


| 브랜치(Branch): | 개정판:

hytos @ e8de847f

이름 크기
.gitattributes 2.46 KB
.gitignore 4.46 KB
App.spec 1.86 KB
ID2 SPPID Converter User Manual.docx 2.42 MB
ID2 User Manual.docx 3.34 MB
ID2.ico 137 KB
ID2.wxs 477 KB
ID2_TRIAL.wxs 401 KB
ID2_html.template 8.41 KB
Readme.txt 280 Bytes
SPPIDConverter.wxs 27.3 KB
SPPIDConverter_TRIAL.wxs 25.6 KB
Symbol_List.xlsx 104 KB
build.bat 804 Bytes
license.rtf 47.8 KB
license.txt 13.4 KB
package.bat 2.25 KB
readme.html 1.16 KB
version.rc 1.36 KB

최근 개정판

# 날짜 저자 설명
e8de847f 2020/11/24 01:16 백흠경

issue #366: Pandas 패키지 포함

Change-Id: Ie9ee998b16d94aa3f99f46fb5b171e02e32d09fd

9c49a15e 2020/11/23 20:54 함의성

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID

Change-Id: I2b3f01c06a562d681b20549c01c202aa5e324863

cacb37e0 2020/11/23 20:54 함의성

issue #1489: hmb from to change

Change-Id: I0c2110e213ea6984f4dbb9ecd2ac0a463c2136e0

a0aeed20 2020/11/23 20:52 함의성

Merge "Merge branch 'master' of ssh://devdoftech.co.kr:29418/DTIPID"

17f9782a 2020/11/23 20:51 함의성

Merge "issue #1489: hmb from to change"

1fea31e1 2020/11/23 20:05 백흠경

issue #1461: UI 수정

Change-Id: I61fc4a324d8aef21d2b8fa6ab1ed14571ca53921

9cbe2c80 2020/11/23 19:02 백흠경

issue #1461: Pandas를 이용해 HMB 엑셀을 읽어오도록 수정(openpyxl의 경우 수식의 값을 읽어오지 못함)

Change-Id: Iebbf4fb4ab1b2f93bfdfb0064f0b4daa81babf6e

f3207ee3 2020/11/22 23:49 함의성

issue #000: add hmb tables not hmd attribute(remain) add manual

Change-Id: I6391dd991967adcc061a1cc2ece427ab484dff45

d1f15e8e 2020/11/22 23:46 함의성

Merge "issue #000: add hmb tables not hmd attribute(remain) add manual"

2f24cb3e 2020/11/22 23:46 함의성

Merge "issue #1465: line list"

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