(self) |
131 | |
132 |
self.graphicsView = QtImageViewer(self) |
133 |
self.graphicsView.setParent(self.centralwidget) |
134 |
self.graphicsView.useDefaultCommand() # USE DEFAULT COMMAND |
135 |
self.graphicsView.setMouseTracking(True) |
136 |
self.graphicsView.viewport().installEventFilter(self) |
137 |
self.graphicsView.setScene(self._scene) |
138 |
self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.graphicsView) |
139 | |
140 |
# Add Custom TreeWidget
141 |
self.symbolTreeWidget = SymbolTreeWidget.QSymbolTreeWidget()
142 |
143 |
self.verticalLayoutSymbolTree.addWidget(self.symbolTreeWidget) |
144 |
self.lineEditFilter.textChanged.connect(self.on_search_text_changed) |
145 | |
146 |
from LibraryItem import LibraryItemWidget |
147 |
self.libraryWidget = LibraryItemWidget(symbol_tree_widget=self.symbolTreeWidget) |
148 |
self.verticalLayoutLibrary.addWidget(self.libraryWidget) |
149 |
# Add Custom Property TableWidget
150 |
self.propertyTableWidget = SymbolPropertyTableWidget.QSymbolPropertyTableWidget()
151 |
self.verticalLayoutSymbolProperty.addWidget(self.propertyTableWidget) |
152 |
self.symbolTreeWidget.singleClicked.connect(self.propertyTableWidget.getClickedSymbol) |
153 | |
154 |
self.splitterSymbol.setSizes([500, 300]) |
155 | |
156 |
# Add Custom Result Tree Widget (Symbol Explorer)
157 |
self.itemTreeWidget = ItemTreeWidget.QItemTreeWidget(self.graphicsView) |
158 |
159 |
self.symbolExplorerVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.itemTreeWidget) |
160 | |
161 |
# Add Empty Widget
162 |
self.resultPropertyTableWidget = ItemPropertyTableWidget.QItemPropertyTableWidget(self) |
163 |
self.symbolExplorerVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.resultPropertyTableWidget) |
164 |
165 |
self.itemTreeWidget.noteNoSingleClicked.connect(self.resultPropertyTableWidget.onNoteClicked) |
166 |
167 |
self.itemTreeWidget.drawingClicked.connect(self.resultPropertyTableWidget.onDrawingClicked) |
168 |
# add splitter widget
169 |
splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical) |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
# up to here
174 | |
175 |
# connect signals and slots
176 |
self.actionClose.triggered.connect(self.close) |
177 |
self.actionOpen.triggered.connect(self.open_image_drawing) |
178 |
self.actionExportAsSVG.triggered.connect(self.export_as_svg) |
179 |
self.actionExportAsXML.triggered.connect(self.export_as_xml) |
180 |
self.actionExportAsImage.triggered.connect(self.export_as_image) |
181 |
self.actionLine.triggered.connect(self.onPlaceLine) |
182 |
self.actionRecognition.triggered.connect(self.recognize) |
183 |
self.pushButtonRefreshDrawings.clicked.connect(self.load_drawing_list) |
184 |
self.pushButtonRefreshTree.clicked.connect(self.refresh_item_list) |
185 |
self.actionLineRecognition.triggered.connect(self.connect_attributes) |
186 |
self.actionArea.triggered.connect(self.areaConfiguration) |
187 |
self.actionConfiguration.triggered.connect(self.configuration) |
188 |
self.actionOCR.triggered.connect(self.onAreaOcr) |
189 |
self.actionGenerateOutput.triggered.connect(self.generateOutput) |
190 |
self.pushButtonCreateSymbol.clicked.connect(self.onCreateSymbolClicked) |
191 |
self.toolButtonClearLog.clicked.connect(self.on_clear_log) |
192 |
self.actionStreamline.triggered.connect(self.on_streamline) |
193 |
self.actionHMB_DATA.triggered.connect(self.onHMBData) |
194 |
self.actionItem_Data_List.triggered.connect(self.showItemDataList) |
195 |
self.actionText_Data_List.triggered.connect(self.showTextDataList) |
196 |
self.actionSpecialItemTypes.triggered.connect(self.on_show_special_item_types) # show special item types dialog |
197 |
self.actionDataTransfer.triggered.connect(self.on_show_data_transfer) # show data transfer dialog |
198 |
self.actionDataExport.triggered.connect(self.on_show_data_export) |
199 |
self.actionExportEqpDatasheet.triggered.connect(self.on_show_eqp_datasheet_export) # show eqp datasheet export dialog |
200 |
self.actionOPCRelation.triggered.connect(self.on_show_opc_relation) # show OPC Relation dialog |
201 |
self.actionCodeTable.triggered.connect(self.onShowCodeTable) |
202 |
self.actionCustom_Code_Table.triggered.connect(self.onShowCustomCodeTable) |
203 |
self.actionReplace_Code_Table.triggered.connect(self.onShowReplaceCodeTable) |
204 |
self.actionImage_Drawing.triggered.connect(self.onViewImageDrawing) |
205 |
self.actionDrawing_Only.triggered.connect(self.onViewDrawingOnly) |
206 |
self.actionValidate.triggered.connect(self.onValidation) |
207 |
self.actionViewText.triggered.connect(self.onViewText) |
208 |
self.actionViewSymbol.triggered.connect(self.onViewSymbol) |
209 |
self.actionViewLine.triggered.connect(self.onViewLine) |
210 |
self.actionViewUnknown.triggered.connect(self.onViewUnknown) |
211 |
self.actionViewInconsistency.triggered.connect(self.onViewInconsistency) |
212 |
self.actionViewVendor_Area.triggered.connect(self.onViewVendorArea) |
213 |
self.actionRotate.triggered.connect(self.onRotate) |
214 |
self.actionZoom.triggered.connect(self.onAreaZoom) |
215 |
self.actionVendor.triggered.connect(self.onVendor) |
216 |
self.actionFitWindow.triggered.connect(self.fitWindow) |
217 |
self.actionpdf_to_image.triggered.connect(self.onConvertPDFToImage) |
218 |
self.actionImport_Text_From_CAD.triggered.connect(self.on_import_text_from_cad) |
219 |
self.actionImport_Text_from_CAD_for_Instrument.triggered.connect(self.on_import_text_from_cad_for_instrument) |
220 |
self.actionSymbol_Thickness_Reinforcement.triggered.connect(self.onSymbolThickness) |
221 |
self.actionHelp.triggered.connect(self.on_help) |
222 |
self.actionReadme.triggered.connect(self.on_readme) |
223 |
self.graphicsView.scene().selectionChanged.connect(self.onSelectionChanged) |
224 |
self.actionInitialize.triggered.connect(self.on_initialize_scene) |
225 |
self.actionSave.triggered.connect(self.actionSaveCliked) |
226 |
self.addMessage.connect(self.onAddMessage) |
227 |
self.toogle_lock_axis.connect(self.on_toggle_lock_axis) |
228 |
self.actionFindReplaceText.triggered.connect(self.findReplaceTextClicked) |
229 |
self.actionSymbol_Replace_Insert.triggered.connect(self.replaceInsertSymbolClicked) |
230 |
self.actionConnectLineToSymbol.triggered.connect(self.on_connect_line_to_symbol) |
231 |
self.actionGlobal_Validation.triggered.connect(self.on_validation_global_clicked) |
232 |
self.pushButtonDetectSymbol.clicked.connect(self.show_detect_symbol_dialog) |
233 |
self.actionUndo.triggered.connect(self._scene.undo_stack.undo) |
234 |
self.actionRedo.triggered.connect(self._scene.undo_stack.redo) |
235 |
self.pushButtonMemoRefresh.clicked.connect(self.on_memo_refresh_clicked) |
236 |
self.pushButtonMemoEdit.clicked.connect(self.on_memo_edit_clicked) |
237 |
self.pushButtonMemoSave.clicked.connect(self.on_memo_save_clicked) |
238 | |
239 |
self.delimiter = '"' |
240 | |
241 |
self.resizeDocks({self.dockWidget}, {self.dockWidgetObjectExplorer.sizeHint().width()}, Qt.Horizontal) |
242 | |
243 |
# drawing list
244 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.setHeaderHidden(False) |
245 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.header().setStretchLastSection(False) |
246 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.setHeaderLabels([self.tr('Name'), self.tr('DateTime')]) |
247 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.header().setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) |
248 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.header().setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) |
249 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.header().setSectionsClickable(True) |
250 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.header().sectionClicked.connect(self.sort_drawing_list) |
251 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.open_selected_drawing) |
252 |
253 | |
254 |
self.ribbon = AppRibbon()
255 |
self.setMenuWidget(self.ribbon) |
256 | |
257 |
if not self.ribbon.advanced_mode: |
258 |
self.pushButtonCreateSymbol.setVisible(False) |
259 |
self.pushButtonDetectSymbol.setVisible(False) |
260 | |
261 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Line List', 'Use Stream No') |
262 |
if configs and int(configs[0].value) == 1: |
263 |
264 |
265 |
self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization').ui.radioButtonByStreamNo.setHidden(True) |
266 | |
267 |
268 |
view_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('View')
269 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_1), view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewImageDrawing)
270 |
shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.on_view_toggle, Qt.Key_1))
271 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_2), view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewText)
272 |
shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.on_view_toggle, Qt.Key_2))
273 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_3), view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewSymbol)
274 |
shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.on_view_toggle, Qt.Key_3))
275 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_4), view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewLine)
276 |
shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.on_view_toggle, Qt.Key_4))
277 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_5), view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewUnknown)
278 |
shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.on_view_toggle, Qt.Key_5))
279 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_6), view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewInconsistency)
280 |
shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.on_view_toggle, Qt.Key_6))
281 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_7), view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewVendorArea)
282 |
shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.on_view_toggle, Qt.Key_7))
283 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(96), view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewDrawingOnly)
284 |
shortcut.activated.connect(partial(self.on_view_toggle, 96))
285 |
286 | |
287 |
# inconsistency table
288 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.setColumnCount(3) |
289 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Owner', 'Type', 'Message']) |
290 |
291 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.itemClicked.connect(self.inconsistencyItemClickEvent) |
292 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.keyPressEvent = self.inconsistencyTableKeyPressEvent |
293 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.setSortingEnabled(True) |
294 | |
295 |
# memo tab
296 |
297 | |
298 |
299 | |
300 |
301 |
def title(self) -> str: |
302 |
"""return window title"""
303 | |
304 |
from App import App |
305 | |
306 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
307 |
project = app_doc_data.getCurrentProject() |
308 |
version = QCoreApplication.applicationVersion() |
309 |
title = f"{App.NAME}({version}) - {project.name}: " \
310 |
f"{app_doc_data.activeDrawing.name if app_doc_data.activeDrawing else ''}"
311 |
#title = f"{App.NAME} : ID2 " \
312 |
# f"{app_doc_data.activeDrawing.name if app_doc_data.activeDrawing else ''}"
313 | |
314 |
return title
315 | |
316 |
317 |
def scene(self): |
318 |
"""getter scene"""
319 |
return self._scene |
320 | |
321 |
def eventFilter(self, source, event): |
322 |
"""display mouse position of graphics view"""
323 |
324 |
if event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove:
325 |
self.current_pos = self.graphicsView.mapToScene(event.pos()) |
326 |
327 |
'mouse pos : ({},{})'.format(round(self.current_pos.x()), round(self.current_pos.y()))) |
328 |
except Exception as ex: |
329 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
330 |
331 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
332 | |
333 |
return QWidget.eventFilter(self, source, event) |
334 | |
335 |
def closeEvent(self, event): |
336 |
"""save geometry and state and ask user to save drawing which is modified"""
337 | |
338 |
if self.save_drawing_if_necessary(): |
339 |
event.ignore() |
340 |
341 | |
342 |
self.settings.setValue('geometry', self.saveGeometry()) |
343 |
self.settings.setValue('windowState', self.saveState()) |
344 |
# TODO: need to modify
345 | |
346 |
"""save current view region"""
347 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
348 |
if app_doc_data.activeDrawing:
349 |
rect = self.graphicsView.viewport().rect()
350 |
app_doc_data.activeDrawing.view_rect = self.graphicsView.mapToScene(rect).boundingRect()
351 |
app_doc_data.update_view_region(app_doc_data.activeDrawing) |
352 |
"""up to here"""
353 | |
354 |
AppDocData.instance().clear() |
355 |
event.accept() |
356 | |
357 |
def on_memo_refresh_clicked(self): |
358 |
"""refresh memo"""
359 |
360 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
361 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Memo', 'Global') |
362 |
if 1 == len(configs): |
363 |
self.textEditMemo.setText(configs[0].value) |
364 |
365 |
self.textEditMemo.setText("") |
366 | |
367 |
self.pushButtonMemoEdit.setText('Edit') |
368 |
self.textEditMemo.setEnabled(False) |
369 |
self.pushButtonMemoEdit.setEnabled(True) |
370 |
self.pushButtonMemoSave.setEnabled(False) |
371 |
except Exception as ex: |
372 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
373 |
374 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
375 | |
376 |
def on_memo_edit_clicked(self): |
377 |
"""edit memo"""
378 |
379 |
if not self.textEditMemo.isEnabled(): |
380 |
self.pushButtonMemoEdit.setText('Cancel') |
381 |
self.textEditMemo.setEnabled(True) |
382 |
self.pushButtonMemoSave.setEnabled(True) |
383 |
384 |
self.pushButtonMemoEdit.setText('Edit') |
385 |
386 |
except Exception as ex: |
387 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
388 |
389 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
390 | |
391 |
def on_memo_save_clicked(self): |
392 |
"""save memo"""
393 |
394 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
395 |
app_doc_data.saveConfigs([Config('Memo', 'Global', self.textEditMemo.toPlainText())]) |
396 |
397 |
except Exception as ex: |
398 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
399 |
400 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
401 | |
402 |
def inconsistencyTableKeyPressEvent(self, event): |
403 |
404 |
row = self.tableWidgetInconsistency.selectedIndexes()[0].row() |
405 |
col = self.tableWidgetInconsistency.selectedIndexes()[0].column() |
406 |
from HighlightCommand import HighlightCommand |
407 |
if event.key() == Qt.Key_Up:
408 |
if row is not 0: |
409 |
errorItem = self.tableWidgetInconsistency.item(row - 1, 1).tag |
410 |
411 |
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Down:
412 |
if row is not self.tableWidgetInconsistency.rowCount() - 1: |
413 |
errorItem = self.tableWidgetInconsistency.item(row + 1, 1).tag |
414 |
415 |
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Delete:
416 |
item = self.tableWidgetInconsistency.item(row, 0).tag |
417 |
if item and item.scene(): item.scene().removeItem(item) |
418 |
419 | |
420 |
self.tabWidget_2.setTabText(self.tabWidget_2.indexOf(self.tabInconsistency), |
421 |
self.tr('Inconsistency') + f"({self.tableWidgetInconsistency.rowCount()})") |
422 |
except Exception as ex: |
423 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
424 |
425 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
426 |
# finally:
427 |
# return QTableView.keyPressEvent(self.tableWidgetInconsistency, event)
428 | |
429 |
def onValidation(self): |
430 |
"""validation check"""
431 |
from ValidationDialog import QValidationDialog |
432 |
from ValidateCommand import ValidateCommand |
433 | |
434 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
435 |
436 |
437 | |
438 |
439 |
dlg = QValidationDialog(self)
440 |
if QDialog.Accepted == dlg.exec_():
441 |
# remove error items
442 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(): |
443 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringErrorItem: |
444 |
item.transfer.onRemoved.emit(item) |
445 |
# up to here
446 | |
447 |
self.progress_bar.setMaximum(len(self.graphicsView.scene().items())) |
448 |
self.progress_bar.setValue(0) |
449 | |
450 |
cmd = ValidateCommand(self.graphicsView)
451 |
452 |
errors = cmd.execute(self.graphicsView.scene().items())
453 |
for error in errors: |
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 | |
458 |
459 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.setRowCount(len(errors)) |
460 |
for index, error in enumerate(errors): |
461 |
self.makeInconsistencyTableRow(index, error)
462 | |
463 |
self.tabWidget_2.setTabText(self.tabWidget_2.indexOf(self.tabInconsistency), |
464 |
self.tr('Inconsistency') + f"({len(errors)})") |
465 |
if errors:
466 |
self.tabWidget_2.tabBar().setTabTextColor(self.tabWidget_2.indexOf(self.tabInconsistency), Qt.red) |
467 |
468 |
self.tabWidget_2.tabBar().setTabTextColor(self.tabWidget_2.indexOf(self.tabInconsistency), Qt.black) |
469 |
except Exception as ex: |
470 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
471 |
472 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
473 |
474 |
self.progress_bar.setValue(self.progress_bar.maximum()) |
475 | |
476 |
def makeInconsistencyTableRow(self, row, errorItem): |
477 |
478 |
@brief make row data for inconsistency widget
479 |
@author euisung
480 |
@date 2019.04.16
481 |
482 | |
483 |
item = QTableWidgetItem(str(errorItem.parent))
484 |
item.tag = errorItem |
485 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.setItem(row, 0, item) |
486 | |
487 |
item = QTableWidgetItem(str(type(errorItem.parent))) |
488 |
item.tag = errorItem |
489 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.setItem(row, 1, item) |
490 | |
491 |
item = QTableWidgetItem(errorItem.msg) |
492 |
item.tag = errorItem |
493 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.setItem(row, 2, item) |
494 | |
495 |
def inconsistencyItemClickEvent(self, item): |
496 |
497 |
@brief inconsistency table item clicked
498 |
@author euisung
499 |
@date 2019.04.02
500 |
501 |
from HighlightCommand import HighlightCommand |
502 | |
503 |
504 | |
505 |
def read_settings(self): |
506 |
"""read geometry and state"""
507 |
from App import App |
508 | |
509 |
510 |
self.settings = QSettings(App.COMPANY, App.NAME)
511 |
self.restoreGeometry(self.settings.value("geometry", "")) |
512 |
self.restoreState(self.settings.value("windowState", "")) |
513 |
except Exception as ex: |
514 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
515 |
516 | |
517 |
def load_stylesheet(self, file): |
518 |
"""load stylesheets"""
519 | |
520 |
QtWidgets.qApp.loadStyleSheet(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), file))
521 | |
522 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
523 |
configs = [Config('app', 'stylesheet', file)] |
524 |
app_doc_data.saveAppConfigs(configs) |
525 | |
526 |
def load_language(self, file): |
527 |
"""load language file and then apply selected language"""
528 |
529 |
qm_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'translate', '{0}.qm'.format(file)) |
530 |
QtWidgets.qApp.load_language(qm_file) |
531 | |
532 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
533 |
configs = [Config('app', 'language', file)] |
534 |
app_doc_data.saveAppConfigs(configs) |
535 |
536 |
self.retranslateUi(self) |
537 | |
538 |
def refresh_item_list(self): |
539 |
"""refresh item tree"""
540 | |
541 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
542 |
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 |
"""update item tree widget"""
547 |
line_no_items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items()
548 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem]
549 |
for line_no in line_no_items:
550 |
if (hasattr(line_no, 'treeItem')):
551 |
line_no.treeItem = None
552 |
553 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no)
554 |
for run in line_no.runs:
555 |
for run_item in run.items:
556 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem):
557 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
558 |
559 |
line_no_items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items()
560 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem]
561 |
for line_no in line_no_items:
562 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no)
563 |
for run in line_no.runs:
564 |
for run_item in run.items:
565 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem):
566 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
567 |
568 |
for trim_line_no in app_doc_data.tracerLineNos:
569 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, trim_line_no)
570 |
for run in trim_line_no.runs:
571 |
for run_item in run.items:
572 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem):
573 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
574 |
575 |
576 |
577 |
"""up to here"""
578 |
579 | |
580 |
581 | |
582 |
583 |
line_nos = app_doc_data.tracerLineNos |
584 |
for line_no in line_nos: |
585 |
item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no) |
586 |
connectedItems = line_no.getConnectedItems() |
587 |
for connectedItem in connectedItems: |
588 |
if issubclass(type(connectedItem), SymbolSvgItem): |
589 |
self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(item, connectedItem)
590 |
591 |
592 |
def sort_drawing_list(self, index): |
593 |
""" sort drawing list """
594 |
if index == 0: |
595 |
if self.drawing_reverse: |
596 |
self.load_drawing_list(reverse=False) |
597 |
598 |
self.load_drawing_list(reverse=True) |
599 | |
600 | |
601 |
def load_drawing_list(self, reverse=False): |
602 |
"""load p&id drawing list"""
603 |
from Drawing import Drawing |
604 | |
605 |
606 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
607 |
drawings = app_doc_data.getDrawings() |
608 |
new_drawings = [] |
609 | |
610 |
611 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.root = QTreeWidgetItem(self.treeWidgetDrawingList, |
612 |
[self.tr('P&ID Drawings'), '']) |
613 |
614 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.root.flags() | Qt.ItemIsTristate | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable)
615 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.root.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) |
616 |
files = app_doc_data.getDrawingFileList() |
617 | |
618 |
# self.progress_bar.setMaximum(len(files))
619 |
count = 0
620 |
# self.progress_bar.setValue(count)
621 |
self.drawing_reverse = reverse
622 |
for file in files if not self.drawing_reverse else reversed(files): |
623 |
x = [drawing for drawing in drawings if drawing.name == file] |
624 |
if not x or not x[0].UID: |
625 |
drawing = Drawing(None, file, None) |
626 |
new_drawings.append(drawing) |
627 |
628 |
drawing = x[0]
629 | |
630 |
item = QTreeWidgetItem(self.treeWidgetDrawingList.root, [file, drawing.datetime]) |
631 |
item.setIcon(0, QIcon(':newPrefix/image.png')) |
632 |
item.setFlags(item.flags() | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) |
633 |
item.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked)
634 |
item.setData(Qt.UserRole, 0, drawing)
635 | |
636 |
count += 1
637 |
# self.progress_bar.setValue(count)
638 |
# QApplication.processEvents()
639 | |
640 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.root.setText(0, self.tr('P&ID Drawings') + |
641 |
642 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.expandItem(self.treeWidgetDrawingList.root) |
643 |
#self.treeWidgetDrawingList.root.sortChildren(0, Qt.AscendingOrder)
644 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.resizeColumnToContents(0) |
645 | |
646 |
app_doc_data.saveDrawings(new_drawings) |
647 |
except Exception as ex: |
648 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(repr(ex), sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
649 |
650 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
651 |
652 |
self.progress_bar.setValue(self.progress_bar.maximum()) |
653 | |
654 |
def open_selected_drawing(self, item, column): |
655 |
"""open selected p&id drawing"""
656 | |
657 |
drawing = item.data(Qt.UserRole, 0)
658 |
if drawing:
659 |
# uncheck all drawing tree item
660 |
drawing_top = self.treeWidgetDrawingList.topLevelItem(0) |
661 |
count = drawing_top.childCount() |
662 |
for idx in range(count): |
663 |
child = drawing_top.child(idx) |
664 |
child.setCheckState(column, Qt.Unchecked) |
665 |
# up to here
666 | |
667 |
drawing.image = None
668 |
669 |
item.setCheckState(column, Qt.Checked) |
670 | |
671 |
def show_detect_symbol_dialog(self): |
672 |
from DetectSymbolDialog import QDetectSymbolDialog |
673 | |
674 |
dlg = QDetectSymbolDialog(self)
675 |
dlg.exec_() |
676 |
677 |
678 | |
679 |
680 |
@brief OCR Editor
681 |
@author euisung
682 |
@date 2018.10.05
683 |
@history 2018.10.16 euisung no more used, Integrated with oCRTrainingClicked
684 |
685 |
def oCRTrainingEdidorClicked(self): |
686 |
from TrainingEditorDialog import QTrainingEditorDialog |
687 | |
688 |
689 |
dialog = QTrainingEditorDialog(self)
690 |
dialog.exec_() |
691 |
except Exception as ex: |
692 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
693 |
694 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
695 | |
696 |
697 | |
698 |
699 |
@brief OCR Training
700 |
@author euisung
701 |
@date 2018.09.27
702 |
@history euisung 2018.10.16 TrainingListDialog -> TrainingImageListDialog
703 |
704 |
def oCRTrainingClicked(self): |
705 |
706 |
dialog = QTrainingImageListDialog(self)
707 |
dialog.exec_() |
708 |
except Exception as ex: |
709 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
710 |
711 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
712 | |
713 |
def symbolTrainingClicked(self): |
714 |
715 |
dialog = QTrainingSymbolImageListDialog(self)
716 |
dialog.show() |
717 |
dialog.exec_() |
718 |
except Exception as ex: |
719 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
720 |
721 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
722 | |
723 |
def findReplaceTextClicked(self): |
724 |
"""pop up find and replace dialog"""
725 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
726 |
727 |
728 | |
729 |
from TextItemEditDialog import QTextItemEditDialog |
730 | |
731 |
dlgTextItemEdit = QTextItemEditDialog(self)
732 |
dlgTextItemEdit.show() |
733 |
dlgTextItemEdit.exec_() |
734 | |
735 |
def on_validation_global_clicked(self): |
736 |
""" global validation dialog """
737 |
from ValidationGlobalDialog import QValidationGlobalDialog |
738 | |
739 |
dlg = QValidationGlobalDialog(self)
740 |
dlg.show() |
741 |
dlg.exec_() |
742 | |
743 |
def replaceInsertSymbolClicked(self): |
744 |
"""pop up replace and insert dialog"""
745 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
746 |
747 |
748 | |
749 |
from ReplaceSymbolDialog import QReplaceSymbolDialog |
750 | |
751 |
dlg = QReplaceSymbolDialog(self)
752 |
dlg.show() |
753 |
dlg.exec_() |
754 | |
755 |
def on_ocr_unknown_items(self): |
756 |
""" try to ocr for unknown items """
757 |
from OcrResultDialog import QOcrResultDialog |
758 | |
759 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
760 |
761 |
762 | |
763 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
764 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Text Size', 'Max Text Size') |
765 |
maxSize = int(configs[0].value) if 1 == len(configs) else 100 |
766 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Text Size', 'Min Text Size') |
767 |
minSize = int(configs[0].value) if 1 == len(configs) else 15 |
768 | |
769 |
unknowns = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringUnknownItem] |
770 | |
771 |
for unknown in unknowns: |
772 |
rect = unknown.sceneBoundingRect() |
773 |
if rect.width() < minSize or rect.height() < minSize or rect.width() > maxSize or rect.height() > maxSize: |
774 |
775 |
if self.onRecognizeText(round(rect.left()), round(rect.top()), round(rect.width()), round(rect.height()), show=False): |
776 |
unknown.transfer.onRemoved.emit(unknown) |
777 | |
778 |
def on_connect_line_to_symbol(self): |
779 |
"""connect line to symbol"""
780 |
from LineDetector import LineDetector |
781 |
from shapely.geometry import Point |
782 |
#from RecognitionDialog import Worker
783 | |
784 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
785 |
786 |
787 | |
788 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
789 |
#configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Project', 'Operation')
790 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Line Detector', 'Length to connect line') |
791 |
toler = int(configs[0].value) if configs else 20 |
792 |
detector = LineDetector(app_doc_data.imgSrc) |
793 | |
794 |
lines = sorted([item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem], key=lambda param: param.length() + 1 if param.isHorizontal() else param.length(), reverse=True)# if item.length() > 50] |
795 |
lines_short = []#[item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem if item.length() <= 50]
796 |
unknowns = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringUnknownItem] |
797 |
end_breaks = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringEndBreakItem] |
798 |
spec_breaks = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringSpecBreakItem] |
799 |
symbols = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem) and item not in end_breaks and item not in spec_breaks] |
800 |
texts = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringTextItem and item.owner is None] |
801 | |
802 |
for item in lines_short + unknowns: |
803 |
item.transfer.onRemoved.emit(item) |
804 | |
805 |
# connect symbol to symbol
806 |
807 |
for symbol in symbols: |
808 |
matches = [it for it in symbols if it is not symbol and symbol.is_connectable(it, toler=toler)] |
809 |
for match in matches: |
810 |
symbol.connect_if_possible(match, toler=int(toler / 5 * 3)) |
811 |
except Exception as ex: |
812 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
813 |
814 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
815 |
# up to here
816 | |
817 |
# create short line
818 |
if lines:
819 |
new_lines = [] |
820 |
821 |
822 |
conns = []
823 |
for sym in symbols:
824 |
if sym.conn_type:
825 |
for index in range(len(sym.conn_type)):
826 |
if sym.conn_type[index] == 'Secondary' or sym.conn_type[index] == 'Primary':
827 |
item = sym.connectors[index].connectedItem
828 |
if item is None:
829 |
830 |
831 |
new_lines.extend(Worker.make_short_lines_sts(conns, None))
832 |
833 |
conns = []
834 |
for sym in symbols:
835 |
if sym.conn_type:
836 |
for index in range(len(sym.conn_type)):
837 |
if sym.conn_type[index] == 'Secondary' or sym.conn_type[index] == 'Primary':
838 |
item = sym.connectors[index].connectedItem
839 |
if item is None and sym.connectors[index]:
840 |
841 |
842 |
new_lines.extend(Worker.make_short_lines_stl(lines, conns, None))
843 |
844 |
for line in new_lines:
845 |
846 |
for conn in line.connectors:
847 |
848 |
849 |
except Exception as ex: |
850 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
851 |
852 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
853 |
# up to here
854 |
855 |
# connect line to symbol
856 |
857 |
for line in lines: |
858 |
matches = [_symbol for _symbol in symbols if _symbol.is_connectable(line, toler=toler)] |
859 |
for _symbol in matches: |
860 |
detector.connectLineToSymbol(line, _symbol, toler=toler) |
861 |
except Exception as ex: |
862 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
863 |
864 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
865 |
# up to here
866 | |
867 |
# connect line to line
868 |
869 |
for line in lines: |
870 |
#matches = [it for it in lines if (it is not line) and (not line.isParallel(it))]
871 |
#for match in matches:
872 |
for match in lines: |
873 |
detector.connectLineToLine(match, line, toler) |
874 |
except Exception as ex: |
875 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
876 |
877 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
878 |
# up to here
879 | |
880 |
881 |
# connect end break
882 |
usedItemPairs = [] |
883 |
for end_break in end_breaks: |
884 |
if end_break.prop('Freeze') or end_break.owner or end_break.prop('Connected Item'): |
885 |
usedItemPairs.append([end_break.owner, end_break.prop('Connected Item')])
886 | |
887 |
for end_break in end_breaks: |
888 |
if end_break.prop('Freeze') or end_break.owner or end_break.prop('Connected Item'): |
889 |
890 | |
891 |
originPoint = Point(end_break.origin[0], end_break.origin[1]) |
892 |
minD = sys.maxsize |
893 |
ownerItem = None
894 |
connectedItem = None
895 | |
896 |
for symbol in symbols: |
897 |
for conn in symbol.connectors: |
898 |
dist = originPoint.distance(Point(conn.sceneConnectPoint[0], conn.sceneConnectPoint[1])) |
899 |
if not conn.connectedItem or not issubclass(type(conn.connectedItem), QEngineeringAbstractItem) or \ |
900 |
[pair for pair in usedItemPairs if symbol in pair and conn.connectedItem in pair] or dist > 3 * toler or dist > minD: |
901 |
902 | |
903 |
minD = dist |
904 |
ownerItem = symbol |
905 |
connectedItem = conn.connectedItem |
906 | |
907 |
for line in lines: |
908 |
for conn in line.connectors: |
909 |
dist = originPoint.distance(Point(conn.sceneConnectPoint[0], conn.sceneConnectPoint[1])) |
910 |
if not conn.connectedItem or not issubclass(type(conn.connectedItem), QEngineeringAbstractItem) or \ |
911 |
conn._connected_at != QEngineeringAbstractItem.CONNECTED_AT_BODY or \
912 |
[pair for pair in usedItemPairs if line in pair and conn.connectedItem in pair] or dist > 3 * toler or dist > minD: |
913 |
914 | |
915 |
minD = dist |
916 |
ownerItem = line |
917 |
connectedItem = conn.connectedItem |
918 | |
919 |
if ownerItem and connectedItem: |
920 |
end_break.set_property('Connected Item', connectedItem)
921 |
end_break.setToolTip('owner : ' + str(ownerItem)) |
922 |
end_break.owner = ownerItem |
923 |
end_break.set_property('Freeze', True) |
924 | |
925 |
usedItemPairs.append([ownerItem, connectedItem]) |
926 |
# up to here
927 | |
928 |
# connect spec break
929 |
self.on_connect_spec_breaks(spec_breaks, texts, symbols, lines)
930 |
# up to here
931 |
except Exception as ex: |
932 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
933 |
934 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
935 | |
936 |
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Information'), self.tr('Connecting between symbols and lines is complete')) |
937 | |
938 |
def on_connect_spec_breaks(self, spec_breaks, texts=None, symbols=None, lines=None): |
939 |
from CodeTables import CodeTable |
940 |
from shapely.geometry import Point |
941 | |
942 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
943 |
944 |
945 |
if not texts or not symbols or not lines: |
946 |
texts = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringTextItem and item.owner is None] |
947 |
symbols = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem) and type(item) is not QEngineeringEndBreakItem and item not in spec_breaks] |
948 |
lines = sorted([item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem], key=lambda param: param.length(), reverse=True) |
949 | |
950 |
usedTexts = [] |
951 |
attribute_table_item_list = [] |
952 |
dist_range = None
953 |
specBreakAttrsFull = [attr for attr in app_doc_data.getSymbolAttribute('Segment Breaks') if attr.AttributeType == 'Spec' or attr.AttributeType == 'String'] |
954 | |
955 |
for attr in specBreakAttrsFull: |
956 |
if attr.AttributeType != 'Spec' or attr.Attribute == 'NominalDiameter': |
957 |
958 | |
959 |
table = CodeTable.instance(attr.Attribute) |
960 |
items = [] |
961 |
for text in texts: |
962 |
if text not in usedTexts and table.find_match_exactly(text.text()): |
963 |
usedTexts.append(text) |
964 |
items.append(text) |
965 | |
966 |
if len(items) >= 2: |
967 |
attribute_table_item_list.append([attr.Attribute, items]) |
968 | |
969 |
usedItemPairs = [] |
970 |
for spec_break in spec_breaks: |
971 |
if not dist_range: |
972 |
dist_range = max(spec_break.sceneBoundingRect().height(), spec_break.sceneBoundingRect().width())
973 | |
974 |
attrs = spec_break.getAttributes() |
975 |
up = [attr.AssocItem for attr in attrs if attr.Attribute == 'UpStream'] |
976 |
down = [attr.AssocItem for attr in attrs if attr.Attribute == 'DownStream'] |
977 |
if (up and up[0]) or (down and down[0]): |
978 |
usedItemPairs.append([up, down]) |
979 | |
980 |
for spec_break in spec_breaks: |
981 |
attrs = spec_break.getAttributes() |
982 |
up = [attr.AssocItem for attr in attrs if attr.Attribute == 'UpStream'] |
983 |
down = [attr.AssocItem for attr in attrs if attr.Attribute == 'DownStream'] |
984 |
if (up and up[0]) or (down and down[0]): |
985 |
986 | |
987 |
originPoint = Point(spec_break.origin[0], spec_break.origin[1]) |
988 |
minD = sys.maxsize |
989 |
upItem = None
990 |
downItem = None
991 | |
992 |
for symbol in symbols: |
993 |
for conn in symbol.connectors: |
994 |
dist = originPoint.distance(Point(conn.sceneConnectPoint[0], conn.sceneConnectPoint[1])) |
995 |
if not conn.connectedItem or not issubclass(type(conn.connectedItem), QEngineeringAbstractItem) or \ |
996 |
[pair for pair in usedItemPairs if symbol in pair and conn.connectedItem in pair] or dist > dist_range or dist > minD: |
997 |
998 | |
999 |
minD = dist |
1000 |
upItem = symbol |
1001 |
downItem = conn.connectedItem |
1002 | |
1003 |
for line in lines: |
1004 |
for conn in line.connectors: |
1005 |
dist = originPoint.distance(Point(conn.sceneConnectPoint[0], conn.sceneConnectPoint[1])) |
1006 |
if not conn.connectedItem or not issubclass(type(conn.connectedItem), QEngineeringAbstractItem) or \ |
1007 |
conn._connected_at != QEngineeringAbstractItem.CONNECTED_AT_BODY or \
1008 |
[pair for pair in usedItemPairs if line in pair and conn.connectedItem in pair] or dist > dist_range or dist > minD + 1: |
1009 |
1010 | |
1011 |
minD = dist |
1012 |
upItem = line |
1013 |
downItem = conn.connectedItem |
1014 | |
1015 |
if upItem and downItem: |
1016 |
for key in attrs.keys(): |
1017 |
if key.Attribute == 'UpStream': |
1018 |
attrs[key] = str(upItem)
1019 |
spec_break.add_assoc_item(upItem, key.AttrAt, force=True)
1020 |
key.AssocItem = upItem |
1021 |
key.Freeze = True
1022 |
elif key.Attribute == 'DownStream': |
1023 |
attrs[key] = str(downItem)
1024 |
spec_break.add_assoc_item(downItem, key.AttrAt, force=True)
1025 |
key.AssocItem = downItem |
1026 |
key.Freeze = True
1027 |
spec_break.set_property('Freeze', True) |
1028 |
spec_break.set_property('Show', True) |
1029 | |
1030 |
usedItemPairs.append([upItem, downItem]) |
1031 | |
1032 |
for attribute_table_item in attribute_table_item_list: |
1033 |
upText = None
1034 |
downText = None
1035 |
attribute_table_item[1].sort(key=lambda x: originPoint.distance(Point(x.center().x(), x.center().y()))) |
1036 |
if originPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][1].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][1].center().y())) < dist_range: |
1037 |
if issubclass(type(upItem), SymbolSvgItem): |
1038 |
symbolPoint = Point(upItem.origin[0], upItem.origin[1]) |
1039 |
#if symbolPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][0].sceneBoundingRect().left(), attribute_table_item[1][0].sceneBoundingRect().top())) < \
1040 |
# symbolPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][1].sceneBoundingRect().left(), attribute_table_item[1][1].sceneBoundingRect().top())):
1041 |
if symbolPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][0].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][0].center().y())) < \ |
1042 |
symbolPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][1].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][1].center().y())): |
1043 |
upText = attribute_table_item[1][0] |
1044 |
downText = attribute_table_item[1][1] |
1045 |
1046 |
upText = attribute_table_item[1][1] |
1047 |
downText = attribute_table_item[1][0] |
1048 |
elif issubclass(type(downItem), SymbolSvgItem): |
1049 |
symbolPoint = Point(downItem.origin[0], downItem.origin[1]) |
1050 |
#if symbolPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][0].sceneBoundingRect().left(), attribute_table_item[1][0].sceneBoundingRect().top())) < \
1051 |
# symbolPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][1].sceneBoundingRect().left(), attribute_table_item[1][1].sceneBoundingRect().top())):
1052 |
if symbolPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][0].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][0].center().y())) < \ |
1053 |
symbolPoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][1].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][1].center().y())): |
1054 |
downText = attribute_table_item[1][0] |
1055 |
upText = attribute_table_item[1][1] |
1056 |
1057 |
downText = attribute_table_item[1][1] |
1058 |
upText = attribute_table_item[1][0] |
1059 |
1060 |
if upItem.length() < downItem.length():
1061 |
linePoint = Point(upItem.center().x(), upItem.center().y()) |
1062 |
if linePoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][0].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][0].center().y())) < \ |
1063 |
linePoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][1].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][1].center().y())): |
1064 |
upText = attribute_table_item[1][0] |
1065 |
downText = attribute_table_item[1][1] |
1066 |
1067 |
upText = attribute_table_item[1][1] |
1068 |
downText = attribute_table_item[1][0] |
1069 |
1070 |
linePoint = Point(downItem.center().x(), downItem.center().y()) |
1071 |
if linePoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][0].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][0].center().y())) < \ |
1072 |
linePoint.distance(Point(attribute_table_item[1][1].center().x(), attribute_table_item[1][1].center().y())): |
1073 |
downText = attribute_table_item[1][0] |
1074 |
upText = attribute_table_item[1][1] |
1075 |
1076 |
downText = attribute_table_item[1][1] |
1077 |
upText = attribute_table_item[1][0] |
1078 | |
1079 |
if upText and downText: |
1080 |
for full in specBreakAttrsFull: |
1081 |
if full.Attribute == attribute_table_item[0]: |
1082 |
attrs[full] = [upText.text(), downText.text()] |
1083 |
1084 |
1085 |
1086 | |
1087 |
stream_line = [upItem, downItem] |
1088 |
stream_track = [downItem, upItem] |
1089 |
stream_res = [False, False] |
1090 |
for index in range(len(stream_line)): |
1091 |
while True: |
1092 |
if type(stream_line[index]) is QEngineeringLineItem: |
1093 |
stream_res[index] = True
1094 |
1095 |
1096 |
find_next = False
1097 |
connected_count = 0
1098 |
for connectorr in stream_line[index].connectors: |
1099 |
connected_count += 1
1100 |
if connectorr.connectedItem and stream_track[index] is not connectorr.connectedItem and \ |
1101 |
stream_line[index].next_connected(stream_track[index], connectorr.connectedItem): |
1102 |
stream_track[index] = stream_line[index] |
1103 |
stream_line[index] = connectorr.connectedItem |
1104 |
find_next = True
1105 |
1106 | |
1107 |
if not find_next: |
1108 |
# prevent infinite loop
1109 |
if connected_count == 2: |
1110 |
for connectorr in stream_line[index].connectors: |
1111 |
if connectorr.connectedItem and not connectorr.connectedItem is stream_track[index]: |
1112 |
stream_line[index] = connectorr.connectedItem |
1113 |
stream_track[index] = stream_line[index] |
1114 |
find_next = True
1115 |
1116 |
if not find_next: |
1117 |
1118 |
1119 |
1120 | |
1121 |
if stream_res[0] and stream_res[1]: |
1122 |
up_down_find = [upText, downText] |
1123 | |
1124 |
for index in range(len(stream_line)): |
1125 |
_attrs = stream_line[index].getAttributes() |
1126 |
for key in _attrs.keys(): |
1127 |
if key.Attribute == attribute_table_item[0]: |
1128 |
_attrs[key] = up_down_find[index].text() |
1129 |
key.AssocItem = up_down_find[index] |
1130 |
stream_line[index].add_assoc_item(up_down_find[index], |
1131 |
key.AttrAt, force=True)
1132 |
up_down_find[index].owner = stream_line[index] |
1133 |
key.Freeze = True
1134 |
1135 | |
1136 |
return True |
1137 |
except Exception as ex: |
1138 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
1139 |
1140 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1141 | |
1142 |
return False |
1143 | |
1144 | |
1145 |
def on_recognize_line(self): |
1146 |
"""recognize lines in selected area"""
1147 |
from RecognizeLineCommand import RecognizeLineCommand |
1148 | |
1149 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
1150 |
self.actionOCR.setChecked(False) |
1151 |
1152 |
1153 | |
1154 |
cmd = RecognizeLineCommand(self.graphicsView)
1155 |
1156 |
1157 |
self.graphicsView.command = cmd
1158 | |
1159 |
1160 |
@brief show text recognition dialog
1161 |
@author humkyung
1162 |
@date 2018.08.08
1163 |
1164 |
def on_success_to_recognize_line(self, x, y, width, height): |
1165 |
import io |
1166 |
from LineDetector import LineDetector |
1167 |
from EngineeringGraphicsLineItem import QEngineeringGraphicsLineItem |
1168 | |
1169 |
1170 |
image = self.graphicsView.image().copy(x, y, width, height)
1171 |
buffer = QBuffer() |
1172 |
1173 |
image.save(buffer, "PNG") |
1174 |
pyImage = Image.open(io.BytesIO(buffer.data()))
1175 |
img = np.array(pyImage) |
1176 |
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
1177 | |
1178 |
detector = LineDetector(img) |
1179 |
lines = detector.detect_line_without_symbol() |
1180 |
for line in lines: |
1181 |
vertices = [[line[0][0] + x, line[0][1] + y], [line[1][0] + x, line[1][1] + y]] |
1182 |
line_item = QEngineeringGraphicsLineItem(vertices) |
1183 |
1184 | |
1185 |
except Exception as ex: |
1186 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(repr(ex), sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1187 |
1188 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1189 | |
1190 |
def display_number_of_items(self): |
1191 |
"""display count of symbol, line, text"""
1192 | |
1193 |
items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringUnknownItem] |
1194 |
if len(items) > 0: |
1195 |
1196 |
"<font color='red'>" + self.tr('Unrecognition') + " : {}</font>".format(len(items))) |
1197 |
1198 |
1199 |
"<font color='black'>" + self.tr('Unrecognition') + " : {}</font>".format(len(items))) |
1200 | |
1201 |
items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if |
1202 |
issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem) and type(item) is not QEngineeringErrorItem] |
1203 |
self.labelSymbolStatus.setText("<font color='blue'>" + self.tr('Symbol') + " : {}</font>".format(len(items))) |
1204 | |
1205 |
items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem] |
1206 |
self.labelLineStatus.setText("<font color='blue'>" + self.tr('Line') + " : {}</font>".format(len(items))) |
1207 | |
1208 |
items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringTextItem)] |
1209 |
self.labelTextStatus.setText("<font color='blue'>" + self.tr('Text') + " : {}</font>".format(len(items))) |
1210 | |
1211 |
self.itemTreeWidget.sceneChanged(self.graphicsView.scene().items()) |
1212 | |
1213 |
def dbUpdate(self): |
1214 |
""" no more used """
1215 |
"""db update when save or recognition"""
1216 | |
1217 |
1218 |
appDocData = AppDocData.instance() |
1219 |
items = appDocData.allItems |
1220 | |
1221 |
1222 |
titleBlockProps = appDocData.getTitleBlockProperties()
1223 |
titleBlockItems = []
1224 |
for item in items:
1225 |
# if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem:
1226 |
# item.saveLineData()
1227 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringTextItem:
1228 |
for titleBlockProp in titleBlockProps:
1229 |
if item.area == titleBlockProp[0]:
1230 |
1231 |
1232 | |
1233 |
# unknown item is not saved now for performance
1234 |
db_items = [item for item in items if issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringAbstractItem) and |
1235 |
type(item) is not QGraphicsBoundingBoxItem and |
1236 |
type(item) is not QEngineeringErrorItem and |
1237 |
type(item) is not QEngineeringLineNoTextItem and |
1238 |
type(item) is not QEngineeringUnknownItem] |
1239 |
db_items.extend([item for item in items if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem]) |
1240 |
db_items.extend([line for line in appDocData.tracerLineNos if type(line) is QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem]) |
1241 |
# db_items.extend(titleBlockItems)
1242 |
configs = appDocData.getConfigs('Data Save', 'Unknown Xml Only') |
1243 |
if configs and int(configs[0].value) is -1: |
1244 |
db_items.extend([item for item in items if type(item) is QEngineeringUnknownItem]) |
1245 | |
1246 |
1247 |
dbItems = [item for item in items if
1248 |
type(item) is QEngineeringInstrumentItem or type(item) is QEngineeringEquipmentItem or type(
1249 |
item) is QEngineeringReducerItem or \
1250 |
type(item) is QEngineeringNoteItem or type(item) is SymbolSvgItem or type(
1251 |
item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem or type(
1252 |
item) is QEngineeringVendorItem] + titleBlockItems
1253 |
1254 |
appDocData.saveToDatabase(db_items) |
1255 |
except Exception as ex: |
1256 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1257 |
1258 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1259 | |
1260 |
def save_drawing_if_necessary(self): |
1261 |
"""ask to user to save drawing or not when drawing is modified"""
1262 | |
1263 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
1264 |
if app_doc_data.activeDrawing and app_doc_data.activeDrawing.modified: |
1265 |
#if QMessageBox.Yes == QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr("Question"),
1266 |
# self.tr("Do you want to save drawing?"),
1267 |
# QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No):
1268 |
# self.actionSaveCliked()
1269 |
# return True
1270 |
if QMessageBox.Ignore == QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr('Continue?'), |
1271 |
self.tr('Changes may not have been saved.'), |
1272 |
QMessageBox.Ignore | QMessageBox.Cancel): |
1273 |
return False |
1274 |
return True |
1275 | |
1276 |
def actionSaveCliked(self): |
1277 |
1278 |
save current drawing
1279 |
1280 |
1281 |
from EngineeringAbstractItem import QEngineeringAbstractItem |
1282 |
from SaveWorkCommand import SaveWorkCommand |
1283 | |
1284 |
1285 |
home_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home File') |
1286 |
if not home_pane.ui.toolButtonFileSave.isEnabled(): |
1287 |
1288 | |
1289 |
1290 | |
1291 |
# save alarm
1292 |
self.save_alarm_enable(False) |
1293 | |
1294 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
1295 |
if app_doc_data.imgName is None: |
1296 |
1297 |
1298 | |
1299 |
1300 | |
1301 |
#items = self.graphicsView.scene().items()
1302 | |
1303 |
self._save_work_cmd = SaveWorkCommand(self.graphicsView.scene()) |
1304 |
self._save_work_cmd.show_progress.connect(self.progress_bar.setValue) |
1305 |
self._save_work_cmd.display_message.connect(self.onAddMessage) |
1306 |
self._save_work_cmd.finished.connect(self.save_finished) |
1307 | |
1308 |
1309 |
except Exception as ex: |
1310 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
1311 |
1312 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1313 | |
1314 |
def save_finished(self): |
1315 |
1316 |
reload drawing list when save is finished
1317 |
@return: None
1318 |
1319 | |
1320 |
1321 |
self._save_work_cmd.show_progress.emit(100) |
1322 |
QMessageBox.about(self.graphicsView, self.tr('Information'), self._save_work_cmd.resultStr) |
1323 |
1324 | |
1325 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
1326 |
app_doc_data.activeDrawing.modified = False
1327 |
title = self.windowTitle()
1328 |
self.setWindowTitle(title[:-1] if title[-1] == '*' else title) |
1329 | |
1330 |
# save alarm
1331 |
self.save_alarm_enable(True) |
1332 |
1333 |
home_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home File') |
1334 |
1335 | |
1336 |
1337 |
@brief refresh resultPropertyTableWidget
1338 |
@author kyouho
1339 |
@date 2018.07.19
1340 |
1341 |
def refreshResultPropertyTableWidget(self): |
1342 |
items = self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems()
1343 |
if len(items) == 1: |
1344 |
self.resultPropertyTableWidget.show_item_property(items[0]) |
1345 | |
1346 |
1347 |
@brief add message listwidget
1348 |
@author humkyung
1349 |
@date 2018.07.31
1350 |
1351 |
def onAddMessage(self, messageType, message): |
1352 |
from AppDocData import MessageType |
1353 | |
1354 |
1355 |
current = QDateTime.currentDateTime() |
1356 | |
1357 |
item = QListWidgetItem('{}: {}'.format(current.toString('hh:mm:ss'), message)) |
1358 |
item.setFlags(item.flags() | Qt.ItemIsEditable) |
1359 |
if messageType == MessageType.Error:
1360 |
item.setBackground(Qt.red) |
1361 |
elif messageType == 'check': |
1362 |
item.setBackground(Qt.yellow) |
1363 | |
1364 |
self.listWidgetLog.insertItem(0, item) |
1365 |
except Exception as ex: |
1366 |
print('error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1367 |
1368 | |
1369 |
def on_clear_log(self): |
1370 |
"""clear log"""
1371 |
1372 | |
1373 |
def onRotate(self, action): |
1374 |
"""rotate a selected symbol"""
1375 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems() if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem)] |
1376 |
if len(selected) == 1: |
1377 |
from RotateCommand import RotateCommand |
1378 |
self.graphicsView.scene()._undo_stack.push(RotateCommand(self.graphicsView.scene(), selected)) |
1379 | |
1380 |
def onAreaZoom(self): |
1381 |
"""Area Zoom"""
1382 |
visualization_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization') |
1383 | |
1384 |
1385 |
if visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonZoom.isChecked():
1386 |
cmd = AreaZoomCommand.AreaZoomCommand(self.graphicsView)
1387 |
1388 |
self.graphicsView.command = cmd
1389 | |
1390 |
def onVendor(self, action): |
1391 |
"""make vendor/equipment package area"""
1392 | |
1393 |
pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
1394 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
1395 |
1396 |
1397 |
1398 | |
1399 |
pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
1400 |
1401 |
checked = pane.ui.toolButtonVendor.isChecked() |
1402 |
if not hasattr(pane.ui.toolButtonVendor, 'tag'): |
1403 |
pane.ui.toolButtonVendor.tag = PlacePolygonCommand.PlacePolygonCommand(self.graphicsView)
1404 |
1405 |
1406 | |
1407 |
self.graphicsView.command = pane.ui.toolButtonVendor.tag
1408 | |
1409 |
def onVendorCreated(self): |
1410 |
"""add created vendor polygon area to scene"""
1411 | |
1412 |
1413 |
vendor_tool = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home').ui.toolButtonVendor |
1414 |
package_combo = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home').ui.comboBoxPackage |
1415 |
count = len(vendor_tool.tag._polyline._vertices)
1416 |
if count > 2: |
1417 |
points = [] |
1418 |
for point in vendor_tool.tag._polyline._vertices: |
1419 |
points.append(QPoint(round(point[0]), round(point[1]))) |
1420 |
polygon = QPolygonF(points) |
1421 |
item = QEngineeringVendorItem(polygon, pack_type=package_combo.currentText()) |
1422 |
item.area = 'Drawing'
1423 |
1424 |
1425 |
1426 |
1427 |
vendor_tool.tag.reset() |
1428 | |
1429 |
def fitWindow(self, view_rect: QRectF = QRectF()): |
1430 |
"""Fit Window"""
1431 |
1432 |
1433 | |
1434 |
visualization_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization') |
1435 |
1436 |
if view_rect:
1437 |
1438 | |
1439 |
def on_toggle_lock_axis(self): |
1440 |
"""toggle lock axis"""
1441 |
from EngineeringPolylineItem import QEngineeringPolylineItem |
1442 | |
1443 |
visualization_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization') |
1444 |
if self.sender() is not visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonLockAxis: |
1445 |
checked = visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonLockAxis.isChecked() |
1446 |
visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonLockAxis.setChecked(not checked)
1447 | |
1448 |
checked = visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonLockAxis.isChecked() |
1449 |
QEngineeringPolylineItem.DRAWING_MODE = QEngineeringPolylineItem.AXIS_MODE if checked else \ |
1450 |
QEngineeringPolylineItem.FREE_MODE |
1451 | |
1452 |
def scene_changed(self): |
1453 |
"""update modified flag"""
1454 | |
1455 |
1456 | |
1457 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
1458 |
app_doc_data.activeDrawing.modified = True
1459 |
title = self.windowTitle()
1460 |
self.setWindowTitle(title if title[-1] == '*' else title + '*') |
1461 | |
1462 |
def onConvertPDFToImage(self): |
1463 |
"""convert to selected pdf to image"""
1464 |
import os |
1465 | |
1466 |
1467 |
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'bin64', 'PDF_TO_IMAGE.exe') |
1468 |
os.startfile(file_path) |
1469 |
except Exception as ex: |
1470 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1471 |
1472 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1473 | |
1474 |
def on_import_text_from_cad_for_instrument(self): |
1475 |
""" import text from cad for instrument """
1476 |
1477 |
1478 |
dialog = QImportTextFromPDFDialog(self)
1479 |
dialog.show() |
1480 |
dialog.exec_() |
1481 |
except Exception as ex: |
1482 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
1483 |
1484 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1485 | |
1486 |
def on_import_text_from_cad(self): |
1487 |
""" import text from cad """
1488 |
1489 |
1490 |
dialog = QImportTextFromCADDialog(self)
1491 |
dialog.show() |
1492 |
dialog.exec_() |
1493 |
except Exception as ex: |
1494 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
1495 |
1496 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1497 | |
1498 |
def on_export_PDF_ARS(self, path): |
1499 |
drawingList = self.treeWidgetDrawingList.topLevelItem(0) |
1500 |
for idx in range(drawingList.childCount()): |
1501 |
child = drawingList.child(idx) |
1502 |
child.setCheckState(0, Qt.Checked)
1503 | |
1504 |
1505 | |
1506 |
def on_export_PDF(self, path=None): |
1507 |
# save alarm
1508 |
self.save_alarm_enable(False) |
1509 |
1510 |
#if not self.graphicsView.hasImage():
1511 |
# self.showImageSelectionMessageBox()
1512 |
# return
1513 | |
1514 |
1515 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
1516 |
current_drawing = None
1517 | |
1518 |
if self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
1519 |
current_drawing = app_doc_data.activeDrawing |
1520 | |
1521 |
# get checked drawings
1522 |
drawing_top = self.treeWidgetDrawingList.topLevelItem(0) |
1523 |
count = drawing_top.childCount() |
1524 |
checked_drawings = {} |
1525 |
for idx in range(count): |
1526 |
child = drawing_top.child(idx) |
1527 |
if child.checkState(0) == Qt.Checked and child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0): |
1528 |
checked_drawings[child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0)] = child
1529 |
# up to here
1530 | |
1531 |
# if there is no checked drawing
1532 |
if current_drawing and not checked_drawings: |
1533 |
for idx in range(count): |
1534 |
child = drawing_top.child(idx) |
1535 |
if child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0) is current_drawing: |
1536 |
checked_drawings[child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0)] = child
1537 | |
1538 |
if not checked_drawings: |
1539 |
1540 |
1541 |
1542 |
project = app_doc_data.getCurrentProject() |
1543 | |
1544 |
if current_drawing and len(checked_drawings) == 1: |
1545 |
name = os.path.join(project.getTempPath(), os.path.splitext(app_doc_data.activeDrawing.name)[0])
1546 |
1547 |
options = QFileDialog.Options() |
1548 |
options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog |
1549 |
file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export PDF", name, "pdf files(*.pdf)", options=options) |
1550 |
name += '.png'
1551 |
if file_name:
1552 |
1553 | |
1554 |
elif len(checked_drawings) > 1: |
1555 |
name = os.path.join(project.getTempPath(), 'Select a Folder')
1556 |
1557 |
file_name = None
1558 |
if not path: |
1559 |
options = QFileDialog.Options() |
1560 |
options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog |
1561 |
file_name, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export PDF", name, "pdf files(*.pdf)", options=options) |
1562 | |
1563 |
if file_name or path: |
1564 |
if file_name:
1565 |
directory = os.path.dirname(file_name) |
1566 |
1567 |
directory = path |
1568 | |
1569 |
self.progress_bar.setMaximum(len(checked_drawings) + 2) |
1570 |
count = 1
1571 |
1572 | |
1573 |
for drawing in checked_drawings.keys(): |
1574 |
self.open_image_drawing(drawing, force=True, ocrUnknown=False, timer=False, pdf=True) |
1575 | |
1576 |
self.save_PDF(os.path.join(directory, drawing.name))
1577 | |
1578 |
count += 1
1579 |
1580 |
self.open_image_drawing(drawing, force=True, ocrUnknown=False) # for reset |
1581 |
self.progress_bar.setValue(self.progress_bar.maximum()) |
1582 |
1583 |
QMessageBox.about(self, self.tr("Information"), self.tr('Successfully saved.')) |
1584 | |
1585 |
#self.save_alarm_enable(True, True)
1586 | |
1587 |
1588 |
#app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance()
1589 |
#project = app_doc_data.getCurrentProject()
1590 |
1591 |
printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.PrinterResolution)
1592 |
1593 |
1594 |
#printer.setOutputFileName(os.path.join(project.getPDFFilePath(), os.path.splitext(app_doc_data.activeDrawing.name)[0]))
1595 |
1596 |
dialog = QPrintDialog(printer)
1597 |
if (dialog.exec() == QDialog.Accepted):
1598 |
painter = QPainter(printer)
1599 |
isfull_print = False
1600 |
1601 |
scene = self.graphicsView.scene()
1602 |
1603 |
#for item in scene.items():
1604 |
# if not hasattr(item, 'connectors'): continue
1605 |
# for connector in item.connectors: connector.setVisible(False)
1606 |
1607 |
canvasRect = scene.sceneRect() # or canvasRect = scene.border.boundingRect()
1608 |
source = canvasRect
1609 |
page = printer.pageRect(QPrinter.Unit.DevicePixel)
1610 |
target = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(page.width(), page.height()))
1611 |
scene.render(painter, target, source)
1612 |
1613 |
1614 |
QMessageBox.about(self, self.tr("Information"), self.tr('Successfully saved.'))
1615 |
#for item in scene.items():
1616 |
# if not hasattr(item, 'connectors'): continue
1617 |
# for connector in item.connectors: connector.setVisible(True)
1618 |
1619 | |
1620 |
except Exception as ex: |
1621 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1622 |
1623 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1624 | |
1625 |
def save_PDF(self, file_name): |
1626 |
#pixMap = self.graphicsView.grab(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(int(self.graphicsView.scene().sceneRect().width()), int(self.graphicsView.scene().sceneRect().height()))))
1627 |
1628 |
1629 | |
1630 |
image = QImage(QSize(int(self.graphicsView.scene().sceneRect().width()), int(self.graphicsView.scene().sceneRect().height())), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) |
1631 |
painter = QPainter(image) |
1632 |
scene = self.graphicsView.scene()
1633 |
canvasRect = scene.sceneRect() # or canvasRect = scene.border.boundingRect()
1634 |
source = canvasRect |
1635 |
scene.render(painter, QRectF(image.rect()), source) |
1636 |
painter.end() |
1637 |
image.save(file_name) |
1638 |
image = Image.open(file_name) |
1639 |
image = image.convert('RGB')
1640 |
image.save(file_name.replace('.png', '.pdf')) |
1641 |
os.remove(file_name) |
1642 |
painter.device() |
1643 | |
1644 |
def onSymbolThickness(self): |
1645 |
""" symbol thickness reinforcement by using configuration filter drawing dilate size """
1646 |
1647 |
1648 |
dialog = QSymbolThicknessDialog(self)
1649 |
dialog.exec_() |
1650 |
except Exception as ex: |
1651 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1652 |
1653 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1654 | |
1655 |
def on_help(self): |
1656 |
""" open help file """
1657 |
import os |
1658 | |
1659 |
1660 |
help_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'ID2 User Manual.pdf')
1661 |
if os.path.exists(help_file_path):
1662 |
1663 |
1664 |
QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Warning'), self.tr('There is no help file')) |
1665 |
except Exception as ex: |
1666 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
1667 |
1668 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1669 | |
1670 |
def on_readme(self): |
1671 |
"""open readme.html"""
1672 | |
1673 |
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'readme.html')
1674 |
if os.path.exists(file_path):
1675 |
1676 |
1677 |
QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('Warning'), self.tr('There is no readme file')) |
1678 | |
1679 |
def onSelectionChanged(self): |
1680 |
"""selection changed"""
1681 |
items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems() if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem) or |
1682 |
type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem or issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringTextItem) or |
1683 |
type(item) is QEngineeringUnknownItem or type(item) is QEngineeringVendorItem] |
1684 |
if items:
1685 |
lineNos = [item for item in items if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem] |
1686 |
item = items[-1] if not lineNos else lineNos[0] |
1687 |
1688 |
1689 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringErrorItem: |
1690 |
for index in range(self.tableWidgetInconsistency.rowCount()): |
1691 |
if self.tableWidgetInconsistency.item(index, 1).tag is item: |
1692 |
1693 |
1694 |
if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem): |
1695 |
1696 |
1697 |
1698 |
self.resultPropertyTableWidget.show_item_property(None) |
1699 | |
1700 |
1701 |
@brief Initialize scene and itemTreeWidget
1702 |
@author Jeongwoo
1703 |
@date 2018.06.14
1704 |
@history humkyung 2018.08.16 ask to delete recognized items before remove
1705 |
1706 |
def on_initialize_scene(self, action): |
1707 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
1708 |
1709 | |
1710 |
1711 | |
1712 |
1713 |
msg = QMessageBox() |
1714 |
msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) |
1715 |
msg.setText(self.tr('Do you want to remove all items?\nThis work cannot be recovered.')) |
1716 |
msg.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Initialize")) |
1717 |
msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel) |
1718 |
if QMessageBox.Ok == msg.exec_():
1719 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
1720 |
1721 | |
1722 |
scene = self.graphicsView.scene()
1723 |
pixmap = self.graphicsView.getPixmapHandle()
1724 |
scene.removeItem(pixmap) # disconnect pixmap from scene
1725 |
scene.clear() # remove all items from scene and then delete them
1726 |
scene.addItem(pixmap) # add pixmap
1727 | |
1728 |
if self.path is not None: |
1729 |
baseName = os.path.basename(self.path)
1730 |
1731 | |
1732 |
except Exception as ex: |
1733 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1734 |
1735 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1736 | |
1737 |
def checked_action(self): |
1738 |
"""return checked action"""
1739 |
home_file_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home File') |
1740 |
home_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
1741 |
visualization_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization') |
1742 |
actions = [home_pane.ui.toolButtonRecognition, home_pane.ui.toolButtonLinkAttribute, |
1743 |
home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine, home_pane.ui.toolButtonOCR, visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonZoom, |
1744 |
visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonFitWindow, home_pane.ui.toolButtonVendor] |
1745 | |
1746 |
checked = [ui_ for ui_ in actions if ui_.isChecked()] |
1747 |
return checked[0] if checked else None |
1748 | |
1749 |
def update_action_group(self, ui): |
1750 |
"""Manage Checkable Action statement"""
1751 |
home_file_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home File') |
1752 |
home_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
1753 |
visualization_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization') |
1754 |
actions = [home_pane.ui.toolButtonRecognition, home_pane.ui.toolButtonLinkAttribute, home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine, |
1755 |
home_pane.ui.toolButtonOCR, visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonZoom, |
1756 |
visualization_pane.ui.toolButtonFitWindow, home_file_pane.ui.toolButtonFileSave, |
1757 |
home_pane.ui.toolButtonValidate, home_pane.ui.toolButtonVendor] |
1758 | |
1759 |
if hasattr(ui, 'tag'): |
1760 |
1761 | |
1762 |
if self.graphicsView.command is not None: |
1763 |
1764 | |
1765 |
for ui_ in actions: |
1766 |
1767 | |
1768 |
1769 | |
1770 |
1771 |
@brief Create Equipment
1772 |
@author Jeongwoo
1773 |
@date 18.05.03
1774 |
@history 2018.05.04 Jeongwoo Add Parameter on CreateSymbolCommand
1775 |
1776 |
def createEquipment(self): |
1777 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
1778 |
self.actionEquipment.setChecked(False) |
1779 |
1780 |
1781 |
if self.actionEquipment.isChecked(): |
1782 |
self.graphicsView.command = CreateSymbolCommand.CreateSymbolCommand(self.graphicsView, self.itemTreeWidget, |
1783 |
1784 |
1785 |
1786 | |
1787 |
1788 |
@brief Create Nozzle
1789 |
@author Jeongwoo
1790 |
@date 2018.05.03
1791 |
@history 2018.05.04 Jeongwoo Add Parameter on CreateSymbolCommand
1792 |
1793 |
def createNozzle(self): |
1794 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
1795 |
self.actionNozzle.setChecked(False) |
1796 |
1797 |
1798 |
if self.actionNozzle.isChecked(): |
1799 |
self.graphicsView.command = CreateSymbolCommand.CreateSymbolCommand(self.graphicsView, self.itemTreeWidget, |
1800 |
1801 |
1802 |
1803 | |
1804 |
def onAreaOcr(self): |
1805 |
"""Area OCR"""
1806 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
1807 |
self.actionOCR.setChecked(False) |
1808 |
1809 |
1810 | |
1811 |
pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
1812 |
ui = pane.ui.toolButtonOCR |
1813 |
1814 |
checked = ui.isChecked() |
1815 |
if checked:
1816 |
cmd = AreaOcrCommand.AreaOcrCommand(self.graphicsView)
1817 |
1818 |
1819 |
self.graphicsView.command = cmd
1820 |
1821 |
1822 | |
1823 |
def onRecognizeText(self, x, y, width, height, show=True): |
1824 |
"""show text recognition dialog"""
1825 |
from OcrResultDialog import QOcrResultDialog |
1826 |
from Area import Area |
1827 | |
1828 |
1829 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
1830 | |
1831 |
modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() |
1832 |
image = self.graphicsView.image().copy(x, y, width, height)
1833 |
dialog = QOcrResultDialog(self, image, QRectF(x, y, width, height),
1834 |
format=QOcrResultDialog.Format.Table if modifiers == Qt.AltModifier else QOcrResultDialog.Format.Normal) |
1835 |
if modifiers == Qt.ControlModifier:
1836 |
1837 |
1838 |
if show:
1839 |
(res, textInfoList) = dialog.showDialog() |
1840 |
1841 |
1842 |
(res, textInfoList) = QDialog.Accepted, dialog.textInfoList |
1843 | |
1844 |
if QDialog.Accepted == res and textInfoList: |
1845 |
for textInfo in textInfoList: |
1846 |
item = QEngineeringTextItem.create_text_with(self.graphicsView.scene(), textInfo)
1847 |
if item:
1848 |
1849 |
1850 | |
1851 |
area_list = app_doc_data.getAreaList() |
1852 |
title_area_list = app_doc_data.getTitleBlockProperties() |
1853 |
title_list = [] |
1854 |
if title_area_list:
1855 |
for title_area in title_area_list: |
1856 |
area = Area(title_area[0])
1857 |
1858 |
title_list.append(area) |
1859 |
for area in area_list + title_list: |
1860 |
pt = [item.sceneBoundingRect().center().x(), item.sceneBoundingRect().center().y()] |
1861 |
if area.contains(pt):
1862 |
item.area = area.name |
1863 |
1864 |
1865 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Normal, self.tr('Fail to create text.')) |
1866 | |
1867 |
return True |
1868 |
elif QDialog.Accepted == res and not textInfoList and show: |
1869 |
QMessageBox.about(self.graphicsView, self.tr("Notice"), self.tr("Fail to recognize text")) |
1870 |
except Exception as ex: |
1871 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1872 |
1873 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1874 |
1875 |
return False |
1876 | |
1877 |
1878 |
@brief area configuration
1879 |
1880 |
def areaConfiguration(self): |
1881 |
from ConfigurationAreaDialog import QConfigurationAreaDialog |
1882 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
1883 |
1884 |
1885 |
1886 |
dlgConfigurationArea = QConfigurationAreaDialog(self)
1887 |
dlgConfigurationArea.show() |
1888 |
dlgConfigurationArea.exec_() |
1889 | |
1890 |
1891 |
@brief configuration
1892 |
1893 |
def configuration(self): |
1894 |
from ConfigurationDialog import QConfigurationDialog |
1895 | |
1896 |
dlgConfiguration = QConfigurationDialog(self)
1897 |
if QDialog.Accepted == dlgConfiguration.exec_():
1898 |
QEngineeringLineItem.LINE_TYPE_COLORS.clear() |
1899 |
QEngineeringInstrumentItem.INST_COLOR = None
1900 | |
1901 |
1902 |
@brief show special item types dialog
1903 |
@author humkyung
1904 |
@date 2019.08.10
1905 |
1906 |
def on_show_special_item_types(self): |
1907 |
from SpecialItemTypesDialog import QSpecialItemTypesDialog |
1908 | |
1909 |
dlg = QSpecialItemTypesDialog(self)
1910 |
dlg.exec_() |
1911 | |
1912 |
def on_show_data_transfer(self): |
1913 |
""" show data transfer dialog """
1914 |
from DataTransferDialog import QDataTransferDialog |
1915 | |
1916 |
dlg = QDataTransferDialog(self)
1917 |
dlg.exec_() |
1918 | |
1919 |
def on_show_data_export(self): |
1920 |
""" show data export dialog """
1921 |
from DataExportDialog import QDataExportDialog |
1922 | |
1923 |
dlg = QDataExportDialog(self)
1924 |
dlg.exec_() |
1925 | |
1926 |
def on_show_eqp_datasheet_export(self): |
1927 |
""" show eqp datasheet export dialog """
1928 |
from EqpDatasheetExportDialog import QEqpDatasheetExportDialog |
1929 | |
1930 |
dlg = QEqpDatasheetExportDialog(self)
1931 |
dlg.exec_() |
1932 | |
1933 |
def on_show_opc_relation(self): |
1934 |
""" show opc relation dialog """
1935 |
from OPCRelationDialog import QOPCRelationDialog |
1936 | |
1937 |
dlg = QOPCRelationDialog(self)
1938 |
dlg.exec_() |
1939 | |
1940 |
1941 |
@brief show nominal diameter dialog
1942 |
@author humkyung
1943 |
@date 2018.06.28
1944 |
1945 |
def onShowCodeTable(self): |
1946 |
from CodeTableDialog import QCodeTableDialog |
1947 | |
1948 |
dlg = QCodeTableDialog(self)
1949 |
dlg.show() |
1950 |
dlg.exec_() |
1951 |
if dlg.code_area:
1952 |
if dlg.code_area.scene():
1953 |
1954 |
if dlg.desc_area:
1955 |
if dlg.desc_area.scene():
1956 |
1957 |
1958 | |
1959 |
def on_ext_app_connection(self): |
1960 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
1961 | |
1962 |
tool_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Tool') |
1963 |
if tool_pane.ui.toolButtonConnection.isChecked():
1964 |
if not hasattr(self, '_tcpserver'): |
1965 |
configs = app_doc_data.getAppConfigs('app', 'port') |
1966 |
port = 2549
1967 |
if configs and 1 == len(configs): |
1968 |
port = int(configs[0].value) |
1969 |
self._tcpserver = TcpServer(port)
1970 |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
del self._tcpserver |
1974 | |
1975 |
def on_execute_ext_app(self): |
1976 |
"""execute external application"""
1977 |
from ExtAppsDialog import QExtAppsDialog |
1978 | |
1979 |
dlg = QExtAppsDialog(self)
1980 |
dlg.exec_() |
1981 | |
1982 |
def onShowCustomCodeTable(self): |
1983 |
from CustomCodeTablesDialog import CustomCodeTablesDialog |
1984 | |
1985 |
dlg = CustomCodeTablesDialog(self)
1986 |
dlg.show() |
1987 |
dlg.exec_() |
1988 |
1989 | |
1990 |
def onShowReplaceCodeTable(self): |
1991 |
from CustomCodeTablesDialog import CustomCodeTablesDialog |
1992 | |
1993 |
dlg = CustomCodeTablesDialog(self, replace=True) |
1994 |
dlg.show() |
1995 |
dlg.exec_() |
1996 |
1997 | |
1998 |
def on_streamline(self): |
1999 |
"""pop up stream line dialog"""
2000 |
from StreamlineDialog import QStreamlineDialog |
2001 | |
2002 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 | |
2006 |
hmbs = AppDocData.instance().get_hmb_data(None)
2007 |
if not hmbs: |
2008 |
2009 | |
2010 |
dlg = QStreamlineDialog(self)
2011 |
dlg.show() |
2012 | |
2013 |
def onHMBData(self): |
2014 |
"""show HMB data"""
2015 |
from HMBDialog import QHMBDialog |
2016 | |
2017 |
dlg = QHMBDialog(self)
2018 |
dlg.show() |
2019 |
dlg.exec_() |
2020 | |
2021 |
2022 |
@brief show line data list
2023 |
@author humkyung
2024 |
@date 2018.05.03
2025 |
2026 |
def showItemDataList(self): |
2027 |
from ItemDataExportDialog import QItemDataExportDialog |
2028 | |
2029 |
dlg = QItemDataExportDialog(self)
2030 |
dlg.exec_() |
2031 | |
2032 |
def showTextDataList(self): |
2033 |
2034 |
@brief show all text item in scene
2035 |
@author euisung
2036 |
@date 2019.04.18
2037 |
2038 |
2039 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
2040 |
2041 |
2042 | |
2043 |
2044 |
dialog = QTextDataListDialog(self)
2045 |
dialog.show() |
2046 |
except Exception as ex: |
2047 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
2048 |
2049 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
2050 | |
2051 |
2052 |
@brief Show Image Selection Guide MessageBox
2053 |
@author Jeongwoo
2054 |
@date 2018.05.02
2055 |
2056 |
def showImageSelectionMessageBox(self): |
2057 |
QMessageBox.about(self.graphicsView, self.tr("Notice"), self.tr("First select image drawing")) |
2058 | |
2059 |
def on_search_text_changed(self): |
2060 |
"""filter symbol tree view"""
2061 |
regexp = QRegExp(self.lineEditFilter.text(), Qt.CaseInsensitive, QRegExp.FixedString)
2062 | |
2063 |
proxy_model = self.symbolTreeWidget.model()
2064 |
proxy_model.text = self.lineEditFilter.text().lower()
2065 |
proxy_model.setFilterRegExp(regexp) |
2066 | |
2067 |
2068 | |
2069 |
def change_display_colors(self): |
2070 |
""" change display color mode """
2071 |
visualization_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization') |
2072 |
if visualization_pane.ui.radioButtonByGroup.isChecked():
2073 |
2074 |
2075 |
2076 | |
2077 |
def display_colors(self, value): |
2078 |
""" display colors """
2079 |
from DisplayColors import DisplayColors, DisplayOptions |
2080 | |
2081 |
if hasattr(self, 'ribbon'): |
2082 |
visualization_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization') |
2083 |
if self.sender() is visualization_pane.ui.radioButtonByGroup and value is True: |
2084 |
DisplayColors.instance().option = DisplayOptions.DisplayByLineNo |
2085 |
elif self.sender() is visualization_pane.ui.radioButtonByType and value is True: |
2086 |
DisplayColors.instance().option = DisplayOptions.DisplayByLineType |
2087 |
elif self.sender() is visualization_pane.ui.radioButtonByStreamNo and value is True: |
2088 |
DisplayColors.instance().option = DisplayOptions.DisplayByStreamNo |
2089 | |
2090 |
if hasattr(self, 'graphicsView') and value is True: |
2091 |
self.graphicsView.scene().update(self.graphicsView.sceneRect()) |
2092 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(): |
2093 |
if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem): |
2094 |
item.update() |
2095 |
DisplayColors.instance().save_data() |
2096 | |
2097 |
def open_image_drawing(self, drawing, force=False, ocrUnknown=False, timer=True, pdf=False): |
2098 |
"""open and display image drawing file"""
2099 |
from Drawing import Drawing |
2100 |
from App import App |
2101 |
from LoadCommand import LoadCommand |
2102 |
import concurrent.futures as futures |
2103 | |
2104 |
# Yield successive n-sized
2105 |
# chunks from l.
2106 |
def divide_chunks(l, n): |
2107 |
# looping till length l
2108 |
for i in range(0, len(l), n): |
2109 |
yield l[i:i + n]
2110 | |
2111 |
def update_items(items): |
2112 |
for item in items: |
2113 |
# binding items
2114 |
item.owner |
2115 |
for connector in item.connectors: |
2116 |
connector.connectedItem |
2117 | |
2118 |
return items
2119 | |
2120 |
2121 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
2122 | |
2123 |
if not self.actionSave.isEnabled(): |
2124 |
2125 | |
2126 |
if not force and self.save_drawing_if_necessary(): |
2127 |
2128 | |
2129 |
if not pdf: |
2130 |
occupied = app_doc_data.set_occupying_drawing(drawing.UID) |
2131 |
if occupied:
2132 |
QMessageBox.about(self.graphicsView, self.tr("Notice"), |
2133 |
self.tr(f"The drawing is locked for editing by another user({occupied})")) |
2134 |
2135 | |
2136 |
# save alarm
2137 |
if timer:
2138 |
self.save_alarm_enable(False) |
2139 | |
2140 |
if hasattr(self, '_save_work_cmd'): |
2141 |
2142 | |
2143 |
project = app_doc_data.getCurrentProject() |
2144 | |
2145 |
self.path = self.graphicsView.loadImageFromFile(drawing) |
2146 |
if os.path.isfile(self.path): |
2147 |
2148 |
app_doc_data.clear(past=drawing.UID) |
2149 | |
2150 |
# load color for stream no coloring
2151 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Line List', 'Use Stream No') |
2152 |
if configs and int(configs[0].value) == 1: |
2153 |
hmbs = app_doc_data.get_hmb_data(None)
2154 |
colors = {} |
2155 |
if hmbs:
2156 |
for hmb in hmbs: |
2157 |
rgb = app_doc_data.colors |
2158 |
colors[hmb.stream_no] = QColor(rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue).name() |
2159 |
app_doc_data._hmbColors = colors |
2160 |
# up to here
2161 | |
2162 |
2163 |
app_doc_data.activeDrawing = drawing |
2164 |
2165 |
2166 |
2167 | |
2168 |
drawingList = self.treeWidgetDrawingList.topLevelItem(0) |
2169 |
for idx in range(drawingList.childCount()): |
2170 |
child = drawingList.child(idx) |
2171 |
if child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0) is drawing: |
2172 |
child.setCheckState(0, Qt.Checked)
2173 |
2174 |
child.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked)
2175 | |
2176 |
2177 |
2178 | |
2179 |
# disconnect scene changed if signal is connected
2180 |
if self.graphicsView.scene().receivers(self.graphicsView.scene().contents_changed) > 0: |
2181 |
2182 | |
2183 |
SymbolSvgItem.DOCUMENTS.clear() |
2184 | |
2185 |
# load data
2186 |
cmd = LoadCommand() |
2187 |
2188 |
2189 |
2190 |
cmd.execute((drawing, self.graphicsView.scene()),
2191 |
symbol=True, text=True, line=True, unknown=True, package=True, update=not pdf) |
2192 | |
2193 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Line List', 'Use Stream No') |
2194 |
if configs and int(configs[0].value) == 1: |
2195 |
app_doc_data._streamLineListModelDatas = app_doc_data.get_stream_line_list_data() |
2196 |
# up to here
2197 | |
2198 |
"""update item tree widget"""
2199 |
line_no_items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() |
2200 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem] |
2201 |
for line_no in line_no_items: |
2202 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no) |
2203 |
for run in line_no.runs: |
2204 |
for run_item in run.items: |
2205 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem): |
2206 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
2207 | |
2208 |
line_no_items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() |
2209 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem] |
2210 |
for line_no in line_no_items: |
2211 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no) |
2212 |
for run in line_no.runs: |
2213 |
for run_item in run.items: |
2214 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem): |
2215 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
2216 | |
2217 |
for trim_line_no in app_doc_data.tracerLineNos: |
2218 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, trim_line_no) |
2219 |
for run in trim_line_no.runs: |
2220 |
for run_item in run.items: |
2221 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem): |
2222 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
2223 | |
2224 |
2225 |
2226 |
"""up to here"""
2227 | |
2228 |
"""update scene"""
2229 |
for item in self._scene.items(): |
2230 |
2231 | |
2232 |
self._scene.update(self._scene.sceneRect()) |
2233 | |
2234 |
2235 |
# old open drawing
2236 |
path = os.path.join(app_doc_data.getCurrentProject().getTempPath(), app_doc_data.imgName + '.xml')
2237 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Data Load', 'Xml First')
2238 |
if configs and int(configs[0].value) >= 1 and os.path.isfile(path):
2239 |
2240 |
elif configs and int(configs[0].value) <= 1:
2241 |
2242 |
2243 | |
2244 |
2245 |
# connect scene changed signal
2246 |
self.graphicsView.scene().contents_changed.connect(self.scene_changed) |
2247 |
2248 |
if hasattr(self, 'progress'): |
2249 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.maximum()) |
2250 | |
2251 |
self.changeViewCheckedState(None) |
2252 |
2253 |
self.setWindowTitle(self.title) |
2254 |
if not pdf: |
2255 |
2256 | |
2257 |
if ocrUnknown:
2258 |
2259 | |
2260 |
# save alarm
2261 |
if timer:
2262 |
self.save_alarm_enable(True, True) |
2263 |
except Exception as ex: |
2264 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
2265 |
2266 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
2267 | |
2268 |
return self.path |
2269 | |
2270 |
def save_alarm_enable(self, enable, init=False): |
2271 |
from datetime import datetime |
2272 | |
2273 |
2274 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
2275 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Data Save', 'Time') |
2276 |
time_min = int(configs[0].value) if 1 == len(configs) else 0 |
2277 | |
2278 |
if enable and time_min > 0: |
2279 |
if not self.save_timer: |
2280 |
self.save_timer = QTimer()
2281 |
self.save_timer.timeout.connect(self.save_alarm) |
2282 |
self.save_timer.setInterval(60000) |
2283 | |
2284 |
if init:
2285 |
self.save_timer._init_time = datetime.now()
2286 |
self.save_timer._stop_time = None |
2287 |
self.save_timer._interval_time = datetime.now() - datetime.now()
2288 | |
2289 |
if self.save_timer._stop_time: |
2290 |
self.save_timer._interval_time = datetime.now() - self.save_timer._stop_time |
2291 |
2292 |
#if 60000 * time_min != self.save_timer.interval():
2293 |
# self.save_timer.setInterval(60000)
2294 | |
2295 |
2296 |
2297 |
if self.save_timer: |
2298 |
2299 |
self.save_timer._stop_time = datetime.now()
2300 |
2301 |
except Exception as ex: |
2302 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
2303 |
2304 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
2305 | |
2306 |
def save_alarm(self): |
2307 |
from datetime import datetime |
2308 | |
2309 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
2310 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Data Save', 'Time') |
2311 |
time_min = int(configs[0].value) if 1 == len(configs) else 0 |
2312 | |
2313 |
2314 |
if self.graphicsView.hasFocus() and (datetime.now() - self.save_timer._init_time - self.save_timer._interval_time).seconds > time_min * 60: |
2315 |
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Information'), self.tr('Please save Drawing')) |
2316 |
self.save_timer._init_time = datetime.now()
2317 |
self.save_timer._interval_time = datetime.now() - datetime.now()
2318 |
2319 | |
2320 |
def export_as_svg(self): |
2321 |
"""export scene to svg file"""
2322 |
from ExportCommand import ExportCommand |
2323 | |
2324 |
options = QFileDialog.Options() |
2325 |
options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog |
2326 |
file_path, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export as svg", os.getcwd(), "svg file(*.svg)", |
2327 |
options=options) |
2328 |
if file_path:
2329 |
cmd = ExportCommand(self.graphicsView.scene(), 'svg') |
2330 |
2331 |
if cmd.execute(file_path):
2332 |
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Information'), self.tr('Successfully export to svg file')) |
2333 |
2334 |
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Error'), self.tr('Fail to export to svg file')) |
2335 | |
2336 |
def export_as_xml(self): |
2337 |
2338 | |
2339 |
def export_as_image(self): |
2340 |
"""export scene to image file"""
2341 |
from ExportCommand import ExportCommand |
2342 | |
2343 |
options = QFileDialog.Options() |
2344 |
options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog |
2345 |
file_path, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export as png", os.getcwd(), "png file(*.png)", |
2346 |
options=options) |
2347 |
if file_path:
2348 |
2349 |
# hide image drawing
2350 |
self.onViewImageDrawing(False) |
2351 | |
2352 |
cmd = ExportCommand(self.graphicsView.scene(), 'image') |
2353 |
2354 | |
2355 |
if cmd.execute(file_path):
2356 |
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Information'), self.tr('Successfully export to image file')) |
2357 |
2358 |
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr('Error'), self.tr('Fail to export to image file')) |
2359 |
2360 |
if self.actionImage_Drawing.isChecked(): |
2361 |
self.onViewImageDrawing(True) |
2362 |
self.actionImage_Drawing.setChecked(True) |
2363 | |
2364 |
def show_Progress_bar(self): |
2365 |
""" show progress bar """
2366 |
self.progress = QProgressDialog(self.tr("Please wait for a while"), self.tr("Cancel"), 0, 100, |
2367 |
self) if not hasattr(self, 'progress') else self.progress |
2368 |
2369 |
self.progress.setAutoReset(True) |
2370 |
self.progress.setAutoClose(True) |
2371 |
self.progress.setMinimum(0) |
2372 |
self.progress.setMaximum(100) |
2373 |
self.progress.resize(600, 100) |
2374 |
self.progress.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Reading file...")) |
2375 |
2376 | |
2377 |
def changeViewCheckedState(self, checked, clear=True): |
2378 |
"""change view checked state"""
2379 |
# self.actionImage_Drawing.setChecked(checked)
2380 |
2381 |
2382 |
2383 |
2384 |
2385 |
2386 |
2387 |
self.actionViewVendor_Area.setChecked(not checked)
2388 |
self.actionDrawing_Only.setChecked(not checked)
2389 |
2390 | |
2391 |
if checked is not None: |
2392 |
view_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('View') |
2393 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewText.setChecked(checked) |
2394 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewSymbol.setChecked(checked) |
2395 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewLine.setChecked(checked) |
2396 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewUnknown.setChecked(checked) |
2397 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewInconsistency.setChecked(checked) |
2398 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewVendorArea.setChecked(checked) |
2399 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewDrawingOnly.setChecked(not checked)
2400 | |
2401 |
if clear:
2402 |
2403 |
self.tableWidgetInconsistency.setRowCount(0) |
2404 | |
2405 |
def updateAsViewCheckedState(self): |
2406 |
view_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('View') |
2407 |
2408 |
2409 |
2410 |
2411 |
2412 |
2413 |
2414 |
2415 | |
2416 |
def onViewDrawingOnly(self, isChecked): |
2417 |
2418 |
@brief visible/invisible except image drawing
2419 |
@author euisung
2420 |
@date 2019.04.22
2421 |
2422 |
self.changeViewCheckedState(not isChecked, False) |
2423 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(): |
2424 |
if type(item) is not QGraphicsPixmapItem and issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringAbstractItem): |
2425 |
item.setVisible(not isChecked)
2426 | |
2427 |
2428 |
@brief visible/invisible image drawing
2429 |
@author humkyung
2430 |
@date 2018.06.25
2431 |
2432 |
def onViewImageDrawing(self, isChecked): |
2433 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(): |
2434 |
if type(item) is QGraphicsPixmapItem: |
2435 |
item.setVisible(isChecked) |
2436 |
2437 | |
2438 |
def onViewText(self, checked): |
2439 |
"""visible/invisible text"""
2440 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringTextItem)] |
2441 |
for item in selected: |
2442 |
item.setVisible(checked) |
2443 | |
2444 |
def onViewSymbol(self, checked): |
2445 |
"""visible/invisible symbol"""
2446 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem)] |
2447 |
for item in selected: |
2448 |
item.setVisible(checked) |
2449 | |
2450 |
def onViewLine(self, checked): |
2451 |
"""visible/invisible line"""
2452 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem] |
2453 |
for item in selected: |
2454 |
item.setVisible(checked) |
2455 | |
2456 |
def onViewInconsistency(self, isChecked): |
2457 |
2458 |
@brief visible/invisible Inconsistency
2459 |
@author euisung
2460 |
@date 2019.04.03
2461 |
2462 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringErrorItem] |
2463 |
for item in selected: |
2464 |
item.setVisible(isChecked) |
2465 | |
2466 |
2467 |
@brief visible/invisible Unknown
2468 |
@author humkyung
2469 |
@date 2018.06.28
2470 |
2471 |
def onViewUnknown(self, isChecked): |
2472 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if type(item) is QEngineeringUnknownItem] |
2473 |
for item in selected: |
2474 |
item.setVisible(isChecked) |
2475 | |
2476 |
def onViewVendorArea(self, isChecked): |
2477 |
2478 |
@brief visible/invisible Vendor Area
2479 |
@author euisung
2480 |
@date 2019.04.29
2481 |
2482 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringVendorItem)] |
2483 |
for item in selected: |
2484 |
item.setVisible(isChecked) |
2485 | |
2486 |
2487 |
@brief create a symbol
2488 |
@history 2018.05.02 Jeongwoo Change return value of QSymbolEditorDialog (Single variable → Tuple)
2489 |
Add SymbolSvgItem
2490 |
2018.05.03 Jeongwoo Change method to draw Svg Item on Scene (svg.addSvgItemToScene)
2491 |
Change method to make svg and image path
2492 |
2018.06.08 Jeongwoo Add Paramter on SymbolSvgItem.buildItem()
2493 |
2494 |
def onCreateSymbolClicked(self): |
2495 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems() if issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringVendorItem)] |
2496 |
if len(selected) == 1: |
2497 |
symbol_image = AppDocData.instance().activeDrawing.image_origin |
2498 |
rect = selected[0].sceneBoundingRect()
2499 | |
2500 |
points = [] |
2501 |
for conn in selected[0].connectors: |
2502 |
points.append([round(conn.center()[0] - rect.x()), round(conn.center()[1] - rect.y())]) |
2503 |
poly = np.array(points, np.int32) |
2504 | |
2505 |
#mask = np.zeros((int(rect.height()), int(rect.width())))
2506 |
#cv2.fillPoly(mask, [poly], (255))
2507 |
#poly_copied = np.multiply(mask, symbol_image[round(rect.y()):round(rect.y() + rect.height()),
2508 |
# round(rect.x()):round(rect.x() + rect.width())])
2509 |
2510 |
#src2 = np.multiply(mask,src2)
2511 | |
2512 |
mask = np.ones((int(rect.height()), int(rect.width())), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 |
2513 |
cv2.fillPoly(mask, [poly], (0))
2514 |
sym_img = cv2.bitwise_or(mask, symbol_image[int(rect.y()):int(rect.y()) + int(rect.height()), int(rect.x()):int(rect.x()) + int(rect.width())]) |
2515 |
sym_img = cv2.merge((sym_img, sym_img, sym_img)) |
2516 | |
2517 |
h, w, c = sym_img.shape |
2518 |
qImg = QImage(sym_img.data, w, h, w * c, QImage.Format_RGB888) |
2519 |
#pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(qImg)
2520 | |
2521 |
self.onAreaSelected(None, None, None, None, package=qImg, position=rect.topLeft(), package_item=selected[0]) |
2522 |
2523 |
cmd = FenceCommand.FenceCommand(self.graphicsView)
2524 |
2525 |
self.graphicsView.command = cmd
2526 |
QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) |
2527 | |
2528 |
2529 |
@brief show SymbolEditorDialog with image selected by user
2530 |
@author humkyung
2531 |
@date 2018.07.20
2532 |
2533 |
def onAreaSelected(self, x, y, width, height, package=False, position=None, package_item=None): |
2534 |
2535 |
image = self.graphicsView.image()
2536 |
if image is not None: |
2537 |
if not package: |
2538 |
symbolEditorDialog = SymbolEditorDialog.QSymbolEditorDialog(self, image.copy(x, y, width, height),
2539 |
AppDocData.instance().getCurrentProject()) |
2540 |
2541 |
symbolEditorDialog = SymbolEditorDialog.QSymbolEditorDialog(self, package,
2542 |
AppDocData.instance().getCurrentProject(), package=True)
2543 |
(isAccepted, isImmediateInsert, offsetX, offsetY, newSym) = symbolEditorDialog.showDialog() |
2544 |
# TODO: not initialize symbol tree view when user reject to create a new symbol
2545 |
2546 |
if isAccepted:
2547 |
if isImmediateInsert:
2548 |
svg = QtImageViewer.createSymbolObject(newSym.getName()) |
2549 |
offsetX, offsetY = [int(point) for point in newSym.getOriginalPoint().split(',')] |
2550 |
QtImageViewer.matchSymbolToLine(self.graphicsView.scene(), svg, QPoint(position.x() + offsetX, position.y() + offsetY))
2551 | |
2552 |
package_item.transfer.onRemoved.emit(package_item) |
2553 |
2554 |
2555 |
QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() |
2556 |
QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() |
2557 | |
2558 |
def on_line_list(self): |
2559 |
""" line list export dialog """
2560 |
from LineListDialog import LineListDialog |
2561 | |
2562 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
2563 |
2564 |
2565 | |
2566 |
dialog = LineListDialog(self)
2567 |
dialog.showDialog() |
2568 | |
2569 |
def on_make_label_data(self): |
2570 |
""" make label data from symbol info """
2571 |
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, dump, ElementTree, parse |
2572 | |
2573 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
2574 |
2575 |
2576 | |
2577 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
2578 |
project = app_doc_data.getCurrentProject() |
2579 | |
2580 |
smalls = [] |
2581 |
bigs = [] |
2582 | |
2583 |
symbol_list = app_doc_data.getTargetSymbolList(all=True)
2584 |
#symbol_list = app_doc_data.getTargetSymbolList(all=False)
2585 |
for symbol in symbol_list: |
2586 |
if symbol.iType == 38 or symbol.iType == 33 or symbol.iType == 0 or symbol.iType == 40: |
2587 |
2588 |
elif symbol.width and symbol.height: |
2589 |
if symbol.width > 300 or symbol.height > 300: |
2590 |
bigs.append(symbol.getName()) |
2591 |
elif (symbol.width * symbol.height < 1500) or (symbol.width > 450 or symbol.height > 450): |
2592 |
2593 |
2594 |
smalls.append(symbol.getName()) |
2595 | |
2596 |
symbols = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem)] |
2597 |
names = [smalls, bigs] |
2598 | |
2599 |
img = app_doc_data.activeDrawing.image_origin |
2600 | |
2601 |
small_size = 500
2602 |
big_size = 850
2603 | |
2604 |
save_path = project.getTrainingSymbolFilePath() |
2605 | |
2606 |
index = 0
2607 |
for size in [small_size, big_size]: |
2608 |
offsets = [0, int(size / 2)] |
2609 | |
2610 |
width, height = img.shape[1], img.shape[0] |
2611 |
width_count, height_count = width // size + 2, height // size + 2 |
2612 |
b_width, b_height = width_count * size, height_count * size |
2613 |
b_img = np.zeros((b_height, b_width), np.uint8) + 255
2614 |
b_img[:height, :width] = img[:, :] |
2615 | |
2616 |
for offset in offsets: |
2617 |
for row in range(height_count): |
2618 |
for col in range(width_count): |
2619 |
x, y = col * size + offset, row * size + offset |
2620 |
tile_rect = QRectF(x, y, size, size) |
2621 |
tile_symbols = [] |
2622 |
for symbol in [symbol for symbol in symbols if symbol.name in names[index]]: |
2623 |
if tile_rect.contains(symbol.sceneBoundingRect()):
2624 |
tile_symbols.append(symbol) |
2625 |
symbols.remove(symbol) |
2626 | |
2627 |
if tile_symbols:
2628 |
training_uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
2629 |
training_image_path = os.path.join(save_path, training_uid + '.png')
2630 |
training_xml_path = os.path.join(save_path, training_uid + '.xml')
2631 | |
2632 |
# save image
2633 |
#_img = b_img[round(tile_rect.top()):round(tile_rect.bottom()),
2634 |
# round(tile_rect.left()):round(tile_rect.right())]
2635 |
#cv2.imwrite(training_image_path, _img)
2636 |
_img = self.graphicsView.image().copy(round(tile_rect.left()), round(tile_rect.top()), round(tile_rect.width()), round(tile_rect.height())) |
2637 |
_img.save(training_image_path) |
2638 | |
2639 |
# save label
2640 |
xml = Element('annotation')
2641 |
SubElement(xml, 'folder').text = 'None' |
2642 |
SubElement(xml, 'filename').text = os.path.basename(save_path)
2643 | |
2644 |
pathNode = Element('path')
2645 |
pathNode.text = save_path.replace('/', '\\') |
2646 |
xml.append(pathNode) |
2647 | |
2648 |
sourceNode = Element('source')
2649 |
databaseNode = Element('database')
2650 |
databaseNode.text = 'Unknown'
2651 |
sourceNode.append(databaseNode) |
2652 |
xml.append(sourceNode) |
2653 | |
2654 |
sizeNode = Element('size')
2655 |
widthNode = Element('width')
2656 |
widthNode.text = str(int(tile_rect.width())) |
2657 |
sizeNode.append(widthNode) |
2658 |
heightNode = Element('height')
2659 |
heightNode.text = str(int(tile_rect.height())) |
2660 |
sizeNode.append(heightNode) |
2661 |
depthNode = Element('depth')
2662 |
depthNode.text = '3'
2663 |
sizeNode.append(depthNode) |
2664 |
xml.append(sizeNode) |
2665 | |
2666 |
segmentedNode = Element('segmented')
2667 |
segmentedNode.text = '0'
2668 |
xml.append(segmentedNode) |
2669 | |
2670 |
labelContent = [] |
2671 |
counts = {} |
2672 |
for item in tile_symbols: |
2673 |
rect = item.sceneBoundingRect() |
2674 |
label, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = item.name, int(rect.x() - 5 - x), int(rect.y() - 5 - y), int(rect.x() + rect.width() + 5 - x), int(rect.y() + rect.height() + 5 - y) |
2675 |
#label = 'small' if index == 0 else 'big' # for single class test
2676 |
xMin = xMin if xMin > 0 else 0 |
2677 |
yMin = yMin if yMin > 0 else 0 |
2678 |
xMax = xMax if xMax < size else size |
2679 |
yMax = yMax if yMax < size else size |
2680 | |
2681 |
if label == 'None' or label == '': |
2682 |
2683 |
if label not in labelContent: |
2684 |
labelContent.append(label) |
2685 |
counts[label] = 1
2686 |
2687 |
counts[label] = counts[label] + 1
2688 | |
2689 |
objectNode = Element('object')
2690 |
nameNode = Element('name')
2691 |
nameNode.text = label |
2692 |
objectNode.append(nameNode) |
2693 |
poseNode = Element('pose')
2694 |
poseNode.text = 'Unspecified'
2695 |
objectNode.append(poseNode) |
2696 |
truncatedNode = Element('truncated')
2697 |
truncatedNode.text = '0'
2698 |
objectNode.append(truncatedNode) |
2699 |
difficultNode = Element('difficult')
2700 |
difficultNode.text = '0'
2701 |
objectNode.append(difficultNode) |
2702 | |
2703 |
bndboxNode = Element('bndbox')
2704 |
xminNode = Element('xmin')
2705 |
xminNode.text = str(xMin)
2706 |
bndboxNode.append(xminNode) |
2707 |
yminNode = Element('ymin')
2708 |
yminNode.text = str(yMin)
2709 |
bndboxNode.append(yminNode) |
2710 |
xmaxNode = Element('xmax')
2711 |
xmaxNode.text = str(xMax)
2712 |
bndboxNode.append(xmaxNode) |
2713 |
ymaxNode = Element('ymax')
2714 |
ymaxNode.text = str(yMax)
2715 |
bndboxNode.append(ymaxNode) |
2716 |
objectNode.append(bndboxNode) |
2717 | |
2718 |
xml.append(objectNode) |
2719 | |
2720 |
ElementTree(xml).write(training_xml_path) |
2721 | |
2722 |
index += 1
2723 | |
2724 |
QMessageBox.about(self, self.tr("Notice"), self.tr('Successfully applied. ')) |
2725 | |
2726 |
def onPlaceLine(self): |
2727 |
"""create a line"""
2728 |
home_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
2729 | |
2730 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
2731 |
2732 |
2733 |
2734 | |
2735 |
2736 |
if not hasattr(home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine, 'tag'): |
2737 |
home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag = PlaceLineCommand.PlaceLineCommand(self.graphicsView)
2738 |
2739 |
2740 | |
2741 |
self.graphicsView.command = home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag
2742 | |
2743 |
def onLineCreated(self): |
2744 |
"""add created lines to scene"""
2745 |
from EngineeringConnectorItem import QEngineeringConnectorItem |
2746 |
from LineDetector import LineDetector |
2747 | |
2748 |
2749 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
2750 |
home_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
2751 | |
2752 |
count = len(home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag._polyline._vertices)
2753 |
if count > 1: |
2754 |
items = [] |
2755 | |
2756 |
detector = LineDetector(None)
2757 | |
2758 |
if not home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag.line_type: |
2759 |
line_type = home_pane.ui.comboBoxLineType.currentText() |
2760 |
2761 |
pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
2762 |
selected_line_type = pane.ui.comboBoxLineType.currentText() |
2763 |
if selected_line_type == 'Connect To Process': |
2764 |
line_type = selected_line_type |
2765 |
elif not (QEngineeringLineItem.check_piping(home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag.line_type) ^ |
2766 |
QEngineeringLineItem.check_piping(selected_line_type)): |
2767 |
line_type = selected_line_type |
2768 |
2769 |
line_type = home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag.line_type |
2770 |
for index in range(count - 1): |
2771 |
start = home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag._polyline._vertices[index] |
2772 |
end = home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag._polyline._vertices[index + 1]
2773 | |
2774 |
lineItem = QEngineeringLineItem(vertices=[start, end]) |
2775 |
2776 |
lineItem.lineType = line_type |
2777 |
if items:
2778 |
lineItem.connect_if_possible(items[-1], 5) |
2779 |
2780 |
pt = lineItem.start_point() |
2781 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(QPointF(pt[0], pt[1])) if |
2782 |
type(item) is QEngineeringConnectorItem or type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem] |
2783 |
if selected and selected[0] is not lineItem: |
2784 |
if type(selected[0]) is QEngineeringConnectorItem: |
2785 |
lineItem.connect_if_possible(selected[0].parent, 5) |
2786 |
2787 |
detector.connectLineToLine(selected[0], lineItem, 5) |
2788 | |
2789 |
items.append(lineItem) |
2790 |
2791 | |
2792 |
pt = items[-1].end_point()
2793 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(QPointF(pt[0], pt[1])) if |
2794 |
(type(item) is QEngineeringConnectorItem and item.parentItem() is not items[-1]) or |
2795 |
(type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem and item is not items[-1])] |
2796 |
if selected and selected[0] is not items[-1]: |
2797 |
if type(selected[0]) is QEngineeringConnectorItem: |
2798 |
items[-1].connect_if_possible(selected[0].parent, 5) |
2799 |
2800 |
detector.connectLineToLine(selected[0], items[-1], 5) |
2801 | |
2802 |
self._scene.undo_stack.push(CreateCommand(self._scene, items)) |
2803 |
2804 |
2805 |
home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag.reset() |
2806 | |
2807 |
def onCommandRejected(self, cmd=None): |
2808 |
"""command is rejected"""
2809 |
2810 |
home_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
2811 |
visualization_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home Visualization') |
2812 |
if type(cmd) is PlaceLineCommand.PlaceLineCommand: |
2813 |
if home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag._polyline:
2814 |
2815 |
2816 |
home_pane.ui.toolButtonLine.tag.reset() |
2817 | |
2818 |
2819 |
elif type(cmd) is AreaZoomCommand.AreaZoomCommand: |
2820 |
2821 |
elif type(cmd) is AreaOcrCommand.AreaOcrCommand: |
2822 |
2823 |
elif type(cmd) is PlacePolygonCommand.PlacePolygonCommand: |
2824 |
2825 |
2826 |
if hasattr(home_pane.ui.toolButtonVendor, 'tag') and home_pane.ui.toolButtonVendor.tag._polyline: |
2827 |
2828 |
2829 |
home_pane.ui.toolButtonVendor.tag.reset() |
2830 |
2831 |
2832 |
2833 |
2834 |
2835 |
2836 | |
2837 |
def on_view_toggle(self, key: int) -> None: |
2838 |
"""view toggled"""
2839 | |
2840 |
view_pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('View') |
2841 |
if key == Qt.Key_1:
2842 |
checked = view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewImageDrawing.isChecked() |
2843 |
self.onViewImageDrawing(not checked) |
2844 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewImageDrawing.setChecked(not checked)
2845 |
elif key == Qt.Key_2:
2846 |
checked = view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewText.isChecked() |
2847 |
self.onViewText(not checked) |
2848 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewText.setChecked(not checked)
2849 |
elif key == Qt.Key_3:
2850 |
checked = view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewSymbol.isChecked() |
2851 |
self.onViewSymbol(not checked) |
2852 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewSymbol.setChecked(not checked)
2853 |
elif key == Qt.Key_4:
2854 |
checked = view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewLine.isChecked() |
2855 |
self.onViewLine(not checked) |
2856 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewLine.setChecked(not checked)
2857 |
elif key == Qt.Key_5:
2858 |
checked = view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewUnknown.isChecked() |
2859 |
self.onViewUnknown(not checked) |
2860 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewUnknown.setChecked(not checked)
2861 |
elif key == Qt.Key_6:
2862 |
checked = view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewInconsistency.isChecked() |
2863 |
self.onViewInconsistency(not checked) |
2864 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewInconsistency.setChecked(not checked)
2865 |
elif key == Qt.Key_7:
2866 |
checked = view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewVendorArea.isChecked() |
2867 |
self.onViewVendorArea(not checked) |
2868 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewVendorArea.setChecked(not checked)
2869 |
elif key == 96: # '~' key |
2870 |
checked = view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewDrawingOnly.isChecked() |
2871 |
self.onViewDrawingOnly(not checked) |
2872 |
view_pane.ui.toolButtonViewDrawingOnly.setChecked(not checked)
2873 | |
2874 |
def keyPressEvent(self, event): |
2875 |
"""restore to default command when user press Escape key"""
2876 |
2877 |
#print('main : ' + str(event.key()))
2878 |
if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape:
2879 |
checked = self.checked_action()
2880 |
if checked:
2881 |
2882 |
2883 |
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_M: # merge text, line |
2884 |
from TextInfo import TextInfo |
2885 |
from EngineeringConnectorItem import QEngineeringConnectorItem |
2886 |
from LineDetector import LineDetector |
2887 | |
2888 |
# line merge
2889 |
lineItems = [line for line in self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems() if |
2890 |
issubclass(type(line), QEngineeringLineItem)] |
2891 |
lineValidation = True
2892 |
if len(lineItems) > 1: |
2893 |
x = [] |
2894 |
y = [] |
2895 |
connectedItems = [] |
2896 |
isVertical = None
2897 |
for line in lineItems: |
2898 |
if isVertical == None: |
2899 |
isVertical = line.isVertical() |
2900 |
elif isVertical != line.isVertical():
2901 |
lineValidation = False
2902 | |
2903 |
2904 |
2905 |
2906 |
2907 | |
2908 |
if line.connectors[0].connectedItem: |
2909 |
2910 |
if line.connectors[1].connectedItem: |
2911 |
2912 | |
2913 |
if lineValidation:
2914 |
startPoint = [min(x), min(y)] |
2915 |
endPoint = [max(x), max(y)] |
2916 |
lineItem = QEngineeringLineItem(vertices=[startPoint, endPoint]) |
2917 |
2918 |
lineItem.lineType = lineItems[0].lineType
2919 | |
2920 |
for line in lineItems: |
2921 |
line.transfer.onRemoved.emit(line) |
2922 | |
2923 |
detector = LineDetector(None)
2924 | |
2925 |
for pt in [startPoint, endPoint]: |
2926 |
selected = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(QPointF(pt[0], pt[1])) if |
2927 |
type(item) is QEngineeringConnectorItem or type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem] |
2928 |
if selected:
2929 |
if type(selected[0]) is QEngineeringConnectorItem: |
2930 |
lineItem.connect_if_possible(selected[0].parent, 5) |
2931 |
elif selected[0] in connectedItems: |
2932 |
lineItem.connect_if_possible(selected[0], 5) |
2933 |
2934 |
detector.connectLineToLine(selected[0], lineItem, 5) |
2935 | |
2936 |
2937 |
# up to here
2938 | |
2939 |
# text merge
2940 |
textItems = [text for text in self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems() if |
2941 |
issubclass(type(text), QEngineeringTextItem)] |
2942 |
if len(textItems) > 1: |
2943 |
angle = None
2944 |
for item in textItems: |
2945 |
if angle is None: |
2946 |
angle = item.angle |
2947 |
2948 |
if angle != item.angle:
2949 |
2950 | |
2951 |
modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() |
2952 |
enter_or_space = ' ' if modifiers == Qt.ControlModifier else '\n' |
2953 |
x_or_y = 0 if (modifiers == Qt.ControlModifier and angle == 0) or (modifiers != Qt.ControlModifier and angle == 1.57) else 1 |
2954 | |
2955 |
textItems = sorted(textItems, key=lambda text: text.loc[x_or_y]) if textItems[0].angle == 0 else ( \ |
2956 |
sorted(textItems, key=lambda text: text.loc[x_or_y]) if textItems[0].angle == 1.57 else ( \ |
2957 |
sorted(textItems, key=lambda text: text.loc[x_or_y], reverse=True) if textItems[0].angle == 4.71 else \ |
2958 |
sorted(textItems, key=lambda text: text.loc[x_or_y], reverse=True))) |
2959 | |
2960 |
if textItems[0].angle == 1.57 and modifiers == Qt.ControlModifier: |
2961 |
textItems.reverse() |
2962 | |
2963 |
minX = sys.maxsize |
2964 |
minY = sys.maxsize |
2965 |
maxX = 0
2966 |
maxY = 0
2967 |
newText = ''
2968 | |
2969 |
for text in textItems: |
2970 |
if text.loc[0] < minX: minX = text.loc[0] |
2971 |
if text.loc[1] < minY: minY = text.loc[1] |
2972 |
if text.loc[0] + text.size[0] > maxX: maxX = text.loc[0] + text.size[0] |
2973 |
if text.loc[1] + text.size[1] > maxY: maxY = text.loc[1] + text.size[1] |
2974 |
newText = newText + text.text() + enter_or_space |
2975 |
text.transfer.onRemoved.emit(text) |
2976 |
newText = newText[:-1]
2977 | |
2978 |
textInfo = TextInfo(newText, minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY, textItems[0].angle)
2979 |
item = QEngineeringTextItem.create_text_with(self.graphicsView.scene(), textInfo)
2980 |
if item is not None: |
2981 |
item.area = textItems[0].area
2982 |
2983 |
2984 |
# up to here
2985 |
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_D:
2986 |
# pop up development toolkit dialog
2987 |
from DevelopmentToolkitDialog import QDevelopmentToolkitDialog |
2988 | |
2989 |
modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() |
2990 |
if modifiers == Qt.ControlModifier:
2991 |
dlg = QDevelopmentToolkitDialog(self, self.graphicsView) |
2992 |
dlg.show() |
2993 |
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_I:
2994 |
# insert symbol item that is selected symbol in tree to main window if symbol already selected on main window, replace
2995 |
index = self.symbolTreeWidget.currentIndex()
2996 |
proxy_model = self.symbolTreeWidget.model()
2997 |
items = [proxy_model.sourceModel().itemFromIndex(proxy_model.mapToSource(index))] |
2998 |
if items and hasattr(items[0], 'svgFilePath'): |
2999 |
symData = items[0].data(self.symbolTreeWidget.TREE_DATA_ROLE) |
3000 |
symName = symData.getName() |
3001 |
3002 |
3003 | |
3004 |
symbolItems = [symbol for symbol in self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems() if |
3005 |
issubclass(type(symbol), SymbolSvgItem)] |
3006 |
old_symbol = None
3007 |
if symbolItems and len(symbolItems) is 1: |
3008 |
old_symbol = symbolItems[0]
3009 |
#scenePos = QPoint(old_symbol.origin[0], old_symbol.origin[1])
3010 |
scenePos = old_symbol.mapToScene(old_symbol.transformOriginPoint()) |
3011 |
old_symbol.transfer.onRemoved.emit(old_symbol) |
3012 |
3013 |
scenePos = self.current_pos
3014 | |
3015 |
svg = QtImageViewer.createSymbolObject(symName) |
3016 |
QtImageViewer.matchSymbolToLine(self.graphicsView.scene(), svg, scenePos, angle=old_symbol.angle if old_symbol else 0.0) |
3017 | |
3018 |
if old_symbol and svg: |
3019 |
from ReplaceCommand import ReplaceCommand |
3020 | |
3021 |
cmd = ReplaceCommand(self.graphicsView.scene(), old_symbol, svg)
3022 |
3023 |
3024 |
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_J:
3025 |
# insert and connect symbol item that is selected symbol in tree to selected symbol
3026 |
index = self.symbolTreeWidget.currentIndex()
3027 |
proxy_model = self.symbolTreeWidget.model()
3028 |
items = [proxy_model.sourceModel().itemFromIndex(proxy_model.mapToSource(index))] |
3029 |
if items and hasattr(items[0], 'svgFilePath'): |
3030 |
symData = items[0].data(self.symbolTreeWidget.TREE_DATA_ROLE) |
3031 |
symName = symData.getName() |
3032 |
3033 |
3034 | |
3035 |
symbolItems = [symbol for symbol in self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems() if |
3036 |
issubclass(type(symbol), SymbolSvgItem)] |
3037 |
if len(symbolItems) is not 1: |
3038 |
3039 |
3040 |
target_symbol = symbolItems[0]
3041 |
index = [index for index in range(len(target_symbol.conn_type)) \ |
3042 |
if target_symbol.conn_type[index] == 'Primary' or target_symbol.conn_type[index] == 'Secondary'] |
3043 |
for connector in target_symbol.connectors: |
3044 |
svg = QtImageViewer.createSymbolObject(symName) |
3045 |
if len(svg.connectors) > 1: |
3046 |
if ((target_symbol.conn_type and target_symbol.connectors.index(connector) in index) or not target_symbol.conn_type) and \ |
3047 |
(not connector.connectedItem or (connector.connectedItem and type(connector.connectedItem) is QEngineeringLineItem)): |
3048 |
QtImageViewer.matchSymbolToLine(self.graphicsView.scene(), svg, connector.sceneBoundingRect().center())
3049 |
elif len(svg.connectors) == 1: |
3050 |
if ((target_symbol.conn_type and target_symbol.connectors.index(connector) in index) or not target_symbol.conn_type) and \ |
3051 |
not connector.connectedItem:
3052 |
QtImageViewer.matchSymbolToLine(self.graphicsView.scene(), svg, connector.sceneBoundingRect().center())
3053 | |
3054 |
if target_symbol:
3055 |
3056 |
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_X:
3057 |
3058 |
3059 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance()
3060 |
configs = app_doc_data.getAppConfigs('app', 'mode')
3061 |
if configs and 1 == len(configs) and 'advanced' == configs[0].value:
3062 |
advanced = True
3063 |
items = self.graphicsView.scene().selectedItems()
3064 |
if items:
3065 |
item = self.symbolTreeWidget.currentItem()
3066 |
if item:
3067 |
self.symbolTreeWidget.showSymbolEditorDialog(item, 0)
3068 |
3069 |
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_F6:
3070 |
from DEXPI import scene_to_dexpi |
3071 | |
3072 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
3073 |
scene_to_dexpi('D:\\Temp\\DEXPI.xml', app_doc_data.activeDrawing.name, self.graphicsView.scene()) |
3074 | |
3075 |
QMainWindow.keyPressEvent(self, event)
3076 |
except Exception as ex: |
3077 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
3078 |
3079 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
3080 | |
3081 |
def recognize(self): |
3082 |
"""recognize symbol, text and line for selected drawings"""
3083 |
from datetime import datetime |
3084 |
from License import QLicenseDialog |
3085 | |
3086 |
# save alarm
3087 |
self.save_alarm_enable(False) |
3088 | |
3089 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
3090 |
current_drawing, currentPid = None, None |
3091 | |
3092 |
if self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
3093 |
current_drawing = app_doc_data.activeDrawing |
3094 |
currentPid = app_doc_data.activeDrawing.name |
3095 | |
3096 |
# get checked drawings
3097 |
drawing_top = self.treeWidgetDrawingList.topLevelItem(0) |
3098 |
count = drawing_top.childCount() |
3099 |
checked_drawings = {} |
3100 |
for idx in range(count): |
3101 |
child = drawing_top.child(idx) |
3102 |
if child.checkState(0) == Qt.Checked and child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0): |
3103 |
checked_drawings[child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0)] = child
3104 |
# up to here
3105 | |
3106 |
# if there is no checked drawing
3107 |
if current_drawing and currentPid and not checked_drawings: |
3108 |
for idx in range(count): |
3109 |
child = drawing_top.child(idx) |
3110 |
if child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0) is current_drawing: |
3111 |
checked_drawings[child.data(Qt.UserRole, 0)] = child
3112 | |
3113 |
if not checked_drawings: |
3114 |
3115 |
3116 | |
3117 |
3118 |
3119 |
dlg = QRecognitionDialog(self, [drawing for drawing in checked_drawings.keys()]) |
3120 |
dlg.exec_() |
3121 | |
3122 |
if current_drawing and current_drawing in checked_drawings.keys() and dlg.isTreated: |
3123 |
self.open_image_drawing(current_drawing, force=True, ocrUnknown=dlg.ui.checkBoxOCRUnknown.isChecked()) |
3124 | |
3125 |
# save working date-time
3126 |
_now = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
3127 |
for drawing, tree_item in checked_drawings.items(): |
3128 |
drawing.datetime = _now |
3129 |
tree_item.setText(1, _now)
3130 |
3131 |
self.changeViewCheckedState(True) |
3132 |
# count up for recognition
3133 |
QLicenseDialog.count_up() |
3134 |
# up to here
3135 |
except Exception as ex: |
3136 |
message = f"error occurred({repr(ex)}) in {sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename}:" \
3137 |
3138 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
3139 | |
3140 |
# save alarm
3141 |
self.save_alarm_enable(True, True) |
3142 | |
3143 |
3144 |
@brief remove item from tree widget and then remove from scene
3145 |
@date 2018.05.25
3146 |
@author Jeongwoo
3147 |
3148 |
def itemRemoved(self, item): |
3149 |
3150 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringErrorItem: |
3151 |
# remove error item from inconsistency list
3152 |
for row in range(self.tableWidgetInconsistency.rowCount()): |
3153 |
if item is self.tableWidgetInconsistency.item(row, 0).tag: |
3154 |
3155 |
3156 | |
3157 |
if item.scene() is not None: |
3158 |
item.scene().removeItem(item) |
3159 |
del item
3160 |
3161 |
remove_scene = item.scene() |
3162 |
3163 | |
3164 |
if remove_scene:
3165 |
matches = [_item for _item in remove_scene.items() if |
3166 |
hasattr(_item, 'connectors') and [connector for connector in _item.connectors if |
3167 |
connector.connectedItem is item]]
3168 |
for match in matches: |
3169 |
for connector in match.connectors: |
3170 |
if connector.connectedItem is item: |
3171 |
connector.connectedItem = None
3172 |
3173 | |
3174 |
# matches = [_item for _item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if hasattr(_item, 'remove_assoc_item')]
3175 |
# for _item in matches:
3176 |
# _item.remove_assoc_item(item)
3177 | |
3178 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
3179 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem and item in app_doc_data.tracerLineNos: |
3180 |
app_doc_data.tracerLineNos.pop(app_doc_data.tracerLineNos.index(item)) |
3181 | |
3182 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem and item in app_doc_data.lines: |
3183 |
app_doc_data.lines.remove(item) |
3184 | |
3185 |
if remove_scene:
3186 |
matches = [_item for _item in remove_scene.items() if |
3187 |
type(_item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem] |
3188 |
matches.extend([lineNo for lineNo in app_doc_data.tracerLineNos if |
3189 |
type(lineNo) is QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem]) |
3190 |
for match in matches: |
3191 |
if item is match.prop('From'): |
3192 |
match.set_property('From', None) |
3193 |
if item is match.prop('To'): |
3194 |
match.set_property('To', None) |
3195 | |
3196 |
for run_index in reversed(range(len(match.runs))): |
3197 |
run = match.runs[run_index] |
3198 |
if item in run.items: |
3199 |
index = run.items.index(item) |
3200 |
run.items.pop(index) |
3201 |
if not run.items: |
3202 |
run.explode() |
3203 |
if type(match) is QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem and not match.runs: |
3204 |
app_doc_data.tracerLineNos.pop(app_doc_data.tracerLineNos.index(match)) |
3205 |
# break
3206 | |
3207 |
if remove_scene:
3208 |
matches = [_item for _item in remove_scene.items() if hasattr(_item, 'owner')] |
3209 |
for match in matches: |
3210 |
if match.owner is item: |
3211 |
match.owner = None
3212 | |
3213 |
matches = [_item for _item in remove_scene.items() if hasattr(_item, 'attrs')] |
3214 |
# done = False
3215 |
for match in matches: |
3216 |
assocs = match.associations() |
3217 |
for assoc in assocs: |
3218 |
if item is assoc: |
3219 |
keys = match.attrs.keys() |
3220 |
for attr in keys: |
3221 |
if attr.AssocItem and str(item.uid) == str(attr.AssocItem.uid): |
3222 |
attr.AssocItem = None
3223 |
match.attrs[attr] = ''
3224 |
# done = True
3225 |
match.remove_assoc_item(item) |
3226 |
3227 |
# if done: break
3228 | |
3229 |
if item.scene() is not None: |
3230 |
#if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem and item._labels:
3231 |
# for _label in item._labels:
3232 |
# item.scene().removeItem(_label)
3233 |
# item._labels = []
3234 |
3235 |
3236 |
if hasattr(item, 'lineNoFromToIndicator') and item.lineNoFromToIndicator: |
3237 |
3238 |
3239 |
item.scene().removeItem(item) |
3240 |
except Exception as ex: |
3241 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
3242 |
3243 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
3244 |
3245 |
3246 |
if hasattr(item, '_cond'):
3247 |
3248 |
3249 | |
3250 | |
3251 |
def connect_attributes(self, MainWindow): |
3252 |
"""connect attributes to symbol"""
3253 |
from LineNoTracer import LineNoTracer |
3254 |
from ConnectAttrDialog import QConnectAttrDialog |
3255 | |
3256 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
3257 |
3258 |
3259 | |
3260 |
# save alarm
3261 |
self.save_alarm_enable(False) |
3262 | |
3263 |
3264 |
dlg = QConnectAttrDialog(self, self.graphicsView.scene()) |
3265 |
dlg.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint)
3266 |
dlg.exec_() |
3267 |
if dlg.isRunned:
3268 |
3269 | |
3270 |
if dlg.validation_checked:
3271 |
3272 | |
3273 |
3274 |
except Exception as ex: |
3275 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
3276 |
3277 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
3278 |
3279 |
# save alarm
3280 |
self.save_alarm_enable(True) |
3281 | |
3282 |
def postDetectLineProcess(self): |
3283 |
3284 |
@brief check allowables among undetected items
3285 |
@author euisung
3286 |
@date 2018.11.15
3287 |
@history 2018.11.15 euisung no more used, moved to TextItemFactoy isLineNo()
3288 |
3289 | |
3290 |
appDocData = AppDocData.instance() |
3291 | |
3292 |
tableNames = ["Fluid Code", "Insulation Purpose", "PnID Number", "Piping Materials Class", "Unit Number"] |
3293 |
tableDatas = [] |
3294 |
for tableName in tableNames: |
3295 |
tableNameFormat = tableName.replace(' ', '').replace('&&', 'n') |
3296 |
tableDatas.append(appDocData.getCodeTable(tableNameFormat)) |
3297 | |
3298 |
items = self.graphicsView.scene().items()
3299 |
for item in items: |
3300 |
if type(item) is not QEngineeringTextItem: |
3301 |
3302 |
text = item.text() |
3303 |
for tableData in tableDatas: |
3304 |
for data in tableData: |
3305 |
if data[3] == '': |
3306 |
3307 |
3308 |
allows = data[3].split(',') |
3309 |
for allow in allows: |
3310 |
text = text.replace(allow, data[1])
3311 | |
3312 |
lineItem = TextItemFactory.instance().createTextItem(text) |
3313 |
if type(lineItem) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem: |
3314 |
lineItem.loc = item.loc |
3315 |
lineItem.size = item.size |
3316 |
lineItem.angle = item.angle |
3317 |
lineItem.area = item.area |
3318 |
# lineItem.addTextItemToScene(self.graphicsView.scene())
3319 |
3320 |
item.transfer.onRemoved.emit(item) |
3321 |
appDocData.lineNos.append(lineItem) |
3322 | |
3323 |
def init_add_tree_item(self, line_no_tree_item, run_item): |
3324 |
""" insert symbol item and find line no as owner """
3325 |
# insert
3326 |
self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
3327 |
# find
3328 |
self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
3329 | |
3330 |
def load_drawing(self, drawing): |
3331 |
""" load drawing """
3332 |
""" no more used """
3333 |
from EngineeringRunItem import QEngineeringRunItem |
3334 |
from QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem import QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem |
3335 | |
3336 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
3337 |
3338 |
symbols = [] |
3339 |
lines = [] |
3340 | |
3341 |
components = app_doc_data.get_components(drawing.UID) |
3342 |
maxValue = len(components) * 2 |
3343 |
self.progress.setMaximum(maxValue) if maxValue > 0 else None |
3344 | |
3345 |
""" parsing all symbols """
3346 |
for symbol in [component for component in components if int(component['SymbolType_UID']) != -1]: |
3347 |
item = SymbolSvgItem.from_database(symbol) |
3348 |
if item is not None: |
3349 |
3350 |
symbols.append(item) |
3351 |
app_doc_data.symbols.append(item) |
3352 |
3353 |
3354 |
pt = [float(symbol['X']), float(symbol['Y'])] |
3355 |
size = [float(symbol['Width']), float(symbol['Height'])] |
3356 |
angle = float(symbol['Rotation']) |
3357 |
item = QGraphicsBoundingBoxItem(pt[0], pt[1], size[0], size[1]) |
3358 |
item.isSymbol = True
3359 |
item.angle = angle |
3360 |
item.setPen(QPen(Qt.red, 5, Qt.SolidLine))
3361 |
3362 |
3363 | |
3364 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3365 | |
3366 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3367 | |
3368 |
# parse texts
3369 |
for text in [component for component in components if |
3370 |
component['Name'] == 'Text' and component['SymbolType_UID'] == -1]: |
3371 |
item = QEngineeringTextItem.from_database(text) |
3372 |
if item is not None: |
3373 |
item.uid = text['UID']
3374 |
item.attribute = text['Value']
3375 |
name = text['Name']
3376 |
3377 |
3378 | |
3379 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3380 | |
3381 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3382 | |
3383 |
# note
3384 |
for note in [component for component in components if |
3385 |
component['Name'] == 'Note' and component['SymbolType_UID'] == -1]: |
3386 |
item = QEngineeringTextItem.from_database(note) |
3387 |
if item is not None: |
3388 |
item.uid = note['UID']
3389 |
attributeValue = note['Value']
3390 |
name = note['Name']
3391 |
3392 |
3393 | |
3394 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3395 | |
3396 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3397 | |
3398 |
for line in [component for component in components if |
3399 |
component['Name'] == 'Line' and component['SymbolType_UID'] == -1]: |
3400 |
item = QEngineeringLineItem.from_database(line) |
3401 |
if item:
3402 |
3403 |
3404 |
lines.append(item) |
3405 | |
3406 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3407 | |
3408 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3409 | |
3410 |
for unknown in [component for component in components if |
3411 |
component['Name'] == 'Unknown' and component['SymbolType_UID'] == -1]: |
3412 |
item = QEngineeringUnknownItem.from_database(unknown) |
3413 |
3414 |
if item is not None: |
3415 |
3416 |
3417 | |
3418 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3419 | |
3420 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3421 | |
3422 |
for component in [component for component in components if |
3423 |
component['Name'] == 'Line NO' and component['SymbolType_UID'] == -1]: |
3424 |
line_no = QEngineeringLineNoTextItem.from_database(component) |
3425 |
if type(line_no) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem: |
3426 |
3427 |
3428 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no) |
3429 | |
3430 |
runs = app_doc_data.get_pipe_runs(str(line_no.uid))
3431 |
if not runs: continue |
3432 |
for run in runs: |
3433 |
line_run = QEngineeringRunItem() |
3434 |
run_items = app_doc_data.get_pipe_run_items(run['UID'])
3435 |
for record in run_items: |
3436 |
uid = record['Components_UID']
3437 |
run_item = self.graphicsView.findItemByUid(uid)
3438 |
if run_item is not None: |
3439 |
run_item._owner = line_no |
3440 |
line_run.items.append(run_item) |
3441 |
line_run.owner = line_no |
3442 |
line_no.runs.append(line_run) |
3443 | |
3444 |
for run_item in line_run.items: |
3445 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem): |
3446 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
3447 | |
3448 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3449 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3450 | |
3451 |
for component in [component for component in components if |
3452 |
component['Name'] == 'Trim Line NO' and component['SymbolType_UID'] == -1]: |
3453 |
line_no = QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem() |
3454 |
line_no.uid = uuid.UUID(component['UID'])
3455 | |
3456 |
runs = app_doc_data.get_pipe_runs(str(line_no.uid))
3457 |
if not runs: continue |
3458 | |
3459 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no) |
3460 | |
3461 |
for run in runs: |
3462 |
line_run = QEngineeringRunItem() |
3463 |
run_items = app_doc_data.get_pipe_run_items(run['UID'])
3464 |
for record in run_items: |
3465 |
uid = record['Components_UID']
3466 |
run_item = self.graphicsView.findItemByUid(uid)
3467 |
if run_item is not None: |
3468 |
run_item.owner = line_no |
3469 |
line_run.items.append(run_item) |
3470 |
line_run.owner = line_no |
3471 |
line_no.runs.append(line_run) |
3472 | |
3473 |
for run_item in line_run.items: |
3474 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem): |
3475 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
3476 | |
3477 |
app_doc_data.tracerLineNos.append(line_no) |
3478 | |
3479 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3480 | |
3481 |
for component in [component for component in components if |
3482 |
component['Name'] == 'VendorPackage' and component['SymbolType_UID'] == -1]: |
3483 |
item = QEngineeringVendorItem.from_database(component) |
3484 |
if item is not None: |
3485 |
3486 |
3487 | |
3488 |
# connect flow item to line
3489 |
for line in lines: |
3490 |
line.update_arrow() |
3491 |
app_doc_data.lines.append(line) |
3492 |
# for flowMark in [item for item in symbols if type(item) is QEngineeringFlowMarkItem]:
3493 |
# for line in lines:
3494 |
# if flowMark.owner is line:
3495 |
# line._flowMark.append(flowMark)
3496 |
# flowMark.setParentItem(line)
3497 |
# up to here
3498 | |
3499 |
""" update scene """
3500 |
self.graphicsView.scene().update(self.graphicsView.sceneRect()) |
3501 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(): |
3502 |
up_progress = False
3503 |
# binding items
3504 |
if hasattr(item, 'owner'): |
3505 |
item.owner |
3506 |
up_progress = True
3507 |
if hasattr(item, 'connectors'): |
3508 |
for connector in item.connectors: |
3509 |
connector.connectedItem |
3510 |
up_progress = True
3511 | |
3512 |
if up_progress:
3513 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3514 |
3515 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(): |
3516 |
3517 | |
3518 |
except Exception as ex: |
3519 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
3520 |
3521 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
3522 |
3523 |
app_doc_data.clearTempDBData() |
3524 |
3525 |
3526 |
# self.graphicsView.scene().blockSignals(False)
3527 | |
3528 |
3529 |
@brief load recognition result
3530 |
@author humkyung
3531 |
@date 2018.04.??
3532 |
@history humkyung 2018.01.12 parse originalpoint and connectionpoint
3533 |
Jeongwoo 2018.04.17 add QGraphicItem with Rotated text
3534 |
Jeongwoo 2018.04.23 Change to Draw texts on QEngineeringTextItem
3535 |
humkyung 2018.04.23 connect item remove slot to result tree
3536 |
Jeongwoo 2018.04.25 Add if state with QEngineeringNoteItem
3537 |
Jeongwoo 2018.04.26 Change method to create TextItem object with TextItemFactory
3538 |
Jeongwoo 2018.05.03 Change method to draw Svg Item on Scene (svg.addSvgItemToScene)
3539 |
Jeongwoo 2018.05.29 Change method name / Change method to add item / Add Line item
3540 |
Jeongwoo 2018.05.30 Add parameters on SymbolSvgItem.__init__() (parentSymbol, childSymbol) / Change method name / Change XML NODE NAMES
3541 |
Jeongwoo 2018.06.12 Add LineNoTextItem from LINE_NO
3542 |
Jeongwoo 2018.06.14 Add UnknownItem from UNKNOWN
3543 |
Jeongwoo 2018.06.18 Update Scene after all item added
3544 |
Add connect on unknown item
3545 |
Add [transfer] for using pyqtSignal
3546 |
kyouho 2018.07.12 Add line property logic
3547 |
humkyung 2018.08.22 show progress while loading xml file
3548 |
2018.11.22 euisung fix note road
3549 |
3550 |
def load_recognition_result_from_xml(self, drawing): |
3551 |
# Yield successive n-sized
3552 |
# chunks from l.
3553 |
def divide_chunks(l, n): |
3554 |
# looping till length l
3555 |
for i in range(0, len(l), n): |
3556 |
yield l[i:i + n]
3557 | |
3558 |
def update_items(items): |
3559 |
for item in items: |
3560 |
# binding items
3561 |
item.owner |
3562 |
for connector in item.connectors: |
3563 |
connector.connectedItem |
3564 | |
3565 |
return items
3566 | |
3567 |
import concurrent.futures as futures |
3568 |
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, dump, ElementTree, parse |
3569 |
from App import App |
3570 |
from EngineeringRunItem import QEngineeringRunItem |
3571 |
from QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem import QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem |
3572 |
from EngineeringGraphicsLineItem import QEngineeringGraphicsLineItem |
3573 | |
3574 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
3575 | |
3576 |
3577 |
file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(drawing.file_path))[0]
3578 |
path = os.path.join(app_doc_data.getCurrentProject().getTempPath(), file_name + '.xml')
3579 |
self.graphicsView.scene().blockSignals(True) |
3580 | |
3581 |
symbols = [] |
3582 |
lines = [] |
3583 | |
3584 |
xml = parse(path) |
3585 |
root = xml.getroot() |
3586 | |
3587 |
maxValue = 0
3588 |
maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iter('SYMBOL'))) - \ |
3589 |
len(list(root.iterfind('LINENOS/LINE_NO/RUN/SYMBOL'))) - \ |
3590 |
len(list(root.iterfind('TRIMLINENOS/TRIM_LINE_NO/RUN/SYMBOL'))) |
3591 |
maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iterfind('TEXTINFOS/ATTRIBUTE'))) |
3592 |
maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iterfind('NOTES/ATTRIBUTE'))) |
3593 |
maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iter('LINE_NO'))) |
3594 |
maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iter('LINE'))) - \ |
3595 |
len(list(root.iterfind('LINENOS/LINE_NO/RUN/LINE'))) - \ |
3596 |
len(list(root.iterfind('TRIMLINENOS/TRIM_LINE_NO/RUN/LINE'))) |
3597 |
maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iter('GRAPHICS_LINE'))) |
3598 |
maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iter('UNKNOWN'))) |
3599 |
# maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iter('SIZETEXT')))
3600 |
maxValue = maxValue + len(list(root.iter('TRIM_LINE_NO'))) |
3601 |
maxValue *= 2
3602 |
self.progress.setMaximum(maxValue) if maxValue > 0 else None |
3603 | |
3604 |
""" parsing all symbols """
3605 |
3606 |
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=App.THREAD_MAX_WORKER) as pool:
3607 |
future_symbol = {pool.submit(SymbolSvgItem.fromXml, symbol): symbol for symbol in root.find('SYMBOLS').iter('SYMBOL')}
3608 |
3609 |
for future in futures.as_completed(future_symbol):
3610 |
3611 |
item = future.result()
3612 |
if item:
3613 |
if item is not None:
3614 |
3615 |
3616 |
3617 |
3618 |
3619 |
pt = [float(x) for x in symbol.find('LOCATION').text.split(',')]
3620 |
size = [float(x) for x in symbol.find('SIZE').text.split(',')]
3621 |
angle = float(symbol.find('ANGLE').text)
3622 |
item = QGraphicsBoundingBoxItem(pt[0], pt[1], size[0], size[1])
3623 |
item.isSymbol = True
3624 |
item.angle = angle
3625 |
item.setPen(QPen(Qt.red, 5, Qt.SolidLine))
3626 |
3627 |
3628 |
except Exception as ex:
3629 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(repr(ex), sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename,
3630 |
3631 |
3632 |
3633 |
for symbol in root.find('SYMBOLS').iter('SYMBOL'): |
3634 |
item = SymbolSvgItem.fromXml(symbol) |
3635 |
if item is not None: |
3636 |
3637 |
symbols.append(item) |
3638 |
3639 |
3640 |
3641 |
pt = [float(x) for x in symbol.find('LOCATION').text.split(',')] |
3642 |
size = [float(x) for x in symbol.find('SIZE').text.split(',')] |
3643 |
angle = float(symbol.find('ANGLE').text) |
3644 |
item = QGraphicsBoundingBoxItem(pt[0], pt[1], size[0], size[1]) |
3645 |
item.isSymbol = True
3646 |
item.angle = angle |
3647 |
item.setPen(QPen(Qt.red, 5, Qt.SolidLine))
3648 |
3649 |
3650 | |
3651 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3652 | |
3653 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3654 | |
3655 |
# parse texts
3656 |
for text in root.find('TEXTINFOS').iter('ATTRIBUTE'): |
3657 |
item = QEngineeringTextItem.fromXml(text) |
3658 |
if item is not None: |
3659 |
uid = text.find('UID')
3660 |
attributeValue = text.find('ATTRIBUTEVALUE')
3661 |
name = text.find('NAME').text
3662 |
3663 |
3664 |
# docData.texts.append(item)
3665 | |
3666 |
if name == 'TEXT': |
3667 |
if uid is not None and attributeValue is not None: |
3668 |
item.uid = uid.text |
3669 |
item.attribute = attributeValue.text |
3670 | |
3671 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3672 | |
3673 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3674 | |
3675 |
# note
3676 |
for text in root.find('NOTES').iter('ATTRIBUTE'): |
3677 |
item = QEngineeringTextItem.fromXml(text) |
3678 |
if item is not None: |
3679 |
uid = text.find('UID')
3680 |
attributeValue = text.find('ATTRIBUTEVALUE')
3681 |
name = text.find('NAME').text
3682 |
3683 |
3684 | |
3685 |
if name == 'NOTE': |
3686 |
if uid is not None: |
3687 |
item.uid = uid.text |
3688 | |
3689 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3690 | |
3691 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3692 | |
3693 |
for line in root.find('LINEINFOS').iter('LINE'): |
3694 |
item = QEngineeringLineItem.fromXml(line) |
3695 |
if item:
3696 |
3697 |
3698 |
lines.append(item) |
3699 | |
3700 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3701 | |
3702 |
for line in root.find('LINEINFOS').iter('GRAPHICS_LINE'): |
3703 |
item = QEngineeringGraphicsLineItem.fromXml(line) |
3704 |
if item:
3705 |
3706 |
3707 | |
3708 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3709 | |
3710 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3711 | |
3712 |
for unknown in root.iter('UNKNOWN'): |
3713 |
item = QEngineeringUnknownItem.fromXml(unknown) |
3714 |
if item is not None: |
3715 |
3716 |
3717 | |
3718 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3719 | |
3720 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3721 | |
3722 |
# """ add tree widget """
3723 |
# for item in symbols:
3724 |
# docData.symbols.append(item)
3725 |
# self.addSvgItemToScene(item)
3726 |
# self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, item)
3727 | |
3728 |
for line_no_node in root.find('LINENOS').iter('LINE_NO'): |
3729 |
line_no = QEngineeringLineNoTextItem.fromXml(line_no_node) |
3730 |
if line_no is None: continue |
3731 |
3732 |
3733 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no) |
3734 |
if type(line_no) is not QEngineeringLineNoTextItem: continue |
3735 | |
3736 |
runs_node = line_no_node.findall('RUN')
3737 |
if runs_node is None: continue |
3738 | |
3739 |
for run_node in runs_node: |
3740 |
line_run = QEngineeringRunItem() |
3741 |
for child_node in run_node: |
3742 |
uidElement = child_node.find('UID')
3743 |
if uidElement is not None: |
3744 |
uid = uidElement.text |
3745 |
run_item = self.graphicsView.findItemByUid(uid)
3746 |
if run_item is not None: |
3747 |
run_item._owner = line_no |
3748 |
line_run.items.append(run_item) |
3749 |
line_run.owner = line_no |
3750 |
line_no.runs.append(line_run) |
3751 | |
3752 |
for run_item in line_run.items: |
3753 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem): |
3754 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
3755 | |
3756 |
# docData.tracerLineNos.append(line_no)
3757 | |
3758 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3759 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3760 | |
3761 |
for trimLineNo in root.iter('TRIM_LINE_NO'): |
3762 |
line_no = QEngineeringTrimLineNoTextItem() |
3763 |
line_no.uid = uuid.UUID(trimLineNo.find('UID').text)
3764 | |
3765 |
runs_node = trimLineNo.findall('RUN')
3766 |
if runs_node is None: continue |
3767 |
line_no_tree_item = self.itemTreeWidget.addTreeItem(self.itemTreeWidget.root, line_no) |
3768 | |
3769 |
for run in runs_node: |
3770 |
line_run = QEngineeringRunItem() |
3771 |
for child in run: |
3772 |
uidElement = child.find('UID')
3773 |
if uidElement is not None: |
3774 |
uid = uidElement.text |
3775 |
run_item = self.graphicsView.findItemByUid(uid)
3776 |
if run_item is not None: |
3777 |
run_item.owner = line_no |
3778 |
line_run.items.append(run_item) |
3779 |
line_run.owner = line_no |
3780 |
line_no.runs.append(line_run) |
3781 | |
3782 |
for run_item in line_run.items: |
3783 |
if issubclass(type(run_item), SymbolSvgItem): |
3784 |
self.init_add_tree_item(line_no_tree_item, run_item)
3785 | |
3786 |
app_doc_data.tracerLineNos.append(line_no) |
3787 | |
3788 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1) |
3789 |
QApplication.processEvents() |
3790 | |
3791 |
if root.find('VENDORS') is not None: |
3792 |
for vendor in root.find('VENDORS').iter('VENDOR'): |
3793 |
item = QEngineeringVendorItem.fromXml(vendor) |
3794 |
3795 |
3796 | |
3797 |
# connect flow item to line
3798 |
for line in lines: |
3799 |
line.update_arrow() |
3800 |
app_doc_data.lines.append(line) |
3801 |
# for flowMark in [item for item in symbols if type(item) is QEngineeringFlowMarkItem]:
3802 |
# for line in lines:
3803 |
# if flowMark.owner is line:
3804 |
# line._flowMark.append(flowMark)
3805 |
# flowMark.setParentItem(line)
3806 |
# up to here
3807 | |
3808 |
3809 |
group_box = QGroupBox("Contact Details")
3810 |
number_label = QLabel("Telephone number");
3811 |
number_edit = QTextEdit('hello\nthis is ....')
3812 |
layout = QFormLayout()
3813 |
layout.addRow(number_label, number_edit)
3814 |
3815 |
3816 |
proxy = ㅐ()
3817 |
3818 |
self.graphicsView.scene().addItem(proxy) # (group_box, QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations)
3819 |
3820 | |
3821 |
""" update scene """
3822 |
_items = [_item for _item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if hasattr(_item, 'owner') or hasattr(_item, 'connectors')] |
3823 |
if _items:
3824 |
items = divide_chunks(_items, App.THREAD_MAX_WORKER if len(_items) > App.THREAD_MAX_WORKER else len(_items)) |
3825 |
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=App.THREAD_MAX_WORKER) as pool: |
3826 |
future_items = {pool.submit(update_items, _items): _items for _items in items} |
3827 |
for future in futures.as_completed(future_items): |
3828 |
_items = future.result() |
3829 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + len(_items)) |
3830 | |
3831 |
3832 |
for item in [_item for _item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if hasattr(_item, 'owner') or hasattr(_item, 'connectors')]:
3833 |
up_progress = False
3834 |
# binding items
3835 |
3836 |
for connector in item.connectors:
3837 |
3838 |
3839 |
self.progress.setValue(self.progress.value() + 1)
3840 |
3841 | |
3842 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(): |
3843 |
3844 | |
3845 |
self.graphicsView.scene().update(self.graphicsView.sceneRect()) |
3846 |
except Exception as ex: |
3847 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
3848 |
3849 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
3850 |
3851 |
3852 |
3853 |
self.graphicsView.scene().blockSignals(False) |
3854 | |
3855 |
3856 |
@brief Remove added item on same place and Add GraphicsItem
3857 |
@author Jeongwoo
3858 |
@date 2018.05.29
3859 |
@history 2018.06.18 Jeongwoo Set Z-index
3860 |
3861 |
def addLineItemToScene(self, lineItem): |
3862 |
3863 | |
3864 |
3865 |
@brief generate output xml file
3866 |
@author humkyung
3867 |
@date 2018.04.23
3868 |
@history 2018.05.02 Jeongwoo Show MessageBox when imageviewer doesn't have image
3869 |
3870 |
def generateOutput(self): |
3871 |
import XmlGenerator as xg |
3872 | |
3873 |
if not self.graphicsView.hasImage(): |
3874 |
3875 |
3876 | |
3877 |
3878 |
appDocData = AppDocData.instance() |
3879 | |
3880 |
# collect items
3881 |
appDocData.lines.clear() |
3882 |
appDocData.lines = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if |
3883 |
type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem and item.owner is None] |
3884 | |
3885 |
appDocData.symbols.clear() |
3886 |
appDocData.symbols = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if |
3887 |
issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem) and item.owner is None] |
3888 | |
3889 |
appDocData.equipments.clear() |
3890 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items(): |
3891 |
if type(item) is QEngineeringEquipmentItem: |
3892 |
appDocData.equipments.append(item) |
3893 | |
3894 |
appDocData.texts.clear() |
3895 |
appDocData.texts = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if |
3896 |
issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringTextItem) and type( |
3897 |
item) is not QEngineeringLineNoTextItem] |
3898 |
# up to here
3899 | |
3900 |
appDocData.imgOutput = np.ones((appDocData.activeDrawing.height, appDocData.activeDrawing.width), |
3901 |
np.uint8) * 255
3902 |
xg.writeOutputXml(appDocData.imgName, appDocData.activeDrawing.width, |
3903 |
appDocData.activeDrawing.height) # TODO: check
3904 |
project = appDocData.getCurrentProject() |
3905 |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(project.getTempPath(), 'OUTPUT.png'), appDocData.imgOutput)
3906 |
except Exception as ex: |
3907 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
3908 |
3909 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
3910 | |
3911 |
3912 |
@brief Check Number
3913 |
@author kyouho
3914 |
@date 2018.08.20
3915 |
3916 |
def isNumber(self, num): |
3917 |
p = re.compile('(^[0-9]+$)')
3918 |
result = p.match(num) |
3919 | |
3920 |
if result:
3921 |
return True |
3922 |
3923 |
return False |
3924 | |
3925 |
3926 |
@brief find overlap Connector
3927 |
@author kyouho
3928 |
@date 2018.08.28
3929 |
3930 |
def findOverlapConnector(self, connectorItem): |
3931 |
from shapely.geometry import Point |
3932 |
from EngineeringConnectorItem import QEngineeringConnectorItem |
3933 |
itemList = [] |
3934 | |
3935 |
x = connectorItem.center()[0]
3936 |
y = connectorItem.center()[1]
3937 | |
3938 |
connectors = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if |
3939 |
type(item) is QEngineeringConnectorItem and item != connectorItem] |
3940 |
for connector in connectors: |
3941 |
if Point(x, y).distance(Point(connector.center()[0], connector.center()[1])) < 5: |
3942 |
itemList.append(connector.parent) |
3943 | |
3944 |
return itemList
3945 | |
3946 |
def make_diff_image(self): |
3947 |
""" make diff image """
3948 |
# test
3949 | |
3950 |
from RecognitionDialog import Worker |
3951 |
from symbol import Symbol |
3952 |
import math |
3953 |
from PIL import Image |
3954 | |
3955 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
3956 |
img = app_doc_data.imgSrc.copy() |
3957 | |
3958 |
# check break
3959 |
symbols = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene().items() if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem)] |
3960 | |
3961 |
for symbol in symbols: |
3962 |
rect = symbol.sceneBoundingRect() |
3963 |
sName = symbol.name |
3964 |
sType = symbol.type |
3965 |
sp = (rect.x(), rect.y()) |
3966 |
w, h = rect.width(), rect.height() |
3967 |
rotatedAngle = round(math.degrees(symbol.angle))
3968 |
detectFlip = symbol.flip |
3969 | |
3970 |
dummySym = Symbol(sName, sType, sp, w, h, 0, 0, 0, rotatedAngle, |
3971 |
1, 0, 1, 0, |
3972 |
','.join(str(x) for x in [0, 0]), |
3973 |
'/'.join('{},{},{},{}'.format(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]) for param in |
3974 |
[]), |
3975 |
'dummy', 'dummy', 0, detectFlip=detectFlip, |
3976 |
hasInstrumentLabel=0, text_area='') |
3977 | |
3978 |
Worker.remove_detected_symbol_image(dummySym, img, lock=False)
3979 | |
3980 |
Image.fromarray(img).show() |
3981 | |
3982 |
#def paintEvent(self, event):
3983 |
# self.refresh_rate += 1
3984 |
# if self.refresh_rate == 3:
3985 |
# super(self.__class__, self).paintEvent(event)
3986 |
# self.refresh_rate = 0
3987 | |
3988 |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
3989 |
import locale |
3990 |
from PyQt5.QtCore import QTranslator |
3991 |
from License import QLicenseDialog |
3992 |
from ProjectDialog import Ui_Dialog |
3993 |
from App import App |
3994 | |
3995 |
app = App(sys.argv) |
3996 |
3997 |
if True == QLicenseDialog.check_license_key(): |
3998 |
dlg = Ui_Dialog() |
3999 |
selectedProject = dlg.showDialog() |
4000 |
if selectedProject is not None: |
4001 |
AppDocData.instance().setCurrentProject(selectedProject) |
4002 |
app._mainWnd = MainWindow.instance() |
4003 |
app._mainWnd.show() |
4004 |
sys.exit(app.exec_()) |
4005 |
except Exception as ex: |
4006 |
print('error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
4007 |
4008 |
4009 |