issue #1027 web service roll back
Change-Id: I16486234f4e8a940dea38e9877bb122652a09108
issue #1022 wcf 수정 및 final service 직접 접근 수정.
Change-Id: Iab45b6919293bf86848d3e5fa9768fae3f794410
issue #000 connectionString App.Config -> ini move , daelim final service setupfile add
Change-Id: I62de9b0cdbd79173f7da663a4ea897433de2849e
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
Change-Id: Ifd42e7ecaffeaff0042d1e644aa9fe461e671eff
revised issue #937: calculate font size to fit given text boundary
Change-Id: I1e30922680e6989386023b23931b2956307a9f54
issue #000 file upload wcf add
Change-Id: Ied1a5fb1cd2f345ccade43a45efffec51561e359
issue #1005: 사용자가 생성한 Highlight 텍스트가 Final PDF에 생성되어야 한다
Change-Id: Ie803b8c57c5fff474eb52a48cdf617ac0deb3bb3
issue #986: WPF와 PDF 간의 Line Size 변환 작업 진행 중....
Change-Id: Iea83d7cc24a9a21736a3ce3397964d1f9cf35bb4
Converter- Converter Searview 잘못된 Return값 제외
Viewer- CloudControl, rectCloud, Textcontrol, ArrowTextControl CloudArcDepth 0.8로 고정- Save, Load시 ArcLength 바인딩 되도록 수정- 권한이 없을 경우 단축키 권한 제외(Ctrl + A, C, V)- License 체크시 Member테이블에 없을 경우 등록된 사용자가 아닙니다 후 종료 되도록 설정...
ArrowTextControl UnderLine추가ArrowTextControl 속성 이벤트 변경 추가
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