


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos / DTI_PID @ df72a464

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# 날짜 저자 설명
df72a464 2019/12/04 03:39 함의성

issue #663: fix opc

Change-Id: I6cbf0573483934426da696f7d019b8c26bcdcdf3

17f7084a 2019/12/04 03:36 함의성

issue #663: fix opc

Change-Id: Idb16df50868548157e013d2909b5a630961bf6b5

e115db8b 2019/12/04 03:34 함의성

issue #663: opc must contain text item testing

Change-Id: I40d70d2b75083bc7d99085ff397a13a1a5abd3c5

9c4fde10 2019/12/04 02:07 함의성

issue #492: fix from to opc item

Change-Id: I03908804c591c1247599dd4ab9f1826659d6150e

1f2d866f 2019/12/04 01:29 함의성

issue #901: fix text determine

Change-Id: I373024df4144645f2dc48b72c31ecbf6b96ce6ee

9817de32 2019/12/03 02:36 함의성

issue #49: add allowable mssql db and fix code table

Change-Id: I4704fc4c77a7eaffb02f5cf648f51ef325dd3f63

859d4c52 2019/12/03 01:14 함의성

issue #478: size text apply nominal table

Change-Id: I3e195457f4e3eb12ca01711b109a65c8c8d0622d

7c29f267 2019/12/03 00:22 함의성

issue #49: add nominal allowable and change allowable method

Change-Id: Ib7fc6000fb65e489a5ca477262a81a912dd99f3a

8a24877d 2019/12/02 23:01 함의성

issue #49: fix save table

Change-Id: I7f90de5879780ebd69a59ec9047567d8908dbd06

0de8c1ca 2019/12/02 20:27 함의성

issue #622: fix item tree init when load drawing

Change-Id: I4f4860a400883856dee873052235ad1abf1cf5a7

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