개정판 a3dcb1a9
QRecognitionDialog 멈춤 현상 개선
655 | 655 |
canvas[::] = (255, 255, 255) |
656 | 656 |
657 | 657 |
try: |
658 |
#pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = THREAD_MAX_WORKER) |
659 | 658 |
for symbol in searchedSymbolList: |
660 |
#pool.submit(drawFoundSymbols, symbol) |
661 | 659 |
drawFoundSymbols(symbol, listWidget) |
662 |
#pool.shutdown(wait = True) |
663 | 660 |
664 | 661 |
for text in textInfoList: |
665 | 662 |
if not checkTextInSymbol((text.getX(), text.getY())): |
... | ... | |
713 | 710 |
Jeongwoo 2018.05.25 Add condition on if-statemen |
714 | 711 |
''' |
715 | 712 |
def initMainSrc(mainRes): |
716 |
global src |
717 | 713 |
global srcGray |
718 | 714 |
global ocrCompletedSrc |
719 | 715 |
global textInfoList |
... | ... | |
721 | 717 |
722 | 718 |
try: |
723 | 719 |
if os.path.isfile(mainRes): |
724 |
#load original src & symbol |
725 |
src = cv2.imread(mainRes, 1) |
726 |
727 |
#gray scale |
728 |
if len(src.shape) == 3: |
729 |
srcGray = cvtGrayImage(src) |
730 |
else: |
731 |
srcGray = src.copy() |
732 |
srcGray = cv2.threshold(srcGray, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] |
733 |
734 | 720 |
ocrCompletedSrc = srcGray.copy() |
735 | 721 |
736 | 722 |
area = AppDocData.instance().getArea('Drawing') |
737 |
if area is not None: |
738 |
#TODO: 영역을 설정한 값과 이미지 좌표계를 차이를 보정 |
739 |
area.img = srcGray[round(area.y+1):round(area.y+area.height), round(area.x+1):round(area.x+area.width)] |
740 |
723 |
741 | 724 |
#(_tempOcrSrc, textInfoList) = OCR.removeTextFromNpArray(area.img if area is not None else srcGray, area.x if area is not None else 0, area.y if area is not None else 0) |
742 | 725 |
(_tempOcrSrc, tInfoList) = OCR.removeTextFromNpArray(area.img if area is not None else srcGray, area.x if area is not None else 0, area.y if area is not None else 0) |
743 | 726 |
... | ... | |
764 | 747 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
765 | 748 |
766 | 749 |
''' |
750 |
@brief remove small objects from given image |
751 |
@author humkyung |
752 |
@date 2018.04.26 |
753 |
@history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Moved from MainWindow |
754 |
''' |
755 |
def removeSmallObjects(image): |
756 |
try: |
757 |
docData = AppDocData.instance() |
758 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Small Object Size', 'Min Area') |
759 |
minArea = int(configs[0].value) if 1 == len(configs) else 20 |
760 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Small Object Size', 'Max Area') |
761 |
maxArea = int(configs[0].value) if 1 == len(configs) else 50 |
762 |
763 |
#path = os.path.join(AppDocData.instance().getCurrentProject().getTempPath(), 'before_contours.png') |
764 |
#cv2.imwrite(path, image) |
765 |
766 |
_,contours,_ = cv2.findContours(image, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); |
767 |
selectedContours=[] |
768 |
for contour in contours: |
769 |
#if cv2.isContourConvex(contour): |
770 |
#approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 0.2*cv2.arcLength(contour, True), True) |
771 |
area = cv2.contourArea(contour) |
772 |
if area > minArea and area < maxArea: selectedContours.append(contour) |
773 |
contourImage = cv2.drawContours(image, selectedContours, -1, (255,255,255), -1); # draw contour with white color |
774 |
#path = os.path.join(AppDocData.instance().getCurrentProject().getTempPath(), 'contours.png') |
775 |
#cv2.imwrite(path, contourImage) |
776 |
except Exception as ex: |
777 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
778 |
779 |
return contourImage |
780 |
781 |
''' |
782 |
@history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Moved from MainWindow |
783 |
''' |
784 |
def recognizeLine(listWidget, graphicsView): |
785 |
from QEngineeringFlowArrowItem import QEngineeringFlowArrowItem |
786 |
from QEngineeringLineNoTextItem import QEngineeringLineNoTextItem |
787 |
from QEngineeringTextItem import QEngineeringTextItem |
788 |
from LineDetector import LineDetector |
789 |
790 |
try: |
791 |
#remove already existing line and flow arrow item |
792 |
items = [item for item in graphicsView.scene.items() if (type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem) or (type(item) is QEngineeringFlowArrowItem)] |
793 |
for item in items: |
794 |
graphicsView.scene.removeItem(item) |
795 |
#up to here |
796 |
797 |
# detect line |
798 |
connectedLines = [] |
799 |
800 |
area = AppDocData.instance().getArea('Drawing') |
801 |
area.img = removeSmallObjects(area.img) |
802 |
detector = LineDetector(area.img) |
803 |
804 |
symbols = [] |
805 |
for item in graphicsView.scene.items(): |
806 |
if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem): |
807 |
symbols.append(item) |
808 |
res = detector.detectConnectedLine(item, round(area.x), round(area.y)) |
809 |
if res is not None: |
810 |
for line in res: connectedLines.append(line) |
811 |
812 |
texts = [item for item in graphicsView.scene.items() if issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringTextItem)] |
813 |
for symbol in symbols: |
814 |
symbol.connectAttribute(texts) |
815 |
816 |
lineNos = [item for item in graphicsView.scene.items() if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem] |
817 |
818 |
if len(connectedLines) > 1: |
819 |
detector.mergeLines(connectedLines, toler=20) |
820 |
# connect line to symbol |
821 |
try: |
822 |
for line in connectedLines: |
823 |
matches = [symbol for symbol in symbols if symbol.isConnectable(line, (round(area.x), round(area.y)), toler=20)] |
824 |
for symbol in matches: |
825 |
detector.connectLineToSymbol(line, (round(area.x), round(area.y)), symbol) |
826 |
except Exception as ex: |
827 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
828 |
# up to here |
829 |
830 |
# connect line to line |
831 |
try: |
832 |
for line in connectedLines[:]: |
833 |
matches = [it for it in connectedLines if (line != it) and (not detector.isParallel(line, it))] |
834 |
for match in matches: |
835 |
detector.connectLineToLine(match, line) |
836 |
except Exception as ex: |
837 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
838 |
# up to here |
839 |
840 |
lines = [] |
841 |
for pts in connectedLines: |
842 |
processLine = QEngineeringLineItem() |
843 |
lines.append(processLine) |
844 |
for pt in pts: |
845 |
processLine._pol.append(QPointF(pt[0] + round(area.x), pt[1] + round(area.y))) |
846 |
processLine.buildItem() |
847 |
graphicsView.scene.addItem(processLine) |
848 |
except Exception as ex: |
849 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
850 |
finally: |
851 |
listWidget.addItem('Finish Line searching') |
852 |
853 |
''' |
767 | 854 |
@brief Main function |
768 | 855 |
@author jwkim |
769 | 856 |
@date |
... | ... | |
771 | 858 |
Jeongwoo 2018.04.25 Remove 'Current Symbol : ' QListItem |
772 | 859 |
Jeongwoo 2018.05.09 Make Comments OCR.removeTextFromNpArray block |
773 | 860 |
Jeongwoo 2018.05.25 Remove imgLineList variable and parameter on writeXml() |
861 |
humkyung 2018.05.26 add parameters(graphicsView, isSymbolTextChecked, isLineChecked) |
774 | 862 |
''' |
775 |
def executeRecognition(path, listWidget): |
776 |
global src |
863 |
def executeRecognition(path, listWidget, graphicsView, isSymbolTextChecked, isLineChecked): |
777 | 864 |
global srcGray |
778 | 865 |
global ocrCompletedSrc |
779 | 866 |
global searchedSymbolList |
... | ... | |
799 | 886 |
searchedSymbolList = [] |
800 | 887 |
textInfoList = [] |
801 | 888 |
802 |
#start = timeit.default_timer() |
803 |
804 |
initMainSrc(mainRes) |
889 |
if not os.path.isfile(mainRes): |
890 |
item = QListWidgetItem('{} file is not found'.format(os.path.basename(mainRes))) |
891 |
item.setBackground(Qt.red) |
892 |
listWidget.addItem(item) |
893 |
continue |
805 | 894 |
806 |
listWidget.addItem("Start recognition : " + mainRes) |
807 |
808 |
#threadLock = threading.Lock() |
809 |
pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = THREAD_MAX_WORKER) |
810 |
for targetItem in targetSymbolList: |
811 |
if type(targetItem).__name__ == 'list': |
812 |
#detectSymbolsOnPid(mainRes, target) |
813 |
pool.submit(detectSymbolsOnPid, mainRes, targetItem, listWidget) |
814 |
else: |
815 |
#detectSymbolOnPid(mainRes, target) |
816 |
pool.submit(detectSymbolOnPid, mainRes, targetItem, listWidget) |
817 |
818 |
pool.shutdown(wait = True) |
819 |
820 |
chan, docData.imgWidth, docData.imgHeight = src.shape[::-1] |
821 |
drawFoundSymbolsOnCanvas(mainRes, docData.imgWidth, docData.imgHeight, listWidget) |
822 |
823 |
docData.imgName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mainRes))[0] |
824 |
825 |
pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = THREAD_MAX_WORKER) |
826 |
for sym in searchedSymbolList: |
827 |
#threadLock.acquire() |
828 |
pool.submit(removeDetectedSymbol, sym) |
829 |
pool.submit(drawRectOnSrc, sym) |
830 |
#drawRectOnSrc() |
831 |
#threadLock.release() |
832 |
pool.shutdown(wait = True) |
895 |
#load original src & symbol |
896 |
src = cv2.imread(mainRes, 1) |
897 |
898 |
#gray scale |
899 |
if len(src.shape) == 3: |
900 |
srcGray = cvtGrayImage(src) |
901 |
else: |
902 |
srcGray = src.copy() |
903 |
srcGray = cv2.threshold(srcGray, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] |
833 | 904 |
834 |
####area = AppDocData.instance().getArea('Drawing') |
835 |
####(_tempOcrSrc, tInfoList) = OCR.removeTextFromNpArray(area.img if area is not None else srcGray, area.x if area is not None else 0, area.y if area is not None else 0) |
836 |
#####(srcGray, tInfoList) = OCR.removeTextFromNpArray(area.img if area is not None else srcGray) |
837 |
####if area is not None: |
838 |
#### srcGray[int(area.y):int(area.y+area.height), int(area.x):int(area.x+area.width)] = _tempOcrSrc |
839 |
####else: |
840 |
#### srcGray = _tempOcrSrc |
841 |
####srcGray = TOCR.removeTextFromNpArray(srcGray, TOCR.FLAG_IMAGE_TO_DATA) |
842 |
global MIN_TEXT_SIZE |
843 |
for textInfo in textInfoList: |
844 |
#if not checkTextInSymbol((textInfo.getX(), textInfo.getY())): |
845 |
if textInfo.getW() >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE or textInfo.getH() >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE: |
846 |
removeText(srcGray, textInfo.getText(), textInfo.getX(), textInfo.getY(), textInfo.getW(), textInfo.getH()) |
847 |
848 |
## Remove Noise |
849 |
kernel1 = np.ones((2, 2), np.uint8) |
850 |
srcGray = cv2.dilate(srcGray, kernel1) |
851 |
#kernel2 = np.ones((4, 4), np.uint8) |
852 |
srcGray = cv2.erode(srcGray, kernel1) |
853 |
854 |
removedSymbolImgPath = os.path.join(project.getTempPath(), os.path.basename(path)) |
855 |
cv2.imwrite(removedSymbolImgPath, srcGray) |
856 |
area = AppDocData.instance().getArea('Drawing') |
905 |
area = docData.getArea('Drawing') |
857 | 906 |
if area is not None: |
907 |
#TODO: 영역을 설정한 값과 이미지 좌표계를 차이를 보정 |
858 | 908 |
area.img = srcGray[round(area.y+1):round(area.y+area.height), round(area.x+1):round(area.x+area.width)] |
859 |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(project.getTempPath(), "rect_" + os.path.basename(path)), src) |
909 |
910 |
listWidget.addItem("Start recognition : " + mainRes) |
911 |
912 |
if isSymbolTextChecked: |
913 |
initMainSrc(mainRes) |
914 |
915 |
#threadLock = threading.Lock() |
916 |
pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = THREAD_MAX_WORKER) |
917 |
for targetItem in targetSymbolList: |
918 |
if type(targetItem).__name__ == 'list': |
919 |
#detectSymbolsOnPid(mainRes, target) |
920 |
pool.submit(detectSymbolsOnPid, mainRes, targetItem, listWidget) |
921 |
else: |
922 |
#detectSymbolOnPid(mainRes, target) |
923 |
pool.submit(detectSymbolOnPid, mainRes, targetItem, listWidget) |
924 |
925 |
pool.shutdown(wait = True) |
926 |
927 |
chan, docData.imgWidth, docData.imgHeight = src.shape[::-1] |
928 |
drawFoundSymbolsOnCanvas(mainRes, docData.imgWidth, docData.imgHeight, listWidget) |
929 |
930 |
docData.imgName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mainRes))[0] |
931 |
932 |
pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = THREAD_MAX_WORKER) |
933 |
for sym in searchedSymbolList: |
934 |
#threadLock.acquire() |
935 |
pool.submit(removeDetectedSymbol, sym) |
936 |
pool.submit(drawRectOnSrc, sym) |
937 |
#drawRectOnSrc() |
938 |
#threadLock.release() |
939 |
pool.shutdown(wait = True) |
940 |
941 |
####area = AppDocData.instance().getArea('Drawing') |
942 |
####(_tempOcrSrc, tInfoList) = OCR.removeTextFromNpArray(area.img if area is not None else srcGray, area.x if area is not None else 0, area.y if area is not None else 0) |
943 |
#####(srcGray, tInfoList) = OCR.removeTextFromNpArray(area.img if area is not None else srcGray) |
944 |
####if area is not None: |
945 |
#### srcGray[int(area.y):int(area.y+area.height), int(area.x):int(area.x+area.width)] = _tempOcrSrc |
946 |
####else: |
947 |
#### srcGray = _tempOcrSrc |
948 |
####srcGray = TOCR.removeTextFromNpArray(srcGray, TOCR.FLAG_IMAGE_TO_DATA) |
949 |
global MIN_TEXT_SIZE |
950 |
for textInfo in textInfoList: |
951 |
#if not checkTextInSymbol((textInfo.getX(), textInfo.getY())): |
952 |
if textInfo.getW() >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE or textInfo.getH() >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE: |
953 |
removeText(srcGray, textInfo.getText(), textInfo.getX(), textInfo.getY(), textInfo.getW(), textInfo.getH()) |
954 |
955 |
## Remove Noise |
956 |
kernel1 = np.ones((2, 2), np.uint8) |
957 |
srcGray = cv2.dilate(srcGray, kernel1) |
958 |
#kernel2 = np.ones((4, 4), np.uint8) |
959 |
srcGray = cv2.erode(srcGray, kernel1) |
960 |
961 |
removedSymbolImgPath = os.path.join(project.getTempPath(), os.path.basename(path)) |
962 |
cv2.imwrite(removedSymbolImgPath, srcGray) |
963 |
area = AppDocData.instance().getArea('Drawing') |
964 |
if area is not None: |
965 |
area.img = srcGray[round(area.y+1):round(area.y+area.height), round(area.x+1):round(area.x+area.width)] |
966 |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(project.getTempPath(), "rect_" + os.path.basename(path)), src) |
967 |
968 |
listWidget.addItem("Searched symbol count : " + str(len(searchedSymbolList))) |
969 |
970 |
if isLineChecked: |
971 |
recognizeLine(listWidget, graphicsView) |
860 | 972 |
861 | 973 |
xmlPath = xg.writeXml(docData.imgName, docData.imgWidth, docData.imgHeight, searchedSymbolList, textInfoList, noteTextInfoList) |
862 | 974 |
res.append(xmlPath) |
863 |
864 |
listWidget.addItem("Searched symbol count : " + str(len(searchedSymbolList))) |
865 |
866 |
#stop = timeit.default_timer() |
867 |
#seconds = stop - start |
868 |
869 |
#listWidget.addItem("\nRunning Time : " + str(seconds / 60) + "min\n") |
870 | 975 |
except Exception as ex: |
871 | 976 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
872 | 977 |
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/QRecognitionDialog.py | ||
13 | 13 |
from QEngineeringFlowArrowItem import QEngineeringFlowArrowItem |
14 | 14 |
from SymbolSvgItem import SymbolSvgItem |
15 | 15 |
from QEngineeringTextItem import QEngineeringTextItem |
16 |
from QGraphicsBoundingBoxItem import QGraphicsBoundingBoxItem |
16 | 17 |
17 | 18 |
''' |
18 | 19 |
@history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Add pyqtSignal(recognizeLine, loadRecognitionResult) |
... | ... | |
32 | 33 |
@history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Add if-statements by isSymbolTextChecked and isLineChecked variable |
33 | 34 |
''' |
34 | 35 |
#pyqtSlot() |
35 |
def procCounter(self, isSymbolTextChecked, isLineChecked): # A slot takes no params
36 |
def procCounter(self): # A slot takes no params |
36 | 37 |
from DTI_PID import executeRecognition |
37 | 38 |
import timeit |
38 | 39 |
39 | 40 |
try: |
40 | 41 |
start = timeit.default_timer() |
41 | 42 |
self.xmlPath = None |
42 |
if isSymbolTextChecked: |
43 |
self.xmlPath = executeRecognition(self.path, self.listWidget) |
44 |
if self.xmlPath is not None and len(self.xmlPath) > 0: |
45 |
self.loadRecognitionResult.emit(self.xmlPath[0]) |
46 |
if isLineChecked: |
47 |
self.recognizeLine.emit() |
43 |
self.xmlPath = executeRecognition(self.path, self.listWidget, self.graphicsView, self.isSymbolTextChecked, self.isLineChecked) |
48 | 44 |
self.finished.emit() |
49 | 45 |
except Exception as ex: |
50 | 46 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
... | ... | |
90 | 86 |
QDialog.accept(self) |
91 | 87 |
92 | 88 |
def recognizeButtonClicked(self, event): |
93 |
self.startThread() |
89 |
if self.ui.symbolTextCheckBox.isChecked() or self.ui.lineCheckBox.isChecked(): |
90 |
self.startThread() |
94 | 91 |
95 | 92 |
''' |
96 | 93 |
@brief start thread |
... | ... | |
105 | 102 |
self.obj = Worker() # no parent! |
106 | 103 |
self.obj.path = self.path |
107 | 104 |
self.obj.listWidget = self.ui.listWidget |
105 |
self.obj.graphicsView = self.graphicsView |
106 |
self.obj.isSymbolTextChecked = self.ui.symbolTextCheckBox.isChecked() |
107 |
self.obj.isLineChecked = self.ui.lineCheckBox.isChecked() |
108 | 108 |
self.thread = QThread() # no parent! |
109 | 109 |
110 | 110 |
# 2 - Connect Worker`s Signals to Form method slots to post data. |
... | ... | |
115 | 115 |
116 | 116 |
# 4 - Connect Worker Signals to the Thread slots |
117 | 117 |
self.obj.finished.connect(self.thread.quit) |
118 |
self.obj.recognizeLine.connect(self.recognizeLine) |
119 |
self.obj.loadRecognitionResult.connect(self.loadRecognitionResult) |
120 | 118 |
121 | 119 |
# 5 - Connect Thread started signal to Worker operational slot method |
122 |
self.thread.started.connect(lambda : self.obj.procCounter(self.ui.symbolTextCheckBox.isChecked(), self.ui.lineCheckBox.isChecked()))
120 |
123 | 121 |
124 | 122 |
# * - Thread finished signal will close the app if you want! |
125 | 123 |
self.thread.finished.connect(self.dlgExit) |
... | ... | |
132 | 130 |
@history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Moved from MainWindow |
133 | 131 |
''' |
134 | 132 |
def dlgExit(self): |
135 |
self.xmlPath = self.obj.xmlPath |
136 |
self.ui.buttonBox.setEnabled(True) |
137 |
138 |
''' |
139 |
@brief remove small objects from given image |
140 |
@author humkyung |
141 |
@date 2018.04.26 |
142 |
@history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Moved from MainWindow |
143 |
''' |
144 |
def removeSmallObjects(self, image): |
145 | 133 |
try: |
146 |
docData = AppDocData.instance() |
147 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Small Object Size', 'Min Area') |
148 |
minArea = int(configs[0].value) if 1 == len(configs) else 20 |
149 |
configs = docData.getConfigs('Small Object Size', 'Max Area') |
150 |
maxArea = int(configs[0].value) if 1 == len(configs) else 50 |
151 |
152 |
#path = os.path.join(AppDocData.instance().getCurrentProject().getTempPath(), 'before_contours.png') |
153 |
#cv2.imwrite(path, image) |
154 |
155 |
_,contours,_ = cv2.findContours(image, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); |
156 |
selectedContours=[] |
157 |
for contour in contours: |
158 |
#if cv2.isContourConvex(contour): |
159 |
#approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 0.2*cv2.arcLength(contour, True), True) |
160 |
area = cv2.contourArea(contour) |
161 |
if area > minArea and area < maxArea: selectedContours.append(contour) |
162 |
contourImage = cv2.drawContours(image, selectedContours, -1, (255,255,255), -1); |
163 |
#path = os.path.join(AppDocData.instance().getCurrentProject().getTempPath(), 'contours.png') |
164 |
#cv2.imwrite(path, contourImage) |
134 |
self.xmlPath = self.obj.xmlPath |
135 |
self.loadRecognitionResult(self.xmlPath[0]) |
136 |
self.ui.buttonBox.setEnabled(True) |
165 | 137 |
except Exception as ex: |
166 | 138 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
167 | 139 |
168 |
return contourImage |
169 |
170 | 140 |
''' |
171 | 141 |
@history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Moved from MainWindow |
172 | 142 |
SvgItem and TextItem Connect with method in this class |
... | ... | |
256 | 226 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
257 | 227 |
258 | 228 |
''' |
259 |
@history 2018.05.25 Jeongwoo Moved from MainWindow |
260 |
''' |
261 |
def recognizeLine(self): |
262 |
try: |
263 |
#remove already existing line and flow arrow item |
264 |
items = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene.items() if (type(item) is QEngineeringLineItem) or (type(item) is QEngineeringFlowArrowItem)] |
265 |
for item in items: |
266 |
self.graphicsView.scene.removeItem(item) |
267 |
#up to here |
268 |
269 |
# detect line |
270 |
connectedLines = [] |
271 |
272 |
area = AppDocData.instance().getArea('Drawing') |
273 |
area.img = self.removeSmallObjects(area.img) |
274 |
detector = LineDetector(area.img) |
275 |
276 |
symbols = [] |
277 |
for item in self.graphicsView.scene.items(): |
278 |
if issubclass(type(item), SymbolSvgItem): |
279 |
symbols.append(item) |
280 |
res = detector.detectConnectedLine(item, round(area.x), round(area.y)) |
281 |
if res is not None: |
282 |
for line in res: connectedLines.append(line) |
283 |
284 |
texts = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene.items() if issubclass(type(item), QEngineeringTextItem)] |
285 |
for symbol in symbols: |
286 |
symbol.connectAttribute(texts) |
287 |
288 |
lineNos = [item for item in self.graphicsView.scene.items() if type(item) is QEngineeringLineNoTextItem] |
289 |
290 |
if len(connectedLines) > 1: |
291 |
detector.mergeLines(connectedLines, toler=20) |
292 |
# connect line to symbol |
293 |
try: |
294 |
for line in connectedLines: |
295 |
matches = [symbol for symbol in symbols if symbol.isConnectable(line, (round(area.x), round(area.y)), toler=20)] |
296 |
for symbol in matches: |
297 |
detector.connectLineToSymbol(line, (round(area.x), round(area.y)), symbol) |
298 |
except Exception as ex: |
299 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
300 |
# up to here |
301 |
302 |
# connect line to line |
303 |
try: |
304 |
for line in connectedLines[:]: |
305 |
matches = [it for it in connectedLines if (line != it) and (not detector.isParallel(line, it))] |
306 |
for match in matches: |
307 |
detector.connectLineToLine(match, line) |
308 |
except Exception as ex: |
309 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
310 |
# up to here |
311 |
312 |
lines = [] |
313 |
for pts in connectedLines: |
314 |
processLine = QEngineeringLineItem() |
315 |
lines.append(processLine) |
316 |
for pt in pts: |
317 |
processLine._pol.append(QPointF(pt[0] + round(area.x), pt[1] + round(area.y))) |
318 |
processLine.buildItem() |
319 |
self.graphicsView.scene.addItem(processLine) |
320 |
except Exception as ex: |
321 |
print('error occured({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) |
322 |
finally: |
323 |
self.ui.listWidget.addItem('Finish Line searching') |
324 |
325 |
''' |
326 | 229 |
@brief Emit svgItem to slot on MainWindow |
327 | 230 |
@date 2018.05.25 |
328 | 231 |
@author Jeongwoo |
내보내기 Unified diff