개정판 ba7a627d
issue #1263 Unit 변경
Change-Id: I3115d97e652548f2339713e1b26a0804950b1dc6
HYTOS/HYTOS/BatteryLimit_UI.py | ||
57 | 57 |
self.label_5.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) |
58 | 58 |
self.label_5.setObjectName("label_5") |
59 | 59 |
self.label_ElevationUnit = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox) |
60 |
self.label_ElevationUnit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(276, 88, 16, 16))
60 |
self.label_ElevationUnit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(276, 88, 61, 16))
61 | 61 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
62 | 62 |
font.setBold(False) |
63 | 63 |
font.setWeight(50) |
HYTOS/HYTOS/Calculation.py | ||
79 | 79 |
hmb.pressure_pipe_end_point = self.convert_pressure(hmb.pressure_pipe_end_point) |
80 | 80 |
if hmb.power: |
81 | 81 |
hmb.power = self.convert_power(hmb.power) |
82 |
# Mixed Data |
83 |
if hmb.vapor_flowrate_mass: |
84 |
hmb.vapor_flowrate_mass = self.convert_flowrate_mass(hmb.vapor_flowrate_mass) |
85 |
if hmb.vapor_density: |
86 |
hmb.vapor_density = self.convert_density(hmb.vapor_density) |
87 |
if hmb.vapor_viscosity: |
88 |
hmb.vapor_viscosity = self.convert_viscosity(hmb.vapor_viscosity) |
89 |
if hmb.vapor_pressure: |
90 |
hmb.vapor_pressure = self.convert_pressure(hmb.vapor_pressure) |
91 |
if hmb.vapor_temperature: |
92 |
hmb.vapor_temperature = self.convert_temperature(hmb.vapor_temperature) |
93 |
if hmb.liquid_flowrate_mass: |
94 |
hmb.liquid_flowrate_mass = self.convert_flowrate_mass(hmb.liquid_flowrate_mass) |
95 |
if hmb.liquid_density: |
96 |
hmb.liquid_density = self.convert_density(hmb.liquid_density) |
97 |
if hmb.liquid_viscosity: |
98 |
hmb.liquid_viscosity = self.convert_viscosity(hmb.liquid_viscosity) |
82 | 99 |
83 | 100 |
except Exception as ex: |
84 | 101 |
from App import App |
... | ... | |
95 | 112 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
96 | 113 |
return value |
97 | 114 |
115 |
if is_string(value): |
116 |
return value |
117 |
98 | 118 |
if pre_unit == 'kg/h': |
99 | 119 |
if cur_unit == 'g/min': |
100 | 120 |
convert_factor = 16.6667 |
... | ... | |
133 | 153 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
134 | 154 |
return value |
135 | 155 |
156 |
if is_string(value): |
157 |
return value |
158 |
136 | 159 |
if pre_unit == 'm3/h': |
137 | 160 |
if cur_unit == 'l/min': |
138 | 161 |
convert_factor = 16.6667 |
... | ... | |
188 | 211 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
189 | 212 |
return value |
190 | 213 |
214 |
if is_string(value): |
215 |
return value |
216 |
191 | 217 |
if pre_unit == 'kg/m3': |
192 | 218 |
if cur_unit == 'lb/ft3': convert_factor = 0.06242797 |
193 | 219 |
elif pre_unit == 'lb/ft3': |
... | ... | |
202 | 228 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
203 | 229 |
return value |
204 | 230 |
231 |
if is_string(value): |
232 |
return value |
233 |
205 | 234 |
if pre_unit == 'cP': |
206 | 235 |
if cur_unit == 'kg/m.sec': |
207 | 236 |
convert_factor = 0.001 |
... | ... | |
240 | 269 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
241 | 270 |
return value |
242 | 271 |
272 |
if is_string(value): |
273 |
return value |
274 |
243 | 275 |
if cur_unit == '℉': |
244 | 276 |
return round(1.8 * value + 32, self._decimal) |
245 | 277 |
elif cur_unit == '℃': |
... | ... | |
252 | 284 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
253 | 285 |
return value |
254 | 286 |
287 |
if is_string(value): |
288 |
return value |
289 |
255 | 290 |
if pre_unit == 'in': |
256 | 291 |
if cur_unit == 'mm': convert_factor = 25.4 |
257 | 292 |
elif pre_unit == 'mm': |
... | ... | |
266 | 301 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
267 | 302 |
return value |
268 | 303 |
304 |
if is_string(value): |
305 |
return value |
306 |
269 | 307 |
if pre_unit == 'in': |
270 | 308 |
if cur_unit == 'm': |
271 | 309 |
convert_factor = 0.0254 |
... | ... | |
342 | 380 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
343 | 381 |
return value |
344 | 382 |
383 |
if is_string(value): |
384 |
return value |
385 |
345 | 386 |
if pre_unit == 'in': |
346 | 387 |
if cur_unit == 'm': |
347 | 388 |
convert_factor = 0.0254 |
... | ... | |
380 | 421 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
381 | 422 |
return value |
382 | 423 |
424 |
if is_string(value): |
425 |
return value |
426 |
383 | 427 |
if pre_unit == 'm/s': |
384 | 428 |
if cur_unit == 'ft/s': convert_factor = 3.28084 |
385 | 429 |
elif pre_unit == 'ft/s': |
... | ... | |
394 | 438 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
395 | 439 |
return value |
396 | 440 |
441 |
if is_string(value): |
442 |
return value |
443 |
397 | 444 |
if pre_unit == 'kg/cm2': |
398 | 445 |
if cur_unit == 'psi': |
399 | 446 |
convert_factor = 14.22334 |
... | ... | |
495 | 542 |
if pre_unit == cur_unit: |
496 | 543 |
return value |
497 | 544 |
545 |
if is_string(value): |
546 |
return value |
547 |
498 | 548 |
if pre_unit == 'kW': |
499 | 549 |
if cur_unit == 'kcal/h': |
500 | 550 |
convert_factor = 860.4207 |
... | ... | |
579 | 629 |
connector.data.pressure_drop = self.convert_pressure(connector.data.pressure_drop) |
580 | 630 |
if connector.data.elevation: |
581 | 631 |
connector.data.elevation = self.convert_length(connector.data.elevation) |
632 |
if connector.data.over_design_cv: |
633 |
connector.data.over_design_cv = self.convert_pressure(connector.data.over_design_cv) |
582 | 634 |
583 | 635 |
except Exception as ex: |
584 | 636 |
from App import App |
... | ... | |
621 | 673 |
App.mainWnd().addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message) |
622 | 674 |
623 | 675 |
676 |
def is_string(s): |
677 |
return isinstance(s, str) |
678 |
679 |
624 | 680 |
def is_blank(s): |
625 | 681 |
return not (s and s.strip()) |
626 | 682 |
HYTOS/HYTOS/MainWindow.py | ||
1077 | 1077 |
sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) |
1078 | 1078 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message) |
1079 | 1079 |
1080 |
def change_output_font_color(self): |
1081 |
try: |
1082 |
row_count = self.tableWidgetDeviation.rowCount() |
1083 |
col_count = self.tableWidgetDeviation.columnCount() |
1084 |
for row in range(row_count): |
1085 |
for col in range(col_count): |
1086 |
if row == 0: |
1087 |
item = self.tableWidgetDeviation.item(row, col) |
1088 |
item.setText('RUN CALCULATION') |
1089 |
item.setForeground(Qt.red) |
1090 |
self.tableWidgetDeviation.setItem(row, col, item) |
1091 |
else: |
1092 |
self.tableWidgetDeviation.item(row, col).setForeground(QBrush(QColor(169, 169, 169))) |
1093 |
1094 |
row_count = self.tableWidgetOutput.rowCount() |
1095 |
col_count = self.tableWidgetOutput.columnCount() |
1096 |
for row in range(row_count): |
1097 |
for col in range(col_count): |
1098 |
self.tableWidgetOutput.item(row, col).setForeground(QBrush(QColor(169, 169, 169))) |
1099 |
col_span = self.tableWidgetOutput.columnSpan(row, col) |
1100 |
if col_span > 1: |
1101 |
break |
1102 |
except Exception as ex: |
1103 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
1104 |
sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) |
1105 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message) |
1106 |
1080 | 1107 |
def calculation(self, saving=False): |
1081 | 1108 |
"""execute hydro calculation""" |
1082 | 1109 |
from AppDocData import AppDocData |
... | ... | |
2001 | 2028 |
2002 | 2029 |
def configuration(self): |
2003 | 2030 |
from ConfigurationDialog import QConfigurationDialog |
2031 |
from Calculation import Conversion |
2032 |
2004 | 2033 |
try: |
2005 | 2034 |
appDocData = AppDocData.instance() |
2006 | 2035 |
if appDocData.activeDrawing is None: |
... | ... | |
2011 | 2040 |
(isAccepted, isDataConversion, decimal) = dlg.show_dialog() |
2012 | 2041 |
if isAccepted == True: |
2013 | 2042 |
if isDataConversion == True: |
2014 |
self.data_conversion(decimal) |
2015 |
else: |
2016 |
self.reload_units() |
2017 |
2018 |
except Exception as ex: |
2019 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
2020 |
sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) |
2021 |
self.addMessage.emit(MessageType.Error, message) |
2022 |
2023 |
def data_conversion(self, decimal): |
2024 |
from Drawing import Drawing |
2025 |
from Calculation import Conversion |
2026 |
2027 |
try: |
2028 |
Conversion(decimal) |
2029 |
2030 |
self.load_HMB() |
2031 |
self.reload_units() |
2043 |
Conversion(decimal) |
2044 |
self.load_HMB() |
2032 | 2045 |
2046 |
self.reload_units() |
2047 |
self.update_label_contents() |
2048 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
2033 | 2049 |
except Exception as ex: |
2034 | 2050 |
message = 'error occurred({}) in {}:{}'.format(ex, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, |
2035 | 2051 |
sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) |
HYTOS/HYTOS/Pump_UI.py | ||
52 | 52 |
self.lineEdit_Elevation.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
53 | 53 |
self.lineEdit_Elevation.setObjectName("lineEdit_Elevation") |
54 | 54 |
self.label_ElevationUnit = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox) |
55 |
self.label_ElevationUnit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(338, 88, 16, 16))
55 |
self.label_ElevationUnit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(338, 88, 65, 16))
56 | 56 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
57 | 57 |
font.setBold(False) |
58 | 58 |
font.setWeight(50) |
... | ... | |
98 | 98 |
self.lineEdit_Pressure_Drop.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) |
99 | 99 |
self.lineEdit_Pressure_Drop.setObjectName("lineEdit_Pressure_Drop") |
100 | 100 |
self.label_PressureUnit = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox) |
101 |
self.label_PressureUnit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(338, 59, 49, 16))
101 |
self.label_PressureUnit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(338, 59, 65, 16))
102 | 102 |
font = QtGui.QFont() |
103 | 103 |
font.setBold(False) |
104 | 104 |
font.setWeight(50) |
HYTOS/HYTOS/Shapes/SymbolSvgItem.py | ||
691 | 691 |
692 | 692 |
# clear labels |
693 | 693 |
for conn, label in self.desc_labels.items(): |
694 |
"""reset all of nozzle descriptions""" |
695 |
conn.data.desc = None |
694 | 696 |
label.setEnabled(False) |
695 | 697 |
696 | 698 |
if self.category == 'Equipment - [ Pressure Drop ]': |
... | ... | |
1412 | 1414 |
1413 | 1415 |
matches = [func for func in func_map if func[0][0] == self.category and func[0][1] == self.type and |
1414 | 1416 |
(func[0][2] is None or self.name in func[0][2])] |
1415 |
if matches: matches[0][1]() |
1417 |
if matches: |
1418 |
matches[0][1]() |
1416 | 1419 |
1417 |
def reset_nozzle_desc(self) -> None: |
1418 |
"""reset all of nozzle descriptions""" |
1420 |
def change_output_font_color(self): |
1419 | 1421 |
1420 |
for conn, label in self.desc_labels.items(): |
1421 |
conn.data.desc = None |
1422 |
App.mainWnd().change_output_font_color() |
1422 | 1423 |
1423 |
def change_output_font_color(self):
1424 |
1424 | 1425 |
row_count = App.mainWnd().tableWidgetDeviation.rowCount() |
1425 | 1426 |
col_count = App.mainWnd().tableWidgetDeviation.columnCount() |
1426 | 1427 |
for row in range(row_count): |
... | ... | |
1441 | 1442 |
col_span = App.mainWnd().tableWidgetOutput.columnSpan(row, col) |
1442 | 1443 |
if col_span > 1: |
1443 | 1444 |
break |
1445 |
''' |
1444 | 1446 |
1445 | 1447 |
def show_AirFinCooler(self): |
1446 | 1448 |
from AirFinCooler import QAirFinCooler |
... | ... | |
1448 | 1450 |
dialog = QAirFinCooler() |
1449 | 1451 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1450 | 1452 |
if modified: |
1451 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1452 | 1453 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1453 | 1454 |
self.validate() |
1454 | 1455 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1459 | 1460 |
dialog = QFilter() |
1460 | 1461 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1461 | 1462 |
if modified: |
1462 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1463 | 1463 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1464 | 1464 |
self.validate() |
1465 | 1465 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1470 | 1470 |
dialog = QCoil() |
1471 | 1471 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1472 | 1472 |
if modified: |
1473 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1474 | 1473 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1475 | 1474 |
self.validate() |
1476 | 1475 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1481 | 1480 |
dialog = QDP_Equipment() |
1482 | 1481 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1483 | 1482 |
if modified: |
1484 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1485 | 1483 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1486 | 1484 |
self.validate() |
1487 | 1485 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1492 | 1490 |
dialog = QReactor() |
1493 | 1491 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1494 | 1492 |
if modified: |
1495 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1496 | 1493 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1497 | 1494 |
self.validate() |
1498 | 1495 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1503 | 1500 |
dialog = QStrainer_T() |
1504 | 1501 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1505 | 1502 |
if modified: |
1506 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1507 | 1503 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1508 | 1504 |
self.validate() |
1509 | 1505 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1514 | 1510 |
dialog = QStrainer_Y() |
1515 | 1511 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1516 | 1512 |
if modified: |
1517 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1518 | 1513 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1519 | 1514 |
self.validate() |
1520 | 1515 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1525 | 1520 |
dialog = QBatteryLimit() |
1526 | 1521 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1527 | 1522 |
if modified: |
1528 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1529 | 1523 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1530 | 1524 |
self.validate() |
1531 | 1525 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1536 | 1530 |
dialog = QTray() |
1537 | 1531 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1538 | 1532 |
if modified: |
1539 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1540 | 1533 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1541 | 1534 |
self.validate() |
1542 | 1535 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1547 | 1540 |
dialog = QSinglePacked() |
1548 | 1541 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1549 | 1542 |
if modified: |
1550 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1551 | 1543 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1552 | 1544 |
self.validate() |
1553 | 1545 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1558 | 1550 |
dialog = QDualPacked() |
1559 | 1551 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1560 | 1552 |
if modified: |
1561 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1562 | 1553 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1563 | 1554 |
self.validate() |
1564 | 1555 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1569 | 1560 |
dialog = QDrum_Horizontal() |
1570 | 1561 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1571 | 1562 |
if modified: |
1572 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1573 | 1563 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1574 | 1564 |
self.validate() |
1575 | 1565 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1580 | 1570 |
dialog = QDrum_Vertical() |
1581 | 1571 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1582 | 1572 |
if modified: |
1583 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1584 | 1573 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1585 | 1574 |
self.validate() |
1586 | 1575 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1591 | 1580 |
dialog = QPlateHeatExchanger() |
1592 | 1581 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1593 | 1582 |
if modified: |
1594 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1595 | 1583 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1596 | 1584 |
self.validate() |
1597 | 1585 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1602 | 1590 |
dialog = QEquipment() |
1603 | 1591 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1604 | 1592 |
if modified: |
1605 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1606 | 1593 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1607 | 1594 |
self.validate() |
1608 | 1595 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1613 | 1600 |
dialog = QBall() |
1614 | 1601 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1615 | 1602 |
if modified: |
1616 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1617 | 1603 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1618 | 1604 |
self.validate() |
1619 | 1605 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1624 | 1610 |
dialog = QShlTubHeatExchanger() |
1625 | 1611 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1626 | 1612 |
if modified: |
1627 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1628 | 1613 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1629 | 1614 |
self.validate() |
1630 | 1615 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1635 | 1620 |
dialog = QConeRoof() |
1636 | 1621 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1637 | 1622 |
if modified: |
1638 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1639 | 1623 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1640 | 1624 |
self.validate() |
1641 | 1625 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1646 | 1630 |
dialog = QDomeRoof() |
1647 | 1631 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1648 | 1632 |
if modified: |
1649 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1650 | 1633 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1651 | 1634 |
self.validate() |
1652 | 1635 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1657 | 1640 |
dialog = QCompressor() |
1658 | 1641 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1659 | 1642 |
if modified: |
1660 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1661 | 1643 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1662 | 1644 |
self.validate() |
1663 | 1645 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1668 | 1650 |
dialog = QKompressor() |
1669 | 1651 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1670 | 1652 |
if modified: |
1671 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1672 | 1653 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1673 | 1654 |
self.validate() |
1674 | 1655 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1679 | 1660 |
dialog = QPump() |
1680 | 1661 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1681 | 1662 |
if modified: |
1682 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1683 | 1663 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1684 | 1664 |
self.validate() |
1685 | 1665 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1690 | 1670 |
dialog = QValve_Control() |
1691 | 1671 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1692 | 1672 |
if modified: |
1693 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1694 | 1673 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1695 | 1674 |
self.validate() |
1696 | 1675 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1701 | 1680 |
dialog = QValve_Manual() |
1702 | 1681 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1703 | 1682 |
if modified: |
1704 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1705 | 1683 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1706 | 1684 |
self.validate() |
1707 | 1685 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1712 | 1690 |
dialog = QLineSplitter() |
1713 | 1691 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1714 | 1692 |
if modified: |
1715 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1716 | 1693 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1717 | 1694 |
self.validate() |
1718 | 1695 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1723 | 1700 |
dialog = QFlowmeter() |
1724 | 1701 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1725 | 1702 |
if modified: |
1726 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1727 | 1703 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1728 | 1704 |
self.validate() |
1729 | 1705 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
... | ... | |
1734 | 1710 |
dialog = QReducer() |
1735 | 1711 |
modified = dialog.show_dialog(self) |
1736 | 1712 |
if modified: |
1737 |
self.reset_nozzle_desc() |
1738 | 1713 |
self.update_label_contents() |
1739 | 1714 |
self.validate() |
1740 | 1715 |
self.change_output_font_color() |
HYTOS/HYTOS/UI/BatteryLimit.ui | ||
154 | 154 |
<rect> |
155 | 155 |
<x>276</x> |
156 | 156 |
<y>88</y> |
157 |
157 |
158 | 158 |
<height>16</height> |
159 | 159 |
</rect> |
160 | 160 |
</property> |
HYTOS/HYTOS/UI/Pump.ui | ||
124 | 124 |
<rect> |
125 | 125 |
<x>338</x> |
126 | 126 |
<y>88</y> |
127 |
127 |
128 | 128 |
<height>16</height> |
129 | 129 |
</rect> |
130 | 130 |
</property> |
... | ... | |
262 | 262 |
<rect> |
263 | 263 |
<x>338</x> |
264 | 264 |
<y>59</y> |
265 |
265 |
266 | 266 |
<height>16</height> |
267 | 267 |
</rect> |
268 | 268 |
</property> |
version.rc | ||
7 | 7 |
# filevers and prodvers should be always a tuple with four items: (1, 2, 3, 4) |
8 | 8 |
# Set not needed items to zero 0. |
9 | 9 |
# Local Build $BUILD_NUMBER=0 |
10 |
11 |
10 |
11 |
12 | 12 |
# Contains a bitmask that specifies the valid bits 'flags'r |
13 | 13 |
mask=0x3f, |
14 | 14 |
# Contains a bitmask that specifies the Boolean attributes of the file. |
... | ... | |
32 | 32 |
u'040904B0', |
33 | 33 |
[StringStruct(u'CompanyName', u'SECL'), |
34 | 34 |
StringStruct(u'FileDescription', u'Hydraulic Calculator'), |
35 |
StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u''),
35 |
StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u''),
36 | 36 |
StringStruct(u'InternalName', u'HYTOS'), |
37 | 37 |
StringStruct(u'LegalCopyright', u'Copyright(c) SECL'), |
38 | 38 |
StringStruct(u'OriginalFilename', u'HYTOS.exe'), |
39 | 39 |
StringStruct(u'ProductName', u'HYTOS'), |
40 |
StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'')])
40 |
StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'')])
41 | 41 |
]), |
42 | 42 |
VarFileInfo([VarStruct(u'Translation', [1033, 1200])]) |
43 | 43 |
] |
내보내기 Unified diff