


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID @ 7d49ffed

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
7d49ffed 2019/05/08 05:02 함의성

issue #538: add end break and fix owner

Change-Id: I8f8cf3f9636961201f0218acb0c51c8a17f6dd4b

811c7c26 2019/05/08 01:46 함의성

issue #538: line end break remain xml save, load, manual edit

Change-Id: I7d5fa9f19515b0674b9b1702f15ceea0695a42d4

b811793e 2019/05/07 21:57 함의성

issue #000: fix spec break

Change-Id: I7a8164fb991071458608c28c1d2345dc06b97265

f559205f 2019/05/07 19:38 함의성

issue #000: fix text find

Change-Id: Ic338b1f47b99aaeae1741f4e906fcb2eb851710f

b89eca62 2019/05/07 11:48 백흠경

issue #000: fixed connector color when first time loading

Change-Id: I2ab2545943f2e814632bcc56d244598ee81f19e1

5ed7b446 2019/05/07 06:25 함의성

issue #538: add line end break

Change-Id: I3eca7cb530119a39490cd8da769a06602e984219

c49057e1 2019/05/07 03:56 함의성

issue #000: save bug testing

Change-Id: I1b25c01e8d11682c836e05ae6b3d872c501f9c02

e16fab8a 2019/05/07 03:52 함의성

issue #538: 7(end break) on going and save bug also

Change-Id: Ic30afbcf7bbee1467a983507ac06175de31d5122

434edcb3 2019/05/06 21:21 함의성

issue #000: add short cut zoom(z), textocr(t), validation(v), lineplace(l), recognition dialog(ctrl+r)

Change-Id: I29003925c5e0213dc5f5cdb74c9259dc2cd16bde

c2012f5f 2019/05/06 21:10 함의성

issue #578: add reverse flow action

Change-Id: I441824472a2f61253dd32222f38b95f9caf45394

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