개정판 2b9b29aa
Add tag no rule tab page to configuration
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Configuration_UI.py | ||
124 | 124 |
self.gridLayout_6.addLayout(self.verticalLayout_3, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
125 | 125 |
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.groupBoxAttribute, 0, 1, 1, 1) |
126 | 126 |
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.Recognition, "") |
127 |
self.tabTagNoRule = QtWidgets.QWidget() |
128 |
self.tabTagNoRule.setObjectName("tabTagNoRule") |
129 |
self.gridLayout_7 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.tabTagNoRule) |
130 |
self.gridLayout_7.setObjectName("gridLayout_7") |
131 |
self.groupBox_2 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
132 |
self.groupBox_2.setObjectName("groupBox_2") |
133 |
self.gridLayout_8 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_2) |
134 |
self.gridLayout_8.setObjectName("gridLayout_8") |
135 |
self.horizontalLayout_9 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
136 |
self.horizontalLayout_9.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_9") |
137 |
self.label_7 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) |
138 |
self.label_7.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
139 |
self.label_7.setText("") |
140 |
self.label_7.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Symbols/B01_Inst_FAHH.png")) |
141 |
self.label_7.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
142 |
self.label_7.setObjectName("label_7") |
143 |
self.horizontalLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_7) |
144 |
self.verticalLayout_4 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() |
145 |
self.verticalLayout_4.setObjectName("verticalLayout_4") |
146 |
self.gridLayout_9 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() |
147 |
self.gridLayout_9.setObjectName("gridLayout_9") |
148 |
self.label_8 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) |
149 |
self.label_8.setObjectName("label_8") |
150 |
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_8, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
151 |
self.lineEditMeasuredVariableCode = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_2) |
152 |
self.lineEditMeasuredVariableCode.setObjectName("lineEditMeasuredVariableCode") |
153 |
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.lineEditMeasuredVariableCode, 0, 1, 1, 1) |
154 |
self.lineEditTagSeqNo = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_2) |
155 |
self.lineEditTagSeqNo.setObjectName("lineEditTagSeqNo") |
156 |
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.lineEditTagSeqNo, 2, 1, 1, 1) |
157 |
self.label_9 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) |
158 |
self.label_9.setObjectName("label_9") |
159 |
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_9, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
160 |
self.lineEditTypeModifier = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_2) |
161 |
self.lineEditTypeModifier.setObjectName("lineEditTypeModifier") |
162 |
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.lineEditTypeModifier, 1, 1, 1, 1) |
163 |
self.label_10 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) |
164 |
self.label_10.setObjectName("label_10") |
165 |
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_10, 2, 0, 1, 1) |
166 |
self.label_11 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) |
167 |
self.label_11.setObjectName("label_11") |
168 |
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_11, 3, 0, 1, 1) |
169 |
self.lineEditTagSuffix = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_2) |
170 |
self.lineEditTagSuffix.setObjectName("lineEditTagSuffix") |
171 |
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.lineEditTagSuffix, 3, 1, 1, 1) |
172 |
self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.gridLayout_9) |
173 |
self.horizontalLayout_9.addLayout(self.verticalLayout_4) |
174 |
self.gridLayout_8.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_9, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
175 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_2, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
176 |
self.groupBox_3 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
177 |
self.groupBox_3.setObjectName("groupBox_3") |
178 |
self.gridLayout_10 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_3) |
179 |
self.gridLayout_10.setObjectName("gridLayout_10") |
180 |
self.horizontalLayout_10 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
181 |
self.horizontalLayout_10.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_10") |
182 |
self.label_12 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) |
183 |
self.label_12.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
184 |
self.label_12.setText("") |
185 |
self.label_12.setObjectName("label_12") |
186 |
self.horizontalLayout_10.addWidget(self.label_12) |
187 |
self.gridLayout_11 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() |
188 |
self.gridLayout_11.setObjectName("gridLayout_11") |
189 |
self.label_13 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) |
190 |
self.label_13.setObjectName("label_13") |
191 |
self.gridLayout_11.addWidget(self.label_13, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
192 |
self.lineEditDescription = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_3) |
193 |
self.lineEditDescription.setObjectName("lineEditDescription") |
194 |
self.gridLayout_11.addWidget(self.lineEditDescription, 0, 1, 1, 1) |
195 |
self.label_14 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) |
196 |
self.label_14.setObjectName("label_14") |
197 |
self.gridLayout_11.addWidget(self.label_14, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
198 |
self.lineEditOPCTag = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_3) |
199 |
self.lineEditOPCTag.setObjectName("lineEditOPCTag") |
200 |
self.gridLayout_11.addWidget(self.lineEditOPCTag, 1, 1, 1, 1) |
201 |
self.horizontalLayout_10.addLayout(self.gridLayout_11) |
202 |
self.gridLayout_10.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_10, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
203 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_3, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
204 |
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.tabTagNoRule, "") |
127 | 205 |
self.tabNominalPipeSize = QtWidgets.QWidget() |
128 | 206 |
self.tabNominalPipeSize.setObjectName("tabNominalPipeSize") |
129 | 207 |
self.gridLayout_4 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.tabNominalPipeSize) |
... | ... | |
146 | 224 |
self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 4, 0, 1, 1) |
147 | 225 |
148 | 226 |
self.retranslateUi(ConfigurationDialog) |
149 |
227 |
150 | 228 |
self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(ConfigurationDialog.accept) |
151 | 229 |
self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(ConfigurationDialog.reject) |
152 | 230 |
QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(ConfigurationDialog) |
231 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.tableWidgetNominalPipeSize, self.lineEditSizeDelimiter) |
232 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.lineEditSizeDelimiter, self.spinBoxMinArea) |
233 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.spinBoxMinArea, self.spinBoxMaxArea) |
234 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.spinBoxMaxArea, self.spinBoxWidth) |
235 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.spinBoxWidth, self.spinBoxHeight) |
236 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.spinBoxHeight, self.radioButtonMetric) |
237 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.radioButtonMetric, self.radioButtonInch) |
238 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.radioButtonInch, self.lineEdit) |
239 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.lineEdit, self.comboBoxProperties) |
240 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.comboBoxProperties, self.pushButtonAddProperty) |
241 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.pushButtonAddProperty, self.lineEditMeasuredVariableCode) |
242 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.lineEditMeasuredVariableCode, self.lineEditTypeModifier) |
243 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.lineEditTypeModifier, self.lineEditTagSeqNo) |
244 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.lineEditTagSeqNo, self.lineEditTagSuffix) |
245 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.lineEditTagSuffix, self.lineEditDescription) |
246 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.lineEditDescription, self.lineEditOPCTag) |
247 |
ConfigurationDialog.setTabOrder(self.lineEditOPCTag, self.tabWidget) |
153 | 248 |
154 | 249 |
def retranslateUi(self, ConfigurationDialog): |
155 | 250 |
_translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate |
... | ... | |
167 | 262 |
self.groupBoxAttribute.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "속성 검출")) |
168 | 263 |
self.label_6.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Size Delimiter : ")) |
169 | 264 |
self.tabWidget.setTabText(self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.Recognition), _translate("ConfigurationDialog", "인식")) |
265 |
self.groupBox_2.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Instrument Tag No Rule")) |
266 |
self.label_8.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Measured Variable Code")) |
267 |
self.label_9.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Type Modifier")) |
268 |
self.label_10.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Tag Seq No")) |
269 |
self.label_11.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Tag Suffix")) |
270 |
self.groupBox_3.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "OPC Tag No Rule")) |
271 |
self.label_13.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Description")) |
272 |
self.label_14.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "OPC Tag")) |
273 |
self.tabWidget.setTabText(self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.tabTagNoRule), _translate("ConfigurationDialog", "태그 넘버 룰")) |
170 | 274 |
self.tabWidget.setTabText(self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.tabNominalPipeSize), _translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Nominal Pipe Size")) |
171 | 275 |
276 |
import DTI_PID_rc |
172 | 277 |
173 | 278 |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
174 | 279 |
import sys |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/QConfigurationDialog.py | ||
40 | 40 |
super(ListView, self).keyPressEvent(event) |
41 | 41 |
42 | 42 |
class QConfigurationDialog(QDialog): |
43 |
''' |
44 |
@history humkyung 2018.05.05 read configuration for instrument and opc tag no rule |
45 |
''' |
43 | 46 |
def __init__(self, parent): |
44 | 47 |
QDialog.__init__(self, parent) |
45 | 48 |
... | ... | |
86 | 89 |
self.itemModel.appendRow(QStandardItem(value)) |
87 | 90 |
self.ui.listViewProperties.setModel(self.itemModel) |
88 | 91 |
92 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Instrument Tag No Rule', 'Measured Variable Code') |
93 |
self.ui.lineEditMeasuredVariableCode.setText(configs[0].value if configs else '') |
94 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Instrument Tag No Rule', 'Type Modifier') |
95 |
self.ui.lineEditTypeModifier.setText(configs[0].value if configs else '') |
96 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Instrument Tag No Rule', 'Tag Seq No') |
97 |
self.ui.lineEditTagSeqNo.setText(configs[0].value if configs else '') |
98 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Instrument Tag No Rule', 'Tag Suffix') |
99 |
self.ui.lineEditTagSuffix.setText(configs[0].value if configs else '') |
100 |
101 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('OPC Tag No Rule', 'Description') |
102 |
self.ui.lineEditDescription.setText(configs[0].value if configs else '') |
103 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('OPC Tag No Rule', 'OPC Tag') |
104 |
self.ui.lineEditOPCTag.setText(configs[0].value if configs else '') |
105 |
89 | 106 |
pipeSizes = docData.getNomialPipeSizeData() |
90 | 107 |
self.ui.tableWidgetNominalPipeSize.setColumnCount(5) |
91 | 108 |
self.ui.tableWidgetNominalPipeSize.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Code', 'Metric', 'Inch', 'InchStr', 'MetricStr']) |
... | ... | |
121 | 138 |
@history humkyung 2018.04.24 save size unit of line no |
122 | 139 |
humkyung 2018.04.26 save min,max area for small object |
123 | 140 |
humkyung 2018.05.02 save size delimiter |
141 |
humkyung 2018.05.05 save instrument and opc tag no rule |
124 | 142 |
''' |
125 | 143 |
def accept(self): |
126 | 144 |
try: |
... | ... | |
134 | 152 |
configs.append(Config('Sliding Window', 'Height', self.ui.spinBoxHeight.value())) |
135 | 153 |
configs.append(Config('Line No', 'Size Unit', 'Metric' if self.ui.radioButtonMetric.isChecked() else 'Inch')) |
136 | 154 |
configs.append(Config('Line No', 'Delimiter', self.ui.lineEdit.text())) |
155 |
configs.append(Config('Instrument Tag No Rule', 'Measured Variable Code', self.ui.lineEditMeasuredVariableCode.text())) |
156 |
configs.append(Config('Instrument Tag No Rule', 'Type Modifier', self.ui.lineEditTypeModifier.text())) |
157 |
configs.append(Config('Instrument Tag No Rule', 'Tag Seq No', self.ui.lineEditTagSeqNo.text())) |
158 |
configs.append(Config('Instrument Tag No Rule', 'Tag Suffix', self.ui.lineEditTagSuffix.text())) |
159 |
configs.append(Config('OPC Tag No Rule', 'Description', self.ui.lineEditDescription.text())) |
160 |
configs.append(Config('OPC Tag No Rule', 'OPC Tag', self.ui.lineEditOPCTag.text())) |
137 | 161 |
138 | 162 |
configuration = None |
139 | 163 |
self.ui.listViewProperties.model() |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/UI/Configuration.ui | ||
25 | 25 |
<item row="0" column="0"> |
26 | 26 |
<widget class="QTabWidget" name="tabWidget"> |
27 | 27 |
<property name="currentIndex"> |
28 |
28 |
29 | 29 |
</property> |
30 | 30 |
<widget class="QWidget" name="Recognition"> |
31 | 31 |
<attribute name="title"> |
... | ... | |
207 | 207 |
</item> |
208 | 208 |
</layout> |
209 | 209 |
</widget> |
210 |
<widget class="QWidget" name="tabTagNoRule"> |
211 |
<attribute name="title"> |
212 |
<string>태그 넘버 룰</string> |
213 |
</attribute> |
214 |
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_7"> |
215 |
<item row="0" column="0"> |
216 |
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_2"> |
217 |
<property name="title"> |
218 |
<string>Instrument Tag No Rule</string> |
219 |
</property> |
220 |
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_8"> |
221 |
<item row="0" column="0"> |
222 |
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_9"> |
223 |
<item> |
224 |
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_7"> |
225 |
<property name="maximumSize"> |
226 |
<size> |
227 |
<width>80</width> |
228 |
<height>16777215</height> |
229 |
</size> |
230 |
</property> |
231 |
<property name="text"> |
232 |
<string/> |
233 |
</property> |
234 |
<property name="pixmap"> |
235 |
<pixmap resource="../res/DTI_PID.qrc">:/newPrefix/Symbols/B01_Inst_FAHH.png</pixmap> |
236 |
</property> |
237 |
<property name="alignment"> |
238 |
<set>Qt::AlignCenter</set> |
239 |
</property> |
240 |
</widget> |
241 |
</item> |
242 |
<item> |
243 |
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_4"> |
244 |
<item> |
245 |
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_9"> |
246 |
<item row="0" column="0"> |
247 |
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_8"> |
248 |
<property name="text"> |
249 |
<string>Measured Variable Code</string> |
250 |
</property> |
251 |
</widget> |
252 |
</item> |
253 |
<item row="0" column="1"> |
254 |
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditMeasuredVariableCode"/> |
255 |
</item> |
256 |
<item row="2" column="1"> |
257 |
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditTagSeqNo"/> |
258 |
</item> |
259 |
<item row="1" column="0"> |
260 |
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_9"> |
261 |
<property name="text"> |
262 |
<string>Type Modifier</string> |
263 |
</property> |
264 |
</widget> |
265 |
</item> |
266 |
<item row="1" column="1"> |
267 |
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditTypeModifier"/> |
268 |
</item> |
269 |
<item row="2" column="0"> |
270 |
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_10"> |
271 |
<property name="text"> |
272 |
<string>Tag Seq No</string> |
273 |
</property> |
274 |
</widget> |
275 |
</item> |
276 |
<item row="3" column="0"> |
277 |
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_11"> |
278 |
<property name="text"> |
279 |
<string>Tag Suffix</string> |
280 |
</property> |
281 |
</widget> |
282 |
</item> |
283 |
<item row="3" column="1"> |
284 |
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditTagSuffix"/> |
285 |
</item> |
286 |
</layout> |
287 |
</item> |
288 |
</layout> |
289 |
</item> |
290 |
</layout> |
291 |
</item> |
292 |
</layout> |
293 |
</widget> |
294 |
</item> |
295 |
<item row="1" column="0"> |
296 |
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_3"> |
297 |
<property name="title"> |
298 |
<string>OPC Tag No Rule</string> |
299 |
</property> |
300 |
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_10"> |
301 |
<item row="0" column="0"> |
302 |
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_10"> |
303 |
<item> |
304 |
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_12"> |
305 |
<property name="maximumSize"> |
306 |
<size> |
307 |
<width>80</width> |
308 |
<height>16777215</height> |
309 |
</size> |
310 |
</property> |
311 |
<property name="text"> |
312 |
<string/> |
313 |
</property> |
314 |
</widget> |
315 |
</item> |
316 |
<item> |
317 |
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_11"> |
318 |
<item row="0" column="0"> |
319 |
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_13"> |
320 |
<property name="text"> |
321 |
<string>Description</string> |
322 |
</property> |
323 |
</widget> |
324 |
</item> |
325 |
<item row="0" column="1"> |
326 |
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditDescription"/> |
327 |
</item> |
328 |
<item row="1" column="0"> |
329 |
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_14"> |
330 |
<property name="text"> |
331 |
<string>OPC Tag</string> |
332 |
</property> |
333 |
</widget> |
334 |
</item> |
335 |
<item row="1" column="1"> |
336 |
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditOPCTag"/> |
337 |
</item> |
338 |
</layout> |
339 |
</item> |
340 |
</layout> |
341 |
</item> |
342 |
</layout> |
343 |
</widget> |
344 |
</item> |
345 |
</layout> |
346 |
</widget> |
210 | 347 |
<widget class="QWidget" name="tabNominalPipeSize"> |
211 | 348 |
<attribute name="title"> |
212 | 349 |
<string>Nominal Pipe Size</string> |
... | ... | |
246 | 383 |
</item> |
247 | 384 |
</layout> |
248 | 385 |
</widget> |
249 |
<resources/> |
386 |
<tabstops> |
387 |
<tabstop>tableWidgetNominalPipeSize</tabstop> |
388 |
<tabstop>lineEditSizeDelimiter</tabstop> |
389 |
<tabstop>spinBoxMinArea</tabstop> |
390 |
<tabstop>spinBoxMaxArea</tabstop> |
391 |
<tabstop>spinBoxWidth</tabstop> |
392 |
<tabstop>spinBoxHeight</tabstop> |
393 |
<tabstop>radioButtonMetric</tabstop> |
394 |
<tabstop>radioButtonInch</tabstop> |
395 |
<tabstop>lineEdit</tabstop> |
396 |
<tabstop>comboBoxProperties</tabstop> |
397 |
<tabstop>pushButtonAddProperty</tabstop> |
398 |
<tabstop>lineEditMeasuredVariableCode</tabstop> |
399 |
<tabstop>lineEditTypeModifier</tabstop> |
400 |
<tabstop>lineEditTagSeqNo</tabstop> |
401 |
<tabstop>lineEditTagSuffix</tabstop> |
402 |
<tabstop>lineEditDescription</tabstop> |
403 |
<tabstop>lineEditOPCTag</tabstop> |
404 |
<tabstop>tabWidget</tabstop> |
405 |
</tabstops> |
406 |
<resources> |
407 |
<include location="../res/DTI_PID.qrc"/> |
408 |
</resources> |
250 | 409 |
<connections> |
251 | 410 |
<connection> |
252 | 411 |
<sender>buttonBox</sender> |
... | ... | |
255 | 414 |
<slot>accept()</slot> |
256 | 415 |
<hints> |
257 | 416 |
<hint type="sourcelabel"> |
258 |
259 |
417 |
418 |
260 | 419 |
</hint> |
261 | 420 |
<hint type="destinationlabel"> |
262 | 421 |
<x>157</x> |
... | ... | |
271 | 430 |
<slot>reject()</slot> |
272 | 431 |
<hints> |
273 | 432 |
<hint type="sourcelabel"> |
274 |
275 |
433 |
434 |
276 | 435 |
</hint> |
277 | 436 |
<hint type="destinationlabel"> |
278 | 437 |
<x>286</x> |
내보내기 Unified diff