개정판 ef8dfda1
issue #663: fix recognition image management
Change-Id: Ia047410e981cfdefebb946ddce8e771c12e82229
DTI_PID/DTI_PID/RecognitionDialog.py | ||
832 | 832 |
continue |
833 | 833 |
834 | 834 |
#cv2.imwrite('c:\\temp\\before-imgSrc.png', area.img) |
835 |
# save original image before remove symbol |
836 |
worker.copy_imgSrc = app_doc_data.imgSrc.copy() |
835 | 837 |
searchedTextSymList = [] |
836 | 838 |
for sym in searchedSymbolList: |
837 | 839 |
Worker.remove_detected_symbol_image(sym, app_doc_data.imgSrc) |
... | ... | |
1003 | 1005 |
worker.updateBatchProgress.emit(len(srcList), 2) |
1004 | 1006 |
1005 | 1007 |
# check symbol validate |
1006 |
valid_sym = [] |
1008 |
#valid_sym = []
1007 | 1009 |
for index in reversed(range(len(searchedTextSymList))): |
1008 | 1010 |
sym_xmin = searchedTextSymList[index].getSp()[0] |
1009 | 1011 |
sym_ymin = searchedTextSymList[index].getSp()[1] |
... | ... | |
1016 | 1018 |
if sym_xmin < info_center[0] < sym_xmax and info_center[1] > sym_ymin and \ |
1017 | 1019 |
info_center[1] < sym_ymax: |
1018 | 1020 |
valid += 1 |
1019 |
if valid >= valid_count: |
1020 |
valid_sym.append(searchedTextSymList[index]) |
1021 |
break |
1021 |
break |
1022 |
#if valid >= valid_count: |
1023 |
# valid_sym.append(searchedTextSymList[index]) |
1024 |
# break |
1022 | 1025 |
if valid < valid_count: |
1023 | 1026 |
searchedSymbolList.pop(searchedSymbolList.index(searchedTextSymList[index])) |
1024 | 1027 |
1025 |
pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=THREAD_MAX_WORKER) |
1026 |
for sym in valid_sym: |
1027 |
pool.submit(Worker.remove_detected_symbol_image, sym, app_doc_data.imgSrc) |
1028 |
pool.shutdown(wait=True) |
1028 |
# roll back because invalidated symbol was deleted for text detection |
1029 |
app_doc_data.imgSrc = worker.copy_imgSrc |
1030 |
1031 |
for sym in searchedSymbolList: |
1032 |
Worker.remove_detected_symbol_image(sym, app_doc_data.imgSrc) |
1033 |
#pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=THREAD_MAX_WORKER) |
1034 |
#for sym in valid_sym: |
1035 |
# pool.submit(Worker.remove_detected_symbol_image, sym, app_doc_data.imgSrc) |
1036 |
#pool.shutdown(wait=True) |
1029 | 1037 |
# up to here |
1030 | 1038 |
1031 | 1039 |
# remove text from image |
1032 |
textDetector.remove_text_from_image(app_doc_data.imgSrc, offset) |
1040 |
textDetector.remove_text_from_image(app_doc_data.imgSrc, [0, 0]) |
1041 |
#textDetector.remove_text_from_image(area.img, offset) |
1033 | 1042 |
if not worker.isTextChecked: |
1034 | 1043 |
textInfoList.clear() |
1035 | 1044 |
# up to here |
... | ... | |
1108 | 1117 |
# up to here |
1109 | 1118 |
1110 | 1119 |
listWidget.addItem('Connecting lines') |
1111 |
area = app_doc_data.getArea('Drawing') |
1112 |
detector = LineDetector(area.img)
1120 |
#area = app_doc_data.getArea('Drawing')
1121 |
detector = LineDetector(app_doc_data.imgSrc)
1113 | 1122 |
symbols = app_doc_data.symbols |
1114 | 1123 |
configs = app_doc_data.getConfigs('Line Detector', 'Length to connect line') |
1115 | 1124 |
toler = int(configs[0].value) if configs else 20 |
... | ... | |
1232 | 1241 |
connectedLines = [] |
1233 | 1242 |
1234 | 1243 |
area = app_doc_data.getArea('Drawing') |
1244 |
if area is not None: |
1245 |
area.img = app_doc_data.imgSrc[round(area.y + 1):round(area.y + area.height), |
1246 |
round(area.x + 1):round(area.x + area.width)] |
1235 | 1247 |
area.img = worker.remove_small_objects(area.img) |
1236 | 1248 |
detector = LineDetector(area.img) |
1237 | 1249 |
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