개정판 a3bc21cd
issue #624: 설치 패키지 오류 수정(단축키 추가 및 버전 정보 오류 수정)
Change-Id: Icc8383233eb845a5d7423196e1c0355df530c3a4
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/AppRibbon.py | ||
84 | 84 |
pane.ui.toolButtonUndo.clicked.connect(main_wnd._scene.undo_stack.undo) |
85 | 85 |
pane.ui.toolButtonRedo.clicked.connect(main_wnd._scene.undo_stack.redo) |
86 | 86 |
pane.ui.toolButtonLine.clicked.connect(main_wnd.onPlaceLine) |
87 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_L), pane.ui.toolButtonLine) |
88 |
shortcut.activated.connect(main_wnd.onPlaceLine) |
87 | 89 | |
88 | 90 |
"""fill line type""" |
89 | 91 |
for condition in LineTypeConditions.items(): |
... | ... | |
100 | 102 |
"""up to here""" |
101 | 103 | |
102 | 104 |
pane.ui.toolButtonOCR.clicked.connect(main_wnd.onAreaOcr) |
105 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_T), pane.ui.toolButtonOCR) |
106 |
shortcut.activated.connect(main_wnd.onAreaOcr) |
103 | 107 |
pane.ui.toolButtonVendor.clicked.connect(main_wnd.onVendor) |
104 | 108 |
pane.ui.comboBoxPackage.addItems(['Equipment Package', 'Vendor Package']) |
105 | 109 |
pane.ui.toolButtonValidate.clicked.connect(main_wnd.onValidation) |
110 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_V), pane.ui.toolButtonValidate) |
111 |
shortcut.activated.connect(main_wnd.onValidation) |
106 | 112 |
pane.ui.toolButtonRotateCW.clicked.connect(main_wnd.onRotate) |
107 | 113 |
cSection.addCustomWidget(pane) |
108 | 114 | |
... | ... | |
121 | 127 |
pane.ui.radioButtonByStreamNo.setChecked(True) |
122 | 128 | |
123 | 129 |
pane.ui.toolButtonZoom.clicked.connect(main_wnd.onAreaZoom) |
130 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_Z), pane.ui.toolButtonZoom) |
131 |
shortcut.activated.connect(main_wnd.onAreaZoom) |
124 | 132 |
pane.ui.toolButtonFitWindow.clicked.connect(main_wnd.fitWindow) |
125 | 133 |
cSection.addCustomWidget(pane) |
126 | 134 |
except Exception as ex: |
... | ... | |
140 | 148 |
cSection = tab.addSection(self.tr('Edit')) |
141 | 149 |
pane = QEditPane() |
142 | 150 |
pane.ui.toolButtonFindReplaceText.clicked.connect(main_wnd.findReplaceTextClicked) |
151 |
shortcut = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_F), pane.ui.toolButtonFindReplaceText) |
152 |
shortcut.activated.connect(main_wnd.findReplaceTextClicked) |
143 | 153 |
pane.ui.toolButtonTextDataList.clicked.connect(main_wnd.showTextDataList) |
144 | 154 |
pane.ui.toolButtonSymbolReplaceInsert.clicked.connect(main_wnd.replaceInsertSymbolClicked) |
145 | 155 |
pane.ui.toolButtonConnectLineToSymbol.clicked.connect(main_wnd.on_connect_line_to_symbol) |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/MainWindow.py | ||
239 | 239 |
self.actionSymbol_Replace_Insert.triggered.connect(self.replaceInsertSymbolClicked) |
240 | 240 |
self.actionConnectLineToSymbol.triggered.connect(self.on_connect_line_to_symbol) |
241 | 241 |
self.actionGlobal_Validation.triggered.connect(self.on_validation_global_clicked) |
242 |
self.actionEditRecognizeLine.triggered.connect(self.on_recognize_line) |
243 | 242 |
self.pushButtonDetectSymbol.clicked.connect(self.show_detect_symbol_dialog) |
244 | 243 |
self.actionUndo.triggered.connect(self._scene.undo_stack.undo) |
245 | 244 |
self.actionRedo.triggered.connect(self._scene.undo_stack.redo) |
... | ... | |
1201 | 1200 |
return |
1202 | 1201 | |
1203 | 1202 |
pane = self.ribbon.get_pane('Home') |
1203 |
pane.ui.toolButtonOCR.setChecked(True) |
1204 | 1204 |
checked = pane.ui.toolButtonOCR.isChecked() |
1205 | 1205 |
if checked: |
1206 | 1206 |
cmd = AreaOcrCommand.AreaOcrCommand(self.graphicsView) |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/MainWindow_UI.py | ||
434 | 434 |
font.setFamily("맑은 고딕") |
435 | 435 |
self.actionCodeTable.setFont(font) |
436 | 436 |
self.actionCodeTable.setObjectName("actionCodeTable") |
437 |
self.actionFluid_Code = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
438 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
439 |
font.setFamily("맑은 고딕") |
440 |
self.actionFluid_Code.setFont(font) |
441 |
self.actionFluid_Code.setObjectName("actionFluid_Code") |
442 | 437 |
self.actionpdf_to_image = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
443 | 438 |
icon18 = QtGui.QIcon() |
444 | 439 |
icon18.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/convertPDF.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) |
... | ... | |
565 | 560 |
icon34.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Image.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) |
566 | 561 |
self.actionExportAsImage.setIcon(icon34) |
567 | 562 |
self.actionExportAsImage.setObjectName("actionExportAsImage") |
568 |
self.actionEditRecognizeLine = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
569 |
icon35 = QtGui.QIcon() |
570 |
icon35.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Polyline.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) |
571 |
self.actionEditRecognizeLine.setIcon(icon35) |
572 |
self.actionEditRecognizeLine.setVisible(False) |
573 |
self.actionEditRecognizeLine.setObjectName("actionEditRecognizeLine") |
574 |
self.actionRecognizeTable = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
575 |
icon36 = QtGui.QIcon() |
576 |
icon36.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/table_ocr.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) |
577 |
self.actionRecognizeTable.setIcon(icon36) |
578 |
self.actionRecognizeTable.setVisible(False) |
579 |
self.actionRecognizeTable.setObjectName("actionRecognizeTable") |
580 | 563 |
self.actionUndo = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
581 |
icon37 = QtGui.QIcon()
582 |
icon37.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/undo.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
583 |
564 |
icon35 = QtGui.QIcon()
565 |
icon35.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/undo.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
566 |
584 | 567 |
self.actionUndo.setObjectName("actionUndo") |
585 | 568 |
self.actionRedo = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
586 |
icon38 = QtGui.QIcon()
587 |
icon38.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/redo.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
588 |
569 |
icon36 = QtGui.QIcon()
570 |
icon36.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/redo.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
571 |
589 | 572 |
self.actionRedo.setObjectName("actionRedo") |
590 | 573 |
self.actionSymbol_Replace_Insert = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
591 | 574 |
self.actionSymbol_Replace_Insert.setIcon(icon31) |
592 | 575 |
self.actionSymbol_Replace_Insert.setObjectName("actionSymbol_Replace_Insert") |
593 | 576 |
self.actionMake_Label_Data = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
594 |
icon39 = QtGui.QIcon()
595 |
icon39.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Training.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
596 |
577 |
icon37 = QtGui.QIcon()
578 |
icon37.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Training.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
579 |
597 | 580 |
self.actionMake_Label_Data.setObjectName("actionMake_Label_Data") |
598 | 581 |
self.actionRotateCCW = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
599 | 582 |
self.actionRotateCCW.setEnabled(False) |
600 |
icon40 = QtGui.QIcon()
601 |
icon40.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Rotate_Minus.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
602 |
583 |
icon38 = QtGui.QIcon()
584 |
icon38.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Rotate_Minus.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
585 |
603 | 586 |
self.actionRotateCCW.setObjectName("actionRotateCCW") |
604 | 587 |
self.actionReplace_Code_Table = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
605 | 588 |
self.actionReplace_Code_Table.setIcon(icon17) |
... | ... | |
610 | 593 |
self.actionConnectLineToSymbol = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
611 | 594 |
self.actionConnectLineToSymbol.setObjectName("actionConnectLineToSymbol") |
612 | 595 |
self.actionReadme = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
613 |
icon41 = QtGui.QIcon()
614 |
icon41.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Readme.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
615 |
596 |
icon39 = QtGui.QIcon()
597 |
icon39.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Readme.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
598 |
616 | 599 |
self.actionReadme.setObjectName("actionReadme") |
617 | 600 |
self.actionImport_Text_from_CAD_for_Instrument = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
618 | 601 |
self.actionImport_Text_from_CAD_for_Instrument.setObjectName("actionImport_Text_from_CAD_for_Instrument") |
619 | 602 |
self.actionStreamline = QtWidgets.QAction(MainWindow) |
620 |
icon42 = QtGui.QIcon()
621 |
icon42.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Streamline.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
622 |
603 |
icon40 = QtGui.QIcon()
604 |
icon40.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/Streamline.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
605 |
623 | 606 |
self.actionStreamline.setObjectName("actionStreamline") |
624 | 607 | |
625 | 608 |
self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) |
... | ... | |
681 | 664 |
self.actionViewLine.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Line (4)")) |
682 | 665 |
self.actionViewUnknown.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Unrecognization (5)")) |
683 | 666 |
self.actionCodeTable.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Code Table")) |
684 |
self.actionFluid_Code.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Fluid Code")) |
685 | 667 |
self.actionpdf_to_image.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Convert PDF")) |
686 | 668 |
self.actionHMB_DATA.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "HMB Data")) |
687 | 669 |
self.actionSave.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Save")) |
... | ... | |
725 | 707 |
self.actionExportAsSVG.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "SVG")) |
726 | 708 |
self.actionExportAsXML.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "XML")) |
727 | 709 |
self.actionExportAsImage.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Image")) |
728 |
self.actionEditRecognizeLine.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Recognize Line")) |
729 |
self.actionEditRecognizeLine.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Recognize Line")) |
730 |
self.actionRecognizeTable.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Recognize Table")) |
731 |
self.actionRecognizeTable.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Recognize Table")) |
732 |
self.actionRecognizeTable.setShortcut(_translate("MainWindow", "Alt+T")) |
733 | 710 |
self.actionUndo.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Undo")) |
734 | 711 |
self.actionUndo.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Undo")) |
735 | 712 |
self.actionRedo.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Redo")) |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/UI/MainWindow.ui | ||
833 | 833 |
</font> |
834 | 834 |
</property> |
835 | 835 |
</action> |
836 |
<action name="actionFluid_Code"> |
837 |
<property name="text"> |
838 |
<string>Fluid Code</string> |
839 |
</property> |
840 |
<property name="font"> |
841 |
<font> |
842 |
<family>맑은 고딕</family> |
843 |
</font> |
844 |
</property> |
845 |
</action> |
846 | 836 |
<action name="actionpdf_to_image"> |
847 | 837 |
<property name="icon"> |
848 | 838 |
<iconset resource="../res/MainWindow.qrc"> |
... | ... | |
1145 | 1135 |
<string>Image</string> |
1146 | 1136 |
</property> |
1147 | 1137 |
</action> |
1148 |
<action name="actionEditRecognizeLine"> |
1149 |
<property name="icon"> |
1150 |
<iconset resource="../res/MainWindow.qrc"> |
1151 |
<normaloff>:/newPrefix/Polyline.svg</normaloff>:/newPrefix/Polyline.svg</iconset> |
1152 |
</property> |
1153 |
<property name="text"> |
1154 |
<string>Recognize Line</string> |
1155 |
</property> |
1156 |
<property name="toolTip"> |
1157 |
<string>Recognize Line</string> |
1158 |
</property> |
1159 |
<property name="visible"> |
1160 |
<bool>false</bool> |
1161 |
</property> |
1162 |
</action> |
1163 |
<action name="actionRecognizeTable"> |
1164 |
<property name="icon"> |
1165 |
<iconset resource="../res/MainWindow.qrc"> |
1166 |
<normaloff>:/newPrefix/table_ocr.png</normaloff>:/newPrefix/table_ocr.png</iconset> |
1167 |
</property> |
1168 |
<property name="text"> |
1169 |
<string>Recognize Table</string> |
1170 |
</property> |
1171 |
<property name="toolTip"> |
1172 |
<string>Recognize Table</string> |
1173 |
</property> |
1174 |
<property name="shortcut"> |
1175 |
<string>Alt+T</string> |
1176 |
</property> |
1177 |
<property name="visible"> |
1178 |
<bool>false</bool> |
1179 |
</property> |
1180 |
</action> |
1181 | 1138 |
<action name="actionUndo"> |
1182 | 1139 |
<property name="icon"> |
1183 | 1140 |
<iconset resource="../res/MainWindow.qrc"> |
version.rc | ||
6 | 6 |
ffi=FixedFileInfo( |
7 | 7 |
# filevers and prodvers should be always a tuple with four items: (1, 2, 3, 4) |
8 | 8 |
# Set not needed items to zero 0. |
9 |
10 |
9 |
10 |
11 | 11 |
# Contains a bitmask that specifies the valid bits 'flags'r |
12 | 12 |
mask=0x3f, |
13 | 13 |
# Contains a bitmask that specifies the Boolean attributes of the file. |
... | ... | |
31 | 31 |
u'040904B0', |
32 | 32 |
[StringStruct(u'CompanyName', u'DOFTECH'), |
33 | 33 |
StringStruct(u'FileDescription', u'Image Drawing to Intelligent Drawing'), |
34 |
StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u''),
34 |
StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u'1.0.$BUILD_NUMBER.0'),
35 | 35 |
StringStruct(u'InternalName', u'ID2'), |
36 | 36 |
StringStruct(u'LegalCopyright', u'Copyright(c) DOFTECH'), |
37 | 37 |
StringStruct(u'OriginalFilename', u'ID2.exe'), |
38 | 38 |
StringStruct(u'ProductName', u'ID2'), |
39 |
StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'')])
39 |
StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'1.0.$BUILD_NUMBER.0')])
40 | 40 |
]), |
41 | 41 |
VarFileInfo([VarStruct(u'Translation', [1033, 1200])]) |
42 | 42 |
] |
내보내기 Unified diff