개정판 725a0a82
issue #1171: add xml load option and update mssql script
Change-Id: I53b0f02f0d882da87939e561ea27e679caca936b
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/ConfigurationDialog.py | ||
288 | 288 |
self.ui.tableWidgetColorProperty.horizontalHeaderItem(0).setSizeHint(QSize(30, 30)) |
289 | 289 |
self.setPropertyToggle(self.ui.radioButtonProperty.isChecked()) |
290 | 290 |
291 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Data Load', 'Xml First') |
292 |
if configs: |
293 |
size = int(configs[0].value) |
294 |
self.ui.radioButtonLoadXmlYes.setChecked(True if size == 1 else False) |
295 |
self.ui.radioButtonLoadXmlNo.setChecked(True if size == -1 else False) |
296 |
else: |
297 |
self.ui.radioButtonLoadXmlYes.setChecked(True) |
298 |
self.ui.radioButtonLoadXmlNo.setChecked(False) |
299 |
291 | 300 |
# connect signals and slots |
292 | 301 |
self.ui.pushButtonAddProperty.clicked.connect(self.addLineProperty) |
293 | 302 |
self.ui.pushButtonDeleteProperty.clicked.connect(self.removeSelectedItem) |
... | ... | |
724 | 733 |
font = self.ui.fontComboBox.currentFont() |
725 | 734 |
configs.append(Config('Text Style', 'Font Name', font.family())) |
726 | 735 |
configs.append(Config('Text Style', 'Font Size', str(self.ui.spinBoxFontSize.value()) if self.ui.radioButtonFixedSize.isChecked() else '-1')) |
736 |
737 |
configs.append(Config('Data Load', 'Xml First', '1' if self.ui.radioButtonLoadXmlYes.isChecked() else '-1')) |
727 | 738 |
728 | 739 |
docData.saveConfigs(configs) |
729 | 740 |
docData.lineTypeConfigs = None # clear line type configurations |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Configuration_UI.py | ||
11 | 11 |
class Ui_ConfigurationDialog(object): |
12 | 12 |
def setupUi(self, ConfigurationDialog): |
13 | 13 |
ConfigurationDialog.setObjectName("ConfigurationDialog") |
14 |
ConfigurationDialog.resize(704, 814)
14 |
ConfigurationDialog.resize(704, 840)
15 | 15 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
16 | 16 |
font.setFamily("맑은 고딕") |
17 | 17 |
ConfigurationDialog.setFont(font) |
... | ... | |
301 | 301 |
self.tabTagNoRule.setObjectName("tabTagNoRule") |
302 | 302 |
self.gridLayout_7 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.tabTagNoRule) |
303 | 303 |
self.gridLayout_7.setObjectName("gridLayout_7") |
304 |
self.groupBox_8 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
305 |
self.groupBox_8.setObjectName("groupBox_8") |
306 |
self.gridLayout_17 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_8) |
307 |
self.gridLayout_17.setObjectName("gridLayout_17") |
308 |
self.horizontalLayout_23 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
309 |
self.horizontalLayout_23.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_23") |
310 |
self.label_27 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_8) |
311 |
self.label_27.setObjectName("label_27") |
312 |
self.horizontalLayout_23.addWidget(self.label_27) |
313 |
self.lineEdit_2 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_8) |
314 |
self.lineEdit_2.setObjectName("lineEdit_2") |
315 |
self.horizontalLayout_23.addWidget(self.lineEdit_2) |
316 |
self.gridLayout_17.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_23, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
317 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_8, 4, 0, 1, 1) |
318 | 304 |
self.groupBox_4 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
319 | 305 |
sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred) |
320 | 306 |
sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) |
... | ... | |
342 | 328 |
self.formLayout.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.lineEditNoteNoExpression) |
343 | 329 |
self.gridLayout_9.addLayout(self.formLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
344 | 330 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_4, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
331 |
self.groupBox_8 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
332 |
self.groupBox_8.setObjectName("groupBox_8") |
333 |
self.gridLayout_17 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_8) |
334 |
self.gridLayout_17.setObjectName("gridLayout_17") |
335 |
self.horizontalLayout_23 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
336 |
self.horizontalLayout_23.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_23") |
337 |
self.label_27 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_8) |
338 |
self.label_27.setObjectName("label_27") |
339 |
self.horizontalLayout_23.addWidget(self.label_27) |
340 |
self.lineEdit_2 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_8) |
341 |
self.lineEdit_2.setObjectName("lineEdit_2") |
342 |
self.horizontalLayout_23.addWidget(self.lineEdit_2) |
343 |
self.gridLayout_17.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_23, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
344 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_8, 4, 0, 1, 1) |
345 |
self.groupBox_3 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
346 |
self.groupBox_3.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(16777215, 100)) |
347 |
self.groupBox_3.setObjectName("groupBox_3") |
348 |
self.gridLayout_12 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_3) |
349 |
self.gridLayout_12.setObjectName("gridLayout_12") |
350 |
self.formLayout_3 = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() |
351 |
self.formLayout_3.setFormAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeading|QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) |
352 |
self.formLayout_3.setObjectName("formLayout_3") |
353 |
self.label_11 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) |
354 |
self.label_11.setObjectName("label_11") |
355 |
self.formLayout_3.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label_11) |
356 |
self.lineEditByVendor = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_3) |
357 |
self.lineEditByVendor.setObjectName("lineEditByVendor") |
358 |
self.formLayout_3.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.lineEditByVendor) |
359 |
self.gridLayout_12.addLayout(self.formLayout_3, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
360 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_3, 2, 0, 1, 1) |
345 | 361 |
self.groupBox_9 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
346 | 362 |
self.groupBox_9.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(16777215, 100)) |
347 | 363 |
self.groupBox_9.setObjectName("groupBox_9") |
... | ... | |
359 | 375 |
self.formLayout_4.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.lineEditDrainSize) |
360 | 376 |
self.gridLayout_13.addLayout(self.formLayout_4, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
361 | 377 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_9, 3, 0, 1, 1) |
362 |
self.groupBox_3 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
363 |
self.groupBox_3.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(16777215, 100)) |
364 |
self.groupBox_3.setObjectName("groupBox_3") |
365 |
self.gridLayout_12 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_3) |
366 |
self.gridLayout_12.setObjectName("gridLayout_12") |
367 |
self.formLayout_3 = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() |
368 |
self.formLayout_3.setFormAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeading|QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) |
369 |
self.formLayout_3.setObjectName("formLayout_3") |
370 |
self.label_11 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) |
371 |
self.label_11.setObjectName("label_11") |
372 |
self.formLayout_3.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.label_11) |
373 |
self.lineEditByVendor = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_3) |
374 |
self.lineEditByVendor.setObjectName("lineEditByVendor") |
375 |
self.formLayout_3.setWidget(0, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.lineEditByVendor) |
376 |
self.gridLayout_12.addLayout(self.formLayout_3, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
377 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_3, 2, 0, 1, 1) |
378 | 378 |
self.groupBox_10 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabTagNoRule) |
379 | 379 |
self.groupBox_10.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(16777215, 100)) |
380 | 380 |
self.groupBox_10.setObjectName("groupBox_10") |
... | ... | |
397 | 397 |
self.formLayout_5.setWidget(1, QtWidgets.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.lineEditOPCToPrefix) |
398 | 398 |
self.gridLayout_20.addLayout(self.formLayout_5, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
399 | 399 |
self.gridLayout_7.addWidget(self.groupBox_10, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
400 |
spacerItem6 = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) |
401 |
self.gridLayout_7.addItem(spacerItem6, 5, 0, 1, 1) |
400 | 402 |
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.tabTagNoRule, "") |
401 | 403 |
self.tabDisplayOption = QtWidgets.QWidget() |
402 | 404 |
self.tabDisplayOption.setObjectName("tabDisplayOption") |
... | ... | |
518 | 520 |
self.gridLayout_19.addLayout(self.verticalLayout_8, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
519 | 521 |
self.gridLayout_18.addWidget(self.groupBox_7, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
520 | 522 |
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.tabLineColor, "") |
523 |
self.tabETC = QtWidgets.QWidget() |
524 |
self.tabETC.setObjectName("tabETC") |
525 |
self.gridLayout_22 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.tabETC) |
526 |
self.gridLayout_22.setObjectName("gridLayout_22") |
527 |
self.gridLayout_21 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() |
528 |
self.gridLayout_21.setObjectName("gridLayout_21") |
529 |
self.groupBox_11 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.tabETC) |
530 |
self.groupBox_11.setObjectName("groupBox_11") |
531 |
self.gridLayout_23 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_11) |
532 |
self.gridLayout_23.setObjectName("gridLayout_23") |
533 |
self.verticalLayout_4 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() |
534 |
self.verticalLayout_4.setObjectName("verticalLayout_4") |
535 |
self.horizontalLayout_7 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() |
536 |
self.horizontalLayout_7.setObjectName("horizontalLayout_7") |
537 |
self.label_30 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_11) |
538 |
self.label_30.setObjectName("label_30") |
539 |
self.horizontalLayout_7.addWidget(self.label_30) |
540 |
self.radioButtonLoadXmlYes = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox_11) |
541 |
self.radioButtonLoadXmlYes.setObjectName("radioButtonLoadXmlYes") |
542 |
self.horizontalLayout_7.addWidget(self.radioButtonLoadXmlYes) |
543 |
self.radioButtonLoadXmlNo = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox_11) |
544 |
self.radioButtonLoadXmlNo.setObjectName("radioButtonLoadXmlNo") |
545 |
self.horizontalLayout_7.addWidget(self.radioButtonLoadXmlNo) |
546 |
self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_7) |
547 |
self.gridLayout_23.addLayout(self.verticalLayout_4, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
548 |
self.gridLayout_21.addWidget(self.groupBox_11, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
549 |
self.gridLayout_22.addLayout(self.gridLayout_21, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
550 |
spacerItem7 = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) |
551 |
self.gridLayout_22.addItem(spacerItem7, 1, 0, 1, 1) |
552 |
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.tabETC, "") |
521 | 553 |
self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1) |
522 | 554 |
self.buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(ConfigurationDialog) |
523 | 555 |
self.buttonBox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) |
... | ... | |
578 | 610 |
self.label_10.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Minimum Detection Size : ")) |
579 | 611 |
self.label_29.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Drawing Dilate Size : ")) |
580 | 612 |
self.tabWidget.setTabText(self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.Recognition), _translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Recognition")) |
581 |
self.groupBox_8.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Nozzle Name Rule")) |
582 |
self.label_27.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Nozzle Name : ")) |
583 | 613 |
self.groupBox_4.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Note No Tag Rule")) |
584 | 614 |
self.checkBoxNoteNoSymbolName.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Note No Symbol Name : ")) |
585 | 615 |
self.label_8.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Note No Expression : ")) |
586 |
self.groupBox_9.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Drain Size"))
587 |
self.label_12.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Drain Size : "))
616 |
self.groupBox_8.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Nozzle Name Rule"))
617 |
self.label_27.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Nozzle Name : "))
588 | 618 |
self.groupBox_3.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Supplied by Tag Rule")) |
589 | 619 |
self.label_11.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Supplied by Vendor : ")) |
620 |
self.groupBox_9.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Drain Size")) |
621 |
self.label_12.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Drain Size : ")) |
590 | 622 |
self.groupBox_10.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "OPC Tag Rule")) |
591 | 623 |
self.label_13.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "From Prefix : ")) |
592 | 624 |
self.label_14.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "To Prefix : ")) |
... | ... | |
609 | 641 |
self.radioButtonRandom.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Random")) |
610 | 642 |
self.radioButtonProperty.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Property")) |
611 | 643 |
self.tabWidget.setTabText(self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.tabLineColor), _translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Line No Color")) |
644 |
self.groupBox_11.setTitle(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Program Data")) |
645 |
self.label_30.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Load Data From XML First")) |
646 |
self.radioButtonLoadXmlYes.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "Yes")) |
647 |
self.radioButtonLoadXmlNo.setText(_translate("ConfigurationDialog", "No")) |
648 |
self.tabWidget.setTabText(self.tabWidget.indexOf(self.tabETC), _translate("ConfigurationDialog", "etc")) |
612 | 649 |
613 | 650 |
import MainWindow_rc |
614 | 651 |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/MainWindow.py | ||
1172 | 1172 |
self.progress.show() |
1173 | 1173 |
## Load data on xml |
1174 | 1174 |
path = os.path.join(appDocData.getCurrentProject().getTempPath(), appDocData.imgName + '.xml') |
1175 |
if os.path.isfile(path): |
1175 |
configs = appDocData.getConfigs('Data Load', 'Xml First') |
1176 |
if configs and int(configs[0].value) is 1 and os.path.isfile(path): |
1176 | 1177 |
self.loadRecognitionResultFromXml(path) |
1177 | 1178 |
else: |
1178 | 1179 |
self.load_drawing(appDocData.activeDrawing) |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/Scripts/MSSQL/ID2.sql | ||
63 | 63 |
64 | 64 |
65 | 65 |
Category TEXT NOT NULL, |
66 |
Type TEXT,
66 |
Type VARCHAR(64),
67 | 67 |
68 | 68 |
); |
69 | 69 |
delete from SymbolName; |
... | ... | |
3385 | 3385 |
3386 | 3386 |
3387 | 3387 |
Type TEXT, |
3388 |
3389 |
DEFAULT (0.4),
3388 |
3389 |
DEFAULT (0.75),
3390 | 3390 |
3391 | 3391 |
3392 | 3392 |
... | ... | |
3468 | 3468 |
[Supplied By] TEXT, |
3469 | 3469 |
SpecialItemTypes_UID VARCHAR (37) REFERENCES SpecialItemTypes (UID), |
3470 | 3470 |
[Freeze] [int] NULL, |
3471 |
3471 |
3472 |
[Connected Item] VARCHAR (37) NULL, |
3473 |
3472 | 3474 |
); |
3473 | 3475 |
3474 | 3476 |
... | ... | |
3504 | 3506 |
) |
3505 | 3507 |
); |
3506 | 3508 |
INSERT INTO SymbolAttribute ( |
3507 |
[index], |
3508 |
Property, |
3509 |
Target, |
3510 |
Length, |
3511 |
AttrAt, |
3512 |
Expression, |
3513 |
AttributeType, |
3514 |
DisplayAttribute, |
3515 |
Attribute, |
3509 |
UID, |
3516 | 3510 |
SymbolType_UID, |
3517 |
3511 |
Attribute, |
3512 |
DisplayAttribute, |
3513 |
AttributeType, |
3514 |
Expression, |
3515 |
AttrAt, |
3516 |
Length, |
3517 |
Target, |
3518 |
Property, |
3519 |
[index] |
3518 | 3520 |
) |
3519 | 3521 |
3520 |
(0,0,'ALL',NULL,0,'item.text()','Valve Oper Code','Operation Code','Operation Code',35,'f69f55c8-a388-428a-b07b-2c35e392f75c'), |
3521 |
(1,0,'ALL',NULL,0,'item.text()[1:]','Text Item','Type','Type',21,'e630853f-8b08-45b8-949b-3005c02674b4'), |
3522 |
(2,0,'ALL',NULL,1,'item.text()','Text Item','Tag Seq Number','SeqNumber',21,'94cfa92b-1e0c-49c1-866e-d540dc8c23a4'), |
3523 |
(0,0,'ALL',NULL,0,'item.text()[0]','Text Item','MEASURED_VARIABLE','MEASURED_VARIABLE',21,'b21acc50-ca25-4d37-a121-b654c4e8b155'), |
3524 |
(1,0,'ALL',NULL,0,'item.text()[1:]','Text Item','Type','Type',25,'eb5cbcca-9f4c-484e-a4cb-ca4fcc14499f'), |
3525 |
(2,0,'ALL',NULL,1,'item.text()','Text Item','Tag Seq Number','SeqNumber',25,'0816f270-c098-4284-901f-61b7b5c856ef'), |
3526 |
(0,0,'ALL',NULL,0,'item.text()[0]','Text Item','MEASURED_VARIABLE','MEASURED_VARIABLE',25,'4271299e-a197-4250-b195-c748aa46b9a2'), |
3527 |
(1,1,'ALL',NULL,0,'self.EvaluatedSize','Size Text Item','Size','Size',35,'0cd32053-c458-4c39-9b4c-f26bd2d14a05'), |
3528 |
(0,1,'ALL',NULL,0,'self.EvaluatedMainSize','Size Text Item','Main Size','Main Size',36,'805bcf6e-19c7-4b84-82e2-6c5eff48bfcd'), |
3529 |
(1,1,'ALL',NULL,0,'self.EvaluatedSubSize','Size Text Item','Sub Size','Sub Size',36,'8c0a0f8c-983a-4eeb-af7a-8c46070c5447'), |
3530 |
(0,1,'ALL',NULL,0,'self.EvaluatedSize','Size Text Item','Size','Size',12,'7c2c7a3c-934c-4a70-98d6-5aece3557596'), |
3531 |
(0,1,'ALL',NULL,0,'self.EvaluatedSize','Size Text Item','Size','Size',17,'943b91c7-6815-4866-9128-d72f91ffc825'), |
3532 |
(0,2,'ALL',NULL,0,'item','Symbol Item','OWNERSYMBOL','OWNERSYMBOL',30,'f0b46e68-23b0-4bb7-909a-a48e16ab4288'), |
3533 |
(0,2,'ALL',NULL,0,'item','Symbol Item','OWNERSYMBOL','OWNERSYMBOL',29,'4a52fe4c-e62c-4a3a-af13-35071cf375ee'), |
3534 |
(0,2,'ALL',NULL,0,'item','Symbol Item','OWNERSYMBOL','OWNERSYMBOL',19,'46b8fced-092f-46e4-9aaa-8b50c34a756e'), |
3535 |
(0,2,'ALL',NULL,0,'item','Symbol Item','OWNERSYMBOL','OWNERSYMBOL',10,'e0676fc2-a57d-4c92-9261-4ce4c7a65ff2'), |
3536 |
(0,2,'ALL',NULL,0,'item','Symbol Item','OWNERSYMBOL','OWNERSYMBOL',4,'d7c0d6d5-a1ee-4077-9296-afd01bb57f5f'), |
3537 |
(1,3,'ALL',NULL,0,'','Table','FluidCode','FluidCode',33,'db7bbbb2-2bcd-4445-afc8-37538dcb3e67'), |
3538 |
(2,3,'ALL',NULL,0,'','Table','InsulationPurpose','InsulationPurpose',33,'52ec140e-12b3-4bca-abdf-fff6173d0905'), |
3539 |
(0,3,'ALL',NULL,0,'','Table','NominalDiameter','NominalDiameter',33,'4c6c027e-4d48-4136-bfde-bafe0db881a2'), |
3540 |
(4,3,'ALL',NULL,0,'','Table','PipingMaterialsClass','PipingMaterialsClass',33,'8f9fbab4-9bc7-40d5-889e-16eb846f9972'), |
3541 |
(3,3,'ALL',NULL,0,'','Table','PnIDNumber','PnIDNumber',33,'0830f943-6cfe-4f92-88c1-786b73de2655'), |
3542 |
(5,3,'ALL',NULL,0,'','Table','UnitNumber','UnitNumber',33,'76507424-a12a-4e0c-8679-addb7ca2146d'), |
3543 |
(1,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Int','Thickness','Thickness',-1,'2c413303-cc5a-4d4c-af24-a837041276f4'), |
3544 |
(0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'String','Line Type','LineType',-1,'3bf98d8c-5736-4b4a-8008-deb36e09056b'), |
3545 |
(3,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'String','Line Indicator','LineIndicator',-1,'60c3f3bc-a69d-42b2-b198-9b6ee0dd2594'), |
3546 |
(2,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'Int','Flow Mark','FlowMark',-1,'b8f6c3a5-4abb-462b-b90f-66afac591aab'); |
3522 |
('f69f55c8-a388-428a-b07b-2c35e392f75c',35,'Operation Code','Operation Code','Valve Oper Code','item.text()',0,NULL,'ALL',0,0), |
3523 |
('e630853f-8b08-45b8-949b-3005c02674b4',21,'Type','Type','Text Item','item.text()[1:]',0,NULL,'ALL',0,1), |
3524 |
('94cfa92b-1e0c-49c1-866e-d540dc8c23a4',21,'SeqNumber','Tag Seq Number','Text Item','item.text()',1,NULL,'ALL',0,2), |
3525 |
('b21acc50-ca25-4d37-a121-b654c4e8b155',21,'MEASURED_VARIABLE','MEASURED_VARIABLE','Text Item','item.text()[0]',0,NULL,'ALL',0,0), |
3526 |
('eb5cbcca-9f4c-484e-a4cb-ca4fcc14499f',25,'Type','Type','Text Item','item.text()[1:]',0,NULL,'ALL',0,1), |
3527 |
('0816f270-c098-4284-901f-61b7b5c856ef',25,'SeqNumber','Tag Seq Number','Text Item','item.text()',1,NULL,'ALL',0,2), |
3528 |
('4271299e-a197-4250-b195-c748aa46b9a2',25,'MEASURED_VARIABLE','MEASURED_VARIABLE','Text Item','item.text()[0]',0,NULL,'ALL',0,0), |
3529 |
('0cd32053-c458-4c39-9b4c-f26bd2d14a05',35,'Size','Size','Size Text Item','self.EvaluatedSize',0,NULL,'ALL',1,1), |
3530 |
('805bcf6e-19c7-4b84-82e2-6c5eff48bfcd',36,'Main Size','Main Size','Size Text Item','self.EvaluatedMainSize',0,NULL,'ALL',1,0), |
3531 |
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3532 |
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3533 |
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3534 |
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3535 |
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3536 |
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3537 |
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3538 |
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3539 |
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3540 |
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3541 |
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3542 |
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3543 |
('0830f943-6cfe-4f92-88c1-786b73de2655',33,'PnIDNumber','PnIDNumber','Spec','',5,NULL,'ALL',3,5), |
3544 |
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3545 |
('2c413303-cc5a-4d4c-af24-a837041276f4',-1,'Thickness','Thickness','Int',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1), |
3546 |
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3547 |
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3548 |
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3549 |
('86699578-706a-4158-b636-6b5dc8a11ad7',-1,'From','From','String',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,4), |
3550 |
('61190fa0-8074-4f25-8b47-8b0b686e1ede',-1,'Freeze','Freeze','Int',NULL,0,NULL,'ALL',0,6), |
3551 |
('3329313c-cd06-4b89-a10b-795dcdf5830f',-1,'To','To','String',NULL,0,NULL,'ALL',0,5), |
3552 |
('3e073331-0faf-4fc1-8853-2db6291b9161',33,'UpStream','UpStream','Comp Item','item',0,NULL,'ALL',3,0), |
3553 |
('ee40b309-517f-45b8-9a1c-f56072fa5be2',33,'DownStream','DownStream','Comp Item','item',1,NULL,'ALL',3,1); |
3547 | 3554 |
3548 | 3555 |
3549 | 3556 |
CREATE TABLE Attributes ( |
... | ... | |
3553 | 3560 |
SymbolAttribute_UID VARCHAR (37) NOT NULL |
3554 | 3561 |
REFERENCES SymbolAttribute (UID), |
3555 | 3562 |
Value TEXT, |
3563 |
Association_UID VARCHAR (37) NULL, |
3564 |
Freeze VARCHAR (37) NULL, |
3556 | 3565 |
3557 | 3566 |
Components_UID, |
3558 | 3567 |
SymbolAttribute_UID |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/UI/Configuration.ui | ||
7 | 7 |
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8 | 8 |
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9 | 9 |
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10 |
10 |
11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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... | ... | |
663 | 663 |
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664 | 664 |
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665 | 665 |
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666 |
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667 |
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668 |
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669 |
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670 |
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671 |
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672 |
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673 |
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674 |
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675 |
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676 |
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677 |
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678 |
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679 |
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680 |
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681 |
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682 |
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683 |
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684 |
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685 |
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686 |
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687 |
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688 |
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689 | 666 |
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690 | 667 |
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691 | 668 |
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... | ... | |
734 | 711 |
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735 | 712 |
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736 | 713 |
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737 |
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738 |
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714 |
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715 |
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716 |
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717 |
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718 |
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719 |
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720 |
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721 |
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722 |
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723 |
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724 |
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725 |
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726 |
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727 |
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728 |
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729 |
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730 |
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731 |
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732 |
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733 |
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734 |
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735 |
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736 |
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737 |
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738 |
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739 | 739 |
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740 | 740 |
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741 | 741 |
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743 | 743 |
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744 | 744 |
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745 | 745 |
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746 |
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746 |
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747 | 747 |
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748 |
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748 |
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749 | 749 |
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750 |
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750 |
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751 | 751 |
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752 | 752 |
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753 | 753 |
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754 | 754 |
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755 |
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755 |
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756 | 756 |
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757 |
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757 |
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758 | 758 |
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759 | 759 |
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760 | 760 |
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761 | 761 |
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762 |
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763 |
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764 |
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765 |
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766 |
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762 |
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767 | 763 |
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768 | 764 |
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769 | 765 |
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770 | 766 |
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771 | 767 |
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772 | 768 |
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773 |
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774 |
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769 |
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770 |
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775 | 771 |
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776 | 772 |
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777 | 773 |
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779 | 775 |
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780 | 776 |
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781 | 777 |
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782 |
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778 |
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783 | 779 |
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784 |
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780 |
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785 | 781 |
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786 |
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782 |
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787 | 783 |
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788 | 784 |
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790 | 786 |
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791 |
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787 |
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792 | 788 |
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793 |
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789 |
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794 | 790 |
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795 | 791 |
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796 | 792 |
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797 | 793 |
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798 |
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794 |
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795 |
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796 |
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797 |
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798 |
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799 | 799 |
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800 | 800 |
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801 | 801 |
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852 | 852 |
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853 | 853 |
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854 | 854 |
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855 |
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856 |
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857 |
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858 |
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859 |
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860 |
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861 |
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862 |
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863 |
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864 |
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865 |
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866 |
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867 |
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855 | 868 |
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856 | 869 |
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857 | 870 |
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1076 | 1089 |
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1077 | 1090 |
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1078 | 1091 |
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1092 |
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1093 |
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1094 |
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1095 |
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1096 |
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1097 |
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1098 |
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1099 |
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1100 |
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1101 |
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1102 |
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1103 |
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1104 |
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1105 |
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1106 |
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1107 |
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1108 |
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1109 |
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1110 |
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1111 |
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1112 |
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1113 |
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1114 |
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1115 |
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1116 |
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1117 |
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1118 |
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1119 |
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1120 |
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1121 |
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1122 |
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1123 |
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1124 |
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1125 |
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1126 |
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1127 |
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1128 |
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1129 |
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1130 |
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1131 |
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1132 |
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1133 |
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1134 |
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1135 |
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1136 |
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1137 |
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1138 |
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1139 |
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1140 |
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1141 |
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1142 |
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1143 |
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1144 |
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1145 |
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1146 |
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1147 |
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1148 |
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1149 |
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1150 |
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1151 |
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1152 |
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1153 |
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1079 | 1154 |
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1080 | 1155 |
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1081 | 1156 |
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내보내기 Unified diff