개정판 3fddaeeb
issue #1054 : 스트림 데이타 입력 : Liquid_Drop_Method에 따라 Roughness 화면 다르게 띄우기
Change-Id: I0e0a4d9058a7415c90013b38f04c287aac361ba4
HYTOS/HYTOS/Shapes/SymbolSvgItem.py | ||
321 | 321 |
rect = self.boundingRect() |
322 | 322 |
if self.name in ('CV_H', 'CV_V') or self.name == 'Line_Splitter' or self.name in ('Filter_H', 'Filter_V'): |
323 | 323 |
data = self.connectors[0].data |
324 |
self.desc_label.setHtml(f"{self.name}<br>{data.pressure_drop} kg/cm2<br>{data.elevation} m") |
324 |
if data: |
325 |
self.desc_label.setHtml(f"{self.name}<br>{data.pressure_drop} kg/cm2<br>{data.elevation} m") |
325 | 326 |
elif self.name in ('Y_Strainer_H', 'Y_Strainer_V'): |
326 | 327 |
data = self.connectors[0].data |
327 |
self.desc_label.setHtml(f"{self.name}<br>{data.pressure_drop} kg/cm2<br>{data.elevation} m") |
328 |
if data: |
329 |
self.desc_label.setHtml(f"{self.name}<br>{data.pressure_drop} kg/cm2<br>{data.elevation} m") |
328 | 330 |
elif self.name in ('L_Pump', 'R_Pump', 'V_Pump'): |
329 | 331 |
data = self.connectors[0].data |
330 |
self.desc_label.setHtml(f"{self.name}<br>{data.pressure_drop} kg/cm2<br>{data.elevation} m") |
332 |
if data: |
333 |
self.desc_label.setHtml(f"{self.name}<br>{data.pressure_drop} kg/cm2<br>{data.elevation} m") |
331 | 334 |
elif self.name in ('Ori_Flowmeter_H', 'Oth_Flowmeter_H', 'Ven_Flowmeter_H', 'Ori_Flowmeter_V', 'Oth_Flowmeter_V', |
332 | 335 |
'Ven_Flowmeter_V'): |
333 | 336 |
data = self.connectors[0].data |
334 |
self.desc_label.setHtml(f"{self.name}<br>{data.pressure_drop} kg/cm2<br>{data.elevation} m") |
337 |
if data: |
338 |
self.desc_label.setHtml(f"{self.name}<br>{data.pressure_drop} kg/cm2<br>{data.elevation} m") |
335 | 339 |
elif self.name in ('HEX_V', 'HEX_DP', 'HEX_H', 'HEX_K', 'HEX_V'): |
336 | 340 |
data = [conn.data for conn in self.connectors |
337 | 341 |
if conn.data and (conn.data.pressure_drop is not None or conn.data.elevation is not None)] |
HYTOS/HYTOS/StreamDataDialog.py | ||
22 | 22 |
self.ui = StreamData_UI.Ui_Dialog() |
23 | 23 |
self.ui.setupUi(self) |
24 | 24 |
self.result = False |
25 |
self.liquid_drop_method = None |
25 | 26 |
26 | 27 |
self.ui.lineEdit_Fitting_K.setVisible(False) |
27 | 28 |
... | ... | |
52 | 53 |
self.ui.radioButton_Flowrate_Volume.clicked.connect(self.clickedEvent) |
53 | 54 |
self.ui.radioButton_Equivalent_Length_Input.clicked.connect(self.clickedEvent) |
54 | 55 |
self.ui.radioButton_Equivalent_Length_Cal.clicked.connect(self.clickedEvent) |
55 |
56 |
56 | 57 |
self.ui.pushButton_Fitting.clicked.connect(self.show_fitting_dialog) |
57 | 58 |
self.ui.comboBox_Nominal_Pipe_Size.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.getInsideDiameter) |
58 | 59 |
self.ui.comboBox_Schedule_No.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.getInsideDiameter) |
59 | 60 |
self.ui.comboBox_PhaseType.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.on_change_phase_type) |
60 | 61 |
self.ui.pushButton_Line_Sizing.clicked.connect(self.show_line_sizing_dialog) |
62 |
self.ui.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed.clicked.connect(self.show_geometry_data_dialog) |
61 | 63 |
64 |
self.initialize() |
65 |
self.init_liquid_drop_method() |
62 | 66 |
self.init_phase_type() |
63 | 67 |
self.init_units() |
64 | 68 |
self.init_nominal_diameter() |
65 | 69 |
self.init_schedule() |
66 | 70 |
67 |
def roughnessClickedEvent(self): |
71 |
def initialize(self): |
72 |
pass |
73 |
self.ui.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.setColumnCount(9) |
74 |
self.ui.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) |
75 |
self.ui.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( |
76 |
[self.tr('Element'), self.tr('ND'), self.tr('Sch.'), self.tr('ID'), self.tr('Rough'), self.tr('Angle'), self.tr('r/D'), self.tr('D1/D2'), self.tr('K')]) |
77 |
# self.ui.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.horizontalHeaderItem(0).setSizeHint(QSize(25, 25)) |
78 |
# self.ui.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.itemPressed.connect(self.onConnPtPressed) |
79 |
self.ui.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.verticalHeader().setVisible(True) |
80 |
81 |
def init_liquid_drop_method(self): |
82 |
app_doc_data = AppDocData.instance() |
83 |
84 |
liquid_dp_method = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Calculation', 'Liquid_Drop_Method') |
85 |
if len(liquid_dp_method) == 1: |
86 |
self.liquid_drop_method = liquid_dp_method[0].value |
87 |
else: |
88 |
self.liquid_drop_method = 'darcy' |
89 |
90 |
def roughness_clicked_event(self): |
68 | 91 |
from RoughnessDialog import QRoughnessDialog |
92 |
from Roughness_HagenDialog import QRoughness_HagenDialog |
69 | 93 |
70 |
dialog = QRoughnessDialog() |
71 |
selectedvalue = dialog.show_dialog(self.ui.label_Roughness_Unit.text()) |
94 |
phase_type = self.ui.comboBox_PhaseType.currentData() |
72 | 95 |
73 |
self.ui.lineEdit_Roughness.setText(str(selectedvalue)) |
96 |
if phase_type == 'Liquid' and self.liquid_drop_method == 'hagen': |
97 |
dialog = QRoughness_HagenDialog() |
98 |
else: |
99 |
dialog = QRoughnessDialog() |
100 |
101 |
roughness = dialog.show_dialog() |
102 |
self.ui.lineEdit_Roughness.setText(str(roughness)) |
74 | 103 |
75 | 104 |
def clickedEvent(self): |
76 | 105 |
if self.sender() == self.ui.radioButton_Flowrate_Mass: |
... | ... | |
162 | 191 |
else: |
163 | 192 |
return True |
164 | 193 |
194 |
def show_geometry_data_dialog(self): |
195 |
from GeometryData_MixedDialog import QGeometryData_MixedDialog |
196 |
197 |
try: |
198 |
dialog = QGeometryData_MixedDialog() |
199 |
dialog.show_dialog() |
200 |
except Exception as ex: |
201 |
from App import App |
202 |
from AppDocData import MessageType |
203 |
204 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
205 |
sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) |
206 |
App.mainWnd().addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message) |
207 |
165 | 208 |
def show_line_sizing_dialog(self): |
166 | 209 |
from Line_Sizing_LiquidDialog import QLine_Sizing_LiquidDialog |
167 | 210 |
from Line_Sizing_VaporDialog import QLine_Sizing_VaporDialog |
... | ... | |
489 | 532 |
self.ui.label_DropPressure_Unit.setText('{}/100{}'.format(attr[1]['Pressure'], attr[1]['Length'])) |
490 | 533 |
self.ui.label_Nominal_Pipe_Size_Unit.setText(attr[1]['Pipe_Diameter']) |
491 | 534 |
self.ui.label_Inside_Pipe_Size_Unit.setText(attr[1]['Pipe_Diameter']) |
492 |
self.ui.label_Roughness_Unit.setText(attr[1]['Roughness']) |
535 |
if self.liquid_drop_method == 'darcy': |
536 |
self.ui.label_Roughness_Unit.setText(attr[1]['Roughness']) |
537 |
else: |
538 |
self.ui.label_Roughness_Unit.setText('') |
493 | 539 |
self.ui.label_Straight_Lengh_Unit.setText(attr[1]['Length']) |
494 | 540 |
self.ui.label_Equivalent_Lenght_Input_Unit.setText(attr[1]['Length']) |
495 | 541 |
self.ui.label_Fitting_Length_Unit.setText(attr[1]['Length']) |
HYTOS/HYTOS/StreamData_UI.py | ||
779 | 779 |
self.pushButton_Line_Sizing.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(8, 420, 149, 23)) |
780 | 780 |
self.pushButton_Line_Sizing.setObjectName("pushButton_Line_Sizing") |
781 | 781 |
self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(Dialog) |
782 |
self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(8, 80, 669, 141))
782 |
self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(8, 80, 669, 133))
783 | 783 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
784 | 784 |
font.setBold(True) |
785 | 785 |
font.setWeight(75) |
... | ... | |
787 | 787 |
self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed.setObjectName("groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed") |
788 | 788 |
self.gridLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
789 | 789 |
self.gridLayout.setObjectName("gridLayout") |
790 |
self.horizontalLayout_20 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
791 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_20") |
792 |
self.label_36 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
793 |
self.label_36.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(0, 0)) |
794 |
self.label_36.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(16777215, 16777215)) |
795 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
796 |
font.setBold(False) |
797 |
font.setWeight(50) |
798 |
self.label_36.setFont(font) |
799 |
self.label_36.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) |
800 |
self.label_36.setObjectName("label_36") |
801 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.label_36) |
802 |
self.lineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
803 |
self.lineEdit.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
804 |
self.lineEdit.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
805 |
self.lineEdit.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
806 |
self.lineEdit.setObjectName("lineEdit") |
807 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit) |
808 |
self.lineEdit_3 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
809 |
self.lineEdit_3.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
810 |
self.lineEdit_3.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
811 |
self.lineEdit_3.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
812 |
self.lineEdit_3.setObjectName("lineEdit_3") |
813 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_3) |
814 |
self.lineEdit_5 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
815 |
self.lineEdit_5.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
816 |
self.lineEdit_5.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
817 |
self.lineEdit_5.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
818 |
self.lineEdit_5.setObjectName("lineEdit_5") |
819 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_5) |
820 |
self.lineEdit_6 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
821 |
self.lineEdit_6.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
822 |
self.lineEdit_6.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
823 |
self.lineEdit_6.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
824 |
self.lineEdit_6.setObjectName("lineEdit_6") |
825 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_6) |
826 |
self.lineEdit_7 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
827 |
self.lineEdit_7.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
828 |
self.lineEdit_7.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
829 |
self.lineEdit_7.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
830 |
self.lineEdit_7.setObjectName("lineEdit_7") |
831 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_7) |
832 |
self.lineEdit_4 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
833 |
self.lineEdit_4.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
834 |
self.lineEdit_4.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
835 |
self.lineEdit_4.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
836 |
self.lineEdit_4.setObjectName("lineEdit_4") |
837 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_4) |
838 |
self.lineEdit_2 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
839 |
self.lineEdit_2.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
840 |
self.lineEdit_2.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
841 |
self.lineEdit_2.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
842 |
self.lineEdit_2.setObjectName("lineEdit_2") |
843 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_2) |
844 |
self.gridLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_20, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
845 | 790 |
self.verticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() |
846 | 791 |
self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout") |
847 | 792 |
self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
... | ... | |
1011 | 956 |
self.horizontalLayout_14.addWidget(self.label_28) |
1012 | 957 |
self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_14) |
1013 | 958 |
self.gridLayout.addLayout(self.verticalLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
959 |
self.horizontalLayout_20 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
960 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_20") |
961 |
self.label_36 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
962 |
self.label_36.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(0, 0)) |
963 |
self.label_36.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(16777215, 16777215)) |
964 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
965 |
font.setBold(False) |
966 |
font.setWeight(50) |
967 |
self.label_36.setFont(font) |
968 |
self.label_36.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) |
969 |
self.label_36.setObjectName("label_36") |
970 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.label_36) |
971 |
self.lineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
972 |
self.lineEdit.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
973 |
self.lineEdit.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
974 |
self.lineEdit.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
975 |
self.lineEdit.setObjectName("lineEdit") |
976 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit) |
977 |
self.lineEdit_3 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
978 |
self.lineEdit_3.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
979 |
self.lineEdit_3.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
980 |
self.lineEdit_3.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
981 |
self.lineEdit_3.setObjectName("lineEdit_3") |
982 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_3) |
983 |
self.lineEdit_5 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
984 |
self.lineEdit_5.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
985 |
self.lineEdit_5.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
986 |
self.lineEdit_5.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
987 |
self.lineEdit_5.setObjectName("lineEdit_5") |
988 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_5) |
989 |
self.lineEdit_6 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
990 |
self.lineEdit_6.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
991 |
self.lineEdit_6.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
992 |
self.lineEdit_6.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
993 |
self.lineEdit_6.setObjectName("lineEdit_6") |
994 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_6) |
995 |
self.lineEdit_7 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
996 |
self.lineEdit_7.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
997 |
self.lineEdit_7.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
998 |
self.lineEdit_7.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
999 |
self.lineEdit_7.setObjectName("lineEdit_7") |
1000 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_7) |
1001 |
self.lineEdit_4 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
1002 |
self.lineEdit_4.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
1003 |
self.lineEdit_4.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
1004 |
self.lineEdit_4.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
1005 |
self.lineEdit_4.setObjectName("lineEdit_4") |
1006 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_4) |
1007 |
self.lineEdit_2 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
1008 |
self.lineEdit_2.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 0)) |
1009 |
self.lineEdit_2.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(80, 16777215)) |
1010 |
self.lineEdit_2.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
1011 |
self.lineEdit_2.setObjectName("lineEdit_2") |
1012 |
self.horizontalLayout_20.addWidget(self.lineEdit_2) |
1013 |
self.gridLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_20, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
1014 | 1014 |
self.horizontalLayout_26 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
1015 | 1015 |
self.horizontalLayout_26.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_26") |
1016 | 1016 |
self.label_37 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed) |
... | ... | |
1070 | 1070 |
self.lineEdit_8.setObjectName("lineEdit_8") |
1071 | 1071 |
self.horizontalLayout_26.addWidget(self.lineEdit_8) |
1072 | 1072 |
self.gridLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_26, 2, 0, 1, 1) |
1073 |
spacerItem8 = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) |
1074 |
self.gridLayout.addItem(spacerItem8, 3, 0, 1, 1) |
1075 | 1073 |
self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(Dialog) |
1076 |
self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(8, 232, 669, 209))
1074 |
self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(8, 220, 669, 225))
1077 | 1075 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
1078 | 1076 |
font.setBold(True) |
1079 | 1077 |
font.setWeight(75) |
1080 | 1078 |
self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed.setFont(font) |
1081 | 1079 |
self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed.setObjectName("groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed") |
1080 |
self.gridLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed) |
1081 |
self.gridLayout_2.setObjectName("gridLayout_2") |
1082 |
self.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed = QtWidgets.QTableWidget(self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed) |
1083 |
self.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.setObjectName("tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed") |
1084 |
self.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.setColumnCount(0) |
1085 |
self.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed.setRowCount(0) |
1086 |
self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.tableWidget_GeometryData_Mixed, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
1087 |
self.verticalLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() |
1088 |
self.verticalLayout_2.setObjectName("verticalLayout_2") |
1089 |
self.horizontalLayout_27 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
1090 |
self.horizontalLayout_27.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_27") |
1091 |
spacerItem8 = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(40, 20, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) |
1092 |
self.horizontalLayout_27.addItem(spacerItem8) |
1093 |
self.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed) |
1094 |
self.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) |
1095 |
self.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) |
1096 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
1097 |
font.setBold(False) |
1098 |
font.setWeight(50) |
1099 |
self.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed.setFont(font) |
1100 |
self.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed.setText("") |
1101 |
icon1 = QtGui.QIcon() |
1102 |
icon1.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/images/Add.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) |
1103 |
self.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed.setIcon(icon1) |
1104 |
self.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed.setObjectName("pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed") |
1105 |
self.horizontalLayout_27.addWidget(self.pushButton_Add_GeometryData_Mixed) |
1106 |
self.pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_GeometryData_Mixed) |
1107 |
self.pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) |
1108 |
self.pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(24, 24)) |
1109 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
1110 |
font.setBold(False) |
1111 |
font.setWeight(50) |
1112 |
self.pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed.setFont(font) |
1113 |
self.pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed.setText("") |
1114 |
icon2 = QtGui.QIcon() |
1115 |
icon2.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/images/Del.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) |
1116 |
self.pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed.setIcon(icon2) |
1117 |
self.pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed.setObjectName("pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed") |
1118 |
self.horizontalLayout_27.addWidget(self.pushButton_Del_GeometryData_Mixed) |
1119 |
self.verticalLayout_2.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_27) |
1120 |
self.gridLayout_2.addLayout(self.verticalLayout_2, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
1082 | 1121 |
1083 | 1122 |
self.retranslateUi(Dialog) |
1084 | 1123 |
self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(Dialog.accept) |
... | ... | |
1165 | 1204 |
self.label_23.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Z factor :")) |
1166 | 1205 |
self.pushButton_Line_Sizing.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Line Sizing Criteria")) |
1167 | 1206 |
self.groupBox_ProcessData_Mixed.setTitle(_translate("Dialog", "Process Data (at Start Point)")) |
1168 |
self.label_36.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Vapor :")) |
1169 | 1207 |
self.label_2.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Flowrate")) |
1170 | 1208 |
self.label_11.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Density")) |
1171 | 1209 |
self.label_15.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Viscosity")) |
... | ... | |
1178 | 1216 |
self.label_Viscosity_Unit_Mixed.setText(_translate("Dialog", "-")) |
1179 | 1217 |
self.label_Pressure_Unit_Mixed.setText(_translate("Dialog", "-")) |
1180 | 1218 |
self.label_Temperature_Unit_Mixed.setText(_translate("Dialog", "-")) |
1219 |
self.label_36.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Vapor :")) |
1181 | 1220 |
self.label_37.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Liquid :")) |
1182 | 1221 |
self.lineEdit_11.setText(_translate("Dialog", "-")) |
1183 | 1222 |
self.lineEdit_10.setText(_translate("Dialog", "-")) |
HYTOS/HYTOS/UI/StreamData.ui | ||
1904 | 1904 |
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1905 | 1905 |
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1906 | 1906 |
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1907 |
1907 |
1908 | 1908 |
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1909 | 1909 |
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1910 | 1910 |
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... | ... | |
1917 | 1917 |
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1918 | 1918 |
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1919 | 1919 |
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1920 |
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1921 |
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1922 |
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1923 |
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1924 |
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1925 |
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1926 |
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1927 |
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1928 |
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1929 |
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1930 |
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1931 |
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1932 |
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1933 |
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1934 |
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1935 |
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1936 |
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1937 |
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1938 |
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1939 |
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1940 |
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1941 |
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1942 |
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1943 |
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1944 |
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1945 |
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1946 |
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1947 |
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1948 |
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1949 |
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1950 |
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1951 |
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1952 |
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1953 |
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1954 |
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1955 |
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1956 |
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1957 |
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1958 |
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1959 |
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1960 |
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1961 |
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1962 |
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1963 |
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1964 |
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1965 |
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1966 |
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1967 |
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1968 |
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1969 |
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1970 |
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1971 |
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1972 |
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1973 |
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1974 |
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1975 |
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1976 |
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1977 |
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1978 |
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1979 |
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1980 |
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1981 |
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1982 |
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1983 |
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1984 |
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1985 |
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1986 |
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1987 |
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1988 |
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1989 |
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1990 |
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1991 |
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1992 |
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1993 |
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1994 |
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1995 |
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1996 |
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1997 |
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1998 |
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1999 |
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2000 |
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2001 |
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2002 |
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2003 |
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2004 |
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2005 |
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2006 |
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2007 |
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2008 |
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2009 |
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2010 |
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2011 |
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2012 |
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2013 |
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2014 |
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2015 |
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2016 |
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2017 |
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2018 |
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2019 |
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2020 |
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2021 |
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2022 |
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2023 |
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2024 |
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2025 |
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2026 |
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2027 |
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2028 |
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2029 |
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2030 |
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2031 |
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2032 |
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2033 |
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2034 |
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2035 |
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2036 |
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2037 |
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2038 |
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2039 |
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2040 |
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2041 |
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2042 |
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2043 |
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2044 |
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2045 |
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2046 |
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2047 |
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2048 |
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2049 |
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2050 |
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2051 |
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2052 |
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2053 |
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2054 |
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2055 |
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2056 |
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2057 |
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2058 |
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2059 |
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2060 |
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2061 |
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2062 |
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2063 |
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2064 |
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2065 |
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2066 |
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2067 |
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2068 |
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2069 |
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2070 |
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2071 |
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2072 |
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2073 |
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2074 |
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2075 |
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2076 |
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2077 |
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2078 |
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2079 |
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2080 |
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2081 |
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2082 |
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2083 |
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2084 |
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2085 | 1920 |
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2086 | 1921 |
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2087 | 1922 |
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... | ... | |
2518 | 2353 |
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2519 | 2354 |
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2520 | 2355 |
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2356 |
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2357 |
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2358 |
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2359 |
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2360 |
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2361 |
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2362 |
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2363 |
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2364 |
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2365 |
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2366 |
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2367 |
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2368 |
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2369 |
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2370 |
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2371 |
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2372 |
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2373 |
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2374 |
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2375 |
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2376 |
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2377 |
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2378 |
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2379 |
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2380 |
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2381 |
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2382 |
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2383 |
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2384 |
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2385 |
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2386 |
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2387 |
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2388 |
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2389 |
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2390 |
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2391 |
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2392 |
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2393 |
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2394 |
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2395 |
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2396 |
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2397 |
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2398 |
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2399 |
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2400 |
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2402 |
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2403 |
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2404 |
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2405 |
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2406 |
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2407 |
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2408 |
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2409 |
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2410 |
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2411 |
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2412 |
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2413 |
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2414 |
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2415 |
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2416 |
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2417 |
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2418 |
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2419 |
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2420 |
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2421 |
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2422 |
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2423 |
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2424 |
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2425 |
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2426 |
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2427 |
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2428 |
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2429 |
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2430 |
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2431 |
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2432 |
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2433 |
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2434 |
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2435 |
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2436 |
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2437 |
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2438 |
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2439 |
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2440 |
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2441 |
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2442 |
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2443 |
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2444 |
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2445 |
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2446 |
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2447 |
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2448 |
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2449 |
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2450 |
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2451 |
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2452 |
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2453 |
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2454 |
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2455 |
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2456 |
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2457 |
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2458 |
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2459 |
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2460 |
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2461 |
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2462 |
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2463 |
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2464 |
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2465 |
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2466 |
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2467 |
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2468 |
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2469 |
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2470 |
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2471 |
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2472 |
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2473 |
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2474 |
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2475 |
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2476 |
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2477 |
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2478 |
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2479 |
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2480 |
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2481 |
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2482 |
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2483 |
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2484 |
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2485 |
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2486 |
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2487 |
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2488 |
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2489 |
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2490 |
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2491 |
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2492 |
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2493 |
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2494 |
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2495 |
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2496 |
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2497 |
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2498 |
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2499 |
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2500 |
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2501 |
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2502 |
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2503 |
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2504 |
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2505 |
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2506 |
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2507 |
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2508 |
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2509 |
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2510 |
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2511 |
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2512 |
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2513 |
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2514 |
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2515 |
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2516 |
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2517 |
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2518 |
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2519 |
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2520 |
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2521 | 2521 |
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2522 | 2522 |
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2523 | 2523 |
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2707 | 2707 |
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2708 | 2708 |
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2709 | 2709 |
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2710 |
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2711 |
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2712 |
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2714 |
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2715 |
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2717 |
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2719 |
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2720 |
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2721 |
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2722 |
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2724 | 2711 |
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2725 | 2712 |
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2729 |
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2733 | 2720 |
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2734 | 2721 |
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2730 |
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2731 |
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2732 |
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2733 |
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2734 |
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2735 |
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2736 |
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2737 |
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2738 |
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2739 |
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2740 |
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2742 |
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2743 |
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2744 |
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2745 |
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2746 |
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2747 |
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2748 |
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2749 |
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2750 |
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2751 |
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2752 |
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2753 |
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2754 |
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2755 |
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2756 |
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2757 |
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2758 |
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2759 |
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2760 |
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2761 |
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2762 |
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2763 |
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2764 |
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2765 |
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2766 |
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2767 |
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2768 |
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2769 |
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2770 |
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2771 |
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2772 |
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2773 |
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2774 |
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2775 |
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2776 |
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2777 |
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2778 |
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2779 |
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2780 |
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2781 |
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2783 |
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2784 |
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2785 |
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2786 |
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2787 |
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2788 |
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2789 |
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2790 |
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2791 |
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2792 |
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2793 |
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2794 |
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2795 |
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2796 |
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2797 |
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2798 |
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2799 |
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2800 |
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2801 |
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2802 |
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2803 |
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2804 |
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2805 |
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2806 |
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2807 |
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2808 |
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2809 |
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2810 |
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2811 |
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2812 |
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2813 |
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2744 | 2815 |
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2745 | 2816 |
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내보내기 Unified diff