


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ 404185fc

이름 크기
.gitattributes 2.46 KB
.gitignore 4.39 KB
App.spec 1.64 KB
ID2 SPPID Converter User Manual.docx 623 KB
ID2 User Manual.docx 926 KB
ID2.wxs 383 KB
ID2_html.template 7.93 KB
Readme.txt 280 Bytes
SPPIDConverter.wxs 25.4 KB
build.bat 661 Bytes
license.rtf 47.8 KB
license.txt 13.4 KB
package.bat 1.52 KB
version.rc 1.36 KB

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
404185fc 2019/08/16 06:53 백흠경

issue #000: prevent to save items to database

Change-Id: I96147cfdb90fda05c0a156af433fa2ec61c0341c

06b97fe7 2019/08/16 06:50 백흠경

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: I62898e73b5c56ad32dee0d0cd53230440e9428b8

60f50aee 2019/08/16 06:49 백흠경

issue #000: save items to database

Change-Id: I2c5729c590148b6cb87290d2fa328b5f44099b7d

5997d010 2019/08/16 05:23 함의성

issue #000: fix symbol size

Change-Id: I12cdfde00af2ffe005d45df5c42d472a9b2c620f

28e7359b 2019/08/16 04:01 함의성

Merge "issue #000: add attribute binding restore and match correctly between symbol and text"

97468c67 2019/08/16 04:01 함의성

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

7377056d 2019/08/16 04:01 함의성

Merge "issue #000: 0814"

1aff325b 2019/08/15 23:22 함의성

issue #000: add attribute binding restore and match correctly between symbol and text

Change-Id: Ia51258ae06a8504ec9074543c8fefae72df64233

5d35f28b 2019/08/15 19:31 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: Ia7baaab804d684119b69a36bbed1602dd40709ee

1e4a0ab0 2019/08/15 19:30 함의성

issue #000: 0814

Change-Id: I7c62a93b67fe149001d25be48395e26c8c82bd9d

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