


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ e618acaf

이름 크기
.gitignore 4.38 KB
App.spec 1.36 KB
AppDatabase.py 2.22 KB
HYTOS.ico 133 KB
HYTOS.wxs 327 KB
HYTOS_html.template 7.7 KB
HYTOSx86.wxs 310 KB
Readme.txt 280 Bytes
SECL.bmp 83.9 KB
build.bat 662 Bytes
license.rtf 348 KB
license.txt 11.6 KB
package.bat 1.16 KB
packagex86.bat 1.18 KB
version.rc 1.37 KB

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
e618acaf 2020/01/02 05:23 백흠경

issue #1052: 스트림 라인 태그 배치 기능 업데이트

Change-Id: Ie76256bc4a5bf3653297058ee3d3e0b469134a39

8a40f6ee 2020/01/02 05:15 백흠경

issue #1052: 스트림 라인 태그 배치 기능 업데이트

Change-Id: I70d5b49e42e0e656af588810dc16e5124b906a6c

1eed6634 2020/01/02 01:50 김연진

issue #1048 : 화면/메뉴/툴바

Change-Id: I8fff7128aba5fb287130ea1d3837756a8e457597

3206f66d 2020/01/01 21:28 김연진

issue #1212 Mixed 방식 - Angle Dialog 삭제

Change-Id: I73d653d20febf91b4ee6ec6592e705e2942f60b9

f37cc1db 2019/12/30 20:28 백흠경

issue #1062: 입력 데이타 유효성 검사 로직 업데이트

Change-Id: I58bf775cfd7fcc7f3926194d147763910d586e1d

8c027560 2019/12/27 04:30 백흠경

issue #1047: add angle combobox for geometry data for mixed type

Change-Id: I3425660e76d2799de3f1c32de56c85172cfa1e7e

4d05041e 2019/12/27 04:28 백흠경

Merge "issue #1047: add angle combobox for geometry data for mixed type" into HYTOS

83edd964 2019/12/27 04:28 백흠경

Merge "Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID into HYTOS" into HYTOS

c6e5e375 2019/12/27 04:28 백흠경

Merge "issue #1048 : 화면/메뉴/툴바 개발" into HYTOS

d6192d76 2019/12/27 03:59 김연진

Merge branch 'HYTOS' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID into HYTOS

Change-Id: I333307dfc04a1eb54a0805b8133208c8d13eea05

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