issue #660: revert *.wsx(use Telerik.WinControls.Themes.VisualStudio2013.dll)
Change-Id: I9d6dddc62251a48872a465e49059f047ae925660
issue #660: deploy SmartUpdate files to artifactory
Change-Id: I1836e680304873dc7b56170c703f01f975da1985
issue #1130: install .netframework 4.6.1 while installation
Change-Id: I1cd37653425dca18c8be88c617a62a078aa5d527
issue #000: potrace.exe Add
Change-Id: I97b1f0ca882426814b2f8fd202a72008d02b9111
issue #000: upload missing ODA files
Change-Id: I99427bf7fc4468bc135c5f7734a7db604d83a9e2
issue #934: save un-handled exception to database
Change-Id: I1f8836956ac96821089f0c085cba4a06adfcf667
fixed issue #000: "sgen.exe"이(가) 종료되었습니다.(코드: 1)
Change-Id: I2da199c958e3e80c6baa2612d18af5f19719a6a6
issue #000: upload PDFNet.dll to package folder
Change-Id: I1286a0ca7eb693a8ac2b6b2bdbea180a6d6b697d
issue #719: upload TD_Db_19.12_11.dll
Change-Id: I4fe9618e3cf07a975a0f2f6f9bdcb12ba45480b7
issue #719: upload MarkUsODAConvert.dll
Change-Id: I36222e2646d2c1f89c6a100b5598f737f352af93
issue #719: upload missing ODA files
issue #719: upload ODA related files
Change-Id: I8605b1da762c5bca544bf32be02f9d6621fc25df
issue #886: remove unnecessary dll files
Change-Id: I18167a8e4c91ec3e4579df80baaac84f5e265a34
issue #781 text search modify
telerik , itextsharp dll 참조 경로 수정any cpu build 에러시 재 참조
vc2012_redist_x64.exe is needed for Magack.NET
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