


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID / DTI_PID / Shapes @ be4db5fc

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
be4db5fc 2018/07/09 03:51 백흠경

Append 'Stream No' to line no's attribute

22fdbd0b 2018/07/09 03:42 백흠경

Add HMB table script

d60b3b6e 2018/07/07 22:08 humkyung

- Change file name from QPropertyTableWidget to PropertyTableWidget
- Change file name from QResultPropertyTableWidget to ResultPropertyTableWidget

6d6ad72f 2018/07/07 18:57 humkyung

Implementing issue #483: 노즐 인식
- 인식한 장치의 주변에서 노즐 인식

4e630522 2018/07/06 04:37 백흠경 fixed issue #570: Line Type 설정
  1. set line type Connect To Process when instrument type is 'FT', 'PT', 'TT', 'TI', 'TG', 'PG'
0e300012 2018/07/06 00:58 gaqhf

dev issue #581: fix bug

ccb8b051 2018/07/05 22:05 gaqhf

dev issue #581: QEngineeringTextItem.py isLineNo 제거 및 LineNoAttribute 가져오는 로직 변경

0bd5522e 2018/07/05 19:18 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #581

d2a401b0 2018/07/05 19:17 gaqhf

dev issue #581: 라인 Property 가져오는 함수 통일화

909db83f 2018/07/05 15:31 humkyung

fixed unknownitem display error when loading from xml file

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