개정판 0157b158
서비스 분산 컨버팅으로 수정
Change-Id: I72462e711e0c9e22880af7a2dc34b7215d3ce971
ConvertService/ConverterService/ConverterStation/Remoting/ConverterService.cs | ||
601 | 601 |
using (DeepView_Entity _deepview = new DeepView_Entity(ConnectStringBuilder.DeepViewConnectionString().ToString())) |
602 | 602 |
{ |
603 | 603 |
_log.Write("_deepview in"); |
604 |
var _ConverterList = _deepview.CONVERTER_DOC.Where(converter |
605 |
=> (converter.STATUS != (int)IConverterPDF.ConverterStatus.Success |
604 |
var _ConverterList = _deepview.CONVERTER_DOC.Where(converter |
605 |
=> converter.PROJECT_NO != "130351" && |
606 |
(converter.STATUS != (int)IConverterPDF.ConverterStatus.Success |
606 | 607 |
&& converter.STATUS != (int)IConverterPDF.ConverterStatus.Error && converter.SERVICE_ID == null) |
607 | 608 |
|| (converter.STATUS == (int)IConverterPDF.ConverterStatus.Error && converter.RECONVERTER < 4)); |
608 | 609 |
ConvertService/ConverterService/ConverterStation/bin/Debug/DZConverterLib.dll.config | ||
32 | 32 |
<!--<add name="DeepViewEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/DataModel.ModelDeepView.csdl|res://*/DataModel.ModelDeepView.ssdl|res://*/DataModel.ModelDeepView.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=honeyhead.net;initial catalog=DeepView;persist security info=True;user id=hanei0415;password=thdrmsgh0415!;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />--> |
33 | 33 |
<add name="DeepViewEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/DataModel.DeepView_Entity.csdl|res://*/DataModel.DeepView_Entity.ssdl|res://*/DataModel.DeepView_Entity.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=cloud.devdoftech.co.kr,7777;initial catalog=markus;persist security info=True;user id=doftech;password=dof1073#;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /> |
34 | 34 |
</connectionStrings> |
35 |
<runtime> |
36 |
<legacyCorruptedStateExceptionsPolicy enabled = "true | false"/> |
37 |
</runtime> |
35 | 38 |
</configuration> |
ConvertService/ConverterService/ConverterStation/obj/Debug/ConverterStation.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
7088ad7402aeb3c56591dc81f65fb32a821f7360 |
1 |
b54040836b1170b863c3bc06a53ad1a05726d62b |
ConvertService/ConverterService/ConverterStation/obj/Debug/ConverterStation.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | ||
577 | 577 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Bytescout.PDFRenderer.dll |
578 | 578 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Bytescout.PDFRenderer.xml |
579 | 579 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\PDFNet.dll |
580 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\App.Config |
581 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.dll.config |
582 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\ConverterStation.exe.config |
583 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\ConverterStation.exe |
584 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\ConverterStation.pdb |
585 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\ConverterPDF.dll |
586 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.dll |
587 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.dll |
588 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\DZConverterLib.dll |
589 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\EntityFramework.dll |
590 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll |
591 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\ImageFields.dll |
592 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\PropertiesType.dll |
593 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\AssemblySettings.dll |
594 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Leadtools.dll |
595 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Leadtools.Codecs.dll |
596 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\EmailClient.dll |
597 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\itextsharp.dll |
598 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\PDFNet.dll |
599 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Bytescout.PDFRenderer.dll |
600 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.pdb |
601 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\PropertiesType.pdb |
602 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.pdb |
603 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\ConverterPDF.pdb |
604 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\ConverterPDF.dll.config |
605 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\ImageFields.pdb |
606 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\DZConverterLib.pdb |
607 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\DZConverterLib.dll.config |
608 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\EntityFramework.xml |
609 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\EntityFramework.SqlServer.xml |
610 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\AssemblySettings.pdb |
611 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Leadtools.xml |
612 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Leadtools.dll.config |
613 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Leadtools.Codecs.xml |
614 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\EmailClient.pdb |
615 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\itextsharp.xml |
616 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\bin\Debug\Bytescout.PDFRenderer.xml |
617 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\obj\Debug\ConverterStation.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
618 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\obj\Debug\ConverterStation.ConverterStation.resources |
619 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\obj\Debug\ConverterStation.ProjectInstaller.resources |
620 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\obj\Debug\ConverterStation.csproj.GenerateResource.cache |
621 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\obj\Debug\ConverterStation.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
622 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\obj\Debug\ConverterStation.csproj.CopyComplete |
623 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\obj\Debug\ConverterStation.exe |
624 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConverterStation\obj\Debug\ConverterStation.pdb |
ConvertService/ConverterService/ConvertionWebService/ConvertionWebService.csproj.user | ||
9 | 9 |
<IISExpressWindowsAuthentication /> |
10 | 10 |
<IISExpressUseClassicPipelineMode /> |
11 | 11 |
<UseGlobalApplicationHostFile /> |
12 |
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12 | 13 |
</PropertyGroup> |
13 | 14 |
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14 | 15 |
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1 |
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1 |
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ConvertService/ConverterService/DBAggrigater/AssemblySettings/obj/Debug/AssemblySettings.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
badcc8987b3160b01e0f757372bf5a79ec8a8e39 |
1 |
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ConvertService/ConverterService/DBAggrigater/AssemblySettings/obj/Debug/AssemblySettings.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | ||
224 | 224 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\obj\Debug\AssemblySettings.dll |
225 | 225 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\obj\Debug\AssemblySettings.pdb |
226 | 226 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\obj\Debug\AssemblySettings.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache |
227 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\bin\Debug\AssemblySettings.dll |
228 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\bin\Debug\AssemblySettings.pdb |
229 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\obj\Debug\AssemblySettings.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
230 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\obj\Debug\AssemblySettings.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
231 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\obj\Debug\AssemblySettings.dll |
232 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\AssemblySettings\obj\Debug\AssemblySettings.pdb |
ConvertService/ConverterService/DBAggrigater/DeepViewDataModel/obj/Debug/DeepViewDataModel.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
45fe0b081f29af05d26fff68e1974f01376f649b |
1 |
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450 | 450 |
C:\Users\강인구님\Downloads\장원이소스\KCOM 2018-04-17\MarkUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\obj\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
451 | 451 |
C:\Users\강인구님\Downloads\장원이소스\KCOM 2018-04-17\MarkUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\obj\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.dll |
452 | 452 |
C:\Users\강인구님\Downloads\장원이소스\KCOM 2018-04-17\MarkUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\obj\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.pdb |
453 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\App.Config |
454 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.dll.config |
455 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.dll |
456 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.pdb |
457 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\AssemblySettings.dll |
458 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\EntityFramework.dll |
459 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\AssemblySettings.pdb |
460 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\EntityFramework.xml |
461 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\bin\Debug\ko\EntityFramework.resources.dll |
462 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\obj\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
463 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\obj\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
464 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\obj\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.csproj.CopyComplete |
465 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\obj\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.dll |
466 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\DeepViewDataModel\obj\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.pdb |
ConvertService/ConverterService/DBAggrigater/PropertiesType/obj/Debug/PropertiesType.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
217e846000cc5f49d59bde09a391aa03a9e38d19 |
1 |
8f420ddaca9cf60eccec50aee8968840fef3168f |
ConvertService/ConverterService/DBAggrigater/PropertiesType/obj/Debug/PropertiesType.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | ||
118 | 118 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\PropertiesType\obj\Debug\PropertiesType.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
119 | 119 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\PropertiesType\obj\Debug\PropertiesType.dll |
120 | 120 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\PropertiesType\obj\Debug\PropertiesType.pdb |
121 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\PropertiesType\bin\Debug\PropertiesType.dll |
122 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\PropertiesType\bin\Debug\PropertiesType.pdb |
123 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\PropertiesType\obj\Debug\PropertiesType.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
124 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\PropertiesType\obj\Debug\PropertiesType.dll |
125 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DBAggrigater\PropertiesType\obj\Debug\PropertiesType.pdb |
ConvertService/ConverterService/DZConverterLib/obj/x64/Debug/DZConverterLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
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1 |
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129 | 129 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\obj\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
130 | 130 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\obj\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.dll |
131 | 131 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\obj\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.pdb |
132 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\App.Config |
133 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.dll.config |
134 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.dll.config |
135 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.dll |
136 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.pdb |
137 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\ConverterPDF.dll |
138 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.dll |
139 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.dll |
140 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\EmailClient.dll |
141 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\Ghostscript.NET.dll |
142 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\ImageFields.dll |
143 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\itextsharp.dll |
144 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\OOP.dll |
145 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\PropertiesType.dll |
146 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\XsPDF.dll |
147 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\AssemblySettings.dll |
148 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Utilities.dll |
149 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\DeepViewDataModel.pdb |
150 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\PropertiesType.pdb |
151 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.pdb |
152 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\EmailClient.pdb |
153 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\ConverterPDF.pdb |
154 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\ConverterPDF.dll.config |
155 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\ImageFields.pdb |
156 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\OOP.pdb |
157 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\Bytescout.PDFRenderer.xml |
158 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\Ghostscript.NET.xml |
159 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\itextsharp.xml |
160 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.xml |
161 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.dll.config |
162 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.Codecs.xml |
163 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.xml |
164 |
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165 |
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166 |
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167 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\obj\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
168 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\obj\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
169 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\obj\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.csproj.CopyComplete |
170 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DZConverterLib\obj\x64\Debug\DZConverterLib.dll |
171 |
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1 |
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1 |
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163 | 163 |
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164 | 164 |
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165 | 165 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator\obj\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.pdb |
166 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator\bin\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.dll |
167 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator\bin\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.pdb |
168 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator\obj\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
169 |
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170 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator\obj\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.dll |
171 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator\obj\Debug\DeepView.Toolkit.GuidGenerator.pdb |
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1 |
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1 |
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89 | 89 |
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90 | 90 |
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91 | 91 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\EmailClient\obj\Debug\EmailClient.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache |
92 |
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93 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\EmailClient\bin\Debug\EmailClient.pdb |
94 |
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95 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\EmailClient\obj\Debug\EmailClient.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
96 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\EmailClient\obj\Debug\EmailClient.dll |
97 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\EmailClient\obj\Debug\EmailClient.pdb |
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1 |
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1 |
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97 | 97 |
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98 | 98 |
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99 | 99 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\IConverterPDF\obj\Debug\ConverterPDF.pdb |
100 |
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101 |
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102 |
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103 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\IConverterPDF\obj\Debug\IConverterPDF.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
104 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\IConverterPDF\obj\Debug\IConverterPDF.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
105 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\IConverterPDF\obj\Debug\ConverterPDF.dll |
106 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\IConverterPDF\obj\Debug\ConverterPDF.pdb |
ConvertService/ConverterService/ImageFields/obj/Debug/ImageFields.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
8d9562761991daf5a6150b60694ca221b9446102 |
1 |
975a9fc19a7d2ef5f72236bf1fd3b9b7440f8f26 |
ConvertService/ConverterService/ImageFields/obj/Debug/ImageFields.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | ||
44 | 44 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\ImageFields\obj\Debug\ImageFields.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
45 | 45 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\ImageFields\obj\Debug\ImageFields.dll |
46 | 46 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\ImageFields\obj\Debug\ImageFields.pdb |
47 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ImageFields\bin\Debug\ImageFields.dll |
48 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ImageFields\bin\Debug\ImageFields.pdb |
49 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ImageFields\obj\Debug\ImageFields.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
50 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ImageFields\obj\Debug\ImageFields.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
51 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ImageFields\obj\Debug\ImageFields.dll |
52 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ImageFields\obj\Debug\ImageFields.pdb |
ConvertService/ConverterService/Main/PDFConverter/.vs/config/applicationhost.config | ||
162 | 162 |
</site> |
163 | 163 |
<site name="ConvertionWebService" id="2"> |
164 | 164 |
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165 |
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165 |
<virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\ConvertionWebService" />
166 | 166 |
</application> |
167 | 167 |
<bindings> |
168 | 168 |
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:5295:localhost" /> |
ConvertService/ConverterService/Main/PDFConverter/ConverterStation_Client/obj/Debug/ConverterStation_Client.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
56432db5c5ec9855b99795c0bb71b985e98c838d |
1 |
a4f1f6fe15635a10dc96ff58748dad486b0cc6b3 |
ConvertService/ConverterService/Main/PDFConverter/ConverterStation_Console/obj/Debug/ConverterStation_Console.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
3119d0f276207baa35df298917b87dad95bed0a6 |
1 |
59512c4190873bf153fd929b066b376276bacb72 |
ConvertService/ConverterService/Main/PDFConverter/Email_Test/obj/Debug/Email_Test.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
8d02af8dbfb87e705674659408476487999d4db3 |
1 |
49d543330133b21c59b64c26db582e35f6fc497f |
ConvertService/ConverterService/Main/PDFConverter/OOP/obj/x64/Debug/OOP.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
2402f55254671838eed6b8b74a553224f8e99db5 |
1 |
b61901845f0e9db3f24ae82ee4ed60e9030e68a8 |
ConvertService/ConverterService/Main/PDFConverter/OOP/obj/x64/Debug/OOP.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | ||
75 | 75 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\obj\x64\Debug\OOP.dll |
76 | 76 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\obj\x64\Debug\OOP.pdb |
77 | 77 |
D:\Project_By_Kang\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\obj\x64\Debug\OOP.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache |
78 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\OOP.dll |
79 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\OOP.pdb |
80 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Utilities.dll |
81 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.Codecs.Fax.dll |
82 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.ColorConversion.dll |
83 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.Drawing.dll |
84 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.xml |
85 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.dll.config |
86 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.Codecs.xml |
87 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.xml |
88 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.xml |
89 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.xml |
90 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.Pdf.xml |
91 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.ColorConversion.xml |
92 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\bin\x64\Debug\Leadtools.Drawing.xml |
93 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\obj\x64\Debug\OOP.csprojAssemblyReference.cache |
94 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\obj\x64\Debug\OOP.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache |
95 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\obj\x64\Debug\OOP.csproj.CopyComplete |
96 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\obj\x64\Debug\OOP.dll |
97 |
D:\Source\Repos\MARKUS\ConvertService\ConverterService\Main\PDFConverter\OOP\obj\x64\Debug\OOP.pdb |
ConvertService/ConverterService/Main/PDFConverter/TEST/obj/x64/Debug/TEST.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache | ||
1 |
aef5e5cef4d379b7ad8d7192fb749b29251ae34b |
1 |
8388d927418cf2bdbb82619ae32a3a75da9d7066 |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.ConvertProcess/Markus.Service.ConvertProcess.csproj | ||
132 | 132 |
</ItemGroup> |
133 | 133 |
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134 | 134 |
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135 |
<PreBuildEvent>REM xcopy /y /d "$(SolutionDir)libpthread\$(PlatformName)\libpthread.dll" "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)"</PreBuildEvent>
135 |
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136 | 136 |
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137 | 137 |
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138 |
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138 |
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139 | 139 |
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140 | 140 |
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141 | 141 |
<PropertyGroup> |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.DataBase/ConvertDatabase.cs | ||
234 | 234 |
/// <param name="aliveItems"></param> |
235 | 235 |
/// <param name="TakeCount"></param> |
236 | 236 |
/// <returns></returns> |
237 |
public List<Interface.ConvertItem> GetWaitConvertItems(List<string> projectList, IEnumerable<Interface.ConvertItem> aliveItems, int TakeCount)
237 |
public List<CONVERTER_DOC> GetWaitConvertItems(List<string> projectList, int TakeCount)
238 | 238 |
{ |
239 |
List<Interface.ConvertItem> convertItems = new List<Interface.ConvertItem>(); |
240 |
241 |
var aliveItemList = aliveItems.Select(x => x.ProjectNumber + x.UniqueKey).ToList(); |
242 |
243 | 239 |
var convertWaitingItems = entities.CONVERTER_DOC.OrderBy(x => x.CREATE_DATETIME).Where( |
244 | 240 |
x => |
245 | 241 |
projectList.Contains(x.PROJECT_NO) && |
246 |
(x.STATUS == (int)StatusCodeType.None || (x.STATUS == (int)StatusCodeType.Error && x.RECONVERTER < 2))); |
247 |
248 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(convertWaitingItems.Count()); |
249 |
250 |
var noneAliveItems = convertWaitingItems.Where(x => |
251 |
!aliveItemList.Contains(x.PROJECT_NO + x.DOCUMENT_ID)); |
252 |
253 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(noneAliveItems.Count()); |
254 |
255 |
var items = noneAliveItems.GroupBy(f => f.DOCUMENT_ID).Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault()).Take(TakeCount).ToList(); |
256 |
257 |
if (items.Count() > 0) |
258 |
{ |
259 |
foreach (var convertItem in items) |
260 |
{ |
261 |
// 다시 컨버터 하는 경우 |
262 |
if (convertItem.STATUS == (int)StatusCodeType.Error) |
263 |
{ |
264 |
convertItem.RECONVERTER = convertItem.RECONVERTER + 1; |
265 |
266 |
} |
242 |
(x.STATUS == (int)StatusCodeType.None || |
243 |
x.STATUS == (int)StatusCodeType.Error && x.RECONVERTER < 2)).Take(TakeCount); |
267 | 244 |
268 |
// 프로세스 실행전 시작시간 추가 |
269 |
convertItem.STATUS = (int)StatusCodeType.Wait; |
270 |
convertItem.START_DATETIME = DateTime.Now; |
271 |
272 |
entities.SaveChanges(); |
273 |
274 |
var convertitem = new Interface.ConvertItem(convertItem.DOCUMENT_ID, convertItem.PROJECT_NO, convertItem.ID, convertItem.DOCUMENT_URL); |
275 |
convertitem.ConvertPath = GetConvertPath(convertItem.PROJECT_NO,convertItem.DOCUMENT_ID); |
245 |
return convertWaitingItems.ToList(); |
246 |
} |
276 | 247 |
277 |
convertItems.Add(convertitem); |
278 |
} |
279 |
} |
248 |
public List<CONVERTER_DOC> GetConvertingItems(List<string> projectList) |
249 |
{ |
250 |
var convertWaitingItems = entities.CONVERTER_DOC.OrderBy(x => x.CREATE_DATETIME).Where( |
251 |
x => |
252 |
projectList.Contains(x.PROJECT_NO) && |
253 |
(x.STATUS > (int)StatusCodeType.None && x.STATUS < (int)StatusCodeType.Completed)); |
280 | 254 |
281 |
return convertItems;
255 |
return convertWaitingItems.ToList();
282 | 256 |
} |
283 | 257 |
284 | 258 |
private string GetConvertPath(string ProjectNo,string DocumentID) |
... | ... | |
301 | 275 |
/// <param name="aliveItems"></param> |
302 | 276 |
/// <param name="TakeCount"></param> |
303 | 277 |
/// <returns></returns> |
304 |
public int SetCleanUpItems(List<string> ProjectList)
278 |
public int SetCleanUpItem(string convertID)
305 | 279 |
{ |
306 | 280 |
int result = 0; |
307 | 281 |
308 |
var items = entities.CONVERTER_DOC.Where( |
309 |
x => |
310 |
ProjectList.Contains(x.PROJECT_NO) && |
311 |
x.STATUS > (int)StatusCodeType.None && x.STATUS < (int)StatusCodeType.Completed |
312 |
|| (x.STATUS > (int)StatusCodeType.Error || x.STATUS > (int)StatusCodeType.FileError) && x.RECONVERTER < 2); |
282 |
var items = entities.CONVERTER_DOC.Where(x=> x.ID == convertID); |
313 | 283 |
314 | 284 |
result = items.Count(); |
315 | 285 |
316 | 286 |
if (items.Count() > 0) |
317 | 287 |
{ |
318 |
foreach (var item in items) |
319 |
{ |
320 |
321 |
item.CREATE_DATETIME = DateTime.Now; |
322 |
item.START_DATETIME = null; |
323 |
item.END_DATETIME = null; |
324 |
item.STATUS = (int)StatusCodeType.None; |
325 |
} |
288 |
var item = items.First(); |
289 |
290 |
291 |
item.CREATE_DATETIME = DateTime.Now; |
292 |
item.START_DATETIME = null; |
293 |
item.END_DATETIME = null; |
294 |
item.STATUS = (int)StatusCodeType.None; |
326 | 295 |
327 |
entities.SaveChanges(); |
296 |
result = entities.SaveChanges();
328 | 297 |
} |
329 | 298 |
330 | 299 |
return result; |
... | ... | |
359 | 328 |
return convertItems; |
360 | 329 |
} |
361 | 330 |
331 |
/// <summary> |
332 |
/// 현재 서비스에서 컨버터중인 아이템. |
333 |
/// </summary> |
334 |
/// <returns></returns> |
335 |
public List<Interface.ConvertItem> GetServiceAliveItems(string ServiceID) |
336 |
{ |
337 |
List<Interface.ConvertItem> convertItems = new List<Interface.ConvertItem>(); |
338 |
339 |
var items = entities.CONVERTER_DOC.Where(x => x.SERVICE_ID == ServiceID && x.STATUS > (int)StatusCodeType.None && x.STATUS < (int)StatusCodeType.Completed).ToList(); //.Where(x => x.PROJECT_NO == gProjectNo); |
340 |
341 |
if (items.Count() > 0) |
342 |
{ |
343 |
foreach (var item in items) |
344 |
{ |
345 |
var convertitem = new Interface.ConvertItem(item.DOCUMENT_ID, item.PROJECT_NO, item.ID, item.DOCUMENT_URL); |
346 |
convertItems.Add(convertitem); |
347 |
} |
348 |
} |
349 |
return convertItems; |
350 |
} |
351 |
352 |
public SERVICE_PROPERTIES GetServiceProperties(string ServiceID) |
353 |
{ |
354 |
SERVICE_PROPERTIES result = null; |
355 |
356 |
var items = entities.SERVICE_PROPERTIES.Where(x => x.ID == ServiceID); |
357 |
358 |
if(items.Count() > 0) |
359 |
{ |
360 |
result = items.First(); |
361 |
} |
362 |
363 |
return result; |
364 |
} |
362 | 365 |
363 |
public bool SetConvertState(string UniqueID,int State,int CurrentPage,int TotalPage,string Error) |
366 |
public bool SetConvertState(string ServiceID, string UniqueID,int State,int CurrentPage,int TotalPage,string Error)
364 | 367 |
{ |
365 | 368 |
bool result = false; |
366 | 369 |
... | ... | |
371 | 374 |
372 | 375 |
if (items != null) |
373 | 376 |
{ |
377 |
items.SERVICE_ID = ServiceID; |
374 | 378 |
items.STATUS = State; |
375 | 379 |
items.CURRENT_PAGE = CurrentPage; |
376 | 380 |
items.TOTAL_PAGE = TotalPage; |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Extensions/Exntensions/CollectionExtensions.cs | ||
1 |
using System; |
2 |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
3 |
using System.Linq; |
4 |
using System.Linq.Expressions; |
5 |
using System.Text; |
6 |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
7 |
8 |
namespace Markus.Service.Extensions |
9 |
{ |
10 |
public static class CollectionExtensions |
11 |
{ |
12 |
public static void Update<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,IList<T> Target) |
13 |
{ |
14 |
15 |
} |
16 |
} |
17 |
} |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Extensions/Markus.Service.Extensions.csproj | ||
65 | 65 |
<Reference Include="System.Xml" /> |
66 | 66 |
</ItemGroup> |
67 | 67 |
<ItemGroup> |
68 |
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68 | 69 |
<Compile Include="Helper\Compress.cs" /> |
69 | 70 |
<Compile Include="Helper\MathBytes.cs" /> |
70 | 71 |
<Compile Include="Helper\ObjectToBytesStringConvert.cs" /> |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/App.config | ||
26 | 26 |
<provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" /> |
27 | 27 |
</providers> |
28 | 28 |
</entityFramework> |
29 |
<system.serviceModel> |
30 |
<bindings /> |
31 |
<client /> |
32 |
</system.serviceModel> |
29 | 33 |
</configuration> |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/ApplicationDefine.cs | ||
10 | 10 |
{ |
11 | 11 |
12 | 12 |
public const string SERVICE = "SERVICE"; |
13 |
public const string IS_WATCH = "IS_WATCH"; |
14 |
public const string SERVICE_ID = "SERVICE_ID"; |
15 |
public const string SERVICE_LIST = "SERVICE_LIST"; |
16 |
13 | 17 |
14 | 18 |
public const string CREATE_WINDOW = "WINDOW"; |
15 | 19 |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/Markus.Service.Station.csproj | ||
143 | 143 |
<Compile Include="StationService\ServiceStationWCF.cs"> |
144 | 144 |
<SubType>Component</SubType> |
145 | 145 |
</Compile> |
146 |
<Compile Include="SubStationServiceItem.cs" /> |
146 | 147 |
</ItemGroup> |
147 | 148 |
<ItemGroup> |
148 | 149 |
<Content Include="Log.config"> |
... | ... | |
158 | 159 |
<Content Include="ServiceStation.ini"> |
159 | 160 |
<CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory> |
160 | 161 |
</Content> |
162 |
<None Include="Properties\DataSources\Markus.Service.IWcfService.Item.datasource" /> |
161 | 163 |
</ItemGroup> |
162 | 164 |
<ItemGroup> |
163 | 165 |
<EmbeddedResource Include="ProjectInstaller.resx"> |
... | ... | |
204 | 206 |
<Install>false</Install> |
205 | 207 |
</BootstrapperPackage> |
206 | 208 |
</ItemGroup> |
209 |
<ItemGroup> |
210 |
<WCFMetadata Include="Connected Services\" /> |
211 |
</ItemGroup> |
207 | 212 |
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" /> |
208 | 213 |
<PropertyGroup> |
209 | 214 |
<PreBuildEvent> |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/Properties/DataSources/Markus.Service.IWcfService.Item.datasource | ||
1 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 |
<!-- |
3 |
This file is automatically generated by Visual Studio .Net. It is |
4 |
used to store generic object data source configuration information. |
5 |
Renaming the file extension or editing the content of this file may |
6 |
cause the file to be unrecognizable by the program. |
7 |
--> |
8 |
<GenericObjectDataSource DisplayName="Item" Version="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdatasource"> |
9 |
<TypeInfo>Markus.Service.IWcfService.Item, Markus.Service.IWcfService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null</TypeInfo> |
10 |
</GenericObjectDataSource> |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/ServiceStation.cs | ||
28 | 28 |
protected ServiceHost gWcfServiceHost; |
29 | 29 |
30 | 30 |
private int MultiProcessCount = 1; |
31 |
private string ServiceID; |
32 |
private List<SubStationServiceItem> StationServiceList; |
33 |
private List<string> StationServiceIDList; |
34 |
35 |
private bool IsWatch; |
31 | 36 |
32 | 37 |
private Uri gServiceHostAddress; |
33 | 38 |
... | ... | |
76 | 81 |
77 | 82 |
if (config != null) |
78 | 83 |
{ |
84 |
85 |
MarkusDBConnectionString = AESEncrypter.Decrypt(config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.MARKUS_CONNECTION_STRING)); |
86 |
87 |
ServiceID = config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE_ID, Guid.Empty.ToString()); |
88 |
89 |
var servicetList = config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE_LIST, ""); |
90 |
91 |
if (!servicetList.IsNullOrEmpty()) |
92 |
{ |
93 |
StationServiceIDList = servicetList.Split(',').ToList(); |
94 |
} |
95 |
96 |
IsWatch = System.Convert.ToBoolean(config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.IS_WATCH, "false")); |
97 |
98 |
79 | 99 |
MultiProcessCount = System.Convert.ToInt16(config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.CONVERT_SERVICE_PROCESS,"5")); |
80 | 100 |
81 | 101 |
CreateProcessWindow = System.Convert.ToBoolean(config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.CREATE_WINDOW, "false")); |
... | ... | |
91 | 111 |
92 | 112 |
UseResolution = System.Convert.ToInt16(config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.USE_RESOLUTION, "0")); |
93 | 113 |
94 |
var workingMemory = System.Convert.ToDouble(config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.USE_RESOLUTION, "1.5"));
114 |
var workingMemory = System.Convert.ToDouble(config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.RELEASE_WORK_MEMORY, "1.5"));
95 | 115 |
96 | 116 |
ReleaseWorkMemory = MathBytes.Bytes(workingMemory, DataSizeType.GB); |
97 | 117 |
98 |
99 |
MarkusDBConnectionString = AESEncrypter.Decrypt(config.GetValue(CONFIG_DEFINE.SERVICE, CONFIG_DEFINE.MARKUS_CONNECTION_STRING)); |
100 |
101 | 118 |
102 | 119 |
103 | 120 |
if(!projectList.IsNullOrEmpty()) |
... | ... | |
138 | 155 |
{ |
139 | 156 |
timer.Stop(); |
140 | 157 |
141 |
var process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Markus.Service.ConvertProcess"); |
158 |
//var process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Markus.Service.ConvertProcess");
142 | 159 |
143 |
for (int i = 0; i < process.Count(); i++) |
160 |
//for (int i = 0; i < process.Count(); i++) |
161 |
//{ |
162 |
// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Command [{i}]: " , string.Join(" ", process[i].Arguments().CommandLine)); |
163 |
//} |
164 |
165 |
//for (int i = 0; i < ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue.Count; i++) |
166 |
//{ |
167 |
// System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"AliveConvertItems [{i}]: ", ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue[i].ConvertID); |
168 |
//} |
169 |
try |
144 | 170 |
{ |
145 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Command [{i}]: " , string.Join(" ", process[i].Arguments().CommandLine)); |
171 |
CleanUpItems(); |
172 |
setDataBaseWaitingList(); |
146 | 173 |
} |
147 |
148 |
for (int i = 0; i < ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue.Count; i++) |
174 |
catch (Exception ex) |
149 | 175 |
{ |
150 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"AliveConvertItems [{i}]: ", ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue[i].ConvertID);
176 |
logger.Error("get Wating Item error", ex);
151 | 177 |
} |
152 | 178 |
153 |
179 |
154 | 180 |
timer.Start(); |
155 | 181 |
} |
156 | 182 |
... | ... | |
248 | 274 |
gServiceHostAddress = gWcfServiceHost.BaseAddresses.First(); |
249 | 275 |
} |
250 | 276 |
277 |
// 각 서비스에 컨버터 아이템을 보내기 위한 서비스 초기화 |
278 |
if (IsWatch) |
279 |
{ |
280 |
SetServiceList(this.StationServiceIDList); |
281 |
} |
282 |
251 | 283 |
logger.Info($"StartWcfService {gServiceHostAddress}"); |
252 | 284 |
} |
253 | 285 |
catch (Exception e) |
... | ... | |
255 | 287 |
throw new Exception("start Wcf Service Error. ", e); |
256 | 288 |
} |
257 | 289 |
258 |
try |
259 |
{ |
260 |
// Status가 4이하인 Convert Item을 다시 Convert 함. |
261 |
setDataBaseWaitingList(); |
262 |
logger.Info("setDataBaseWaitingList"); |
263 |
} |
264 |
catch (Exception e) |
265 |
{ |
266 |
throw new Exception("Database Waiting List Error . ", e); |
267 |
} |
290 |
291 |
292 |
// // Status가 4이하인 Convert Item을 다시 Convert 함.
293 |
// setDataBaseWaitingList();
294 |
// logger.Info("setDataBaseWaitingList");
295 |
296 |
//catch (Exception e)
297 |
298 |
// throw new Exception("Database Waiting List Error . ", e);
299 |
268 | 300 |
269 | 301 |
270 | 302 |
logger.Info("Start ServiceStation"); |
271 |
//timer = new System.Timers.Timer(10000); |
272 |
//timer.Elapsed += Timer_Elapsed; |
273 |
//timer.AutoReset = true; |
274 |
//timer.Start(); |
303 |
304 |
if (IsWatch) |
305 |
{ |
306 |
logger.Info("ServiceStation Wacth Convert Items"); |
307 |
308 |
timer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); |
309 |
timer.Elapsed += Timer_Elapsed; |
310 |
timer.AutoReset = true; |
311 |
timer.Start(); |
312 |
} |
275 | 313 |
276 | 314 |
return true; |
277 | 315 |
} |
278 | 316 |
317 |
public void SetServiceList(List<string> serviceList) |
318 |
{ |
319 |
StationServiceList = new List<SubStationServiceItem>(); |
320 |
321 |
using (DataBase.ConvertDatabase database = new DataBase.ConvertDatabase(MarkusDBConnectionString)) |
322 |
{ |
323 |
foreach (var item in serviceList) |
324 |
{ |
325 |
try |
326 |
{ |
327 |
var prop = database.GetServiceProperties(item); |
328 |
329 |
if (prop != null) |
330 |
{ |
331 |
BasicHttpBinding myBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(); |
332 |
EndpointAddress myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(UriHelper.UriCreate(prop.SERVICE_ADDRESS)); |
333 |
var StationServiceClient = new StationService.StationServiceClient(myBinding, myEndpoint); |
334 |
335 |
336 |
//var items = StationServiceClient.AliveConvertList(); |
337 |
338 |
StationServiceList.Add(new SubStationServiceItem |
339 |
{ |
340 |
Properties = prop, |
341 |
Service = StationServiceClient |
342 |
}); |
343 |
} |
344 |
345 |
} |
346 |
catch (Exception ex) |
347 |
{ |
348 |
logger.Error($"Service Properties Error ID : { item }"); |
349 |
} |
350 |
} |
351 |
} |
352 |
} |
279 | 353 |
280 | 354 |
protected override void OnStop() |
281 | 355 |
{ |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/ServiceStation.ini | ||
1 | 1 |
2 |
2 |
3 | 3 |
WINDOW = true |
4 |
IS_WATCH = true |
5 |
SERVICE_ID = 03A98B3B-ECCD-4972-B658-43C7571965DA |
6 |
7 |
# 구분자는 , |
8 |
SERVICE_LIST = 03A98B3B-ECCD-4972-B658-43C7571965DA |
4 | 9 |
#MarkusDataBaseConnectionString = data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=Markus;persist security info=True;user id=ConvertService;Password=ConvertService;MultipleActiveResultSets=True; |
5 | 10 |
#MarkusDataBaseConnectionString = data source=DESKTOP-MARKUS;initial catalog=Markus_V3;persist security info=True;user id=doftech;Password=dof1073#;MultipleActiveResultSets=True; |
6 | 11 |
7 | 12 |
# local test |
8 | 13 |
#MarkusDataBaseConnectionString = AkxeK6rlR/pvDogtyJST7sHEFe9zDPwVf8W7ulsvVrFnqBcpEKFhacEE4OpBvuJYrkkubP91v40LyQ6mReCd3pXhTAPs5gL4W6eRhG6GszFyxlv0fncEZ+aacRQNNIzTlQCenZdTJdt2ylaRyCRYXb9HZCIeZKcuDef2pn1ny3dp90lB2vv15bn5UIaqIZA8bLSbBTXt8Ft4Xttl4In5Ow== |
9 | 14 |
10 |
# remote test |
15 |
# remote test MARKUS |
16 |
#MarkusDataBaseConnectionString = YNP/egPgsKY5wO/j9T7VgkiSClJH7p9hANqnTbQFNYaOnS1f9eeZS5UzPwsGuI3sy8IS1sJxP4YmPOmv6hnMKUwCZJkjW6ypzHVlGlP3UDDq2i+rz1LKVYIEXpcFMVKUOBMjxQouZ6h/Svf5ohlw3pG4DLKFk7HxUwYot19soGo6wXOTmO722OsWPsVuUbo1 |
17 |
18 |
# remote test MARKUS_V3 |
11 | 19 |
MarkusDataBaseConnectionString = YNP/egPgsKY5wO/j9T7VgkiSClJH7p9hANqnTbQFNYaOnS1f9eeZS5UzPwsGuI3syNfjUnBbiLk37BjsNNWzZevN8Jbd9EzwE9l5g8upXhNqX9eF2brizRZ4ud+GK/35HvqSjvIaz5ggszA3dHT2b+r9279mJXo42QzRBNbUcBgnl2njNNSB7EfckQ5Hwd7eatvWuf3ESIUv4KTqGU5V6A== |
12 | 20 |
13 | 21 |
DownloadTempFolder = D:\CONVERT_SERVICE_TEMP |
14 |
22 |
15 | 23 |
16 | 24 |
# MIN_FONT_SIZE = -1 인 경우 기본 Resolution 100으로 사용 |
17 | 25 |
# 페이지에 설정된 폰트 이하의 문자가 있는 경우 Resolution 200으로 변환 |
... | ... | |
27 | 35 |
28 | 36 |
29 | 37 |
# Convert Process의 최대 메모리(GB) |
30 |
38 |
31 | 39 |
32 | 40 |
# 구분자는 콤마 |
33 |
FITER_PROCECT = 110000,00000,111111 |
41 |
FITER_PROCECT = 110000,000000,111111
34 | 42 |
35 | 43 |
36 | 44 |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/StationService/ServiceStationTask.cs | ||
121 | 121 |
122 | 122 |
return result; |
123 | 123 |
} |
124 |
124 |
125 | 125 |
/// <summary> |
126 | 126 |
/// DB에 있는 대기중인 Item을 가져온다. |
127 | 127 |
/// </summary> |
128 | 128 |
public void setDataBaseWaitingList() |
129 | 129 |
{ |
130 |
if (ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue.Count() == 0)
130 |
using (DataBase.ConvertDatabase database = new DataBase.ConvertDatabase(MarkusDBConnectionString))
131 | 131 |
{ |
132 |
/// 트랜젝션문제로 각각 선언하여 호출한다. |
133 |
using (DataBase.ConvertDatabase database = new DataBase.ConvertDatabase(MarkusDBConnectionString)) |
132 |
var convertItems = database.GetWaitConvertItems(this.RunProjectList, StationServiceList.Sum(f=>f.Properties.PROCESS_COUNT)); |
133 |
134 |
foreach (var convert in convertItems) |
134 | 135 |
{ |
135 |
database.SetCleanUpItems(RunProjectList); |
136 |
if (convert.STATUS > (int)StatusCodeType.None) |
137 |
{ |
138 |
database.SetCleanUpItem(convert.ID); |
139 |
} |
140 |
141 |
PassConvertItem(convert.PROJECT_NO, convert.ID); |
136 | 142 |
} |
137 | 143 |
} |
144 |
} |
138 | 145 |
146 |
private void PassConvertItem(string ProjectNo,string ConvertID) |
147 |
{ |
148 |
foreach (var item in StationServiceList) |
149 |
{ |
150 |
try |
151 |
{ |
152 |
var aliveItems = item.Service.AliveConvertList(); |
153 |
154 |
if (item.Properties.PROCESS_COUNT > aliveItems.Count()) |
155 |
{ |
156 |
157 |
item.Service.ConvertAdd(ProjectNo, ConvertID); |
158 |
159 |
logger.Info($"PassConvertItem - Service ID : {item.Properties.ID} ConvertID : {ConvertID}"); |
160 |
} |
161 |
} |
162 |
catch (Exception ex) |
163 |
{ |
164 |
logger.Error($"PassConvertItem - Service ID : {item.Properties.ID} ConvertID : {ConvertID}",ex); |
165 |
} |
166 |
} |
167 |
} |
168 |
169 |
private void CleanUpItems() |
170 |
{ |
139 | 171 |
using (DataBase.ConvertDatabase database = new DataBase.ConvertDatabase(MarkusDBConnectionString)) |
140 | 172 |
{ |
141 |
var _items = database.GetWaitConvertItems(RunProjectList,ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue, MultiProcessCount - ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue.Count());
173 |
var items = database.GetConvertingItems(RunProjectList);
142 | 174 |
143 |
if (_items.Count() > 0) |
175 |
List<StationService.ConvertItem> aliveItems = new List<StationService.ConvertItem>(); |
176 |
177 |
foreach (var item in StationServiceList) |
144 | 178 |
{ |
145 |
foreach (var item in _items) |
179 |
try |
180 |
{ |
181 |
aliveItems.AddRange(item.Service.AliveConvertList()); |
182 |
} |
183 |
catch (Exception) |
146 | 184 |
{ |
147 |
ConvertProcessStart(item); |
148 | 185 |
} |
149 | 186 |
} |
150 |
else |
187 |
188 |
foreach (var item in items) |
151 | 189 |
{ |
152 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(""); |
190 |
if(aliveItems.Count(x=>x.ConvertID == item.ID) == 0) |
191 |
{ |
192 |
database.SetCleanUpItem(item.ID); |
193 |
} |
153 | 194 |
} |
154 | 195 |
} |
155 | 196 |
} |
156 | 197 |
198 |
157 | 199 |
public void Stopprocess() |
158 | 200 |
{ |
159 | 201 |
var process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Markus.Service.ConvertProcess"); |
... | ... | |
212 | 254 |
213 | 255 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue.Count() : " + ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue.Count()); |
214 | 256 |
215 |
if (ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue.Count() < MultiProcessCount) |
216 |
{ |
217 |
setDataBaseWaitingList(); |
218 |
} |
257 |
//if (ServiceStation.AliveConvertQueue.Count() < MultiProcessCount)
258 |
259 |
// setDataBaseWaitingList();
260 |
219 | 261 |
} |
220 | 262 |
catch (Exception ex) |
221 | 263 |
{ |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/StationService/ServiceStationWCF.cs | ||
157 | 157 |
} |
158 | 158 |
else |
159 | 159 |
{ |
160 |
logger.Info($"ConvertAdd ConvertProcess Wait Document ID ProjectNo:{ProjectNo} convertID:{convertID} ");
160 |
PassConvertItem(ProjectNo, convertID);
161 | 161 |
result = true.ToString(); |
162 | 162 |
} |
163 | 163 |
} |
... | ... | |
203 | 203 |
{ |
204 | 204 |
using (Markus.Service.DataBase.ConvertDatabase database = new Markus.Service.DataBase.ConvertDatabase(MarkusDBConnectionString)) |
205 | 205 |
{ |
206 |
if (!database.SetConvertState(ConvertID, status, CurrentPage, TotalPage, Error)) |
206 |
if (!database.SetConvertState(this.ServiceID, ConvertID, status, CurrentPage, TotalPage, Error))
207 | 207 |
{ |
208 | 208 |
logger.Error($"DataBase Error database.SetConvertState({ConvertID}, {(int)status},{CurrentPage},{TotalPage}, {Error})"); |
209 | 209 |
} |
... | ... | |
226 | 226 |
{ |
227 | 227 |
using (Markus.Service.DataBase.ConvertDatabase database = new Markus.Service.DataBase.ConvertDatabase(MarkusDBConnectionString)) |
228 | 228 |
{ |
229 |
if (!database.SetConvertState(ConvertID, status, CurrentPage, TotalPage, Error)) |
229 |
if (!database.SetConvertState(this.ServiceID, ConvertID, status, CurrentPage, TotalPage, Error))
230 | 230 |
{ |
231 | 231 |
logger.Error($"DataBase Error database.SetConvertState({ConvertID}, {(int)status},{CurrentPage},{TotalPage}, {Error})"); |
232 | 232 |
} |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.Station/SubStationServiceItem.cs | ||
1 |
using System; |
2 |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
3 |
using System.Linq; |
4 |
using System.Text; |
5 |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
6 |
7 |
namespace Markus.Service |
8 |
{ |
9 |
public class SubStationServiceItem |
10 |
{ |
11 |
public Service.DataBase.SERVICE_PROPERTIES Properties { get;set;} |
12 |
public StationService.StationServiceClient Service { get; set; } |
13 |
} |
14 |
} |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.StationController/AppInit.cs | ||
13 | 13 |
{ |
14 | 14 |
public partial class App : Application |
15 | 15 |
{ |
16 |
public static StationService.StationServiceClient StationClient;
16 |
public static List<StationService.StationServiceClient> StationClientList;
17 | 17 |
18 | 18 |
public App() |
19 | 19 |
{ |
... | ... | |
31 | 31 |
var config = ConfigHelper.AppConfig(configFileName); |
32 | 32 |
33 | 33 |
var serviceUri = config.GetValue("SERVICE", "ADDRESS", "http://Localhost:9101/StationService"); |
34 |
StationClientList = new List<StationServiceClient>(); |
35 |
36 |
foreach (var item in serviceUri.Split(',')) |
37 |
{ |
38 |
39 |
BasicHttpBinding myBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(); |
40 |
EndpointAddress myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(UriHelper.UriCreate(item)); |
41 |
var StationClient = new StationService.StationServiceClient(myBinding, myEndpoint); |
42 |
43 |
StationClientList.Add(StationClient); |
44 |
} |
34 | 45 |
35 |
BasicHttpBinding myBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(); |
36 |
EndpointAddress myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(UriHelper.UriCreate(serviceUri)); |
37 |
StationClient = new StationService.StationServiceClient(myBinding, myEndpoint); |
38 | 46 |
} |
39 | 47 |
catch (Exception ex) |
40 | 48 |
{ |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.StationController/StationController.ini | ||
1 | 1 |
2 |
ADDRESS = http://localhost:9101/StationService |
2 |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.StationController/ViewModel/AliveViewModel.cs | ||
5 | 5 |
using System.Linq; |
6 | 6 |
using System.Text; |
7 | 7 |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
8 |
using Markus.Service.Extensions; |
8 | 9 |
9 | 10 |
10 | 11 |
namespace Markus.Service.StationController.ViewModel |
... | ... | |
62 | 63 |
{ |
63 | 64 |
IsLoading = true; |
64 | 65 |
65 |
AliveItems = await App.StationClient.AliveConvertListAsync(); |
66 |
List<ConvertItem> newitems = new List<ConvertItem>(); |
67 |
68 |
foreach (var client in App.StationClientList) |
69 |
{ |
70 |
newitems.AddRange(await client.AliveConvertListAsync()); |
71 |
} |
72 |
73 |
newitems.Update(AliveItems); |
74 |
75 |
AliveItems = newitems; |
76 |
66 | 77 |
} |
67 | 78 |
catch (Exception ex) |
68 | 79 |
{ |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/Markus.Service.StationController/ViewModel/MainViewModel.cs | ||
51 | 51 |
get => navigationItems; set |
52 | 52 |
{ |
53 | 53 |
navigationItems = value; |
54 |
OnPropertyChanged(() => navigationItems);
54 |
OnPropertyChanged(() =>NavigationItems);
55 | 55 |
} |
56 | 56 |
} |
57 | 57 |
ConvertService/ServiceBase/ServiceTestApp/ServiceTestApp.csproj | ||
254 | 254 |
<Project>{4a465fd0-8130-4d6b-a65f-c3cd6cc355a4}</Project> |
255 | 255 |
<Name>Markus.Service.Interface</Name> |
256 | 256 |
</ProjectReference> |
257 |
<ProjectReference Include="..\Markus.Service.ConvertProcess\Markus.Service.ConvertProcess.csproj"> |
258 |
<Project>{3f94fecf-4326-4452-8067-9f7b45d9bc6c}</Project> |
259 |
<Name>Markus.Service.ConvertProcess</Name> |
260 |
</ProjectReference> |
257 | 261 |
<ProjectReference Include="..\Markus.Service.DataBase\Markus.Service.DataBase.csproj"> |
258 | 262 |
<Project>{400736fb-92c9-4bc0-b447-e8274103d813}</Project> |
259 | 263 |
<Name>Markus.Service.DataBase</Name> |
내보내기 Unified diff