markus / FinalService_SNI.wxs @ 2007ecaa
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (10.4 KB)
1 | 2ab0c838 | humkyung | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 | <Wix xmlns=""> |
3 | e8458253 | humkyung | <Product Id="*" Name="FinalService" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="DOFTECH(C)" UpgradeCode="3E187583-A5AF-4DA2-89A1-83C192A0E60A"> |
4 | 2ab0c838 | humkyung | <Package Platform="x64" InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" /> |
5 | |||
6 | <MajorUpgrade Schedule="afterInstallInitialize" DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed. Setup will now exit." AllowSameVersionUpgrades="yes"/> |
7 | <MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes"/> |
8 | |||
9 | <WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp" Value="DOFTECH_LOGO.bmp" /> |
10 | |||
11 | <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="FinalService" Level="1"> |
12 | <ComponentGroupRef Id="FinalService" /> |
13 | </Feature> |
14 | </Product> |
15 | |||
16 | <Fragment> |
17 | <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> |
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21 | <Shortcut Id="DesktopShortcut" |
22 | Directory="DesktopFolder" |
23 | Name="FinalService" |
24 | Description="FinalService" |
25 | Target="[INSTALLFOLDER]KCOM_FinalService.exe" |
26 | WorkingDirectory="INSTALLFOLDER" /> |
27 | <RemoveFolder Id="DesktopFolder" On="uninstall"/> |
28 | </Component> |
29 | </Directory> |
30 | |||
31 | <Directory Id="ProgramFiles64Folder"> |
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34 | <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="FinalService" /> |
35 | </Directory> |
36 | </Directory> |
37 | </Directory> |
38 | </Directory> |
39 | |||
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45 | Event="NewDialog" |
46 | Value="InstallDirDlg" |
47 | Order="2">1</Publish> |
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49 | Control="Back" |
50 | Event="NewDialog" |
51 | Value="WelcomeDlg" |
52 | Order="2">1</Publish> |
53 | <Publish Dialog="ExitDialog" |
54 | Control="Finish" |
55 | Event="DoAction" |
56 | Value="LaunchApplication">WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOX = 1 and NOT Installed |
57 | </Publish> |
58 | </UI> |
59 | <Property Id="WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOXTEXT" Value="Launch FinalService" /> |
60 | <Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[INSTALLFOLDER]KCOM_FinalService.exe" /> |
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62 | </Fragment> |
63 | |||
64 | <Fragment> |
65 | <ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER"> |
66 | <!-- TODO: Remove the comments around this Component element and the ComponentRef below in order to add resources to this installer. --> |
67 | <!-- <Component Id="ProductComponent"> --> |
68 | <!-- TODO: Insert files, registry keys, and other resources here. --> |
69 | <!-- </Component> --> |
70 | </ComponentGroup> |
71 | </Fragment> |
72 | |||
73 | <Fragment> |
74 | <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLFOLDER"> |
75 | <Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder"> |
76 | <Directory Id="MyAppDataFolder" Name="MARKUS" > |
77 | <Component Id="CreateMyAppDataFolder" Guid="E62CA3BD-D561-4554-A4D7-B48D4A2B9D90" Win64='yes'> |
78 | <CreateFolder /> |
79 | </Component> |
80 | </Directory> |
81 | </Directory> |
82 | 91ce1b3c | humkyung | <!-- install arial unicode font |
83 | 40cf5bf7 | humkyung | <Directory Id="FontsFolder"> |
84 | 0f163bc9 | humkyung | <Component Id="cmd31A5E8A3FABD4666A222D79B2333133E" Guid="7FD3E21C-4CD7-4868-A102-D319FD27C75E"> |
85 | <File Id="fil79353310164343E99BBBA8C5C09A3CC9" Source=".\packages\Arial Unicode MS.TTF" TrueType="yes" KeyPath="yes" /> |
86 | </Component> |
87 | 40cf5bf7 | humkyung | </Directory> |
88 | 91ce1b3c | humkyung | --> |
89 | 2ab0c838 | humkyung | </DirectoryRef> |
90 | |||
91 | <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR"> |
92 | <Component Id="RegistryEntries" Guid="66BB5464-863E-4E67-8953-2625EBA52C0A"> |
93 | <RegistryKey Root="HKLM" |
94 | Key="Software\DOFTECH\MARKUS\FinalService" |
95 | Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall"> |
96 | <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="Path" Value="[INSTALLFOLDER]"/> |
97 | </RegistryKey> |
98 | </Component> |
99 | </DirectoryRef> |
100 | </Fragment> |
101 | |||
102 | <Fragment> |
103 | <ComponentGroup Id="FinalService"> |
104 | <ComponentRef Id="CreateMyAppDataFolder" /> |
105 | <ComponentRef Id="RegistryEntries" /> |
106 | |||
107 | <Component Id="cmpEFC8E4FEAD65C6F8432B4EB578EBEA5F" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="1230238F-1516-4116-92F9-7A8943FF08D7" Win64='yes'> |
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109 | </Component> |
110 | <Component Id="cmp1DE0B23F7942D4E47B62522F774F3C76" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="B836FAB1-44B5-4282-A119-1A59FA5655AA" Win64='yes'> |
111 | <File Id="filF35DB5A41DFF81B0642F8FCBC3DFB906" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\itextsharp.dll" /> |
112 | </Component> |
113 | <Component Id="cmp93004A2A70CA6CC5550444DB6A0BB24B" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="6FF9EACB-DBFE-425B-9C7B-F58F1EA7D7DA" Win64='yes'> |
114 | <File Id="fil718E22AC4914F03FC39F7293CDC8C672" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\itextsharp.xml" /> |
115 | </Component> |
116 | <Component Id="cmp40B0E7C91C025AAEEF1F0DEC51A66549" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="8D734532-A754-49A0-BCEC-B514661FAFB5" Win64='yes'> |
117 | <File Id="filF60CE67197837613CD57BE23CB07368E" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\KCOMDataModel.dll" /> |
118 | </Component> |
119 | <Component Id="cmpEE8E531D52E746388211D454A7B652CD" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="92F3D524-0681-4F59-9AFE-8875CE5F2FCC" Win64='yes'> |
120 | <File Id="filF33A63AB801D7E78849A4330E53EBD7B" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\KCOMDataModel.dll.config" /> |
121 | </Component> |
122 | <Component Id="cmp599C0D2E83328F2696719B080E32F4DF" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="84BB02E7-D578-47DC-A549-4B09FEDA4309" Win64='yes'> |
123 | <File Id="fil5A455357091A4ADF7BA95765CC16064C" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\KCOM_FinalService.exe" /> |
124 | <ServiceInstall Id="ServiceInstaller" |
125 | Type="ownProcess" |
126 | Name="FinalService" |
127 | DisplayName="MARKUS FinalService" |
128 | Description="convert user comments to pdf file" |
129 | Start="auto" |
130 | ErrorControl="normal" /> |
131 | <!-- Tell WiX to start the Service --> |
132 | <ServiceControl Id="StartService" Start="install" Stop="both" Remove="uninstall" Name="FinalService" Wait="yes" /> |
133 | </Component> |
134 | <Component Id="cmp2662FB243DAE8DF43E45C18BBC6963D6" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="BEE89177-9874-4FE9-9E4D-8A8B5E04DA13" Win64='yes'> |
135 | <File Id="fil310CC5D3573552ED8BE7E9CC58ACB9A1" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\KCOM_FinalService.exe.config" /> |
136 | </Component> |
137 | f3937dd7 | humkyung | <Component Id="cmp009B3F9F0821450E919FFBFB22C1A331" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="C33FAD1B-179C-4A6B-8A0E-2FDD479CE18C" Win64='yes'> |
138 | <File Id="fil0A767D9110FF4088BA73AD007E7B87CD" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\FinalService_Config.exe" /> |
139 | </Component> |
140 | 2ab0c838 | humkyung | <Component Id="cmpFE0047A5420B60BC9070B49ED04A3DF7" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="4A9C0F5D-36EE-4922-B67F-2768588297D1" Win64='yes'> |
141 | <File Id="filDB2B5EE0EF352042DCB528551CFF336A" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\MarkupToPDF.dll" /> |
142 | </Component> |
143 | <Component Id="cmpBF387E9588F2B8473B629AAB925D2239" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="D32E9C4E-0033-4ECC-B3B0-00E71AB6CC18" Win64='yes'> |
144 | <File Id="fil3BBE868726AE8A4E2066B45DD738F0E3" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\MarkupToPDF.dll.config" /> |
145 | </Component> |
146 | <Component Id="cmpFE0047A5420B60BC9070B49ED04A3DF6" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="680810dd-f815-4c72-bffd-a31e18636c4f" Win64='yes'> |
147 | <File Id="filDB2B5EE0EF352042DCB528551CFF336B" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\SNI\UploadFinal.dll" /> |
148 | </Component> |
149 | <Component Id="cmpBF387E9588F2B8473B629AAB925D2237" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="533eb951-9d38-403b-80d6-dbbca7b9e0fc" Win64='yes'> |
150 | <File Id="fil3BBE868726AE8A4E2066B45DD738F0E2" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\SNI\UploadFinal.dll.config" /> |
151 | </Component> |
152 | <Component Id="cmp7F07F6231918203727082BB6A28CC75F" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="2F0F7F57-22BE-4A3C-8CF1-874B48A0F055" Win64='yes'> |
153 | <File Id="fil3E19A0F06927704B530947F360809AD8" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\Telerik.Windows.Zip.dll" /> |
154 | </Component> |
155 | <Component Id="cmpFF91FE36548D6FA9C8D0DC80206BE1EF" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="28E25268-EB14-44B5-9C70-7A5D620A63F6" Win64='yes'> |
156 | <File Id="fil898D8F5BF92067A65BDD539092A9A061" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\Telerik.Windows.Zip.xml" /> |
157 | </Component> |
158 | <Component Id="commonlib.dll" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="a766f7cf-1bc2-4b28-abe5-b35eedc05e01" Win64='yes'> |
159 | <File Id="commonlib.dll" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\CommonLib.dll" /> |
160 | </Component> |
161 | e8458253 | humkyung | <Component Id="cmpA1B4B86FAF034766AF4C20AC35DF7650" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="8F72FBF9-AE33-4C0B-8FB7-77D5F8F2BEAE" Win64='yes'> |
162 | <File Id="fil7B7D1EB3B08046D3B93BFABD23C44A2C" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\log4net.dll" /> |
163 | </Component> |
164 | <Component Id="cmpA26225576C2F43AC9D8E002F3A9D9E44" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="9A188066-2983-42B5-9752-ECB93286C3F2" Win64='yes'> |
165 | <File Id="fil369B3E5272804264BD7E6A512BE81DA3" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\log4net.xml" /> |
166 | </Component> |
167 | 2ab0c838 | humkyung | <Component Id="monitorservice" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Guid="44c71fdb-afa5-490e-b111-40a23039f665" Win64='yes'> |
168 | <File Id="monitorservice" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Setup\FinalService\FinalService_Watcher.exe" /> |
169 | <ServiceInstall Id="MonitorServiceInstaller" |
170 | Type="ownProcess" |
171 | Name="FinalService_Watcher" |
172 | DisplayName="MARKUS FinalService Watcher" |
173 | Description="convert user comments to pdf file monitoring" |
174 | Start="auto" |
175 | ErrorControl="normal" /> |
176 | <!-- Tell WiX to start the Service --> |
177 | <ServiceControl Id="MonitorServiceController" Start="install" Stop="both" Remove="uninstall" Name="FinalService_Watcher" Wait="yes" /> |
178 | </Component> |
179 | <Component Id="cmpA8E411F92BD54821B9A3CEF8E01BBE63" Directory="MyAppDataFolder" Guid="6BF0D3C5-0684-4E7D-BC53-4CE092A48FFE" Win64='yes'> |
180 | <File Id="fil49E6FDC6BDFC49A5AB05A71FB2D3A5AE" KeyPath="yes" Source=".\Site\SNI\FinalService.ini" /> |
181 | </Component> |
182 | </ComponentGroup> |
183 | </Fragment> |
184 | </Wix> |