


| 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID @ c4cb0770

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
c4cb0770 2019/01/30 19:54 함의성

issue #774: TrainingImageListDialog en-kr

606f47be 2019/01/30 18:52 함의성

issue #774: solve conflict

8d8a5700 2019/01/30 18:42 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

02b1bbcb 2019/01/30 13:02 humkyung

issue #774: user can select language

640b954a 2019/01/30 03:36 함의성

issue #000: fix minor bug open progress bar, save

2d281002 2019/01/30 02:01 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

1b482159 2019/01/30 02:01 함의성

issue #000: file list extention fix

a23dec1c 2019/01/30 01:41 gaqhf

build issue #569 : edit

50df80f6 2019/01/30 01:38 gaqhf

build issue #569 : edit

d841a6f7 2019/01/30 01:13 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' of http://devdoftech.co.kr:8080/scm/git/DTIPID

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