


| 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID / DTI_PID / UI @ d8ad8a2c

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# 날짜 저자 설명
d8ad8a2c 2018/10/11 01:08 gaqhf

dev issue #646: 등록된 심볼 뷰 추가

283e9ac1 2018/10/09 20:23 gaqhf

Merge branch 'master' into #627

f24755f0 2018/10/05 03:45 gaqhf

dev issue #627: fix bug and add note list tab

a4707ffe 2018/10/04 21:51 백흠경

modified issue #663:
- 심볼, 텍스트, 라인을 사용자가 선택하여 선별적으로 인식할 수 있도록 한다

c202b695 2018/10/01 03:29 gaqhf

dev issue #646: add keypressevent and edit ui

100c12cd 2018/09/28 02:41 gaqhf

dev issue #646: dev Detect Symbol UI and Logic

7c8eb42b 2018/09/20 05:06 gaqhf

dev issue #646: add DetectSymbol UI

15263b66 2018/09/05 05:38 백흠경

fixed configuration dialog

af78741d 2018/08/30 13:15 humkyung

implementing issue #477:
- Connector 방향 설정

8eb07f00 2018/08/30 02:12 백흠경

fixed SymbolEditor UI

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