markus / KCOM / KCOM.csproj @ 38d69491
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (74.8 KB)
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336 | <DebugType>full</DebugType> |
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338 | <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport> |
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356 | 9d5b4bc2 | taeseongkim | <DebugType>full</DebugType> |
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358 | <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport> |
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360 | 664ea2e1 | taeseongkim | <Prefer32Bit>false</Prefer32Bit> |
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367 | <DebugType>full</DebugType> |
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369 | <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport> |
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381 | 9d5b4bc2 | taeseongkim | </PropertyGroup> |
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397 | <DebugType>full</DebugType> |
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427 | <DebugType>full</DebugType> |
428 | <PlatformTarget>x64</PlatformTarget> |
429 | <LangVersion>7.3</LangVersion> |
430 | <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport> |
431 | <CodeAnalysisRuleSet>MinimumRecommendedRules.ruleset</CodeAnalysisRuleSet> |
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437 | <DebugType>full</DebugType> |
438 | <PlatformTarget>x86</PlatformTarget> |
439 | <LangVersion>7.3</LangVersion> |
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441 | <CodeAnalysisRuleSet>MinimumRecommendedRules.ruleset</CodeAnalysisRuleSet> |
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443 | </PropertyGroup> |
444 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <ItemGroup> |
445 | 79f3f21a | djkim | <Reference Include="Bytescout.PDFExtractor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f7dd1bd9d40a50eb, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
446 | 5a8b818e | humkyung | <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion> |
447 | 79f3f21a | djkim | <HintPath>..\packages\PDFExtractorSDK\FULL\net4.00\Bytescout.PDFExtractor.dll</HintPath> |
448 | </Reference> |
449 | <Reference Include="Bytescout.PDFExtractor.OCRExtension, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f7dd1bd9d40a50eb, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
450 | <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion> |
451 | <HintPath>..\packages\PDFExtractorSDK\FULL\net4.00\Bytescout.PDFExtractor.OCRExtension.dll</HintPath> |
452 | 5a8b818e | humkyung | </Reference> |
453 | 9d5b4bc2 | taeseongkim | <Reference Include="ConfigParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
454 | <HintPath>..\packages\Salaros.ConfigParser.0.3.4\lib\net45\ConfigParser.dll</HintPath> |
455 | </Reference> |
456 | 8b52c487 | djkim | <Reference Include="itextsharp"> |
457 | <HintPath>..\packages\iTextSharp.5.5.12\lib\itextsharp.dll</HintPath> |
458 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | </Reference> |
459 | a7346d3c | humkyung | <Reference Include="log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
460 | <HintPath>..\packages\log4net.2.0.8\lib\net45-full\log4net.dll</HintPath> |
461 | </Reference> |
462 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Reference Include="Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client"> |
463 | <HintPath>..\packages\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.2.2.3\lib\net40\Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.dll</HintPath> |
464 | </Reference> |
465 | <Reference Include="Microsoft.Expression.Interactions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
466 | <HintPath>..\packages\System.Windows.Interactivity.WPF.2.0.20525\lib\net40\Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll</HintPath> |
467 | <Private>True</Private> |
468 | </Reference> |
469 | b60e844d | taeseongkim | <Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
470 | <HintPath>..\packages\Newtonsoft.Json.12.0.3\lib\net45\Newtonsoft.Json.dll</HintPath> |
471 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | </Reference> |
472 | f1f822e9 | taeseongkim | <Reference Include="SharpVectors.Converters.Wpf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b532964b8548be77, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
473 | <HintPath>..\packages\SharpVectors.Wpf.1.8.1\lib\net46\SharpVectors.Converters.Wpf.dll</HintPath> |
474 | </Reference> |
475 | <Reference Include="SharpVectors.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7407205e337c98ef, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
476 | <HintPath>..\packages\SharpVectors.Wpf.1.8.1\lib\net46\SharpVectors.Core.dll</HintPath> |
477 | </Reference> |
478 | <Reference Include="SharpVectors.Css, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7a46e3f532fdb787, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
479 | <HintPath>..\packages\SharpVectors.Wpf.1.8.1\lib\net46\SharpVectors.Css.dll</HintPath> |
480 | </Reference> |
481 | <Reference Include="SharpVectors.Dom, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=517340b6277b1a7a, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
482 | <HintPath>..\packages\SharpVectors.Wpf.1.8.1\lib\net46\SharpVectors.Dom.dll</HintPath> |
483 | </Reference> |
484 | <Reference Include="SharpVectors.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2236cfc76b505845, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
485 | <HintPath>..\packages\SharpVectors.Wpf.1.8.1\lib\net46\SharpVectors.Model.dll</HintPath> |
486 | </Reference> |
487 | <Reference Include="SharpVectors.Rendering.Wpf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d0902381100df30e, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
488 | <HintPath>..\packages\SharpVectors.Wpf.1.8.1\lib\net46\SharpVectors.Rendering.Wpf.dll</HintPath> |
489 | </Reference> |
490 | <Reference Include="SharpVectors.Runtime.Wpf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d16e717f0a981fb9, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
491 | <HintPath>..\packages\SharpVectors.Wpf.1.8.1\lib\net46\SharpVectors.Runtime.Wpf.dll</HintPath> |
492 | 53880c83 | ljiyeon | </Reference> |
493 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Reference Include="System" /> |
494 | <Reference Include="System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations" /> |
495 | <Reference Include="System.Configuration" /> |
496 | <Reference Include="System.Data" /> |
497 | <Reference Include="System.Data.Entity" /> |
498 | <Reference Include="System.Drawing" /> |
499 | <Reference Include="System.EnterpriseServices" /> |
500 | <Reference Include="System.Management" /> |
501 | <Reference Include="System.Net" /> |
502 | b60e844d | taeseongkim | <Reference Include="System.Net.Http" /> |
503 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Reference Include="System.Runtime.Serialization" /> |
504 | <Reference Include="System.ServiceModel" /> |
505 | 90a0bfa9 | djkim | <Reference Include="System.Web" /> |
506 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Reference Include="System.Web.Services" /> |
507 | <Reference Include="System.Windows.Forms" /> |
508 | <Reference Include="System.Windows.Interactivity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
509 | <HintPath>..\packages\System.Windows.Interactivity.WPF.2.0.20525\lib\net40\System.Windows.Interactivity.dll</HintPath> |
510 | <Private>True</Private> |
511 | </Reference> |
512 | <Reference Include="System.Xml" /> |
513 | <Reference Include="Microsoft.CSharp" /> |
514 | <Reference Include="System.Core" /> |
515 | <Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" /> |
516 | <Reference Include="System.Data.DataSetExtensions" /> |
517 | <Reference Include="System.Xaml"> |
518 | <RequiredTargetFramework>4.0</RequiredTargetFramework> |
519 | </Reference> |
520 | a8dbdf61 | ljiyeon | <Reference Include="Telerik.Windows.Controls, Version=2019.1.220.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
521 | <HintPath>..\lib\RCWPF\2019.1.220.40\Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll</HintPath> |
522 | <Private>True</Private> |
523 | 8b52c487 | djkim | </Reference> |
524 | a8dbdf61 | ljiyeon | <Reference Include="Telerik.Windows.Controls.Docking, Version=2019.1.220.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
525 | <HintPath>..\lib\RCWPF\2019.1.220.40\Telerik.Windows.Controls.Docking.dll</HintPath> |
526 | <Private>True</Private> |
527 | 8b52c487 | djkim | </Reference> |
528 | a8dbdf61 | ljiyeon | <Reference Include="Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView, Version=2019.1.220.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
529 | <HintPath>..\lib\RCWPF\2019.1.220.40\Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.dll</HintPath> |
530 | <Private>True</Private> |
531 | 8b52c487 | djkim | </Reference> |
532 | a8dbdf61 | ljiyeon | <Reference Include="Telerik.Windows.Controls.Input, Version=2019.1.220.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
533 | <HintPath>..\lib\RCWPF\2019.1.220.40\Telerik.Windows.Controls.Input.dll</HintPath> |
534 | <Private>True</Private> |
535 | 8b52c487 | djkim | </Reference> |
536 | a8dbdf61 | ljiyeon | <Reference Include="Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation, Version=2019.1.220.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
537 | <HintPath>..\lib\RCWPF\2019.1.220.40\Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll</HintPath> |
538 | <Private>True</Private> |
539 | 8b52c487 | djkim | </Reference> |
540 | a8dbdf61 | ljiyeon | <Reference Include="Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView, Version=2019.1.220.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
541 | <HintPath>..\lib\RCWPF\2019.1.220.40\Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.dll</HintPath> |
542 | <Private>True</Private> |
543 | 8b52c487 | djkim | </Reference> |
544 | a8dbdf61 | ljiyeon | <Reference Include="Telerik.Windows.Data, Version=2019.1.220.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
545 | <HintPath>..\lib\RCWPF\2019.1.220.40\Telerik.Windows.Data.dll</HintPath> |
546 | <Private>True</Private> |
547 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | </Reference> |
548 | 684ef11c | ljiyeon | <Reference Include="Telerik.Windows.Themes.VisualStudio2013, Version=2018.1.122.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5803cfa389c90ce7, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
549 | <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion> |
550 | 2b1f30fe | taeseongkim | <HintPath>..\lib\RCWPF\2019.1.220.40\Telerik.Windows.Themes.VisualStudio2013.dll</HintPath> |
551 | 684ef11c | ljiyeon | </Reference> |
552 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Reference Include="ToggleSwitch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8637099990568f75, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
553 | <HintPath>..\packages\ToggleSwitch.1.1.2\lib\net40-client\ToggleSwitch.dll</HintPath> |
554 | </Reference> |
555 | <Reference Include="UIAutomationProvider" /> |
556 | <Reference Include="UIAutomationTypes" /> |
557 | 6a19b48d | taeseongkim | <Reference Include="WcfExtensions.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> |
558 | <HintPath>..\packages\WCFExtensions.1.0.0\lib\WcfExtensions.ServiceModel.dll</HintPath> |
559 | </Reference> |
560 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Reference Include="WindowsBase" /> |
561 | <Reference Include="PresentationCore" /> |
562 | <Reference Include="PresentationFramework" /> |
563 | </ItemGroup> |
564 | <ItemGroup> |
565 | <ApplicationDefinition Include="App.xaml"> |
566 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
567 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
568 | </ApplicationDefinition> |
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570 | f65e6c02 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Behaviors\RadListBoxDragVisualProvider.cs" /> |
571 | 4fcb686a | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Behaviors\SpecialcharRemove.cs" /> |
572 | aff63364 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Behaviors\WindowBehavior.cs" /> |
573 | d18ea2bd | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\ColorListToBrushConverter.cs" /> |
574 | 3abe8d4e | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\StringToColorConverter.cs" /> |
575 | 38d69491 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\NullToCollapsedConverter.cs" /> |
576 | f87dfb18 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\ZeroToCollapsedConverter.cs" /> |
577 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\DataSaveTask.cs" /> |
578 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Common\Check_Inferface.cs" /> |
579 | c73426a9 | ljiyeon | <Compile Include="Common\Check_Uri.cs" /> |
580 | 24678e06 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Common\Commons.cs" /> |
581 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\CmpUrlChange.cs" /> |
582 | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\CommentTypeImgConverter.cs" /> |
583 | 5a8b818e | humkyung | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\enumStringColorConverter.cs" /> |
584 | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\enumStringConverter.cs" /> |
585 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\PDFVisibleConverter.cs" /> |
586 | 53880c83 | ljiyeon | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\SvgConverter.cs" /> |
587 | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\SvgImageConverter.cs" /> |
588 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Common\FileStreamToBase64.cs" /> |
589 | c5519c44 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\ImageAsyncHelper.cs" /> |
590 | cdfb57ff | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\ImageSourceHelper.cs" /> |
591 | e0cfc73c | ljiyeon | <Compile Include="Common\ISplashMessage.cs" /> |
592 | b74a9c91 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\MacroItem.cs" /> |
593 | 8e5a4a6a | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\MarkupUserInfo.cs" /> |
594 | 8de55603 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\MathHelper.cs" /> |
595 | b74a9c91 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\MenuItem.cs" /> |
596 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Common\MouseInputBase.cs" /> |
597 | 3abe8d4e | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Controls\ColorList.xaml.cs"> |
598 | <DependentUpon>ColorList.xaml</DependentUpon> |
599 | </Compile> |
600 | d33ef543 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Controls\CustomWindow.cs" /> |
601 | b74a9c91 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Controls\MacroEdit.xaml.cs"> |
602 | <DependentUpon>MacroEdit.xaml</DependentUpon> |
603 | </Compile> |
604 | c206d293 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Controls\PasswordBoxUtilities.cs" /> |
605 | cf1cc862 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Controls\SignManager.xaml.cs"> |
606 | <DependentUpon>SignManager.xaml</DependentUpon> |
607 | </Compile> |
608 | 2007ecaa | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\DownloadProcess.cs" /> |
609 | eeb0a39c | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\LinqExtension.cs" /> |
610 | b74a9c91 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\MacroHelper.cs" /> |
611 | eeb0a39c | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="PageManager\PageItem.cs" /> |
612 | 2007ecaa | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="PageManager\PageLoadCompletedEventArgs.cs" /> |
613 | eeb0a39c | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="PageManager\PageStorage.cs" /> |
614 | 959b3ef2 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Common\SelectionSet.cs" /> |
615 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Connected Services\KcomService\Reference.cs"> |
616 | <AutoGen>True</AutoGen> |
617 | <DesignTime>True</DesignTime> |
618 | <DependentUpon>Reference.svcmap</DependentUpon> |
619 | </Compile> |
620 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\Reference.cs"> |
621 | <AutoGen>True</AutoGen> |
622 | <DesignTime>True</DesignTime> |
623 | <DependentUpon>Reference.svcmap</DependentUpon> |
624 | </Compile> |
625 | 5a8b818e | humkyung | <Compile Include="Controls\addToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml.cs"> |
626 | <DependentUpon>addToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml</DependentUpon> |
627 | </Compile> |
628 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Controls\Alert.xaml.cs"> |
629 | <DependentUpon>Alert.xaml</DependentUpon> |
630 | </Compile> |
631 | <Compile Include="Controls\CheckList.xaml.cs"> |
632 | <DependentUpon>CheckList.xaml</DependentUpon> |
633 | </Compile> |
634 | <Compile Include="Controls\CheckList_Detail.xaml.cs"> |
635 | <DependentUpon>CheckList_Detail.xaml</DependentUpon> |
636 | </Compile> |
637 | 8e2743a3 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Controls\CheckList_Status.xaml.cs"> |
638 | <DependentUpon>CheckList_Status.xaml</DependentUpon> |
639 | </Compile> |
640 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Controls\CommantImage.xaml.cs"> |
641 | <DependentUpon>CommantImage.xaml</DependentUpon> |
642 | </Compile> |
643 | 92442e4a | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Controls\DecodeImage.cs" /> |
644 | 5a8b818e | humkyung | <Compile Include="Controls\editToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml.cs"> |
645 | <DependentUpon>editToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml</DependentUpon> |
646 | </Compile> |
647 | <Compile Include="Controls\FavoritePanel.xaml.cs"> |
648 | <DependentUpon>FavoritePanel.xaml</DependentUpon> |
649 | </Compile> |
650 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Controls\Panorama.xaml.cs"> |
651 | <DependentUpon>Panorama.xaml</DependentUpon> |
652 | </Compile> |
653 | 882f0fcf | djkim | <Compile Include="Controls\ProgressControl.xaml.cs"> |
654 | <DependentUpon>ProgressControl.xaml</DependentUpon> |
655 | </Compile> |
656 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Controls\SearchPanel.xaml.cs"> |
657 | <DependentUpon>SearchPanel.xaml</DependentUpon> |
658 | </Compile> |
659 | <Compile Include="Controls\Symbol.xaml.cs"> |
660 | <DependentUpon>Symbol.xaml</DependentUpon> |
661 | </Compile> |
662 | 53880c83 | ljiyeon | <Compile Include="Controls\SymbolPrompt.xaml.cs"> |
663 | <DependentUpon>SymbolPrompt.xaml</DependentUpon> |
664 | </Compile> |
665 | 35a96e24 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\ConsolidateCommand.cs" /> |
666 | b37ef4b3 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\CopyCommand.cs" /> |
667 | f513c215 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\CreateCommand.cs" /> |
668 | b37ef4b3 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\CutCommand.cs" /> |
669 | 959b3ef2 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\DeleteCommand.cs" /> |
670 | f816dd63 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\Move.cs" /> |
671 | b37ef4b3 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\PasteCommand.cs" /> |
672 | d4bde724 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\TeamConsolidateCommand.cs" /> |
673 | d128ceb2 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\UndoCommand.cs" /> |
674 | f816dd63 | humkyung | <Compile Include="Events\SaveCommand.cs" /> |
675 | <Compile Include="Events\RedoCommand.cs" /> |
676 | c7fde400 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\MarkupVisitHelper.cs" /> |
677 | 2089959a | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\MatrixHelper.cs" /> |
678 | 8e5a4a6a | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\MouseHelper.cs" /> |
679 | eeb0a39c | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\TaskExtensions.cs" /> |
680 | 8e5a4a6a | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\VisualHelper.cs" /> |
681 | aff63364 | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="Extensions\WindowHelper.cs" /> |
682 | 0f065e57 | ljiyeon | <Compile Include="Logger.cs" /> |
683 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Messenger\ConversationView.xaml.cs"> |
684 | <DependentUpon>ConversationView.xaml</DependentUpon> |
685 | </Compile> |
686 | <Compile Include="Messenger\MessageBase.cs" /> |
687 | cf2671a6 | ljiyeon | <Compile Include="Views\SplashScreenWindow.xaml.cs"> |
688 | <DependentUpon>SplashScreenWindow.xaml</DependentUpon> |
689 | </Compile> |
690 | 74abcf6f | taeseongkim | <Compile Include="VistaSecurity.cs" /> |
691 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Web References\Get_FinalImage\Reference.cs"> |
692 | <AutoGen>True</AutoGen> |
693 | <DesignTime>True</DesignTime> |
694 | <DependentUpon></DependentUpon> |
695 | </Compile> |
696 | <Compile Include="Web References\\Reference.cs"> |
697 | <AutoGen>True</AutoGen> |
698 | <DesignTime>True</DesignTime> |
699 | <DependentUpon></DependentUpon> |
700 | </Compile> |
701 | <Compile Include="WrapPanel\LengthConverter.cs" /> |
702 | <Compile Include="WrapPanel\NumericExtensions.cs" /> |
703 | <Compile Include="WrapPanel\OrientedSize.cs" /> |
704 | <Compile Include="WrapPanel\TypeConverters.cs" /> |
705 | <Compile Include="WrapPanel\WrapPanel.cs" /> |
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708 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
709 | </Page> |
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711 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
712 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
713 | </Page> |
714 | 5a8b818e | humkyung | <Page Include="Controls\addToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml"> |
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717 | </Page> |
718 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Page Include="Controls\AdornerFinal.xaml"> |
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721 | </Page> |
722 | <Page Include="Controls\Alert.xaml"> |
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725 | </Page> |
726 | <Page Include="Controls\CalendarControl.xaml"> |
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729 | </Page> |
730 | <Page Include="Controls\CheckList.xaml"> |
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732 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
733 | </Page> |
734 | <Page Include="Controls\CheckList_Detail.xaml"> |
735 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
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737 | 8e2743a3 | humkyung | </Page> |
738 | <Page Include="Controls\CheckList_Status.xaml"> |
739 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
740 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
741 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | </Page> |
742 | 3abe8d4e | taeseongkim | <Page Include="Controls\ColorList.xaml"> |
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744 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
745 | </Page> |
746 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Page Include="Controls\CommantImage.xaml"> |
747 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
748 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
749 | </Page> |
750 | 5a8b818e | humkyung | <Page Include="Controls\editToFavoriteWindow_Internal.xaml"> |
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752 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
753 | </Page> |
754 | <Page Include="Controls\FavoritePanel.xaml"> |
755 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
756 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
757 | </Page> |
758 | b74a9c91 | taeseongkim | <Page Include="Controls\MacroEdit.xaml"> |
759 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
760 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
761 | </Page> |
762 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Page Include="Controls\Panorama.xaml"> |
763 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
764 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
765 | </Page> |
766 | <Page Include="Controls\PrintControl.xaml"> |
767 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
768 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
769 | </Page> |
770 | 882f0fcf | djkim | <Page Include="Controls\ProgressControl.xaml"> |
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772 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
773 | </Page> |
774 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Page Include="Controls\Sample.xaml"> |
775 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
776 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
777 | </Page> |
778 | <Page Include="Controls\SearchPanel.xaml"> |
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781 | </Page> |
782 | cf1cc862 | taeseongkim | <Page Include="Controls\SignManager.xaml"> |
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784 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
785 | </Page> |
786 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Page Include="Controls\Symbol.xaml"> |
787 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
788 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
789 | </Page> |
790 | 53880c83 | ljiyeon | <Page Include="Controls\SymbolPrompt.xaml"> |
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793 | </Page> |
794 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Page Include="Messenger\ConversationView.xaml"> |
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796 | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
797 | </Page> |
798 | <Page Include="Messenger\StyleDictionary.xaml"> |
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800 | 8bd25583 | taeseongkim | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
801 | </Page> |
802 | <Page Include="Resources\ClearTextBoxStyle.xaml"> |
803 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
804 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Generator>MSBuild:Compile</Generator> |
805 | </Page> |
806 | 92442e4a | taeseongkim | <Page Include="Resources\DecodeImageTemplate.xaml"> |
807 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
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809 | </Page> |
810 | 8e5a4a6a | taeseongkim | <Page Include="Resources\DragAndDropListBoxStyle.xaml"> |
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813 | </Page> |
814 | c362d2a5 | taeseongkim | <Page Include="Resources\RadConfirmStyle.xaml"> |
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817 | </Page> |
818 | c206d293 | taeseongkim | <Page Include="Resources\RadPasswordPromptStyle.xaml"> |
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825 | </Page> |
826 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Page Include="Resources\Theme_CustomControl.xaml"> |
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829 | </Page> |
830 | d33ef543 | taeseongkim | <Page Include="Resources\WindowStyle.xaml"> |
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833 | </Page> |
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837 | </Page> |
838 | <Page Include="Controls\Explorer.xaml"> |
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841 | </Page> |
842 | cf2671a6 | ljiyeon | <Page Include="Views\SplashScreenWindow.xaml"> |
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845 | </Page> |
846 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Page Include="Views\TopMenu.xaml"> |
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849 | </Page> |
850 | <Page Include="MainWindow.xaml"> |
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853 | </Page> |
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858 | <Compile Include="Common\AdornerCore.cs" /> |
859 | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\BoolToVisibleConverter.cs" /> |
860 | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\ConsolidationBackgroudConverter.cs" /> |
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862 | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\MarginCorrectionConverter.cs" /> |
863 | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\MarkupDataToConverter.cs" /> |
864 | <Compile Include="Common\Converter\PreviewerVisibleConverter.cs" /> |
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866 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Compile Include="Common\DocumentSet.cs" /> |
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870 | <Compile Include="Common\UsersCommentPagesMember.cs" /> |
871 | <Compile Include="Common\ViewerDataModel.cs" /> |
872 | <Compile Include="Controls\AdornerFinal.xaml.cs"> |
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874 | </Compile> |
875 | <Compile Include="Controls\CalendarControl.xaml.cs"> |
876 | <DependentUpon>CalendarControl.xaml</DependentUpon> |
877 | </Compile> |
878 | <Compile Include="Controls\PrintControl.xaml.cs"> |
879 | <DependentUpon>PrintControl.xaml</DependentUpon> |
880 | </Compile> |
881 | <Compile Include="Controls\Sample.xaml.cs"> |
882 | <DependentUpon>Sample.xaml</DependentUpon> |
883 | </Compile> |
884 | <Compile Include="Events\Event_KeyEvent.cs" /> |
885 | <Compile Include="Events\Export.cs" /> |
886 | <Compile Include="Events\Implementation\TopMenuEvent.cs" /> |
887 | <Compile Include="Events\Load.cs" /> |
888 | <Compile Include="Events\Property\EventProperty.cs" /> |
889 | <Compile Include="RegexCollection.cs" /> |
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891 | <Compile Include="Views\MainMenu.xaml.cs"> |
892 | <DependentUpon>MainMenu.xaml</DependentUpon> |
893 | </Compile> |
894 | <Compile Include="Controls\Explorer.xaml.cs"> |
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896 | </Compile> |
897 | <Compile Include="Views\TopMenu.xaml.cs"> |
898 | <DependentUpon>TopMenu.xaml</DependentUpon> |
899 | </Compile> |
900 | <Compile Include="MainWindow.xaml.cs"> |
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903 | </Compile> |
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907 | </Page> |
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947 | </None> |
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953 | </None> |
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956 | </None> |
957 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\KcomService\KCOM.KcomService.FinalPDFResult.datasource"> |
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966 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
967 | </None> |
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969 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
970 | </None> |
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972 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
973 | </None> |
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978 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
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987 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
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989 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\KCOM.ServiceDeepView.FinalPDFResult.datasource"> |
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992 | bae83c92 | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView2.wsdl" /> |
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994 | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView22.wsdl" /> |
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996 | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView9.xsd"> |
997 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
998 | </None> |
999 | bae83c92 | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView91.xsd"> |
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1002 | bae83c92 | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView910.xsd"> |
1003 | 53880c83 | ljiyeon | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
1004 | </None> |
1005 | bae83c92 | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView911.xsd"> |
1006 | 53880c83 | ljiyeon | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
1007 | </None> |
1008 | bae83c92 | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView912.xsd"> |
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1010 | </None> |
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1013 | </None> |
1014 | bae83c92 | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView914.xsd"> |
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1016 | </None> |
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1018 | 53880c83 | ljiyeon | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
1019 | </None> |
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1021 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
1022 | </None> |
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1024 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
1025 | </None> |
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1032 | e451c585 | ljiyeon | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView94.xsd"> |
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1034 | </None> |
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1043 | </None> |
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1045 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
1046 | </None> |
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1231 | <ItemGroup> |
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1233 | </ItemGroup> |
1234 | <ItemGroup> |
1235 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\pageArrow.png" /> |
1236 | </ItemGroup> |
1237 | <ItemGroup> |
1238 | <Resource Include="Messenger\user.png" /> |
1239 | </ItemGroup> |
1240 | <ItemGroup> |
1241 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <WCFMetadataStorage Include="Connected Services\KcomService\" /> |
1242 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <WCFMetadataStorage Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\" /> |
1243 | </ItemGroup> |
1244 | <ItemGroup> |
1245 | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\configuration91.svcinfo" /> |
1246 | </ItemGroup> |
1247 | <ItemGroup> |
1248 | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\configuration.svcinfo" /> |
1249 | </ItemGroup> |
1250 | <ItemGroup> |
1251 | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\Reference.svcmap"> |
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1253 | <LastGenOutput>Reference.cs</LastGenOutput> |
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1255 | </ItemGroup> |
1256 | <ItemGroup> |
1257 | <WebReferences Include="Web References\" /> |
1258 | </ItemGroup> |
1259 | <ItemGroup> |
1260 | <WebReferenceUrl Include=""> |
1261 | <UrlBehavior>Dynamic</UrlBehavior> |
1262 | <RelPath>Web References\Get_FinalImage\</RelPath> |
1263 | <UpdateFromURL></UpdateFromURL> |
1264 | <ServiceLocationURL> |
1265 | </ServiceLocationURL> |
1266 | <CachedDynamicPropName> |
1267 | </CachedDynamicPropName> |
1268 | <CachedAppSettingsObjectName>Settings</CachedAppSettingsObjectName> |
1269 | <CachedSettingsPropName>KCOM_Get_FinalImage_Get_PdfImage</CachedSettingsPropName> |
1270 | </WebReferenceUrl> |
1271 | f1f822e9 | taeseongkim | <WebReferenceUrl Include="http://localhost:44301/ImageUpload/FileUpload.asmx"> |
1272 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <UrlBehavior>Dynamic</UrlBehavior> |
1273 | <RelPath>Web References\\</RelPath> |
1274 | f1f822e9 | taeseongkim | <UpdateFromURL>http://localhost:44301/ImageUpload/FileUpload.asmx</UpdateFromURL> |
1275 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <ServiceLocationURL> |
1276 | </ServiceLocationURL> |
1277 | <CachedDynamicPropName> |
1278 | </CachedDynamicPropName> |
1279 | <CachedAppSettingsObjectName>Settings</CachedAppSettingsObjectName> |
1280 | <CachedSettingsPropName>KCOM_kr_co_devdoftech_cloud_FileUpload</CachedSettingsPropName> |
1281 | </WebReferenceUrl> |
1282 | </ItemGroup> |
1283 | <ItemGroup> |
1284 | <None Include="Web References\\FileUpload.disco" /> |
1285 | </ItemGroup> |
1286 | <ItemGroup> |
1287 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\up-arrow.png" /> |
1288 | </ItemGroup> |
1289 | <ItemGroup> |
1290 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\cancel.png" /> |
1291 | </ItemGroup> |
1292 | <ItemGroup> |
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1294 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\locked-padlock_color.png" /> |
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1296 | <ItemGroup> |
1297 | 2007ecaa | taeseongkim | <Folder Include="PlugIn\" /> |
1298 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Folder Include="Themes\" /> |
1299 | </ItemGroup> |
1300 | <ItemGroup> |
1301 | <Resource Include="Messenger\clip.png" /> |
1302 | <Resource Include="Messenger\frame-landscape.png" /> |
1303 | </ItemGroup> |
1304 | <ItemGroup> |
1305 | <Resource Include="Messenger\email.png" /> |
1306 | </ItemGroup> |
1307 | <ItemGroup> |
1308 | <Resource Include="Messenger\check_pen.png" /> |
1309 | </ItemGroup> |
1310 | <ItemGroup> |
1311 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\panorama.png" /> |
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1313 | <ItemGroup> |
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1317 | <ItemGroup> |
1318 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\flip.png" /> |
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1320 | <ItemGroup> |
1321 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\checklist.png" /> |
1322 | </ItemGroup> |
1323 | <ItemGroup> |
1324 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\pdf.png" /> |
1325 | </ItemGroup> |
1326 | <ItemGroup> |
1327 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\file.png" /> |
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1329 | <ItemGroup> |
1330 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\diskette.png" /> |
1331 | </ItemGroup> |
1332 | <ItemGroup> |
1333 | <Resource Include="markup.ico" /> |
1334 | </ItemGroup> |
1335 | <ItemGroup> |
1336 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\chronometer.png" /> |
1337 | </ItemGroup> |
1338 | <ItemGroup> |
1339 | <None Include="Web References\Get_FinalImage\Get_PdfImage.disco" /> |
1340 | </ItemGroup> |
1341 | <ItemGroup> |
1342 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\archive.png" /> |
1343 | </ItemGroup> |
1344 | d4b0c723 | KangIngu | <ItemGroup> |
1345 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\copy1.png" /> |
1346 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\copy2.png" /> |
1347 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\copy3.png" /> |
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1349 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Cut1.png" /> |
1350 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Cut2.png" /> |
1351 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Cut3.png" /> |
1352 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Cut4.png" /> |
1353 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Delete1.png" /> |
1354 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Delete2.png" /> |
1355 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Delete3.png" /> |
1356 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Delete4.png" /> |
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1358 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Paste2.png" /> |
1359 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Paste3.png" /> |
1360 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Paste4.png" /> |
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1366 | <ItemGroup> |
1367 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\Redo3.png" /> |
1368 | </ItemGroup> |
1369 | 84545cb3 | humkyung | <ItemGroup> |
1370 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\diskette2.png" /> |
1371 | </ItemGroup> |
1372 | 8b52c487 | djkim | <ItemGroup> |
1373 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\close-window.png" /> |
1374 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\maximize-window.png" /> |
1375 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\minimize-window.png" /> |
1376 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\restore-window.png" /> |
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1378 | 6c781c0c | djkim | <ItemGroup> |
1379 | 02d33d78 | djkim | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\font.png" /> |
1380 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\line.png" /> |
1381 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\pen.png" /> |
1382 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\shape.png" /> |
1383 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\stamp.png" /> |
1384 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\text.png" /> |
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1386 | <ItemGroup> |
1387 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\control.png" /> |
1388 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\linestyle.png" /> |
1389 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\page.png" /> |
1390 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\view.png" /> |
1391 | </ItemGroup> |
1392 | e451c585 | ljiyeon | <ItemGroup> |
1393 | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView1.disco" /> |
1394 | </ItemGroup> |
1395 | c7fcb949 | ljiyeon | <ItemGroup> |
1396 | cf2671a6 | ljiyeon | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\splash.png" /> |
1397 | c7fcb949 | ljiyeon | </ItemGroup> |
1398 | ca16abb2 | ljiyeon | <ItemGroup> |
1399 | <Resource Include="Resources\Cursor\customCursor.cur" /> |
1400 | </ItemGroup> |
1401 | <ItemGroup> |
1402 | <Resource Include="Resources\Cursor\customCursor2.cur" /> |
1403 | </ItemGroup> |
1404 | 40b3ce25 | ljiyeon | <ItemGroup> |
1405 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\arrowarc.png" /> |
1406 | </ItemGroup> |
1407 | 53880c83 | ljiyeon | <ItemGroup> |
1408 | 684ef11c | ljiyeon | <Resource Include="oda.bmp" /> |
1409 | </ItemGroup> |
1410 | <ItemGroup> |
1411 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\overlap.png" /> |
1412 | </ItemGroup> |
1413 | <ItemGroup> |
1414 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\clip.png" /> |
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1417 | <ItemGroup> |
1418 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\View.png" /> |
1419 | </ItemGroup> |
1420 | <ItemGroup> |
1421 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\small\export.png" /> |
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1424 | <ItemGroup> |
1425 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\white.png" /> |
1426 | </ItemGroup> |
1427 | <ItemGroup> |
1428 | 5928384e | djkim | <ProjectReference Include="..\CommonLib\CommonLib.csproj"> |
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1431 | </ProjectReference> |
1432 | 2007ecaa | taeseongkim | <ProjectReference Include="..\IIpc\IIpc.csproj"> |
1433 | <Project>{07282278-92d8-4010-af9f-313c2aab08df}</Project> |
1434 | <Name>IIpc</Name> |
1435 | </ProjectReference> |
1436 | 684ef11c | ljiyeon | <ProjectReference Include="..\IKCOM\IKCOM.csproj"> |
1437 | <Project>{f236a005-12f4-406a-b9ed-0c3b5d994001}</Project> |
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1439 | </ProjectReference> |
1440 | <ProjectReference Include="..\KCOMDataModel\KCOMDataModel.csproj"> |
1441 | <Project>{629dc8cd-d458-47ef-8f02-cd12c7001c3e}</Project> |
1442 | <Name>KCOMDataModel</Name> |
1443 | </ProjectReference> |
1444 | 1305c420 | taeseongkim | <ProjectReference Include="..\License.Validator\License.Validator.csproj"> |
1445 | <Project>{ef2913c2-562e-43a3-9f9b-a31141783803}</Project> |
1446 | <Name>License.Validator</Name> |
1447 | </ProjectReference> |
1448 | 684ef11c | ljiyeon | <ProjectReference Include="..\MarkupToPDF\MarkupToPDF.csproj"> |
1449 | <Project>{a714bd67-8aac-4ed8-8ecf-7853c3549a68}</Project> |
1450 | <Name>MarkupToPDF</Name> |
1451 | </ProjectReference> |
1452 | 24c5e56c | taeseongkim | <ProjectReference Include="..\Markus.Fonts\Markus.Fonts.csproj"> |
1453 | <Project>{eb1de04a-d86e-4bf7-b095-f72207923c3b}</Project> |
1454 | <Name>Markus.Fonts</Name> |
1455 | </ProjectReference> |
1456 | 684ef11c | ljiyeon | <ProjectReference Include="..\ZoomAndPan\ZoomAndPan.csproj"> |
1457 | <Project>{6c950af4-04d2-4638-8b78-472e39f78b45}</Project> |
1458 | <Name>ZoomAndPan</Name> |
1459 | </ProjectReference> |
1460 | </ItemGroup> |
1461 | cdfb57ff | taeseongkim | <ItemGroup> |
1462 | <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5.SP1"> |
1463 | <Visible>False</Visible> |
1464 | <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5 SP1</ProductName> |
1465 | <Install>false</Install> |
1466 | </BootstrapperPackage> |
1467 | </ItemGroup> |
1468 | 4fcd9bda | taeseongkim | <ItemGroup> |
1469 | ffa5dbc7 | taeseongkim | <None Include="obfuscar.xml"> |
1470 | <SubType>Designer</SubType> |
1471 | </None> |
1472 | 4fcd9bda | taeseongkim | </ItemGroup> |
1473 | ff01c725 | humkyung | <ItemGroup> |
1474 | 6b6e937c | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\KcomService\configuration91.svcinfo" /> |
1475 | </ItemGroup> |
1476 | <ItemGroup> |
1477 | <None Include="Connected Services\KcomService\configuration.svcinfo" /> |
1478 | </ItemGroup> |
1479 | <ItemGroup> |
1480 | <None Include="Connected Services\KcomService\Reference.svcmap"> |
1481 | <Generator>WCF Proxy Generator</Generator> |
1482 | <LastGenOutput>Reference.cs</LastGenOutput> |
1483 | </None> |
1484 | </ItemGroup> |
1485 | <ItemGroup> |
1486 | bae83c92 | taeseongkim | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\cloudRectArrowText.png" /> |
1487 | ff01c725 | humkyung | </ItemGroup> |
1488 | b74a9c91 | taeseongkim | <ItemGroup> |
1489 | bae83c92 | taeseongkim | <None Include="Connected Services\ServiceDeepView\ServiceDeepView11.disco" /> |
1490 | b74a9c91 | taeseongkim | </ItemGroup> |
1491 | 1305c420 | taeseongkim | <ItemGroup> |
1492 | <Resource Include="public.xml" /> |
1493 | </ItemGroup> |
1494 | cf1cc862 | taeseongkim | <ItemGroup> |
1495 | <None Include="Connected Services\KcomService\ServiceDeepView.disco" /> |
1496 | </ItemGroup> |
1497 | 6a19b48d | taeseongkim | <ItemGroup> |
1498 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\check.png" /> |
1499 | </ItemGroup> |
1500 | <ItemGroup> |
1501 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\lock_2.png" /> |
1502 | </ItemGroup> |
1503 | <ItemGroup> |
1504 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\tips.png" /> |
1505 | </ItemGroup> |
1506 | f5f788c2 | taeseongkim | <ItemGroup> |
1507 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\ExtImage\blank.png" /> |
1508 | </ItemGroup> |
1509 | 3abe8d4e | taeseongkim | <ItemGroup> |
1510 | <Resource Include="Resources\Images\MenuImage_New\rgb.png" /> |
1511 | </ItemGroup> |
1512 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" /> |
1513 | 274cde11 | taeseongkim | <Target Name="PostBuildMacros"> |
1514 | <GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(TargetPath)"> |
1515 | <Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="Targets" /> |
1516 | </GetAssemblyIdentity> |
1517 | <ItemGroup> |
1518 | <VersionNumber Include="@(Targets->'%(Version)')" /> |
1519 | </ItemGroup> |
1520 | </Target> |
1521 | e451c585 | ljiyeon | <PropertyGroup> |
1522 | 274cde11 | taeseongkim | <PostBuildEventDependsOn> |
1523 | $(PostBuildEventDependsOn); |
1524 | PostBuildMacros; |
1525 | </PostBuildEventDependsOn> |
1526 | <PostBuildEvent>if $(ConfigurationName) == Release_Default ( |
1527 | 5c64268e | taeseongkim | |
1528 | call $(SolutionDir)obfuscarBuild.Bat $(SolutionDir) $(TargetDir) $(ProjectDir)obfuscar.xml |
1529 | xcopy /s "$(TargetDir)Obfuscator_Output" "$(TargetDir)" /Y /F |
1530 | 2b1f30fe | taeseongkim | rmdir "$(TargetDir)Obfuscator_Output" /s /q |
1531 | dbddfdd0 | taeseongkim | rem rmdir "$(SolutionDir)Setup\Release_default\" /s /q |
1532 | 5c64268e | taeseongkim | |
1533 | xcopy "$(TargetDir)" "$(SolutionDir)Setup\Release_default\" /S /Y /F |
1534 | |||
1535 | 8ba5eb07 | taeseongkim | cd $(SolutionDir) |
1536 | 174cdd68 | taeseongkim | call "PublishSign.bat" |
1537 | 5c64268e | taeseongkim | |
1538 | 43e1d368 | taeseongkim | rem call "appCast_Daelim.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1539 | 195f079d | taeseongkim | call "appCast_DIG.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1540 | 38d69491 | taeseongkim | rem call "appCast_DIG_DEBUG.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1541 | 195f079d | taeseongkim | rem call "appCast_SNI_SDMS.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1542 | rem call "appCast_SNI_XICNA.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1543 | dbddfdd0 | taeseongkim | rem call "appCast_doftech.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1544 | 43e1d368 | taeseongkim | rem call "appCast_HS.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1545 | 1d79913e | taeseongkim | rem "appCast_bseng.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1546 | 43e1d368 | taeseongkim | rem call "appCast_Daelim_test.bat" "@(VersionNumber)" |
1547 | b481c7ab | taeseongkim | |
1548 | 5c64268e | taeseongkim | )</PostBuildEvent> |
1549 | e451c585 | ljiyeon | </PropertyGroup> |
1550 | 9f55b953 | taeseongkim | <UsingTask TaskName="TransformXml" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll" /> |
1551 | <Target Name="app_config_AfterCompile" AfterTargets="AfterCompile" Condition="Exists('app.$(Configuration).config')"> |
1552 | <!--Generate transformed app config in the intermediate directory--> |
1553 | <TransformXml Source="app.config" Destination="$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName).config" Transform="app.$(Configuration).config" /> |
1554 | <!--Force build process to use the transformed configuration file from now on.--> |
1555 | <ItemGroup> |
1556 | <AppConfigWithTargetPath Remove="App.config" /> |
1557 | <AppConfigWithTargetPath Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName).config"> |
1558 | <TargetPath>$(TargetFileName).config</TargetPath> |
1559 | </AppConfigWithTargetPath> |
1560 | </ItemGroup> |
1561 | </Target> |
1562 | <!--Override After Publish to support ClickOnce AfterPublish. Target replaces the untransformed config file copied to the deployment directory with the transformed one.--> |
1563 | <Target Name="app_config_AfterPublish" AfterTargets="AfterPublish" Condition="Exists('app.$(Configuration).config')"> |
1564 | <PropertyGroup> |
1565 | <DeployedConfig>$(_DeploymentApplicationDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt).config$(_DeploymentFileMappingExtension)</DeployedConfig> |
1566 | </PropertyGroup> |
1567 | <!--Publish copies the untransformed App.config to deployment directory so overwrite it--> |
1568 | <Copy Condition="Exists('$(DeployedConfig)')" SourceFiles="$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName).config" DestinationFiles="$(DeployedConfig)" /> |
1569 | </Target> |
1570 | <PropertyGroup> |
1571 | 4fcb686a | taeseongkim | <PreBuildEvent>Taskkill /IM DownloadManager.exe /F |
1572 | |||
1573 | IF NOT EXIST $(TargetDir)Plugin ( |
1574 | c0ec90f3 | taeseongkim | mkdir $(TargetDir)Plugin |
1575 | ) |
1576 | |||
1577 | xcopy $(ProjectDir)..\publish\Downloader\*.* $(TargetDir)Plugin\*.* /I /E /S /Y /F |
1578 | 2007ecaa | taeseongkim | |
1579 | if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug ( |
1580 | 77cdac33 | taeseongkim | REM xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1581 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | ) |
1582 | |||
1583 | e13b43de | taeseongkim | if $(ConfigurationName) == Release_Default ( |
1584 | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1585 | ) |
1586 | 664ea2e1 | taeseongkim | |
1587 | 195f079d | taeseongkim | if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug_DIG ( |
1588 | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_DIG_DEBUG.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1589 | ) |
1590 | |||
1591 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug_Daelim ( |
1592 | 907a99b3 | taeseongkim | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_Daelim_REMOTE.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1593 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | ) |
1594 | |||
1595 | 9d5b4bc2 | taeseongkim | if $(ConfigurationName) == Daelim_RemoteTest ( |
1596 | e13b43de | taeseongkim | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_DAELIM_REMOTE.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1597 | 9d5b4bc2 | taeseongkim | ) |
1598 | |||
1599 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug_DevDoftech ( |
1600 | e13b43de | taeseongkim | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_Doftech.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1601 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | ) |
1602 | |||
1603 | if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug_HyoSung ( |
1604 | e13b43de | taeseongkim | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_HyoSung_Debug.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1605 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | ) |
1606 | |||
1607 | if $(ConfigurationName) == Release_HyoSung ( |
1608 | e13b43de | taeseongkim | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_HyoSung.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1609 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | ) |
1610 | if $(ConfigurationName) == Release_PEMSS ( |
1611 | e13b43de | taeseongkim | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_PEMSS.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1612 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | ) |
1613 | 77cdac33 | taeseongkim | if $(ConfigurationName) == Release_BSENG ( |
1614 | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_BSENG.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1615 | ) |
1616 | f882e166 | taeseongkim | if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug_SNI ( |
1617 | e13b43de | taeseongkim | xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_SNI.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F |
1618 | b42dd24d | taeseongkim | ) |
1619 | |||
1620 | rem xcopy /s "$(ProjectDir)..\INI\MARKUS_Daelim.ini" "$(TargetDir)MARKUS.*" /Y /F</PreBuildEvent> |
1621 | 9f55b953 | taeseongkim | </PropertyGroup> |
1622 | 80856edb | taeseongkim | <Target Name="app_Release_config_AfterBuild" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Condition="Exists('app.Release.$(Configuration).config')"> |
1623 | <TransformXml Source="app.Release.config" Destination="$(OutputPath)app.Release.config" Transform="app.Release.$(Configuration).config" /> |
1624 | </Target> |
1625 | 30878507 | taeseongkim | <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild"> |
1626 | <PropertyGroup> |
1627 | <ErrorText>이 프로젝트는 이 컴퓨터에 없는 NuGet 패키지를 참조합니다. 해당 패키지를 다운로드하려면 NuGet 패키지 복원을 사용하십시오. 자세한 내용은를 참조하십시오. 누락된 파일은 {0}입니다.</ErrorText> |
1628 | </PropertyGroup> |
1629 | <Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Obfuscar.2.2.29\build\obfuscar.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Obfuscar.2.2.29\build\obfuscar.props'))" /> |
1630 | 2b1f30fe | taeseongkim | <Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.4.2.0\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.4.2.0\build\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.props'))" /> |
1631 | 30878507 | taeseongkim | </Target> |
1632 | 787a4489 | KangIngu | </Project> |