


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID / DTI_PID @ 6d46bd8c

이름 크기
App.py 1.81 KB
AppDocData.py 52 KB
AreaOcrTestmodule.py 3.37 KB
ConfigurationAreaDialog.py 19.2 KB
ConfigurationDialog.py 15.6 KB
Configuration_Area_UI.py 9.18 KB
Configuration_UI.py 31.6 KB
ConnectAttr_UI.py 2.49 KB
DTI_PID.py 65.8 KB
DTI_PID.pyproj 4.65 KB
DTI_PID_UI.py 17.6 KB
DTI_PID_rc.py 19.9 KB
Drawing.py 971 Bytes
EquipmentData.py 294 Bytes
Equipment_Data_List_UI.py 2.87 KB
FluidCodeData.py 379 Bytes
FluidCodeDialog.py 7.23 KB
FluidCode_UI.py 2.53 KB
Instrument_Data_List_UI.py 3.24 KB
LineDetector.py 21.3 KB
LineNoTracer.py 10.6 KB
Line_Data_List_UI.py 3.2 KB
MainWindow.py 45.5 KB
NominalPipeSizeDialog.py 1.61 KB
NominalPipeSize_UI.py 3.14 KB
Project.py 2.06 KB
ProjectDialog.py 2.29 KB
ProjectSelectionDialog.py 0 Bytes
PropertyTableWidget.py 10.3 KB
QConnectAttrDialog.py 5.04 KB
QDirTreeWidget.py 10.7 KB
QEquipmentDataListDialog.py 2.57 KB
QInstrumentDataListDialog.py 2.66 KB
QLineDataListDialog.py 2.57 KB
QOcrResultDialog.py 8.19 KB
QRecognitionDialog.py 7.69 KB
QResultTreeWidget.py 21.3 KB
QSymbolDisplayDialog.py 1.46 KB
QSymbolEditorDialog.py 33.7 KB
QcImageViewer.py 3.09 KB
QtImageViewer.py 18.6 KB
READ ME.txt 18.5 KB
Recognition_UI.py 3.73 KB
ResultPropertyTableWidget.py 11.4 KB
Shapely-1.6.4.post1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl 624 KB
SingletonInstance.py 311 Bytes
SymbolBase.py 4.72 KB
SymbolEditor_UI.py 28.1 KB
TextInfo.py 775 Bytes
TextItemFactory.py 9.29 KB
UI_OcrResultDialog.py 5.45 KB
UI_ProjectDialog.py 3.32 KB
UI_SymbolDisplay.py 1004 Bytes
UI_SymbolEditor.py 28.4 KB
XmlGenerator.py 14.2 KB
azure_handwrite_ocr_module.py 14.2 KB
azure_ocr_module.py 10.7 KB
coffee.qss 2.79 KB
potrace.exe 211 KB
potrace.py 2.19 KB
symbol.py 2.2 KB
tesseract_ocr_module.py 16.4 KB
wxDTIPID.py 2.05 KB

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
6d46bd8c 2018/07/08 22:12 백흠경

- Rename LineProperty(UNIT NUMBER > Unit No, P&ID NUMBER -> P&ID No)
Remove not used codes

d60b3b6e 2018/07/07 22:08 humkyung

- Change file name from QPropertyTableWidget to PropertyTableWidget
- Change file name from QResultPropertyTableWidget to ResultPropertyTableWidget

6d6ad72f 2018/07/07 18:57 humkyung

Implementing issue #483: 노즐 인식
- 인식한 장치의 주변에서 노즐 인식

714bab5a 2018/07/06 13:55 humkyung

revised issue #503: 도면 영역 설정

4e630522 2018/07/06 04:37 백흠경 fixed issue #570: Line Type 설정
  1. set line type Connect To Process when instrument type is 'FT', 'PT', 'TT', 'TI', 'TG', 'PG'
0e300012 2018/07/06 00:58 gaqhf

dev issue #581: fix bug

c608cccf 2018/07/06 00:44 gaqhf

dev issue #581: Edit Bug

ccb8b051 2018/07/05 22:05 gaqhf

dev issue #581: QEngineeringTextItem.py isLineNo 제거 및 LineNoAttribute 가져오는 로직 변경

0bd5522e 2018/07/05 19:18 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #581

d2a401b0 2018/07/05 19:17 gaqhf

dev issue #581: 라인 Property 가져오는 함수 통일화

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