markus / lib / RCWPF / 2019.1.220.40 / Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.xml @ 6c6baf40
이력 | 보기 | 이력해설 | 다운로드 (36.6 KB)
1 | 2e68fec2 | ljiyeon | <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 | <doc>
3 | <assembly>
4 | <name>Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions</name> |
5 | </assembly>
6 | <members>
7 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer"> |
8 | <summary>
9 | An AutomationPeer type for the ExpressionTextBox type. |
10 | </summary>
11 | </member>
12 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer.#ctor(Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox)"> |
13 | <summary>
14 | Initializes a new instance of the ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer class. |
15 | </summary>
16 | <param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox"/>.</param> |
17 | </member>
18 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer.GetAutomationControlTypeCore"> |
19 | <summary>
20 | Returns the automation control type. |
21 | </summary>
22 | <returns>The group automation control type.</returns> |
23 | </member>
24 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer.GetClassNameCore"> |
25 | <summary>
26 | Returns the class name. |
27 | </summary>
28 | <returns>The string "ExpressionTextBox".</returns> |
29 | </member>
30 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer.GetNameCore"> |
31 | <summary>
32 | Returns the text label of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.FrameworkElement"/> that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.FrameworkElementAutomationPeer"/>. This method is called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetName"/>. |
33 | </summary>
34 | <returns>
35 | The text label of the element that is associated with this automation peer. |
36 | </returns>
37 | </member>
38 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer.GetAutomationIdCore"> |
39 | <summary>
40 | Gets the string that uniquely identifies the <see cref="T:System.Windows.FrameworkElement"/> that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.FrameworkElementAutomationPeer"/>. Called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetAutomationId"/>. |
41 | </summary>
42 | <returns>
43 | The automation identifier for the element associated with the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.FrameworkElementAutomationPeer"/>, or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> if there isn't an automation identifier. |
44 | </returns>
45 | </member>
46 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer.GetHelpTextCore"> |
47 | <summary>
48 | Gets the description of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.UIElement"/> that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.UIElementAutomationPeer"/>. This method is called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetHelpText"/>. |
49 | </summary>
50 | <returns>
51 | An <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> string. |
52 | </returns>
53 | </member>
54 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer.GetItemStatusCore"> |
55 | <summary>
56 | Gets a string that communicates the visual status of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.UIElement"/> that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.UIElementAutomationPeer"/>. This method is called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetItemStatus"/>. |
57 | </summary>
58 | <returns>
59 | The string that contains the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.ItemStatus"/> that is returned by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.GetItemStatus(System.Windows.DependencyObject)"/>. |
60 | </returns>
61 | </member>
62 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.ExpressionTextBoxAutomationPeer.OwningExpressionTextBox"> |
63 | <summary>
64 | Gets the owning <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox"/>. |
65 | </summary>
66 | </member>
67 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer"> |
68 | <summary>
69 | An AutomationPeer type for the RadExpressionEditor type. |
70 | </summary>
71 | </member>
72 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer.#ctor(Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor)"> |
73 | <summary>
74 | Initializes a new instance of the RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer class. |
75 | </summary>
76 | <param name="owner">The <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor"/>.</param> |
77 | </member>
78 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer.GetAutomationControlTypeCore"> |
79 | <summary>
80 | Returns the automation control type. |
81 | </summary>
82 | <returns>The group automation control type.</returns> |
83 | </member>
84 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer.GetClassNameCore"> |
85 | <summary>
86 | Returns the class name. |
87 | </summary>
88 | <returns>The string "RadExpressionEditor".</returns> |
89 | </member>
90 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer.GetNameCore"> |
91 | <summary>
92 | Returns the text label of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.FrameworkElement"/> that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.FrameworkElementAutomationPeer"/>. This method is called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetName"/>. |
93 | </summary>
94 | <returns>
95 | The text label of the element that is associated with this automation peer. |
96 | </returns>
97 | </member>
98 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer.GetHelpTextCore"> |
99 | <summary>
100 | Gets the description of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.UIElement"/> that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.UIElementAutomationPeer"/>. This method is called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetHelpText"/>. |
101 | </summary>
102 | <returns>
103 | An <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> string. |
104 | </returns>
105 | </member>
106 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer.GetItemStatusCore"> |
107 | <summary>
108 | Gets a string that communicates the visual status of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.UIElement"/> that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.UIElementAutomationPeer"/>. This method is called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetItemStatus"/>. |
109 | </summary>
110 | <returns>
111 | The string that contains the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.ItemStatus"/> that is returned by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.GetItemStatus(System.Windows.DependencyObject)"/>. |
112 | </returns>
113 | </member>
114 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer.GetAutomationIdCore"> |
115 | <summary>
116 | Gets the string that uniquely identifies the <see cref="T:System.Windows.FrameworkElement"/> that is associated with this <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.FrameworkElementAutomationPeer"/>. Called by <see cref="M:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer.GetAutomationId"/>. |
117 | </summary>
118 | <returns>
119 | The automation identifier for the element associated with the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.FrameworkElementAutomationPeer"/>, or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty"/> if there isn't an automation identifier. |
120 | </returns>
121 | </member>
122 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Automation.Peers.RadExpressionEditorAutomationPeer.OwningExpressionEditor"> |
123 | <summary>
124 | Gets the owning <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor"/>. |
125 | </summary>
126 | </member>
127 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox"> |
128 | <summary>
129 | Allows assisted editing of an expression string. Do not use directly. |
130 | </summary>
131 | </member>
132 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox.#ctor"> |
133 | <summary>
134 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox"/> class. |
135 | </summary>
136 | </member>
137 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox.OnApplyTemplate"> |
138 | <summary>When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application
139 | code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call <see cref="M:System.Windows.Controls.Control.ApplyTemplate"/>. |
140 | In simplest terms, this means the method is called just before a UI element displays |
141 | in an application. For more information, see Remarks.</summary>
142 | </member>
143 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox.OnCreateAutomationPeer"> |
144 | <summary>
145 | When implemented in a derived class, returns class-specific <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer"/> implementations for the automation infrastructure. |
146 | </summary>
147 | <returns>
148 | The class-specific <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer"/> subclass to return. |
149 | </returns>
150 | </member>
151 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox.OnInitialized(System.EventArgs)"> |
152 | <summary>
153 | Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Initialized"/> event. |
154 | This method is invoked whenever <see cref="P:System.Windows.FrameworkElement.IsInitialized"/> is set to true internally. |
155 | </summary>
156 | <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param> |
157 | </member>
158 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox.SyntaxColorsProperty"> |
159 | <summary>
160 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox.SyntaxColors"/> property. |
161 | </summary>
162 | </member>
163 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox.CachedAutomationId"> |
164 | <summary>
165 | Gets or sets the manually set AutomationId value (in case there is such one). |
166 | </summary>
167 | </member>
168 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionTextBox.SyntaxColors"> |
169 | <summary>
170 | Gets or sets the colors used to highlight different syntax elements in the expression. |
171 | </summary>
172 | <value>
173 | The syntax colors used in the expression. |
174 | </value>
175 | </member>
176 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors"> |
177 | <summary>
178 | Defines colors for different syntax elements in an expression. |
179 | </summary>
180 | </member>
181 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.StringColorProperty"> |
182 | <summary>
183 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.StringColor"/> property. |
184 | </summary>
185 | </member>
186 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.DateTimeColorProperty"> |
187 | <summary>
188 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.DateTimeColor"/> property. |
189 | </summary>
190 | </member>
191 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.MemberColorProperty"> |
192 | <summary>
193 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.MemberColor"/> property. |
194 | </summary>
195 | </member>
196 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.FunctionColorProperty"> |
197 | <summary>
198 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.FunctionColor"/> property. |
199 | </summary>
200 | </member>
201 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.DefaultColorProperty"> |
202 | <summary>
203 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.DefaultColor"/> property. |
204 | </summary>
205 | </member>
206 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.StringColor"> |
207 | <summary>
208 | Gets or sets the color for a string literal. Default value is <see cref="P:System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black"/> |
209 | </summary>
210 | <value>
211 | The color for a string literal. |
212 | </value>
213 | </member>
214 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.DateTimeColor"> |
215 | <summary>
216 | Gets or sets the color for a date-time literal. Default value is <see cref="P:System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black"/> |
217 | </summary>
218 | <value>
219 | The color for a date-time literal. |
220 | </value>
221 | </member>
222 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.MemberColor"> |
223 | <summary>
224 | Gets or sets the color for a member name literal. Default value is <see cref="P:System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black"/> |
225 | </summary>
226 | <value>
227 | The color for a member name literal. |
228 | </value>
229 | </member>
230 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.FunctionColor"> |
231 | <summary>
232 | Gets or sets the color for a function name literal. Default value is <see cref="P:System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black"/> |
233 | </summary>
234 | <value>
235 | The color for a function name literal. |
236 | </value>
237 | </member>
238 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.SyntaxColors.DefaultColor"> |
239 | <summary>
240 | Gets or sets the default color. Default value is <see cref="P:System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black"/> |
241 | </summary>
242 | <value>
243 | The default color. |
244 | </value>
245 | </member>
246 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor"> |
247 | <summary>
248 | A control that lets the user input an expression in string form, which it exposes as a LINQ expression. |
249 | </summary>
250 | </member>
251 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.IsFieldsDrillDownEnabledProperty"> |
252 | <summary>
253 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.IsFieldsDrillDownEnabled"/> property. |
254 | </summary>
255 | </member>
256 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.ExpressionProperty"> |
257 | <summary>
258 | Identifies the read-only <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.Expression"/> property. |
259 | </summary>
260 | </member>
261 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.IsExpressionValidProperty"> |
262 | <summary>
263 | Identifies the read-only <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.IsExpressionValid"/> property. |
264 | </summary>
265 | </member>
266 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.ExpressionTextProperty"> |
267 | <summary>
268 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.ExpressionText"/> property. |
269 | </summary>
270 | </member>
271 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.ItemProperty"> |
272 | <summary>
273 | Identifies the <see cref="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.Item"/> property. |
274 | </summary>
275 | </member>
276 | <member name="F:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.ExpressionChangedEvent"> |
277 | <summary>
278 | Identifies the ExpressionChanged routed event. |
279 | </summary>
280 | </member>
281 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.#ctor"> |
282 | <summary>
283 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor"/> class. |
284 | </summary>
285 | </member>
286 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.OnApplyTemplate"> |
287 | <summary>When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application
288 | code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call <see cref="M:System.Windows.Controls.Control.ApplyTemplate"/>. |
289 | In simplest terms, this means the method is called just before a UI element displays |
290 | in an application. For more information, see Remarks.</summary>
291 | </member>
292 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.OnCreateAutomationPeer"> |
293 | <summary>
294 | When implemented in a derived class, returns class-specific <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer"/> implementations for the automation infrastructure. |
295 | </summary>
296 | <returns>
297 | The class-specific <see cref="T:System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer"/> subclass to return. |
298 | </returns>
299 | </member>
300 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.OnInitialized(System.EventArgs)"> |
301 | <summary>
302 | Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Initialized"/> event. |
303 | This method is invoked whenever <see cref="P:System.Windows.FrameworkElement.IsInitialized"/> is set to true internally. |
304 | </summary>
305 | <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param> |
306 | </member>
307 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.Dispose"> |
308 | <summary>
309 | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, |
310 | or resetting unmanaged resources. |
311 | </summary>
312 | </member>
313 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.Dispose(System.Boolean)"> |
314 | <summary>
315 | Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. |
316 | </summary>
317 | <param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged resources; |
318 | <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.</param> |
319 | </member>
320 | <member name="E:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.ExpressionChanged"> |
321 | <summary>
322 | Occurs when the expression changes. |
323 | </summary>
324 | </member>
325 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.Expression"> |
326 | <summary>
327 | Gets the LINQ Expression. |
328 | </summary>
329 | </member>
330 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.IsExpressionValid"> |
331 | <summary>
332 | Gets a value indicating whether the string the user has entered is a valid expression. |
333 | </summary>
334 | </member>
335 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.IsFieldsDrillDownEnabled"> |
336 | <summary>
337 | Gets or sets a value indicating whether users can drill down into field objects in the Expression editor. |
338 | </summary>
339 | </member>
340 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.ExpressionText"> |
341 | <summary>
342 | Gets or sets the expression string. |
343 | </summary>
344 | </member>
345 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.Item"> |
346 | <summary>
347 | Gets or sets the item the expression will be evaluated against. |
348 | </summary>
349 | </member>
350 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.ViewModel"> |
351 | <summary>
352 | Gets or sets the view model of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor"/>. |
353 | </summary>
354 | <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"> if value is null.</exception> |
355 | </member>
356 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor.CachedAutomationId"> |
357 | <summary>
358 | Gets or sets the manually set AutomationId value (in case there is such one). |
359 | </summary>
360 | </member>
361 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditorCommands"> |
362 | <summary>
363 | Provides a number of useful RadExpressionEditor functions exposed through Commanding. |
364 | </summary>
365 | </member>
366 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditorCommands.InsertText"> |
367 | <summary>
368 | Gets the InsertText command, which inserts the string value of its parameter at the current caret position in the RadExpressionEditor textbox. |
369 | </summary>
370 | </member>
371 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditorExtensions"> |
372 | <summary>
373 | A class that contains various helpful extension methods for <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor"/> |
374 | </summary>
375 | </member>
376 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditorExtensions.TryParse(Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor,System.String,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression@)"> |
377 | <summary>
378 | Converts the string representation of an expression to its <see cref="T:System.Linq.Expressions.Expression"/> equivalent. |
379 | A return value indicates whether the conversion was successful. |
380 | </summary>
381 | <param name="expressionEditor"> |
382 | The <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor"/> instance which will perform the conversion. |
383 | </param>
384 | <param name="expressionText"> |
385 | A string containing a well-formed expression to convert. |
386 | </param>
387 | <param name="result"> |
388 | When this method returns, contains the LINQ Expression equivalent to the well-formed expression contained in |
389 | <paramref name="expressionText"/>, if the conversion succeeded, or null if it failed. |
390 | This parameter is passed uninitialized. |
391 | </param>
392 | <returns>true if <paramref name="expressionText"/> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns> |
393 | </member>
394 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ConstantEditorItemModel"> |
395 | <summary>
396 | Describes a constant item in the expression editor. |
397 | </summary>
398 | </member>
399 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorItemModel"> |
400 | <summary>
401 | Describes an item in the expression editor. |
402 | </summary>
403 | </member>
404 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase"> |
405 | <summary>
406 | Describes the basic properties of elements in the expression editor. |
407 | </summary>
408 | </member>
409 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase.#ctor(System.String)"> |
410 | <summary>
411 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase"/> class. |
412 | </summary>
413 | <param name="name">The name of the model.</param> |
414 | </member>
415 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase.Name"> |
416 | <summary>
417 | Gets the name of the element. |
418 | </summary>
419 | </member>
420 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorItemModel.#ctor(System.String,System.String)"> |
421 | <summary>
422 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorItemModel"/> class. |
423 | </summary>
424 | <param name="name">The name of the model.</param> |
425 | <param name="description">The description for the model.</param> |
426 | </member>
427 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorItemModel.ToString"> |
428 | <summary>
429 | Returns the name of this model. |
430 | </summary>
431 | <returns>The name of this model.</returns> |
432 | </member>
433 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorItemModel.QuickInfo"> |
434 | <summary>
435 | Gets the name of this item. |
436 | </summary>
437 | </member>
438 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorItemModel.Description"> |
439 | <summary>
440 | Gets the description of the item. |
441 | </summary>
442 | </member>
443 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ConstantEditorItemModel.#ctor(System.String,System.String)"> |
444 | <summary>
445 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ConstantEditorItemModel"/> class. |
446 | </summary>
447 | <param name="constant">The string representation of the constant.</param> |
448 | <param name="description">The description of the constant.</param> |
449 | </member>
450 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel"> |
451 | <summary>
452 | Describes a category of items in the expression editor. |
453 | </summary>
454 | </member>
455 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel.#ctor(System.String)"> |
456 | <summary>
457 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel"/> class. |
458 | </summary>
459 | <param name="name">The name of the category.</param> |
460 | </member>
461 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase})"> |
462 | <summary>
463 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel"/> class. |
464 | </summary>
465 | <param name="name">The name of the category.</param> |
466 | <param name="children">A collection with the child categories and child items.</param> |
467 | </member>
468 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel.Children"> |
469 | <summary>
470 | Gets the children of this category. |
471 | </summary>
472 | </member>
473 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel.ChildCategories"> |
474 | <summary>
475 | Gets the child categories of this category. |
476 | </summary>
477 | </member>
478 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel"> |
479 | <summary>
480 | Describes a field item in the expression editor. |
481 | </summary>
482 | </member>
483 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel.#ctor(System.ComponentModel.ItemPropertyInfo)"> |
484 | <summary>
485 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel"/> class. |
486 | </summary>
487 | <param name="itemProperty">The metadata of the field.</param> |
488 | </member>
489 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel.#ctor(System.ComponentModel.ItemPropertyInfo,System.Collections.Generic.IList{Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase})"> |
490 | <summary>
491 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel"/> class. |
492 | </summary>
493 | <param name="itemProperty">The metadata of the field.</param> |
494 | <param name="children">The child items of the field item model.</param> |
495 | </member>
496 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel.ToString"> |
497 | <summary>
498 | Returns the expression token value of this model. |
499 | </summary>
500 | <returns>The expression token value of this model.</returns> |
501 | </member>
502 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel.Parent"> |
503 | <summary>
504 | Gets the parent editor item model of this instance. |
505 | </summary>
506 | </member>
507 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel.Children"> |
508 | <summary>
509 | Gets the children of this category. |
510 | </summary>
511 | </member>
512 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel.QuickInfo"> |
513 | <summary>
514 | Gets a user-friendly text for this field and its type. |
515 | </summary>
516 | </member>
517 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel.ItemPropertyInfo"> |
518 | <summary>
519 | Gets the metadata of the field. |
520 | </summary>
521 | </member>
522 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FieldEditorItemModel.IsDrillDownEnabled"> |
523 | <summary>
524 | Gets a value indicating whether sub properties will be drilled into. |
525 | </summary>
526 | </member>
527 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel"> |
528 | <summary>
529 | Describes a function item in the expression editor. |
530 | </summary>
531 | </member>
532 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel.#ctor(Telerik.Expressions.DefinitionBase)"> |
533 | <summary>
534 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel"/> class. |
535 | </summary>
536 | <param name="definition">The definition of the function.</param> |
537 | </member>
538 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel.#ctor(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.String)"> |
539 | <summary>
540 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel"/> class. |
541 | </summary>
542 | <param name="methodInfo">The method info of the function this item model represents.</param> |
543 | <param name="category">The category of this function item model.</param> |
544 | </member>
545 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel.ToString"> |
546 | <summary>
547 | Returns the expression token value of this model. |
548 | </summary>
549 | <returns>The expression token value of this model.</returns> |
550 | </member>
551 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel.QuickInfo"> |
552 | <summary>
553 | Gets a user-friendly text for this function and its arguments. |
554 | </summary>
555 | </member>
556 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel.MethodInfo"> |
557 | <summary>
558 | Gets the method info represented by this function item mode. |
559 | </summary>
560 | </member>
561 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.FunctionEditorItemModel.Category"> |
562 | <summary>
563 | Gets the category if this item model. |
564 | </summary>
565 | </member>
566 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.OperatorEditorItemModel"> |
567 | <summary>
568 | Describes an operator item in the expression editor. |
569 | </summary>
570 | </member>
571 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.OperatorEditorItemModel.#ctor(System.String)"> |
572 | <summary>
573 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.OperatorEditorItemModel"/> class. |
574 | </summary>
575 | <param name="operatorToken">The string representation of the operator.</param> |
576 | </member>
577 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel"> |
578 | <summary>
579 | A ViewModel used to loosely-couple components in RadExpressionEditor. Do not use directly. |
580 | </summary>
581 | </member>
582 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.#ctor"> |
583 | <summary>
584 | Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel"/> class. |
585 | </summary>
586 | </member>
587 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.GenerateCategories"> |
588 | <summary>
589 | Generates all default categories displayed in the <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadExpressionEditor"/>. |
590 | </summary>
591 | <returns>A collection of <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel"/>.</returns> |
592 | </member>
593 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.GetFunctionsItemModels"> |
594 | <summary>
595 | Generates the function item models. |
596 | </summary>
597 | <returns>A collection of <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase"/></returns> |
598 | </member>
599 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.GetOperatorsItemModels"> |
600 | <summary>
601 | Generates the operator item models. |
602 | </summary>
603 | <returns>A collection of <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase"/></returns> |
604 | </member>
605 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.GetConstantsItemModels"> |
606 | <summary>
607 | Generates the constant item models. |
608 | </summary>
609 | <returns>A collection of <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase"/></returns> |
610 | </member>
611 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.GetFieldsItemModels(System.Object)"> |
612 | <summary>
613 | Generates the field item models for the provided object. |
614 | </summary>
615 | <param name="currentItem">The object which properties should be displayed in the fields category.</param> |
616 | <returns>A collection of <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorModelBase"/></returns> |
617 | </member>
618 | <member name="M:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.GetFieldsCategory"> |
619 | <summary>
620 | Creates the fields category model. |
621 | </summary>
622 | <returns>An instance of <see cref="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.EditorCategoryModel"/>.</returns> |
623 | </member>
624 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.PreviewResult"> |
625 | <summary>
626 | Gets the result of the current expression. |
627 | </summary>
628 | </member>
629 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.Categories"> |
630 | <summary>
631 | Gets the categories of editor items. |
632 | </summary>
633 | </member>
634 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.SelectedCategory"> |
635 | <summary>
636 | Gets or sets the selected category. |
637 | </summary>
638 | </member>
639 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.CategoryItems"> |
640 | <summary>
641 | Gets the items in the selected category. |
642 | </summary>
643 | </member>
644 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.SelectedItem"> |
645 | <summary>
646 | Gets or sets the selected item. |
647 | </summary>
648 | </member>
649 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.ExpressionEditorViewModel.IsFieldsDrillDownEnabled"> |
650 | <summary>
651 | Gets a value indicating whether drill down in fields is enabled. |
652 | </summary>
653 | </member>
654 | <member name="T:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.Properties.Resources"> |
655 | <summary>
656 | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. |
657 | </summary>
658 | </member>
659 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager"> |
660 | <summary>
661 | Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. |
662 | </summary>
663 | </member>
664 | <member name="P:Telerik.Windows.Controls.Expressions.Properties.Resources.Culture"> |
665 | <summary>
666 | Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all |
667 | resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. |
668 | </summary>
669 | </member>
670 | </members>
671 | </doc> |