개정판 4135735d
Add wxExample
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/wxExample.py | ||
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import wx |
2 |
import os |
3 |
4 |
class Example(wx.Frame): |
5 |
def __init__(self, parent, title): |
6 |
super(Example, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=(260, 180)) |
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self.InitUI() |
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self.Centre() |
10 |
self.Show() |
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def InitUI(self): |
13 |
panel = wx.Panel(self) |
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menubar = wx.MenuBar() |
16 |
filem = wx.Menu() |
17 |
openm = filem.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, "O&pen\tAlt-O", "Open a file") |
18 |
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOpen, openm) |
19 |
exitm = filem.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Close window and exit program.") |
20 |
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnClose, exitm) |
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editm = wx.Menu() |
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helpm = wx.Menu() |
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menubar.Append(filem, '&File') |
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menubar.Append(editm, '&Edit') |
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menubar.Append(helpm, '&Help') |
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self.SetMenuBar(menubar) |
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hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) |
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flexgridsizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 1, 0, 0) |
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33 |
languages = ['C', 'C++', 'Python', 'Java', 'Perl'] |
34 |
self.combo = wx.ComboBox(panel, choices = languages) |
35 |
textctrl = wx.TextCtrl(panel, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) |
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flexgridsizer.AddMany([(self.combo, 0, wx.EXPAND), (textctrl, 1, wx.EXPAND)]) |
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flexgridsizer.AddGrowableRow(1, 0) |
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flexgridsizer.AddGrowableCol(0, 0) |
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hbox.Add(flexgridsizer, proportion=1, flag=wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, border=5) |
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panel.SetSizer(hbox) |
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#panel.SetSizer(flexgridsizer) |
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def OnOpen(self, event): |
46 |
wildcard = "Image files (*.png,*.bmp)|*.png;*.bmp||" |
47 |
fdlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "Choose a file", os.getcwd(), "", wildcard, wx.FD_OPEN) |
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if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: |
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print(fdlg.GetPath()) |
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fdlg.Destroy() |
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def OnClose(self, event): |
53 |
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, |
54 |
"Do you really want to close this program?", |
55 |
"Confrim Exit", wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.ICON_QUESTION) |
56 |
result = dlg.ShowModal() |
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dlg.Destroy() |
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if result == wx.ID_OK: |
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self.Destroy() |
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if __name__ == '__main__': |
64 |
app = wx.App() |
65 |
Example(None, title='') |
66 |
app.MainLoop() |
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