hytos / DTI_PID / PDF_TO_IMAGE / ConvertImage.cs @ 8c26ccb2
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (12.9 KB)
1 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | using System; |
2 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | using System.Collections.Generic; |
3 | using System.ComponentModel; |
4 | using System.Data; |
5 | using System.Drawing; |
6 | using System.Drawing.Imaging; |
7 | using System.IO; |
8 | using System.Linq; |
9 | using System.Text; |
10 | using System.Threading.Tasks; |
11 | using System.Windows.Forms; |
12 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | using DevExpress.Pdf; |
13 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | |
14 | namespace PDF_TO_IMAGE |
15 | { |
16 | public partial class ConvertImage : Form |
17 | { |
18 | public ConvertImage() |
19 | { |
20 | InitializeComponent(); |
21 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | |
22 | Combo_Scale.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default._Scale; |
23 | Combo_LengthType.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default._LengthType; |
24 | Txt_Length.Text = Properties.Settings.Default._Length; |
25 | Chk_Scale.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default._UseScale; |
26 | SacleCheckedChange(); |
27 | } |
28 | |||
29 | private void ConvertImage_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) |
30 | { |
31 | Properties.Settings.Default._Scale = Combo_Scale.SelectedIndex; |
32 | Properties.Settings.Default._LengthType = Combo_LengthType.SelectedIndex; |
33 | Properties.Settings.Default._Length = Txt_Length.Text; |
34 | Properties.Settings.Default._UseScale = Chk_Scale.Checked; |
35 | Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); |
36 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | } |
37 | |||
38 | private void Btn_LoadPDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) |
39 | { |
40 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | FolderBrowserDialog dia = new FolderBrowserDialog(); |
41 | if (dia.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) |
42 | { |
43 | Txt_PDFPath.Text = dia.SelectedPath; |
44 | } |
45 | |||
46 | return; |
47 | 6547b5f1 | humkyung | OpenFileDialog OFD = new OpenFileDialog() { Filter = "PDF Files (.PDF)|*.PDF" }; |
48 | 224535bb | gaqhf | OFD.Multiselect = true; |
49 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | if (OFD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) |
50 | { |
51 | 224535bb | gaqhf | if (OFD.FileNames.Length > 1) |
52 | { |
53 | if (MessageBox.Show("여러 파일을 하나로 합치고 진행하시겠습니까?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK) |
54 | { |
55 | SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); |
56 | saveFileDialog.Filter = "PDF Files (.PDF)|*.PDF"; |
57 | if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) |
58 | { |
59 | int iScale = 0; |
60 | double iLength = 0; |
61 | bool bResult = true; |
62 | |||
63 | if (Chk_Scale.Checked) |
64 | iScale = Convert.ToInt32(Combo_Scale.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1]); |
65 | else |
66 | { |
67 | if (!double.TryParse(Txt_Length.Text, out iLength) || iLength < 300) |
68 | bResult = false; |
69 | |||
70 | } |
71 | |||
72 | if (bResult) |
73 | { |
74 | splashScreenManager1.ShowWaitForm(); |
75 | splashScreenManager1.SetWaitFormCaption("Convert Pdf File to Image Files"); |
76 | |||
77 | PdfDocumentProcessor pdp = new PdfDocumentProcessor(); |
78 | pdp.CreateEmptyDocument(); |
79 | foreach (var fileName in OFD.FileNames) |
80 | { |
81 | PdfDocumentProcessor selectFile = new PdfDocumentProcessor(); |
82 | selectFile.LoadDocument(fileName); |
83 | foreach (var page in selectFile.Document.Pages) |
84 | pdp.Document.Pages.Add(page); |
85 | selectFile.CloseDocument(); |
86 | selectFile.Dispose(); |
87 | selectFile = null; |
88 | } |
89 | |||
90 | pdp.SaveDocument(saveFileDialog.FileName); |
91 | |||
92 | string sPathNonExtension = saveFileDialog.FileName.Replace(Path.GetExtension(saveFileDialog.FileName), ""); |
93 | |||
94 | |||
95 | try |
96 | { |
97 | int iPage = pdp.Document.Pages.Count; |
98 | string sPage = iPage.ToString(); |
99 | for (int i = 0; i < pdp.Document.Pages.Count; i++) |
100 | { |
101 | int iPercent = i * 100 / iPage; |
102 | splashScreenManager1.SetWaitFormDescription(i + " / " + sPage + " Pages ( " + iPercent + "% )"); |
103 | PdfPage page = pdp.Document.Pages[i]; |
104 | |||
105 | double dWidth = page.CropBox.Width; |
106 | double dHeight = page.CropBox.Height; |
107 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | |
108 | 224535bb | gaqhf | if (Chk_Scale.Checked) |
109 | { |
110 | dWidth = dWidth * iScale; |
111 | dHeight = dHeight * iScale; |
112 | } |
113 | else |
114 | { |
115 | if (Combo_LengthType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Width") |
116 | { |
117 | double dScale = dWidth / iLength; |
118 | dWidth = iLength; |
119 | dHeight = dHeight / dScale; |
120 | } |
121 | else |
122 | { |
123 | double dScale = dHeight / iLength; |
124 | dHeight = iLength; |
125 | dWidth = dWidth / dScale; |
126 | } |
127 | } |
128 | |||
129 | double dMax = Math.Max(dWidth, dHeight); |
130 | |||
131 | using (Bitmap bitmap = pdp.CreateBitmap(i + 1, (int)dMax)) |
132 | { |
133 | bitmap.Save(sPathNonExtension + "_Page" + (i + 1) + ".png"); |
134 | } |
135 | |||
136 | iPercent = (i + 1) * 100 / iPage; |
137 | splashScreenManager1.SetWaitFormDescription((i + 1) + " / " + sPage + " Pages ( " + iPercent + "% )"); |
138 | } |
139 | |||
140 | MessageBox.Show("변환완료"); |
141 | } |
142 | catch (Exception ex) |
143 | { |
144 | MessageBox.Show("변환 이미지의 사이즈를 줄여주십시오"); |
145 | } |
146 | |||
147 | pdp.CloseDocument(); |
148 | splashScreenManager1.CloseWaitForm(); |
149 | } |
150 | else |
151 | { |
152 | MessageBox.Show("PDF 경로와 Scale 또는 Width or Height를 확인해주세요"); |
153 | } |
154 | } |
155 | } |
156 | } |
157 | else |
158 | { |
159 | string pdfpath = OFD.FileName; |
160 | Txt_PDFPath.Text = pdfpath; |
161 | } |
162 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | } |
163 | } |
164 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | |
165 | private void Chk_Scale_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) |
166 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | { |
167 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | SacleCheckedChange(); |
168 | } |
169 | |||
170 | private void SacleCheckedChange() |
171 | { |
172 | if (Chk_Scale.Checked) |
173 | { |
174 | Txt_Length.Enabled = false; |
175 | Combo_LengthType.Enabled = false; |
176 | Combo_Scale.Enabled = true; |
177 | } |
178 | else |
179 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | { |
180 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | Txt_Length.Enabled = true; |
181 | Combo_LengthType.Enabled = true; |
182 | Combo_Scale.Enabled = false; |
183 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | } |
184 | } |
185 | |||
186 | |||
187 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | private void Btn_Convert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) |
188 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | { |
189 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | int iScale = 0; |
190 | double iLength = 0; |
191 | bool bResult = true; |
192 | string sFilePath = Txt_PDFPath.Text; |
193 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | |
194 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | if (Chk_Scale.Checked) |
195 | iScale = Convert.ToInt32(Combo_Scale.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' })[1]); |
196 | else |
197 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | { |
198 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | if (!double.TryParse(Txt_Length.Text, out iLength) || iLength < 300) |
199 | bResult = false; |
200 | |||
201 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | } |
202 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | |
203 | if (bResult) |
204 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | { |
205 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(Txt_PDFPath.Text); |
206 | if (directory.Exists) |
207 | 66be3f2d | Gyusu | { |
208 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | bool result = true; |
209 | foreach (var item in directory.GetFiles("*.pdf",SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) |
210 | 66be3f2d | Gyusu | { |
211 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | string sPathNonExtension = item.FullName.Replace(Path.GetExtension(item.FullName), ""); |
212 | PdfDocumentProcessor pdp = new PdfDocumentProcessor(); |
213 | pdp.LoadDocument(item.FullName); |
214 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | |
215 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | splashScreenManager1.ShowWaitForm(); |
216 | splashScreenManager1.SetWaitFormCaption("Convert Pdf File to Image Files"); |
217 | try |
218 | 9774d01e | gaqhf | { |
219 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | int iPage = pdp.Document.Pages.Count; |
220 | string sPage = iPage.ToString(); |
221 | for (int i = 0; i < pdp.Document.Pages.Count; i++) |
222 | 66be3f2d | Gyusu | { |
223 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | int iPercent = i * 100 / iPage; |
224 | splashScreenManager1.SetWaitFormDescription(i + " / " + sPage + " Pages ( " + iPercent + "% )"); |
225 | PdfPage page = pdp.Document.Pages[i]; |
226 | |||
227 | double dWidth = page.CropBox.Width; |
228 | double dHeight = page.CropBox.Height; |
229 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | |
230 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | if (page.Rotate == 90 || page.Rotate == 270) |
231 | { |
232 | double tempValue = dWidth; |
233 | dWidth = dHeight; |
234 | dHeight = tempValue; |
235 | } |
236 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | |
237 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | if (Chk_Scale.Checked) |
238 | { |
239 | dWidth = dWidth * iScale; |
240 | dHeight = dHeight * iScale; |
241 | } |
242 | else |
243 | { |
244 | if (Combo_LengthType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Width") |
245 | { |
246 | double dScale = dWidth / iLength; |
247 | dWidth = iLength; |
248 | dHeight = dHeight / dScale; |
249 | } |
250 | else |
251 | { |
252 | double dScale = dHeight / iLength; |
253 | dHeight = iLength; |
254 | dWidth = dWidth / dScale; |
255 | } |
256 | } |
257 | |||
258 | double dMax = Math.Max(dWidth, dHeight); |
259 | |||
260 | using (Bitmap bitmap = pdp.CreateBitmap(i + 1, (int)dMax)) |
261 | { |
262 | c33fbd9b | gaqhf | if (pdp.Document.Pages.Count != 1) |
263 | bitmap.Save(sPathNonExtension + "_Page" + (i + 1) + ".png"); |
264 | else |
265 | bitmap.Save(sPathNonExtension + ".png"); |
266 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | } |
267 | |||
268 | iPercent = (i + 1) * 100 / iPage; |
269 | splashScreenManager1.SetWaitFormDescription((i + 1) + " / " + sPage + " Pages ( " + iPercent + "% )"); |
270 | } |
271 | } |
272 | catch (Exception ex) |
273 | 66be3f2d | Gyusu | { |
274 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | result = false; |
275 | MessageBox.Show("변환 이미지의 사이즈를 줄여주십시오"); |
276 | break; |
277 | 66be3f2d | Gyusu | } |
278 | 9f04ece0 | gaqhf | |
279 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | pdp.CloseDocument(); |
280 | splashScreenManager1.CloseWaitForm(); |
281 | 66be3f2d | Gyusu | } |
282 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | |
283 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | if (result) |
284 | MessageBox.Show("변환완료"); |
285 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | } |
286 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | else |
287 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | { |
288 | 79a518e3 | gaqhf | MessageBox.Show("PDF 경로와 Scale 또는 Width or Height를 확인해주세요"); |
289 | 66be3f2d | Gyusu | } |
290 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | } |
291 | else |
292 | { |
293 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | MessageBox.Show("PDF 경로와 Scale 또는 Width or Height를 확인해주세요"); |
294 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | } |
295 | } |
296 | 391aa70f | gaqhf | |
297 | |||
298 | 4601d8de | Gyusu | } |
299 | } |