


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ b7354ec1

이름 크기
.gitattributes 2.46 KB
.gitignore 4.39 KB
App.spec 1.9 KB
ID2 SPPID Converter User Manual.docx 765 KB
ID2 User Manual.docx 2.42 MB
ID2.ico 137 KB
ID2.wxs 390 KB
ID2_TRIAL.wxs 390 KB
ID2_html.template 8.41 KB
Readme.txt 280 Bytes
SPPIDConverter.wxs 25.6 KB
SPPIDConverter_TRIAL.wxs 25.6 KB
Symbol_List.xlsx 104 KB
build.bat 661 Bytes
license.rtf 47.8 KB
license.txt 13.4 KB
package.bat 2.25 KB
version.rc 1.36 KB

최근 개정판

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
# 날짜 저자 설명
b7354ec1 2020/02/16 01:35 백흠경

issue #477: 트리 컨트롤에서 심볼을 섵택할 수 있도록 수정

Change-Id: I6e306ad4ab7c8b6ffbdff4c02e5ba03a8ec02db6

07441dd5 2020/02/15 04:26 백흠경

issue #640: check 'Attr At' value when create a attribute for symbol

Change-Id: I28b8fbe65751d1487f9a3dd872742e9e96b40e11

17e67b4f 2020/02/14 02:09 함의성

issue #563: clear nozzle item

Change-Id: I9b8e9d9ac580c0270dec2e23fa401d874253ac00

43acb030 2020/02/14 02:08 함의성

Merge "issue #563: clear nozzle item"

1e2a12f9 2020/02/14 02:08 함의성

Merge "issue #563: line no eq from to manual setup testing, line no tracer not yet"

064816ac 2020/02/14 01:33 함의성

issue #563: line no eq from to manual setup testing, line no tracer not yet

Change-Id: I5b4a725e0db1f3bfa6a4b05acb3cca670c5a7844

cdea96b5 2020/02/14 00:03 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: Ic262cbbaa4a43e21cc19e201bc4c54eaf0558e3b

8b646a19 2020/02/14 00:02 함의성

issue #1171: fix load from db and 563: line no attr and assoc saved

Change-Id: I2f807ada94d4db983f4edb25a5cde00fa2588b84

261b9802 2020/02/14 00:02 함의성

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

c4cd8a59 2020/02/14 00:02 함의성

Merge "issue #1171: fix load from db and 563: line no attr and assoc saved"

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