개정판 c7a0bb20
issue #000: fixed an error that user can't reset symbol's owner
Change-Id: I40a628da090130038dd4b12c34f11ad75124ea01
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/ItemPropertyTableWidget.py | ||
458 | 458 |
self.setItem(3, 1, QTableWidgetItem(str(round(math.degrees(self._item.angle))))) |
459 | 459 |
self.setItem(4, 1, QTableWidgetItem(str(self._item.origin))) |
460 | 460 |
owner_item = QTableWidgetItem('{}'.format('None' if self._item.owner is None else str(self._item.owner))) |
461 |
owner_item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled|Qt.ItemIsSelectable) |
461 | 462 |
icon = QtGui.QIcon() |
462 | 463 |
icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/newPrefix/doubleclick.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) |
463 | 464 |
owner_item.setIcon(icon) |
... | ... | |
661 | 662 |
if event.key() == Qt.Key_Delete: |
662 | 663 |
items = self.mainWindow.graphicsView.scene.selectedItems() |
663 | 664 |
selectedIndexes = self.selectedIndexes() |
664 |
if len(items) == 1 and len(selectedIndexes) == 1 and type(items[0]) is not QEngineeringLineItem and type(items[0]) is not QEngineeringSpecBreakItem and self.item(selectedIndexes[0].row(), 0).text().find('CONN') is not 0: |
665 |
if selectedIndexes[0].column() == 1 and self.item(selectedIndexes[0].row(), 0).text() == 'OWNER': |
666 |
items[0].owner = None |
667 |
self.show_item_property(items[0]) |
668 |
elif len(items) == 1 and len(selectedIndexes) == 1 and type(items[0]) is not QEngineeringLineItem and type(items[0]) is not QEngineeringSpecBreakItem and self.item(selectedIndexes[0].row(), 0).text().find('CONN') is not 0: |
665 | 669 |
if selectedIndexes[0].column() == 1: |
666 | 670 |
attributeStr = self.item(selectedIndexes[0].row(), 0).text() |
667 | 671 |
items[0].removeSelfAttr(attributeStr) |
668 | 672 |
self.mainWindow.refreshResultPropertyTableWidget() |
669 | 673 |
elif len(items) == 1 and len(selectedIndexes) == 1 and (type(items[0]) is QEngineeringLineItem or issubclass(type(items[0]), SymbolSvgItem)): |
670 | 674 |
key_cell = self.item(selectedIndexes[0].row(), 0) |
671 |
if selectedIndexes[0].column() == 1 and key_cell.text() == 'OWNER': |
672 |
items[0].owner = None |
673 |
elif selectedIndexes[0].column() == 1 and key_cell.text().find('CONN') is 0: |
675 |
if selectedIndexes[0].column() == 1 and key_cell.text().find('CONN') is 0: |
674 | 676 |
selectedUID = self.item(selectedIndexes[0].row(), 1).text() |
675 | 677 |
connNum = int(key_cell.text().replace('CONN', '')) |
676 | 678 |
items[0].connectors[connNum - 1].connectedItem = None |
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