개정판 6d998bd3
issue #1172: 데이터 이관 기능 개선
Change-Id: If833154a635a30ff5f4f8c98782a515d3719de57
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/AppDocData.py | ||
1976 | 1976 |
def get_components(self, drawing): |
1977 | 1977 |
""" get components in given drawing """ |
1978 | 1978 |
conn = self.project.database.connect() |
1979 |
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
1980 | 1979 |
with conn: |
1981 | 1980 |
try: |
1982 | 1981 |
# Get a cursor object |
1983 |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
1982 |
cursor = conn.cursor() if self.project.database.db_type == 'SQLite' else conn.cursor(as_dict=True)
1984 | 1983 |
1985 | 1984 |
sql = "select a.*,b.Name,b.SymbolType_UID,b.[Type],b.OriginalPoint,b.ConnectionPoint,b.BaseSymbol,b.AdditionalSymbol,b.HasInstrumentLabel,b.Flip from Components a \ |
1986 | 1985 |
join Symbol b on a.Symbol_UID=b.UID \ |
... | ... | |
2069 | 2068 |
def get_component_connectors(self, component): |
2070 | 2069 |
""" get connectors of given component """ |
2071 | 2070 |
conn = self.project.database.connect() |
2072 |
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
2073 | 2071 |
with conn: |
2074 | 2072 |
try: |
2075 | 2073 |
# Get a cursor object |
2076 |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
2074 |
cursor = conn.cursor() if self.project.database.db_type == 'SQLite' else conn.cursor(as_dict=True)
2077 | 2075 |
2078 | 2076 |
sql = "select * from Points where Components_UID='{}' order by [Index]".format(component) |
2079 | 2077 |
cursor.execute(sql) |
... | ... | |
2087 | 2085 |
def get_component_associations(self, component): |
2088 | 2086 |
""" get associations of given component """ |
2089 | 2087 |
conn = self.project.database.connect() |
2090 |
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
2091 | 2088 |
with conn: |
2092 | 2089 |
try: |
2093 | 2090 |
# Get a cursor object |
2094 |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
2091 |
cursor = conn.cursor() if self.project.database.db_type == 'SQLite' else conn.cursor(as_dict=True)
2095 | 2092 |
2096 | 2093 |
sql = "select * from Associations where Components_UID='{}'".format(component) |
2097 | 2094 |
cursor.execute(sql) |
... | ... | |
2105 | 2102 |
def get_component_attributes(self, component): |
2106 | 2103 |
""" get attributes of given component """ |
2107 | 2104 |
conn = self.project.database.connect() |
2108 |
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
2109 | 2105 |
with conn: |
2110 | 2106 |
try: |
2111 | 2107 |
# Get a cursor object |
2112 |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
2108 |
cursor = conn.cursor() if self.project.database.db_type == 'SQLite' else conn.cursor(as_dict=True)
2113 | 2109 |
2114 | 2110 |
sql = "select * from [Attributes] a \ |
2115 | 2111 |
join SymbolAttribute b on a.SymbolAttribute_UID=b.UID where a.Components_UID='{}' order by a.Components_UID,b.Property".format(component) |
... | ... | |
2124 | 2120 |
def get_pipe_runs(self, component): |
2125 | 2121 |
""" get line runs of given component """ |
2126 | 2122 |
conn = self.project.database.connect() |
2127 |
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
2128 | 2123 |
with conn: |
2129 | 2124 |
try: |
2130 | 2125 |
# Get a cursor object |
2131 |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
2126 |
cursor = conn.cursor() if self.project.database.db_type == 'SQLite' else conn.cursor(as_dict=True)
2132 | 2127 |
2133 | 2128 |
sql = "select * from PipeRuns where Owner='{}' order by [Index]".format(component) |
2134 | 2129 |
cursor.execute(sql) |
... | ... | |
2142 | 2137 |
def get_pipe_run_items(self, pipe_run): |
2143 | 2138 |
""" get line run items of given pipe run """ |
2144 | 2139 |
conn = self.project.database.connect() |
2145 |
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row |
2146 | 2140 |
with conn: |
2147 | 2141 |
try: |
2148 | 2142 |
# Get a cursor object |
2149 |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
2143 |
cursor = conn.cursor() if self.project.database.db_type == 'SQLite' else conn.cursor(as_dict=True)
2150 | 2144 |
2151 | 2145 |
sql = "select * from PipeRunItems where PipeRuns_UID='{}' order by [Index]".format(pipe_run) |
2152 | 2146 |
cursor.execute(sql) |
... | ... | |
2818 | 2812 |
conn.rollback() |
2819 | 2813 |
2820 | 2814 |
from App import App |
2821 |
#print(sql) |
2822 |
message = 'error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) |
2815 |
message = 'error occured({}\\n{}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sql, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) |
2823 | 2816 |
App.mainWnd().addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message) |
2824 | 2817 |
2825 | 2818 |
''' |
... | ... | |
2932 | 2925 |
2933 | 2926 |
import uuid |
2934 | 2927 |
2928 |
_drawings = self.getDrawings() |
2929 |
2935 | 2930 |
conn = self.project.database.connect() |
2936 | 2931 |
with conn: |
2937 | 2932 |
try: |
... | ... | |
2939 | 2934 |
cursor = conn.cursor() if self.project.database.db_type == 'SQLite' else conn.cursor(as_dict=True) |
2940 | 2935 |
2941 | 2936 |
for drawing in drawings: |
2942 |
if not drawing.UID: |
2937 |
matches = [draw for draw in _drawings if draw.UID == drawing.UID] |
2938 |
if not matches: |
2943 | 2939 |
sql = self.project.database.to_sql('insert into Drawings(UID, [NAME], [DATETIME]) values(?, ?, ?)') |
2944 | 2940 |
param = tuple([str(uuid.uuid4()), drawing.name, '']) |
2945 | 2941 |
else: |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/DataTransferDialog.py | ||
23 | 23 |
self.ui.lineEditPassword.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) |
24 | 24 |
self.ui.pushButtonTestConnection.clicked.connect(self.on_test_connection_clicked) |
25 | 25 |
26 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.setHeaderHidden(False) |
27 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.header().setStretchLastSection(False) |
28 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.setHeaderLabels([self.tr('Name'), self.tr('DateTime')]) |
29 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.header().setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) |
30 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.header().setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) |
26 | 31 |
self.load_data() |
27 | 32 |
28 | 33 |
def load_data(self): |
... | ... | |
60 | 65 |
61 | 66 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.root.setText(0, self.tr('P&ID Drawings')+'({})'.format(self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.root.childCount())) |
62 | 67 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.expandItem(self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.root) |
68 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.setSortingEnabled(True) |
63 | 69 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.root.sortChildren(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) |
64 | 70 |
self.ui.treeWidgetDrawingList.resizeColumnToContents(0) |
65 | 71 |
except Exception as ex: |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Drawing.py | ||
20 | 20 |
self._datetime = datetime |
21 | 21 |
''' set drawing uid ''' |
22 | 22 |
if not uid: |
23 |
self.UID = None |
24 |
#drawings = app_doc_data.getDrawings() |
25 |
#drawing = [drawing for drawing in drawings if self.name == os.path.splitext(drawing.name)[0]] |
26 |
#self.UID = drawing[0].UID if drawing else uuid.uuid4() |
27 |
#self._datetime = drawing[0].datetime if drawing else None |
23 |
drawings = app_doc_data.getDrawings() |
24 |
drawing = [drawing for drawing in drawings if self.name == os.path.splitext(drawing.name)[0]] |
25 |
self.UID = drawing[0].UID if drawing else uuid.uuid4() |
26 |
self._datetime = drawing[0].datetime if drawing else None |
28 | 27 |
else: |
29 | 28 |
self.UID = uid |
30 | 29 |
self._attrs = [['Drawing No', ''], ['Rev No', ''], ['Unit', '']] # attributes |
... | ... | |
114 | 113 |
115 | 114 |
components = app_doc_data.get_components(str(self.UID)) |
116 | 115 |
for component in components: |
117 |
sql = database.to_sql('insert into Components(UID,Drawings_UID,Symbol_UID,X,Y,Width,Height,Rotation,Area,Value,Owner,Connected,[Supplied By],SpecialItemTypes_UID, OriginIndex) \ |
118 |
values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)') |
119 |
cursor.execute(sql, (component['UID'], component[1], component[2], component[3], component[4], component[5], component[6], component[7], component[8], |
120 |
component[9], component[10], component[11], component[12], component[13], component[14])) |
116 |
sql = database.to_sql('insert into Components(UID,Drawings_UID,Symbol_UID,X,Y,Width,Height,Rotation,Area,Value,Owner,[From],[To],Connected,[Supplied By],SpecialItemTypes_UID, OriginIndex) \ |
117 |
values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)') |
118 |
cursor.execute(sql, (component['UID'], component['Drawings_UID'], component['Symbol_UID'], |
119 |
component['X'], component['Y'], component['Width'], component['Height'], component['Rotation'], component['Area'], |
120 |
component['Value'], component['Owner'], component['From'], component['To'], component['Connected'], |
121 |
component['Supplied By'], component['SpecialItemTypes_UID'], component['OriginIndex'])) |
121 | 122 |
122 | 123 |
for component in components: |
123 | 124 |
pipe_runs = app_doc_data.get_pipe_runs(component['UID']) |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/ID2.pro | ||
1 |
SOURCES += MainWindow_UI.py MainWindow.py License_UI.py License.py Project_UI.py ProjectDialog.py Recognition_UI.py SymbolPropertyTableWidget.py SymbolEditor_UI.py TextItemEdit_UI.py TrainingEditor_UI.py TrainingImageList_UI.py SpecBreak_UI.py ItemDataExport_UI.py OcrResultDialog_UI.py SymbolAttrEditor_UI.py SymbolEditor_UI.py TrainingImageListDialog.py Configuration_UI.py Configuration_Area_UI.py ItemDataFormat_UI.py ItemDataExportDialog.py HMB_UI.py RecognitionDialog.py LineNoTracer.py ConnectAttr_UI.py ItemTreeWidget.py .\UI\DataTransfer_UI.py |
1 |
SOURCES += MainWindow_UI.py MainWindow.py License_UI.py License.py Project_UI.py ProjectDialog.py Recognition_UI.py SymbolPropertyTableWidget.py SymbolEditor_UI.py TextItemEdit_UI.py TrainingEditor_UI.py TrainingImageList_UI.py SpecBreak_UI.py ItemDataExport_UI.py OcrResultDialog_UI.py SymbolAttrEditor_UI.py SymbolEditor_UI.py TrainingImageListDialog.py Configuration_UI.py Configuration_Area_UI.py ItemDataFormat_UI.py ItemDataExportDialog.py HMB_UI.py RecognitionDialog.py LineNoTracer.py ConnectAttr_UI.py ItemTreeWidget.py .\UI\DataTransfer_UI.py DataTransferDialog.py
2 | 2 |
TRANSLATIONS = translate/ko_kr.ts translate/ja_jp.ts |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/MainWindow.py | ||
1279 | 1279 |
for item in selected: |
1280 | 1280 |
item.setVisible(isChecked) |
1281 | 1281 |
1282 |
1283 | 1282 |
''' |
1284 | 1283 |
@brief create a symbol |
1285 | 1284 |
@history 2018.05.02 Jeongwoo Change return value of QSymbolEditorDialog (Single variable → Tuple) |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/MainWindow_UI.py | ||
642 | 642 |
self.actionSpecialItemTypes.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Special Item Types")) |
643 | 643 |
self.actionDataTransfer.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "DataTransfer")) |
644 | 644 |
self.actionDataTransfer.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Data Transfer")) |
645 |
self.actionDataTransfer.setShortcut(_translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+T, Ctrl+D")) |
645 | 646 |
self.actionOPCRelation.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "OPCRelation")) |
646 | 647 |
self.actionOPCRelation.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "OPC Relation")) |
647 | 648 |
self.actionHelp.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Help")) |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Scripts/MSSQL/ID2.sql | ||
3462 | 3462 |
Area TEXT, |
3463 | 3463 |
Value TEXT, |
3464 | 3464 |
Owner TEXT, |
3465 |
[From] [varchar](37) NULL, |
3466 |
[To] [varchar](37) NULL, |
3465 | 3467 |
Connected TEXT, |
3466 | 3468 |
[Supplied By] TEXT, |
3467 | 3469 |
SpecialItemTypes_UID VARCHAR (37) REFERENCES SpecialItemTypes (UID), |
3468 |
3469 |
3470 |
[Freeze] [int] NULL,
3471 |
3470 | 3472 |
); |
3471 | 3473 |
3472 | 3474 |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Shapes/EngineeringTextItem.py | ||
694 | 694 |
sql = 'insert into TitleBlockValues({}) values({})'.format(','.join(cols), ','.join(values)) |
695 | 695 |
if params: res.append((sql, tuple(params))) |
696 | 696 |
697 |
return res |
697 |
return res
698 | 698 |
699 | 699 |
''' |
700 | 700 |
@brief The class transfer pyqtSignal Event. Cause Subclass of QGraphicsRectItem can't use pyqtSignal |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/UI/DataTransfer.ui | ||
54 | 54 |
<height>0</height> |
55 | 55 |
</size> |
56 | 56 |
</property> |
57 |
<property name="sortingEnabled"> |
58 |
<bool>true</bool> |
59 |
</property> |
57 | 60 |
<attribute name="headerVisible"> |
58 | 61 |
<bool>false</bool> |
59 | 62 |
</attribute> |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/UI/DataTransfer_UI.py | ||
80 | 80 |
_translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate |
81 | 81 |
DataTransferDialog.setWindowTitle(_translate("DataTransferDialog", "Data Transfer")) |
82 | 82 |
self.groupBox.setTitle(_translate("DataTransferDialog", "Drawings")) |
83 |
self.treeWidgetDrawingList.setSortingEnabled(True) |
83 | 84 |
self.groupBox_2.setTitle(_translate("DataTransferDialog", "MSSQL")) |
84 | 85 |
self.label.setText(_translate("DataTransferDialog", "Server")) |
85 | 86 |
self.label_2.setText(_translate("DataTransferDialog", "User")) |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/UI/MainWindow.ui | ||
1078 | 1078 |
<property name="toolTip"> |
1079 | 1079 |
<string>Data Transfer</string> |
1080 | 1080 |
</property> |
1081 |
<property name="shortcut"> |
1082 |
<string>Ctrl+T, Ctrl+D</string> |
1083 |
</property> |
1081 | 1084 |
</action> |
1082 | 1085 |
<action name="actionOPCRelation"> |
1083 | 1086 |
<property name="text"> |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/americano.qss | ||
466 | 466 |
background-color: #323232; |
467 | 467 |
border: 1px solid #b1b1b1; |
468 | 468 |
border-radius: 1px; |
469 |
width: 7px; |
470 |
height: 7px; |
471 |
margin: 0px 5px 0 5px; |
469 |
} |
470 |
471 |
QTreeView::indicator:unchecked |
472 |
{ |
473 |
background-color: lightgray; |
472 | 474 |
} |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/translate/ja_jp.ts | ||
402 | 402 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
403 | 403 |
</message> |
404 | 404 |
<message> |
405 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="83"/>
405 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="84"/>
406 | 406 |
<source>MSSQL</source> |
407 | 407 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
408 | 408 |
</message> |
409 | 409 |
<message> |
410 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="84"/>
410 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="85"/>
411 | 411 |
<source>Server</source> |
412 | 412 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
413 | 413 |
</message> |
414 | 414 |
<message> |
415 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="85"/>
415 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="86"/>
416 | 416 |
<source>User</source> |
417 | 417 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
418 | 418 |
</message> |
419 | 419 |
<message> |
420 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="86"/>
420 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="87"/>
421 | 421 |
<source>Password</source> |
422 | 422 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
423 | 423 |
</message> |
424 | 424 |
<message> |
425 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="87"/>
425 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="88"/>
426 | 426 |
<source>Test Connection</source> |
427 | 427 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
428 | 428 |
</message> |
... | ... | |
1284 | 1284 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1285 | 1285 |
</message> |
1286 | 1286 |
<message> |
1287 |
<location filename="../MainWindow.py" line="1162"/>
1287 |
<location filename="../MainWindow.py" line="1163"/>
1288 | 1288 |
<source>Reading file...</source> |
1289 | 1289 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1290 | 1290 |
</message> |
... | ... | |
1396 | 1396 |
</message> |
1397 | 1397 |
</context> |
1398 | 1398 |
<context> |
1399 |
<name>QDataTransferDialog</name> |
1400 |
<message> |
1401 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="28"/> |
1402 |
<source>Name</source> |
1403 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1404 |
</message> |
1405 |
<message> |
1406 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="28"/> |
1407 |
<source>DateTime</source> |
1408 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1409 |
</message> |
1410 |
<message> |
1411 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="66"/> |
1412 |
<source>P&ID Drawings</source> |
1413 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1414 |
</message> |
1415 |
<message> |
1416 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="90"/> |
1417 |
<source>Information</source> |
1418 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1419 |
</message> |
1420 |
<message> |
1421 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="90"/> |
1422 |
<source>Test connection is success</source> |
1423 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1424 |
</message> |
1425 |
<message> |
1426 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="94"/> |
1427 |
<source>Error</source> |
1428 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1429 |
</message> |
1430 |
</context> |
1431 |
<context> |
1399 | 1432 |
<name>QItemDataExportDialog</name> |
1400 | 1433 |
<message> |
1401 | 1434 |
<location filename="../ItemDataExportDialog.py" line="172"/> |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/translate/ko_kr.ts | ||
468 | 468 |
<translation type="unfinished">도면</translation> |
469 | 469 |
</message> |
470 | 470 |
<message> |
471 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="83"/>
471 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="84"/>
472 | 472 |
<source>MSSQL</source> |
473 | 473 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
474 | 474 |
</message> |
475 | 475 |
<message> |
476 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="84"/>
476 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="85"/>
477 | 477 |
<source>Server</source> |
478 | 478 |
<translation type="unfinished">서버</translation> |
479 | 479 |
</message> |
480 | 480 |
<message> |
481 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="85"/>
481 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="86"/>
482 | 482 |
<source>User</source> |
483 | 483 |
<translation type="unfinished">사용자</translation> |
484 | 484 |
</message> |
485 | 485 |
<message> |
486 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="86"/>
486 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="87"/>
487 | 487 |
<source>Password</source> |
488 | 488 |
<translation type="unfinished">암호</translation> |
489 | 489 |
</message> |
490 | 490 |
<message> |
491 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="87"/>
491 |
<location filename="../UI/DataTransfer_UI.py" line="88"/>
492 | 492 |
<source>Test Connection</source> |
493 | 493 |
<translation type="unfinished">연결 확인</translation> |
494 | 494 |
</message> |
... | ... | |
1112 | 1112 |
<translation type="unfinished">취소</translation> |
1113 | 1113 |
</message> |
1114 | 1114 |
<message> |
1115 |
<location filename="../MainWindow.py" line="1162"/>
1115 |
<location filename="../MainWindow.py" line="1163"/>
1116 | 1116 |
<source>Reading file...</source> |
1117 | 1117 |
<translation type="unfinished">파일을 읽는 중...</translation> |
1118 | 1118 |
</message> |
... | ... | |
1229 | 1229 |
<message> |
1230 | 1230 |
<location filename="../MainWindow_UI.py" line="583"/> |
1231 | 1231 |
<source>Inconsistency</source> |
1232 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1232 |
<translation type="unfinished">불일치</translation>
1233 | 1233 |
</message> |
1234 | 1234 |
<message> |
1235 | 1235 |
<location filename="../MainWindow_UI.py" line="586"/> |
... | ... | |
1344 | 1344 |
<message> |
1345 | 1345 |
<location filename="../MainWindow_UI.py" line="634"/> |
1346 | 1346 |
<source>Inconsistency (6)</source> |
1347 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1347 |
<translation type="unfinished">불일치(6)</translation>
1348 | 1348 |
</message> |
1349 | 1349 |
<message> |
1350 | 1350 |
<location filename="../MainWindow_UI.py" line="635"/> |
... | ... | |
1520 | 1520 |
</message> |
1521 | 1521 |
</context> |
1522 | 1522 |
<context> |
1523 |
<name>QDataTransferDialog</name> |
1524 |
<message> |
1525 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="28"/> |
1526 |
<source>Name</source> |
1527 |
<translation type="unfinished">이름</translation> |
1528 |
</message> |
1529 |
<message> |
1530 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="28"/> |
1531 |
<source>DateTime</source> |
1532 |
<translation type="unfinished">날짜</translation> |
1533 |
</message> |
1534 |
<message> |
1535 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="66"/> |
1536 |
<source>P&ID Drawings</source> |
1537 |
<translation type="unfinished">P&ID 도면</translation> |
1538 |
</message> |
1539 |
<message> |
1540 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="90"/> |
1541 |
<source>Information</source> |
1542 |
<translation type="unfinished">알림</translation> |
1543 |
</message> |
1544 |
<message> |
1545 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="90"/> |
1546 |
<source>Test connection is success</source> |
1547 |
<translation type="unfinished">연결 성공</translation> |
1548 |
</message> |
1549 |
<message> |
1550 |
<location filename="../DataTransferDialog.py" line="94"/> |
1551 |
<source>Error</source> |
1552 |
<translation type="unfinished">에러</translation> |
1553 |
</message> |
1554 |
</context> |
1555 |
<context> |
1523 | 1556 |
<name>QItemDataExportDialog</name> |
1524 | 1557 |
<message> |
1525 | 1558 |
<location filename="../ItemDataExportDialog.py" line="158"/> |
... | ... | |
1682 | 1715 |
<message> |
1683 | 1716 |
<location filename="../SymbolPropertyTableWidget.py" line="34"/> |
1684 | 1717 |
<source>Name</source> |
1685 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1718 |
<translation type="unfinished">이름</translation>
1686 | 1719 |
</message> |
1687 | 1720 |
<message> |
1688 | 1721 |
<location filename="../SymbolPropertyTableWidget.py" line="34"/> |
1689 | 1722 |
<source>Value</source> |
1690 |
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
1723 |
<translation type="unfinished">값</translation>
1691 | 1724 |
</message> |
1692 | 1725 |
</context> |
1693 | 1726 |
<context> |
내보내기 Unified diff