


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID @ 360c8441

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
360c8441 2019/12/08 20:42 함의성

issue #641: block drawing db save and load

Change-Id: I2d514dcd4db92ebfab969350fc1a41e7ca628ec9

ab1f8288 2019/12/06 23:32 백흠경

issue #641: drawing 객체를 받아 도면을 열도록 수정

Change-Id: I520596a6ec1ea0fe37937e6c1bd00954c34eec71

91a08862 2019/12/06 02:03 함의성

issue #563: 4 test

Change-Id: I92f171c88d34f0d7da903dec521d2932c7434b22

ce386dc9 2019/12/06 02:03 함의성

Merge "issue #563: 4 test"

a1842d07 2019/12/06 02:03 함의성

Merge "issue #563: fourth step on going"

191b4efb 2019/12/06 00:08 함의성

issue #563: fourth step on going

Change-Id: I1b572403c5c83ac2c11217fe1ec1f7195df5b3bd

2b200a6e 2019/12/05 21:28 gaqhf

dev issue #000 : fix ui

Change-Id: Ic00d886f4f684a5ed6f9d4cdf067c7267220103f

167d8685 2019/12/05 21:27 gaqhf

Merge "dev issue #000 : fix ui"

677a69ef 2019/12/05 21:26 함의성

Merge "issue #563: opc attr auto binding"

b4dbcc45 2019/12/05 21:26 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: I7dae6b64e0764423c892b87b37675a0af6af4e5d

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