112 |
112 |
if area > minArea and area < maxArea: selectedContours.append(contour)
113 |
113 |
contourImage = cv2.drawContours(image, selectedContours, -1, (255,255,255), -1); # draw contour with white color
114 |
114 |
except Exception as ex:
115 |
from App import App
116 |
115 |
117 |
message = 'error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)
116 |
MainWindow.instance().displayMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
118 |
App.mainWnd().addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
117 |
119 |
118 |
120 |
return contourImage
119 |
121 |
... | ... | |
166 |
168 |
# up to here
167 |
169 |
# up to here
168 |
170 |
except Exception as ex:
171 |
from App import App
172 |
169 |
173 |
message = 'error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)
170 |
MainWindow.instance().displayMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
174 |
App.mainWnd().addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
171 |
175 |
172 |
176 |
173 |
177 |
def executeRecognition(createDetectedItems, path, listWidget, isLineChecked, worker, batch, createUnknownItems):
... | ... | |
565 |
569 |
baseSymbol = targetSymbol.getBaseSymbol()
566 |
570 |
additionalSymbol = targetSymbol.getAdditionalSymbol()
567 |
571 |
isExceptDetect = targetSymbol.getIsExceptDetect()
572 |
detectFlip = targetSymbol.getDetectFlip()
568 |
573 |
569 |
574 |
# check if symbol file is target or not
570 |
575 |
if isExceptDetect == 1:
... | ... | |
611 |
616 |
roiItemEp = (srcWidth, srcHeight)
612 |
617 |
roiItem = copiedBasePid
613 |
618 |
614 |
symbolRotatedAngle = 0
615 |
for rc in range(symbolRotateCount + 1): ## Rotation Count를 사용자 기준으로 받아서 1을 더한 후 사용
616 |
sw, sh = symGray.shape[::-1]
617 |
roiw = (roiItemEp[0] - roiItemSp[0])
618 |
roih = (roiItemEp[1] - roiItemSp[1])
619 |
620 |
## Case : Bigger Symbol than Split ROI
621 |
if roiw < sw or roih < sh:
622 |
symGray = cv2.rotate(symGray, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
623 |
symbolRotatedAngle = symbolRotatedAngle + 90
624 |
625 |
if baseSymbol is not None and additionalSymbol is not None:
626 |
additionalSymbol = Worker.getRotatedChildInfo(additionalSymbol)
619 |
for index in range(2):
620 |
if index is 0:
621 |
622 |
623 |
elif detectFlip is not 1 and index is 1:
627 |
624 |
625 |
626 |
627 |
symGray = cv2.flip(symGray, 1)
628 |
opx = sow - float(symbolOriginalPoint.split(',')[0])
629 |
opy = soh - float(symbolOriginalPoint.split(',')[1])
630 |
symbolOriginalPoint = str(opx) + ',' + str(opy)
631 |
632 |
symbolConnectionPoint = symbolConnectionPoint.split("/")
633 |
symbolConnectionPointStr = ''
634 |
for strConnPt in symbolConnectionPoint:
635 |
tokens = strConnPt.split(',')
636 |
637 |
direction = 'AUTO'
638 |
symbol_idx = '0'
639 |
if len(tokens) == 2:
640 |
cpx = sow - float(tokens[0])
641 |
cpy = soh - float(tokens[1])
642 |
cflip = direction + ',' + str(cpx) + ',' + str(cpy)
643 |
elif len(tokens) == 3:
644 |
direction = tokens[0]
645 |
cpx = sow - float(tokens[1])
646 |
cpy = soh - float(tokens[2])
647 |
cflip = direction + ',' + str(cpx) + ',' + str(cpy)
648 |
elif len(tokens) == 4:
649 |
direction = tokens[0]
650 |
cpx = sow - float(tokens[1])
651 |
cpy = soh - float(tokens[2])
652 |
symbol_idx = tokens[3]
653 |
cflip = direction + ',' + str(cpx) + ',' + str(cpy) + ',' + str(symbol_idx)
654 |
655 |
if symbolConnectionPointStr == '':
656 |
symbolConnectionPointStr = cflip
657 |
658 |
symbolConnectionPointStr = symbolConnectionPointStr + '/' + cflip
659 |
symbolConnectionPoint = symbolConnectionPointStr
660 |
661 |
662 |
663 |
symbolRotatedAngle = 0
664 |
for rc in range(symbolRotateCount + 1): ## Rotation Count를 사용자 기준으로 받아서 1을 더한 후 사용
665 |
sw, sh = symGray.shape[::-1]
666 |
roiw = (roiItemEp[0] - roiItemSp[0])
667 |
roih = (roiItemEp[1] - roiItemSp[1])
668 |
669 |
## Case : Bigger Symbol than Split ROI
670 |
if roiw < sw or roih < sh:
671 |
symGray = cv2.rotate(symGray, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
672 |
symbolRotatedAngle = symbolRotatedAngle + 90
673 |
674 |
if baseSymbol is not None and additionalSymbol is not None:
675 |
additionalSymbol = Worker.getRotatedChildInfo(additionalSymbol)
676 |
628 |
677 |
629 |
## get Rotated Original Point
630 |
originalPoint = Worker.getCalculatedOriginalPoint(additionalSymbol, symbolOriginalPoint, symbolRotatedAngle, sw, sh, sow, soh)
631 |
connectionPoint = Worker.getCalculatedConnectionPoint(symbolConnectionPoint, symbolRotatedAngle, sw, sh, sow, soh)
678 |
## get Rotated Original Point
679 |
originalPoint = Worker.getCalculatedOriginalPoint(additionalSymbol, symbolOriginalPoint, symbolRotatedAngle, sw, sh, sow, soh)
680 |
connectionPoint = Worker.getCalculatedConnectionPoint(symbolConnectionPoint, symbolRotatedAngle, sw, sh, sow, soh)
632 |
681 |
633 |
## Template Matching
634 |
tmRes = cv2.matchTemplate(roiItem, symGray, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
635 |
loc = np.where(tmRes >= symbolThreshold)
682 |
## Template Matching
683 |
tmRes = cv2.matchTemplate(roiItem, symGray, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
684 |
loc = np.where(tmRes >= symbolThreshold)
636 |
685 |
637 |
for pt in zip(*loc[::-1]):
638 |
mpCount = 0 # Match Point Count
686 |
for pt in zip(*loc[::-1]):
687 |
mpCount = 0 # Match Point Count
639 |
688 |
640 |
roi = roiItem[pt[1]:pt[1]+sh, pt[0]:pt[0]+sw]
689 |
roi = roiItem[pt[1]:pt[1]+sh, pt[0]:pt[0]+sw]
641 |
690 |
642 |
if symbolMinMatchCount > 0:
643 |
mpCount = Worker.getMatchPointCount(roi, symGray)
644 |
if not (mpCount >= symbolMinMatchCount):
645 |
691 |
if symbolMinMatchCount > 0:
692 |
mpCount = Worker.getMatchPointCount(roi, symGray)
693 |
if not (mpCount >= symbolMinMatchCount):
694 |
646 |
695 |
647 |
searchedItemSp = (roiItemSp[0]+pt[0] + round(offsetDrawingArea[0]), roiItemSp[1]+pt[1] + round(offsetDrawingArea[1]))
696 |
searchedItemSp = (roiItemSp[0]+pt[0] + round(offsetDrawingArea[0]), roiItemSp[1]+pt[1] + round(offsetDrawingArea[1]))
648 |
697 |
649 |
overlapArea = 0
650 |
symbolIndex = -1
651 |
for i in range(len(searchedSymbolList)):
652 |
area = Worker.contains(searchedSymbolList[i], searchedItemSp, sw, sh)
653 |
654 |
if area > overlapArea:
655 |
overlapArea = area
656 |
symbolIndex = i
657 |
658 |
categories = [appDocData.isEquipmentType(symbolType), appDocData.isEquipmentType(searchedSymbolList[i].getType())]
659 |
if categories[0] == categories[1]:
660 |
symbolIndex = i
661 |
662 |
698 |
overlapArea = 0
699 |
symbolIndex = -1
700 |
for i in range(len(searchedSymbolList)):
701 |
area = Worker.contains(searchedSymbolList[i], searchedItemSp, sw, sh)
702 |
703 |
if area > overlapArea:
704 |
overlapArea = area
705 |
symbolIndex = i
706 |
707 |
categories = [appDocData.isEquipmentType(symbolType), appDocData.isEquipmentType(searchedSymbolList[i].getType())]
708 |
if categories[0] == categories[1]:
709 |
symbolIndex = i
710 |
711 |
663 |
712 |
664 |
hitRate = tmRes[pt[1], pt[0]]
665 |
666 |
## 겹치는 영역이 기준값보다 작을 경우
667 |
if overlapArea <= ACCEPT_OVERLAY_AREA:
668 |
669 |
foundSymbolCount = foundSymbolCount + 1
670 |
Worker.addSearchedSymbol(symbolName, symbolType ,
671 |
searchedItemSp, sw, sh, symbolThreshold, symbolMinMatchCount, hitRate, symbolRotatedAngle ,
672 |
isDetectOnOrigin, symbolRotateCount, symbolOcrOption, isContainChild ,
673 |
originalPoint, connectionPoint, baseSymbol, additionalSymbol,isExceptDetect)
674 |
675 |
else: ## 겹치는 영역이 기준값보다 클 경우
676 |
if symbolIndex != -1 and symbolIndex < len(searchedSymbolList):
677 |
searchedSymbol = searchedSymbolList[symbolIndex]
678 |
## 현재 심볼과 검출된 심볼이 같을 경우 Match Point가 더 높은 정보로 교체
679 |
if symbolName == searchedSymbol.getName():
680 |
symbolHitRate = searchedSymbol.getHitRate()
681 |
if symbolHitRate < hitRate:
682 |
683 |
searchedSymbolList[symbolIndex] = symbol.Symbol(symbolName, symbolType ,
684 |
searchedItemSp, sw, sh, symbolThreshold, symbolMinMatchCount, hitRate, symbolRotatedAngle ,
685 |
isDetectOnOrigin, symbolRotateCount, symbolOcrOption, isContainChild ,
686 |
','.join(str(x) for x in originalPoint),
687 |
'/'.join('{},{},{},{}'.format(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]) for param in connectionPoint),
688 |
baseSymbol, additionalSymbol,isExceptDetect)
689 |
690 |
## 현재 심볼과 검출된 심볼이 같지 않을 경우 (포함)
691 |
elif appDocData.isEquipmentType(searchedSymbol.getType()):
692 |
if searchedSymbol.area > sw*sh*10: # searched equipment area is greather than 10 times of symbol's area
693 |
694 |
foundSymbolCount = foundSymbolCount + 1
695 |
Worker.addSearchedSymbol(symbolName, symbolType ,
696 |
searchedItemSp, sw, sh, symbolThreshold, hitRate, hitRate, symbolRotatedAngle ,
697 |
isDetectOnOrigin, symbolRotateCount, symbolOcrOption, isContainChild ,
698 |
originalPoint, connectionPoint, baseSymbol, additionalSymbol,isExceptDetect)
699 |
700 |
713 |
hitRate = tmRes[pt[1], pt[0]]
714 |
715 |
## 겹치는 영역이 기준값보다 작을 경우
716 |
if overlapArea <= ACCEPT_OVERLAY_AREA:
717 |
718 |
foundSymbolCount = foundSymbolCount + 1
719 |
Worker.addSearchedSymbol(symbolName, symbolType ,
720 |
searchedItemSp, sw, sh, symbolThreshold, symbolMinMatchCount, hitRate, symbolRotatedAngle ,
721 |
isDetectOnOrigin, symbolRotateCount, symbolOcrOption, isContainChild ,
722 |
originalPoint, connectionPoint, baseSymbol, additionalSymbol,isExceptDetect)
723 |
724 |
else: ## 겹치는 영역이 기준값보다 클 경우
725 |
if symbolIndex != -1 and symbolIndex < len(searchedSymbolList):
701 |
726 |
searchedSymbol = searchedSymbolList[symbolIndex]
702 |
symbolHitRate = searchedSymbol.getHitRate()
703 |
if symbolHitRate - searchedSymbol.getThreshold() < hitRate - symbolThreshold:
704 |
705 |
searchedSymbolList[symbolIndex] = symbol.Symbol(symbolName, symbolType ,
706 |
searchedItemSp, sw, sh, symbolThreshold, symbolMinMatchCount, hitRate, symbolRotatedAngle ,
707 |
isDetectOnOrigin, symbolRotateCount, symbolOcrOption, isContainChild ,
708 |
','.join(str(x) for x in originalPoint),
709 |
'/'.join('{},{},{},{}'.format(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]) for param in connectionPoint),
710 |
baseSymbol, additionalSymbol,isExceptDetect)
711 |
712 |
713 |
## Rotate Symbol
714 |
symGray = cv2.rotate(symGray, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
715 |
symbolRotatedAngle = symbolRotatedAngle + 90
727 |
## 현재 심볼과 검출된 심볼이 같을 경우 Match Point가 더 높은 정보로 교체
728 |
if symbolName == searchedSymbol.getName():
729 |
symbolHitRate = searchedSymbol.getHitRate()
730 |
if symbolHitRate < hitRate:
731 |
732 |
searchedSymbolList[symbolIndex] = symbol.Symbol(symbolName, symbolType ,
733 |
searchedItemSp, sw, sh, symbolThreshold, symbolMinMatchCount, hitRate, symbolRotatedAngle ,
734 |
isDetectOnOrigin, symbolRotateCount, symbolOcrOption, isContainChild ,
735 |
','.join(str(x) for x in originalPoint),
736 |
'/'.join('{},{},{},{}'.format(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]) for param in connectionPoint),
737 |
baseSymbol, additionalSymbol,isExceptDetect)
738 |
739 |
## 현재 심볼과 검출된 심볼이 같지 않을 경우 (포함)
740 |
elif appDocData.isEquipmentType(searchedSymbol.getType()):
741 |
if searchedSymbol.area > sw*sh*10: # searched equipment area is greather than 10 times of symbol's area
742 |
743 |
foundSymbolCount = foundSymbolCount + 1
744 |
Worker.addSearchedSymbol(symbolName, symbolType ,
745 |
searchedItemSp, sw, sh, symbolThreshold, hitRate, hitRate, symbolRotatedAngle ,
746 |
isDetectOnOrigin, symbolRotateCount, symbolOcrOption, isContainChild ,
747 |
originalPoint, connectionPoint, baseSymbol, additionalSymbol,isExceptDetect)
748 |
749 |
750 |
searchedSymbol = searchedSymbolList[symbolIndex]
751 |
symbolHitRate = searchedSymbol.getHitRate()
752 |
if symbolHitRate - searchedSymbol.getThreshold() < hitRate - symbolThreshold:
753 |
754 |
searchedSymbolList[symbolIndex] = symbol.Symbol(symbolName, symbolType ,
755 |
searchedItemSp, sw, sh, symbolThreshold, symbolMinMatchCount, hitRate, symbolRotatedAngle ,
756 |
isDetectOnOrigin, symbolRotateCount, symbolOcrOption, isContainChild ,
757 |
','.join(str(x) for x in originalPoint),
758 |
'/'.join('{},{},{},{}'.format(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]) for param in connectionPoint),
759 |
baseSymbol, additionalSymbol,isExceptDetect)
760 |
761 |
762 |
## Rotate Symbol
763 |
symGray = cv2.rotate(symGray, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
764 |
symbolRotatedAngle = symbolRotatedAngle + 90
716 |
765 |
717 |
if additionalSymbol is not None:
718 |
additionalSymbol = Worker.getRotatedChildInfo(additionalSymbol)
766 |
if additionalSymbol is not None:
767 |
additionalSymbol = Worker.getRotatedChildInfo(additionalSymbol)
719 |
768 |
720 |
769 |
721 |
770 |
listWidget.addItem('Found Symbol : ' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(symbolPath))[0] + ' - (' + str(foundSymbolCount) + ')')
... | ... | |
1313 |
1362 |
project = appDocData.getCurrentProject()
1314 |
1363 |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(project.getTempPath(), "DIFF_" + os.path.basename(orgImagePath)), imgDiff)
1315 |
1364 |
except Exception as ex:
1365 |
from App import App
1366 |
1316 |
1367 |
message = 'error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)
1317 |
MainWindow.instance().displayMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1368 |
App.mainWnd().addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message)
1318 |
1369 |
1319 |
1370 |
1320 |
1371 |